Bernie Sanders just declared war on the Democratic establishment

Sanders is officially dead now. Not that he had a prayer of getting the nomination. That was a pretty dumb move. He just damaged his chances of making a significant impact at the convention.
and you are??? :eusa_eh:

Bernie Sanders just alienated the entire Democrat party--so exactly where else do you think he gets support from?

Again, it's going to be a very cold day in hell before the Democrat party will allow someone to change their party status so they can run on their ticket. Democrats in the Senate are going to put Sanders on IGNORE when he comes back. They may decide just to censor him. IOW he and his proposals will be about as significant as a mosquito on an elephant's ass.

Very stupid MOVE--but not surprising. Bernie Sander's elevator really never hit the top floor anyway.

and your political opinion should matter to me because???

Establ Dems have sold the middle-class down the river and hiLIARy has been a permanent fixture in it
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Sanders is officially dead now. Not that he had a prayer of getting the nomination. That was a pretty dumb move. He just damaged his chances of making a significant impact at the convention.
and you are??? :eusa_eh:

Bernie Sanders just alienated the entire Democrat party--so exactly where else do you think he gets support from?

Again, it's going to be a very cold day in hell before the Democrat party will allow someone to change their party status so they can run on their ticket. Democrats in the Senate are going to put Sanders on IGNORE when he comes back. They may decide just to censor him. IOW he and his proposals will be about as significant as a mosquito on an elephant's ass.

Very stupid MOVE--but not surprising. Bernie Sander's elevator really never hit the top floor anyway.


Wanna know how much credibility you have when you can't even get the name of the organization right?
Sanders is officially dead now. Not that he had a prayer of getting the nomination. That was a pretty dumb move. He just damaged his chances of making a significant impact at the convention.

Bernie's never been a bender-over. Why should he start now?
never held a job till he was 40 either, and then it wasnt a job that required any type of actual work.
Why start that now?

Uh really? Donald Rump has never had a job in his LIFE.
Really? LOL
are you seriously that big of an idiot?
I guess Donald just let all those businesses build themselves.. LOL
Tell genius, how many people has the Occupier hired in his time? Sanders was, and is a bum always begging for other peoples money instead of going out and earning his own.

Yeah really. Actually I have a standing challenge out here. Two of them, this being the second, to wit:

Show me any time, anywhere, that Donald Rump has ever held any kind of position of responsibility, such as a job. Military service would qualify but he didn't have that (bone spurs while playing squash you know :gay: ) --- so any position where he worked for somebody ..... had to meet somebody else's expectations and if he didn't, risk being fired..... put in a job application, interview, etc...... You know, all those normal things that you and I and everybody who doesn't get everything just handed to them all their lives has to do.

I have yet to get a taker on that challenge.

Interesting idea, don't you think ---- the suggestion that a sponge who's never held a job in his life should suddenly take on not just a job but the most challenging one in the world? I can't imagine what could possibly come up short with that plan, can you??
Sanders is officially dead now. Not that he had a prayer of getting the nomination. That was a pretty dumb move. He just damaged his chances of making a significant impact at the convention.

Bernie's never been a bender-over. Why should he start now?
never held a job till he was 40 either, and then it wasnt a job that required any type of actual work.
Why start that now?

Uh really? Donald Rump has never had a job in his LIFE.
Really? LOL
are you seriously that big of an idiot?
I guess Donald just let all those businesses build themselves.. LOL
Tell genius, how many people has the Occupier hired in his time? Sanders was, and is a bum always begging for other peoples money instead of going out and earning his own.

Yeah really. Actually I have a standing challenge out here. Two of them, this being the second, to wit:

Show me any time, anywhere, that Donald Rump has ever held any kind of position of responsibility, such as a job. Military service would qualify but he didn't have that (bone spurs while playing squash you know :gay: ) --- so any position where he worked for somebody ..... had to meet somebody else's expectations and if he didn't, risk being fired..... put in a job application, interview, etc...... You know, all those normal things that you and I and everybody who doesn't get everything just handed to them all their lives has to do.

I have yet to get a taker on that challenge.

Interesting idea, don't you think ---- the suggestion that a sponge who's never held a job in his life should suddenly take on not just a job but the most challenging one in the world? I can't imagine what could possibly come up short with that plan, can you??

Trump worked plenty. He would not be a billionaire otherwise.
It LOOKS like you are trying to pull the attention off Sanders by going after Trump in a Sanders thread, ya know?
Sanders is officially dead now. Not that he had a prayer of getting the nomination. That was a pretty dumb move. He just damaged his chances of making a significant impact at the convention.

Bernie's never been a bender-over. Why should he start now?
never held a job till he was 40 either, and then it wasnt a job that required any type of actual work.
Why start that now?

