Bernie Sanders: Donald Trump "lies, lies and lies again,"

For some reason I have a little difficulty connecting what Trump does to "lying".

I mean, it seems most people realize he's just being Trump, all bombast and arm-waving and hyperbole and goofy superlatives. I don't think anyone is actually buying it, it's like a big "piss off the establishment for fun" party.

I think his supporters know what he's doing and don't care.
For some reason I have a little difficulty connecting what Trump does to "lying".

I mean, it seems most people realize he's just being Trump, all bombast and arm-waving and hyperbole and goofy superlatives. I don't think anyone is actually buying it, it's like a big "piss off the establishment for fun" party.

I think his supporters know what he's doing and don't care.
Tell a national audience that thousands of Muslims were celebrating on 9/11 in New Jersey was a malicious, dangerous and hostile lie. He instigated hatred and fear of Americans of a specific religion as a fear tactic. It was a fascist technique and method used by fascist in 1930's Europe. As soon as he made the comment Republicans began calling him a fascist. Kasich made an ad narrated by a former POW that specifically compared him to 1930's European Fascist.
For some reason I have a little difficulty connecting what Trump does to "lying".

I mean, it seems most people realize he's just being Trump, all bombast and arm-waving and hyperbole and goofy superlatives. I don't think anyone is actually buying it, it's like a big "piss off the establishment for fun" party.

I think his supporters know what he's doing and don't care.
Tell a national audience that thousands of Muslims were celebrating on 9/11 in New Jersey was a malicious, dangerous and hostile lie. He instigated hatred and fear of Americans of a specific religion as a fear tactic. It was a fascist technique and method used by fascist in 1930's Europe. As soon as he made the comment Republicans began calling him a fascist. Kasich made an ad narrated by a former POW that specifically compared him to 1930's European Fascist.
My guess is that his thought processes while doing a stump "speech" don't reach the depth required to assemble a lie.

He probably heard it somewhere from someone at some time, and that was good enough.

Gross negligence, yeah, a lie, probably not.
For some reason I have a little difficulty connecting what Trump does to "lying".

I mean, it seems most people realize he's just being Trump, all bombast and arm-waving and hyperbole and goofy superlatives. I don't think anyone is actually buying it, it's like a big "piss off the establishment for fun" party.

I think his supporters know what he's doing and don't care.
Tell a national audience that thousands of Muslims were celebrating on 9/11 in New Jersey was a malicious, dangerous and hostile lie. He instigated hatred and fear of Americans of a specific religion as a fear tactic. It was a fascist technique and method used by fascist in 1930's Europe. As soon as he made the comment Republicans began calling him a fascist. Kasich made an ad narrated by a former POW that specifically compared him to 1930's European Fascist.
My guess is that his thought processes while doing a stump "speech" don't reach the depth required to assemble a lie.

He probably heard it somewhere from someone at some time, and that was good enough.

Gross negligence, yeah, a lie, probably not.
I can accept that excuse for a day or maybe two. I can accept, exaggerate, misspoke, embellish and lots of excuses temporarily. When it becomes obvious that the comment was challenged as to accuracy and people started calling him a liar, he failed to do the responsible and honest thing. He should have put his best people on the case, and when he discovered he could not back up his statement and it was suggested he may have confuse the celebrations he saw with something going on in a foreign country, he should have showed some character and admitted he may have made a mistake. Instead he doubled down. He had an evil agenda and doubled down on the lie.
For some reason I have a little difficulty connecting what Trump does to "lying".

I mean, it seems most people realize he's just being Trump, all bombast and arm-waving and hyperbole and goofy superlatives. I don't think anyone is actually buying it, it's like a big "piss off the establishment for fun" party.

I think his supporters know what he's doing and don't care.
Tell a national audience that thousands of Muslims were celebrating on 9/11 in New Jersey was a malicious, dangerous and hostile lie. He instigated hatred and fear of Americans of a specific religion as a fear tactic. It was a fascist technique and method used by fascist in 1930's Europe. As soon as he made the comment Republicans began calling him a fascist. Kasich made an ad narrated by a former POW that specifically compared him to 1930's European Fascist.
My guess is that his thought processes while doing a stump "speech" don't reach the depth required to assemble a lie.

He probably heard it somewhere from someone at some time, and that was good enough.

Gross negligence, yeah, a lie, probably not.
I can accept that excuse for a day or maybe two. I can accept, exaggerate, misspoke, embellish and lots of excuses temporarily. When it becomes obvious that the comment was challenged as to accuracy and people started calling him a liar, he failed to do the responsible and honest thing. He should have put his best people on the case, and when he discovered he could not back up his statement and it was suggested he may have confuse the celebrations he saw with something going on in a foreign country, he should have showed some character and admitted he may have made a mistake. Instead he doubled down. He had an evil agenda and doubled down on the lie.
Well, that would have been the honorable thing to do, but...
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Donald Trump, who was declared "king of whoppers" by the website, was just called a "pathological liar" by Bernie Sanders. Trump claimed that Sanders wants to raise taxes by 90%, a claimed which was ruled false by another fact-checking organization,

Link to Sanders slamming Trump Sanders: Trump a 'pathological liar' over tax claim

So where did Trump Lie? Looks like Trump was spot on:
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Democratic candidate for president, thinks a 90 percent tax rate on the wealthiest Americans might not be too high. Sanders made the remark during an interview with CNBC.
When talking about President Dwight Eisenhower's administration, Sanders said, "I think the highest marginal tax rate was something like 90 percent." CNBC's John Harwood then said, "It was 90. When you think about 90 percent, you don't think that's obviously too high." Sanders replied, "No. What I think we've seen, and what frightens me again, when you have the top one-tenth of 1 percent owning almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent.
I have never seen a Presidential candidate who lies and then lies about his lies. That being said, he is the Perfect GOP candidate!
Donald Trump, who was declared "king of whoppers" by the website, was just called a "pathological liar" by Bernie Sanders. Trump claimed that Sanders wants to raise taxes by 90%, a claimed which was ruled false by another fact-checking organization,

Link to Sanders slamming Trump Sanders: Trump a 'pathological liar' over tax claim

So where did Trump Lie? Looks like Trump was spot on:
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Democratic candidate for president, thinks a 90 percent tax rate on the wealthiest Americans might not be too high. Sanders made the remark during an interview with CNBC.
When talking about President Dwight Eisenhower's administration, Sanders said, "I think the highest marginal tax rate was something like 90 percent." CNBC's John Harwood then said, "It was 90. When you think about 90 percent, you don't think that's obviously too high." Sanders replied, "No. What I think we've seen, and what frightens me again, when you have the top one-tenth of 1 percent owning almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent.
You are pretending that Trump said only the wealthy would see their taxes raised by 90%. PolitiFact noted that Trump said that "Under Sanders, Trump said, tax hikes would come for everyone."

And that's false. It's not for everyone.
...unfortunately Bernie was looking at a picture of Hillary in a pants suit while being asked what he thinks of 'this candidate' when he made that comment...

Sanders has no chance and he cries about a liar and look who his party will nominate. Hillary the queen of lying. Couple that with Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Warren, Schultz and list goes on and on. Some of the country's best liars are the Democrats.

Funny stuff.

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