Bernie Sanders exposes himself as a revolting fraud


Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
At the debate last night Sanders showed us he only want to make pretty speeches, not win the election. He couldn't stop kissing Hillary's ass, even though she is one of the most corrupt figures in American politics.


Clinton Foundation reveals up to $26 million in additional payments

Half of Clinton's Speaking Fees Came From Groups Also Lobbying Congress

Sen. Hillary Clinton: Campaign Finance/Money - Top Donors - Senator Career | OpenSecrets

Hillary Clinton’s Top Corporate Donors Are Among The Most Hated Companies in America

Sickening, isn't it?
As the first female President, Clinton's got a real 'scary bitch' thing going on. And it's probably the only model likely to get a woman elected President. Just as the first black had to be a conservative democrat.
As the first female President, Clinton's got a real 'scary bitch' thing going on. And it's probably the only model likely to get a woman elected President.
You think Hillary's unpleasant personality is necessary to get her elected? I think most people would say it is a hindrance.
Ya, it's shocking and surprising the next President (sighs) is getting big donor money.
So you agree Clinton is a corrupt tool of special interests? Why doesn't this disturb you?

If I let politics disturb me I'd be a gun-toting Twinkie eating mass shooter in a belltower somewhere. :)

I content myself with the realization that there are massive asteroids hurtlign towards us every day and the law of large numbers says one will hit us eventually rendering bad poliiticians a moot point. :)
At the debate last night Sanders showed us he only want to make pretty speeches, not win the election. He couldn't stop kissing Hillary's ass, even though she is one of the most corrupt figures in American politics.

On the bright side at least Bernie didn't physically get down on his hands and knees and lick her feet.......
the reason hillary will easily win the presidency in 2016 is because the rep party stands for nothing. only Trump has a chance to beat her.
At the debate last night Sanders showed us he only want to make pretty speeches, not win the election. He couldn't stop kissing Hillary's ass, even though she is one of the most corrupt figures in American politics.


Clinton Foundation reveals up to $26 million in additional payments

Half of Clinton's Speaking Fees Came From Groups Also Lobbying Congress

Sen. Hillary Clinton: Campaign Finance/Money - Top Donors - Senator Career | OpenSecrets

Hillary Clinton’s Top Corporate Donors Are Among The Most Hated Companies in America

Sickening, isn't it?

According to Fact Check they all lied through their teeth. The bloodthirsty Clinton who turned Libya into a bloodbath is determined to start WWIII with Russia.
the reason hillary will easily win the presidency in 2016 is because the rep party stands for nothing. only Trump has a chance to beat her.

Yes, once again it is the folks who are paying for everything already who are not paying their fair share according to the Democrats. It's them old rich boogeymen again. How dare they only pay 90% of everything.
One of the Rules of the Debate - all Debates - should be that if you are caught lying or being deceitful you have to leave the stage. Fact-checkers could be off to the side like an 'America's Got Talent' judge - you lie or deceive, you get a giant Red 'X' and a buzzer, then are escorted off stage.

Debates would be a LOT shorter, and the truth would finally come out for Americans to be able to judge candidates for who they really are.
Ya, it's shocking and surprising the next President (sighs) is getting big donor money.
So you agree Clinton is a corrupt tool of special interests? Why doesn't this disturb you?

I love how the most corrupt organizations in the country are not considered special interests to socialist and Dimocrats. Bernie "Numbnutz" Sanders is getting millions upon millions from the Unions! They are bankrolling his sorry ass! Yet let him rail against special interests. This clown shouldn't be running a lemonade stand, yet he is in our government. Go figure!
Damn! With all the problems we have as a nation they say we have, why haven't the Democrats addressed some of them these past seven years when we've had a Democrat President? If they haven't been addressed by the Democrat President by now, how do they think they can do anything about them if they are elected?

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