Uh really? Donald Rump has never had a job in his LIFE.

Bernie Sanders didn't get a 1st paycheck until he was 40 years old.
Bernie Sanders, The Bum Who Wants Your Money

He uh, was already Mayor of Burlington at 39 so that city must have a strange pay deferment system.
never held a job till he was 40 either, and then it wasnt a job that required any type of actual work.
Why start that now?

I keep hearing that about him. What was he doing to survive?

Sanders was a bum.
Bernie Sanders a Bum Who Didn't Earn His First Steady Paycheck Until Age 40 Then Wormed His Way Into Politics

So it IS true. WOW. Does he have kids?

Well Sanders is definitely not someone you would want your daughter to bring home for dinner. He may have stayed and wanted another 20 years of free dinners.--LOL
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Bernie's never been a bender-over. Why should he start now?
never held a job till he was 40 either, and then it wasnt a job that required any type of actual work.
Why start that now?

Uh really? Donald Rump has never had a job in his LIFE.
Really? LOL
are you seriously that big of an idiot?
I guess Donald just let all those businesses build themselves.. LOL
Tell genius, how many people has the Occupier hired in his time? Sanders was, and is a bum always begging for other peoples money instead of going out and earning his own.

Yeah really. Actually I have a standing challenge out here. Two of them, this being the second, to wit:

Show me any time, anywhere, that Donald Rump has ever held any kind of position of responsibility, such as a job. Military service would qualify but he didn't have that (bone spurs while playing squash you know :gay: ) --- so any position where he worked for somebody ..... had to meet somebody else's expectations and if he didn't, risk being fired..... put in a job application, interview, etc...... You know, all those normal things that you and I and everybody who doesn't get everything just handed to them all their lives has to do.

I have yet to get a taker on that challenge.

Interesting idea, don't you think ---- the suggestion that a sponge who's never held a job in his life should suddenly take on not just a job but the most challenging one in the world? I can't imagine what could possibly come up short with that plan, can you??

Trump worked plenty. He would not be a billionaire otherwise.
It LOOKS like you are trying to pull the attention off Sanders by going after Trump in a Sanders thread, ya know?

He was handed umpteen million dollars by Daddy, so yes he would have been a billionaire without lifting a finger. Wiser than I have already noted that if he had simply invested that handout and never bothered with all the edifice complex, the endless chasing after TV face time, the relentless kicking people out to make golf courses -- he'd be worth the same as what he is now anyway.

I didn't say "work" anyway -- I said "held a job". Crucial difference.

I brought that up because some yahoo brought up the myth about Sanders. If selling that myth is legitimate on Sanders, then it must be a legitimate issue. If it's a legitimate issue, then it must be legitimate to note that Rump has never done it at all.
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Bernie Sanders just declared war on the Democratic establishment

If you want to make a politician really, really angry, endorse their primary opponent. That's exactly what Bernie Sanders did Saturday to Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"Clearly, I favor her opponent," Sanders said in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper set to air today. "His views are much closer to mine than as to Wasserman Schultz's. Let me also say this, in all due respect to the current chairperson: If [I am] elected president, she would not be reappointed chairwoman of the DNC."

...Wasserman Schultz, for her part, issued a terse statement Saturday aimed at taking the high road -- at least publicly. "Even though Senator Sanders has endorsed my opponent, I remain, as I have been from the beginning, neutral in the presidential Democratic primary,” she said. “I look forward to working together with him for Democratic victories in the fall.”

Bernie Sanders just declared war on the Democratic establishment

i really hope Bernie wins. I really do.
Oh yeah...they're really going to make it hard for him now...
never held a job till he was 40 either, and then it wasnt a job that required any type of actual work.
Why start that now?

I keep hearing that about him. What was he doing to survive?

Sanders was a bum.
Bernie Sanders a Bum Who Didn't Earn His First Steady Paycheck Until Age 40 Then Wormed His Way Into Politics
so attacking the messenger is your strategy? lol

Let me guess, you're an anatomy voter (supporting hiLIARy because she's a female)
How great is that? Sanders just put the Bern on Wassername Schultz. Any day that miserable woman gets a smack down is a good day.

Well the only person he smacked down was himself. He just alienated himself from the entire Democrat party. I sure don't think he's got any friends on the Republican side of the isle.

It's going to be a cold day in hell before the Democrat party will allow anyone to change their party status to run on their ticket again.
never held a job till he was 40 either, and then it wasnt a job that required any type of actual work.
Why start that now?

Uh really? Donald Rump has never had a job in his LIFE.
Really? LOL
are you seriously that big of an idiot?
I guess Donald just let all those businesses build themselves.. LOL
Tell genius, how many people has the Occupier hired in his time? Sanders was, and is a bum always begging for other peoples money instead of going out and earning his own.

