Bernie Sanders nails the Republican Party

I don’t agree with everything Bernie says but he hit it out of the park here. Prove me wrong.

Sanders is a devoted commuist , who does not believe in America First so who cares what he has to say, The sooner he takes a dirt nap the better off America will be.
That the Communist Manifesto defines communism doesn't contradict that it's full of propaganda, Chief

You obviously have no idea what Marx's 'Communist Manifesto' says beyond a few cherry picked catch phrases.

The communist manifesto defines 'Communism' as what we call 'Utopian Communism'. Utopian Communism means NO GOVERNMENT at all.

None of the countries that you listed fit Marx's description. They were all Bolshevik dictatorships.

Only Catalonia during the Spanish Civil war was anything close to a communist society as defined in the Communist manifesto.
Rigby5, Ray From Cleveland & kaz -

Between the three of you, you should really iron out what you mean by 'Socialism', 'Communism' & 'Capitalism'

You all seem to be all over the place on these...changing your definition each time....

Work it out folks!

The others are wrong because they insist the economic systems, socialism and communism, vs capitalism, means authoritarian vs democratic political systems. And obviously that is wrong. Socialism and communism imply collaboration, cooperation, and communal ownership of some resources, so then MUST be democratic in order to work at all. While capitalism is just an expression of personal greed, which obviously implies authoritarianism as its desired goal. Historically humans always implement socialism and communism, such as in family or tribal units, while capitalism has always resulted in slavery, feudalism, etc. The history is there as proof.
You obviously have no idea what Marx's 'Communist Manifesto' says beyond a few cherry picked catch phrases.

The communist manifesto defines 'Communism' as what we call 'Utopian Communism'. Utopian Communism means NO GOVERNMENT at all.

None of the countries that you listed fit Marx's description. They were all Bolshevik dictatorships.

Only Catalonia during the Spanish Civil war was anything close to a communist society as defined in the Communist manifesto.

That the Communist Manifesto is full of propaganda doesn't contradict that it defines Communism, Speed Racer
That the Communist Manifesto is full of propaganda doesn't contradict that it defines Communism, Speed Racer

It's obvious that you don't have a clue to what Marx wrote, nor can you distinguish between Utopian Communism and Bolshevik Dictatorships.

Stalin would have loved you!!!
It's obvious that you don't have a clue to what Marx wrote, nor can you distinguish between Utopian Communism and Bolshevik Dictatorships.

Stalin would have loved you!!!

I am DIRECTLY addressing your point, Cowboy
The others are wrong because they insist the economic systems, socialism and communism, vs capitalism, means authoritarian vs democratic political systems. And obviously that is wrong. Socialism and communism imply collaboration, cooperation, and communal ownership of some resources, so then MUST be democratic in order to work at all. While capitalism is just an expression of personal greed, which obviously implies authoritarianism as its desired goal. Historically humans always implement socialism and communism, such as in family or tribal units, while capitalism has always resulted in slavery, feudalism, etc. The history is there as proof.

Some experts disagree with you.

Vaccines are unsettled science? What is wrong with you people? The cult life really that awesome that you can just drop reality altogether?

Traditional vaccines are a settled science to prevent future epidemics, but mRNA vaccines are not at all settled, nor should we have deliberately prolonged the epidemic by "flattening the curve", just so we could sell vaccinations.

We don't have to understand how the immune system works in order to make a successful traditional vaccine. You just kill the virus, inject it, and your done. But with mRNA vaccines, they are made totally synthetically, so we have to know how the immune system is going to react to our concocted triggers and proteins we slap together. The result will always be unpredictable because the covid-19 virus has corona spikes because they are mimicking the corona spikes of natural human exosomes. That mimicking is how the virus gets the cell to let it in. So then with a fake virus in our mRNA vaccines, we run the risk of causing our own immune system to become overly sensitized to our own natural exosomes. And if that happens, the result could be species extinction for the human race.

As to why we should not have waited for vaccines, an alternative would have been deliberate infection of those least vulnerable, last March. That could have ended the epidemic in 2 weeks. But what would the death total have been? Fauci said 2.4 million. But he was wrong because he was using an average lethality figure, and those under 40 are 400 times like likely to die than those over 70. So then divide Fauci's 2.4 million by 400 since you only deliberately infect those volunteers under 40, and you get only 6,000 dead. So then if we had not waited for the vaccines, we could have save 550, lives.
You obviously have no idea what Marx's 'Communist Manifesto' says beyond a few cherry picked catch phrases.

The communist manifesto defines 'Communism' as what we call 'Utopian Communism'. Utopian Communism means NO GOVERNMENT at all.

None of the countries that you listed fit Marx's description. They were all Bolshevik dictatorships.

Only Catalonia during the Spanish Civil war was anything close to a communist society as defined in the Communist manifesto.

Historically humans were always living with communism until about 5000 years ago and we invented agriculture and currency.
Before then we lived in family or tribal units that always had to communal and communist.

Imagine a tribe.
All the males go out hunting.
Only a few are going to come back successful.
Does that mean the successful gore on meat until it rots, while everyone else starves?
Of course not.
With hunter/gatherer societies, they always share.
That obviously shows communism not only works, but is the only way humans could have have evolved over the hundreds of millions of years.
Historically humans were always living with communism until about 5000 years ago and we invented agriculture and currency.
Before then we lived in family or tribal units that always had to communal and communist.

Imagine a tribe.
All the males go out hunting.
Only a few are going to come back successful.
Does that mean the successful gore on meat until it rots, while everyone else starves?
Of course not.
With hunter/gatherer societies, they always share.
That obviously shows communism not only works, but is the only way humans could have have evolved over the hundreds of millions of years.
I guess if we decide to go back to the hunter/gatherer thing, we should give communism a try!
I don’t agree with everything Bernie says but he hit it out of the park here. Prove me wrong.

With the recent trend of using tweets as a source, I hardly ever see what you guys are even talking about.

It always looks like this to me...

Screen Shot 46.jpg

I like it that way, which is why I have it that way, but just putting it out there so you know.

On a message board, tweets are a shallow way of initiating dialogue on a given issue. In my view anyway. May as well just post on twitter. I suppose that's why I have my browser set up that way, so as to avoid that kind of thing. If I don't see it, I don't fall into the trap, so to speak.

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