Bernie Plans To Formally Apologize For Slavery....Here Comes Another Handout

Sanders is just trying to steal a few Knee-grow votes from Hillary. It ain't complicated.
Most slaves in America are young white girls who are beat down, raped by black pimps, and forced into sex slavery.
Sanders' relatives were part of the 1% who could afford those mansions at Newport because of their involvement in the slave trade. Sanders should pay back what he owes, with interest.
Sanders' relatives were part of the 1% who could afford those mansions at Newport because of their involvement in the slave trade. Sanders should pay back what he owes, with interest.
Well, here's a real eye opener...

....just because someone is black......doesn't mean they were related to slaves.. Obama for example. Father was from Kenya.....not a slave...Mother was white.....not a slave..

...and just because someone is doesn't mean they had family members that supported slavery.....or even were in this country when there were slaves.

So I figure all of the Southern Democrats should pay reparations and leave us Yankees out of it.

I think we need to do some serious genealogy work and find out who really deserves slave reparations and who doesn't.
Well anything for a vote I guess--Sanders will do it. Trying to get some of Hillary's voters in his column, but I doubt it worked.
I never imagined a declared socialist could garner this many followers. The division is healthy for the country.
I like Sanders...his heart is in the right place.

But reparations will never happen - no living descendents and a Pandora's box of issues.
Sanders' relatives were part of the 1% who could afford those mansions at Newport because of their involvement in the slave trade. Sanders should pay back what he owes, with interest.
Well, here's a real eye opener...

....just because someone is black......doesn't mean they were related to slaves.. Obama for example. Father was from Kenya.....not a slave...Mother was white.....not a slave..

...and just because someone is doesn't mean they had family members that supported slavery.....or even were in this country when there were slaves.

So I figure all of the Southern Democrats should pay reparations and leave us Yankees out of it.

I think we need to do some serious genealogy work and find out who really deserves slave reparations and who doesn't.

Exactly - and, what about those who are mixed race? Those who immigrated after slavery? It can't be done in a way that is just or fair. (Most of the southern dems became repubs btw)
I ain't apologizing for a damn thing. I never owned slaves and neither did my ancestors. They were all farmers and worked the land themselves and/or inn keepers and still did all the work themselves.
Slavery was a horrible legacy. So was Jim Crowe.

Nothing will change that except to remember the sacrifices people made, and to keep trying to be a better society.

Reparations won't do that. I don't think many truly support it anyway.
He is just giving the politically correct progressive answer.

But, if he apologizes I hope as hell he gets the apology right. He should apologize for the Democrat party for keeping the black man in chains and thank the Republican party for freeing them from the bondage of the Democrat party.

Kinda funny how it was white Christians that ended slavery, nowhere else in the world can that be said. Yet the only ones ever accused of slavery are white Christians.
I just wonder how slavery accounts for what is going on in the inner cities. I need the relationship explained.
I hope he wins the nomination.......because this will cost us trillions.....

Written by The Analytical Economist on April 7, 2016

With all the pressing issues out there today, Sanders may have forgotten which century he’s running in.

At last, during a speech Wednesday we heard the Democrat candidate’s position on slavery.

Via Breitbart:

Sanders said if elected president of the United States, he would formally apologize for America’s history of slavery.
When asked if he would apologize for slavery, Sanders said, “You want the short answer? Yes. There’s nothing that anybody can do to undo the deaths and misery—how many people we don’t even know who died on the way over here from Africa in the ships. But we have got to do everything we can to wipe the slate clean by acknowledging the truth. You know truth is not always an easy thing. There are a lot of things that we have done in this country that are shameful. We have got to recognize that and own up to it. So the answer is yes.”

You know, you’d think the apology was implied when we fought an entire war for the purpose of freeing the slaves. People tend to forget that America didn’t invent slavery, we ended it.

When Sanders was asked earlier by Catherine Hicks about his position on reparations, he said, “I think my view is pretty close to President Obama’s, and that is we understand the legacy of slavery. We understand that. And as I mentioned and as everybody in this room knows, what we’re seeing in many African-American communities, outrageously high levels of unemployment, inadequate education, inadequate healthcare.