Yeah really. Actually I have a standing challenge out here. Two of them, this being the second, to wit:

Show me any time, anywhere, that Donald Rump has ever held any kind of position of responsibility, such as a job. Military service would qualify but he didn't have that (bone spurs while playing squash you know :gay: ) --- so any position where he worked for somebody ..... had to meet somebody else's expectations and if he didn't, risk being fired..... put in a job application, interview, etc...... You know, all those normal things that you and I and everybody who doesn't get everything just handed to them all their lives has to do.

I have yet to get a taker on that challenge.

Interesting idea, don't you think ---- the suggestion that a sponge who's never held a job in his life should suddenly take on not just a job but the most challenging one in the world? I can't imagine what could possibly come up short with that plan, can you??

Trump worked plenty. He would not be a billionaire otherwise.
It LOOKS like you are trying to pull the attention off Sanders by going after Trump in a Sanders thread, ya know?

He was handed umpteen million dollars by Daddy, so yes he would have been a billionaire without lifting a finger. Wiser than I have already noted that if he had simply invested that handout and never bothered with all the edifice complex, the endless chasing after TV face time, the relentless kicking people out to make golf courses -- he'd be worth the same as what he is now anyway.

I didn't say "work" anyway -- I said "held a job". Crucial difference.

I brought that up because some yahoo brought up the myth about Sanders. If selling that myth is legitimate on Sanders, then it must be a legitimate issue. If it's a legitimate issue, then it must be legitimate to note that Rump has never done it at all.

I don't think it was umpteen mil. He went a LONG way from him dad giving him what he gave him. From the sounds of it, Sanders would have just lived off it. :dunno:
never held a job till he was 40 either, and then it wasnt a job that required any type of actual work.
Why start that now?

I keep hearing that about him. What was he doing to survive?

It's an internet myth. They like myths.
They like that old Irish song, "the Myth-Covered Mountains of Home"

So it isn't true Pogo ? What was he doing then?

Before politics, as far as I know, he was writing, and being a shitty carpenter. Then got into politics in his 30s.

Kinda like Jesus. :tongue:
never held a job till he was 40 either, and then it wasnt a job that required any type of actual work.
Why start that now?

I keep hearing that about him. What was he doing to survive?

It's an internet myth. They like myths.
They like that old Irish song, "the Myth-Covered Mountains of Home"

So it isn't true Pogo ? What was he doing then?

Before politics, as far as I know, he was writing, and being a shitty carpenter. Then got into politics in his 30s.

Kinda like Jesus. :tongue:

That was bad@ /spank
Uh really? Donald Rump has never had a job in his LIFE.
Really? LOL
are you seriously that big of an idiot?
I guess Donald just let all those businesses build themselves.. LOL
Tell genius, how many people has the Occupier hired in his time? Sanders was, and is a bum always begging for other peoples money instead of going out and earning his own.

Yeah really. Actually I have a standing challenge out here. Two of them, this being the second, to wit:

Show me any time, anywhere, that Donald Rump has ever held any kind of position of responsibility, such as a job. Military service would qualify but he didn't have that (bone spurs while playing squash you know :gay: ) --- so any position where he worked for somebody ..... had to meet somebody else's expectations and if he didn't, risk being fired..... put in a job application, interview, etc...... You know, all those normal things that you and I and everybody who doesn't get everything just handed to them all their lives has to do.

I have yet to get a taker on that challenge.

Interesting idea, don't you think ---- the suggestion that a sponge who's never held a job in his life should suddenly take on not just a job but the most challenging one in the world? I can't imagine what could possibly come up short with that plan, can you??

Trump worked plenty. He would not be a billionaire otherwise.
It LOOKS like you are trying to pull the attention off Sanders by going after Trump in a Sanders thread, ya know?

He was handed umpteen million dollars by Daddy, so yes he would have been a billionaire without lifting a finger. Wiser than I have already noted that if he had simply invested that handout and never bothered with all the edifice complex, the endless chasing after TV face time, the relentless kicking people out to make golf courses -- he'd be worth the same as what he is now anyway.

I didn't say "work" anyway -- I said "held a job". Crucial difference.

I brought that up because some yahoo brought up the myth about Sanders. If selling that myth is legitimate on Sanders, then it must be a legitimate issue. If it's a legitimate issue, then it must be legitimate to note that Rump has never done it at all.

I don't think it was umpteen mil. He went a LONG way from him dad giving him what he gave him. From the sounds of it, Sanders would have just lived off it. :dunno:

I said "umpteen" (ten plus Ump) because I didn't feel like looking it up, but it was substantial. Enough that he could have just let it grow in the stock market and would have by now the same wealth if not more.
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