Hispanics tend to fare comparably to blacks economically – what does Sanders blame this on? There’s no doubt that slavery impeded the advancement of the black community – but to blame problems surrounding employment, education, and healthcare on slavery is a bit ridiculous.

And I think what we have got to do as a nation is invest in those communities who need that investment the most. And there is legislation introduced by some members of the Black Caucus, which I support, which takes a look at those communities around America which have long-term structural poverty issues and they become the communities that receive the highest priority for federal funding. In other words, let us make sure that in every way, federal funding goes to those communities who need it the most, and most cases that will be minority communities.”

I’ve always questioned the efficacy of reparations. Certainly they make sense when victims of an injustice are still living – such as the Japanese who suffered internment during WWII.

But there are no slaves alive today to compensate for their suffering. Certainly their offspring started off at a disadvantage, but today many of those who would be paying reparations to them are Americans who are descendants of immigrants who didn’t come to this country until slavery has been long over.

At this point I wish interviewers would stop asking Bernie who he’d give a handout too. He doesn’t need any more ideas.


Bernie promises stunning APOLOGY as soon as he becomes president... - Allen B. West -

I did not know that Bernie enslaved blacks. He should apologize. As for the rest of us, no one alive today either owned or worked as a slave.

I'll be damned if I'm going to apologize for what people did before I arrived on this earth. I am thankful that Republicans freed the slaves and later ensured equal rights.
I hope he wins the nomination.......because this will cost us trillions.....

Written by The Analytical Economist on April 7, 2016

With all the pressing issues out there today, Sanders may have forgotten which century he’s running in.

At last, during a speech Wednesday we heard the Democrat candidate’s position on slavery.

Via Breitbart:

Sanders said if elected president of the United States, he would formally apologize for America’s history of slavery.
When asked if he would apologize for slavery, Sanders said, “You want the short answer? Yes. There’s nothing that anybody can do to undo the deaths and misery—how many people we don’t even know who died on the way over here from Africa in the ships. But we have got to do everything we can to wipe the slate clean by acknowledging the truth. You know truth is not always an easy thing. There are a lot of things that we have done in this country that are shameful. We have got to recognize that and own up to it. So the answer is yes.”

You know, you’d think the apology was implied when we fought an entire war for the purpose of freeing the slaves. People tend to forget that America didn’t invent slavery, we ended it.

When Sanders was asked earlier by Catherine Hicks about his position on reparations, he said, “I think my view is pretty close to President Obama’s, and that is we understand the legacy of slavery. We understand that. And as I mentioned and as everybody in this room knows, what we’re seeing in many African-American communities, outrageously high levels of unemployment, inadequate education, inadequate healthcare.

Hispanics tend to fare comparably to blacks economically – what does Sanders blame this on? There’s no doubt that slavery impeded the advancement of the black community – but to blame problems surrounding employment, education, and healthcare on slavery is a bit ridiculous.

And I think what we have got to do as a nation is invest in those communities who need that investment the most. And there is legislation introduced by some members of the Black Caucus, which I support, which takes a look at those communities around America which have long-term structural poverty issues and they become the communities that receive the highest priority for federal funding. In other words, let us make sure that in every way, federal funding goes to those communities who need it the most, and most cases that will be minority communities.”

I’ve always questioned the efficacy of reparations. Certainly they make sense when victims of an injustice are still living – such as the Japanese who suffered internment during WWII.

But there are no slaves alive today to compensate for their suffering. Certainly their offspring started off at a disadvantage, but today many of those who would be paying reparations to them are Americans who are descendants of immigrants who didn’t come to this country until slavery has been long over.

At this point I wish interviewers would stop asking Bernie who he’d give a handout too. He doesn’t need any more ideas.


Bernie promises stunning APOLOGY as soon as he becomes president... - Allen B. West -

Well what did you expect from a moron like Sanders.

Hell. I don't know any slaves. I don't know anyone who owned any slaves.

Oh and we taxpayers are the only slaves I've ever seen.

Slaves to a Congress that spend our hard earned money to support freeloaders, foreign countries, douchebags green bullshit and his POS ACA.

I'll take his apology for that any day.

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