Bernie Sanders Pulls Off Upset Victory in Indiana !

Guess in Indiana they would prefer a socialist to a crook.

Hope Hitlery chokes on it.
Sanders is the closest thing to an alternative offered by the two party dictatorship. That may not be saying much, but he does at least stand for something and has, consistently, for a long time. That is an admirable trait in a field where 'politicians' are so commonly contemptible. Especially, he had the correct vision and the courage to vote against the illegal invasion of Iraq.
Many of us will, nonetheless, vote for other than one of the parties that have essentially effected a coup d'état, taking over the government and working against the interests of the people.
Bernie would actually be better than Donald Dump.
They're both socialists.
Bernie surely is, but Cankles is not.

She will do the bidding of the elites/1% and has no strong convictions on anything other than her political viability, garnering power and know? A typical corrupt lying politician, but worse than most.

It is ironic that the D party that claims to be for the little guy, will likely nominate someone who couldn't careless about the little guy. Add in her warmongering Neocon past, and you have a disaster in the making.
The nation should give up the electoral college and let the people decide, as with every other elected post, who should be President.
I heard that Bernie Sanders got kicked out of a commune because he sat around talking, but refused to do any work.

I heard that Bernie Sanders could never hold down a job or support himself in the private sector, so he had to go into politics.

I heard Bernie Sanders is a socialist, and therefore thinks lazy people like him should be paid by the government for not working.
Indiana was a disaster for the Hillary campaign.
Sure Hillary will get the nomination. But that's far from what's the real problem for Hillary.
Her problem is the longer Sanders refuses to quit the more entrenched Sander's supporters become, the less likely they are ever to vote for Hillary.
Everyday Sanders stays in the race Hillary loses potential voters.
When Sanders promises he will never quit until after a contested DEM convention forces him to he means it.
After Hillary gets the nomination at least 90% of Sander's hard-core supporters are either going to vote for Trump out of spite or they are going to write in Donald Duck or they are going to stay home and watch Doctor Zhivago.
It's astonishing they'll STILL be loyal to the DNC.

THE DNC "super delegate" tactic is literally making their vote worth less than a full 1 person vote.

Each super delegates vote counts far more than any single Dem voter. So if that SD vote counts as 1 vote....each individual Dem voters vote counts what......0.00005 of 1 vote???

Hey left the 1800s some people's vote only counted as 3/5 of a person (60%). Now....your vote counts FAR less with the DNC than that.

And yall ignore us when we day the party of the Klan is STILL the party of oppression.

It never was a upset.
Exit pols show Hillary wins by 67% in Democratic Primaries that is just Democrats. With this one open to Independents and Republicans, it's a different story. And still, it was close.
I heard that Bernie Sanders got kicked out of a commune because he sat around talking, but refused to do any work.

I heard that Bernie Sanders could never hold down a job or support himself in the private sector, so he had to go into politics.

I heard Bernie Sanders is a socialist, and therefore thinks lazy people like him should be paid by the government for not working.
What other things do those voices tell you?
Indiana was a disaster for the Hillary campaign.
Sure Hillary will get the nomination. But that's far from what's the real problem for Hillary.
Her problem is the longer Sanders refuses to quit the more entrenched Sander's supporters become, the less likely they are ever to vote for Hillary.
Everyday Sanders stays in the race Hillary loses potential voters.
When Sanders promises he will never quit until after a contested DEM convention forces him to he means it.
After Hillary gets the nomination at least 90% of Sander's hard-core supporters are either going to vote for Trump out of spite or they are going to write in Donald Duck or they are going to stay home and watch Doctor Zhivago.
I do not think so. One thing you should know about Bernie, is he HATES Rs. He has spouted for decades his hatred for Rs. So, seems likely he will back Cankles and tell his supporters to do the same. Plus if you really think a Bernie supporter will vote for any R, even a progressive elitist like Trump, you need to rethink your thinking.
Indiana was a disaster for the Hillary campaign.
Sure Hillary will get the nomination. But that's far from what's the real problem for Hillary.
Her problem is the longer Sanders refuses to quit the more entrenched Sander's supporters become, the less likely they are ever to vote for Hillary.
Everyday Sanders stays in the race Hillary loses potential voters.
When Sanders promises he will never quit until after a contested DEM convention forces him to he means it.
After Hillary gets the nomination at least 90% of Sander's hard-core supporters are either going to vote for Trump out of spite or they are going to write in Donald Duck or they are going to stay home and watch Doctor Zhivago.
I do not think so. One thing you should know about Bernie, is he HATES Rs. He has spouted for decades his hatred for Rs. So, seems likely he will back Cankles and tell his supporters to do the same. Plus if you really think a Bernie supporter will vote for any R, even a progressive elitist like Trump, you need to rethink your thinking.

And that's the true shame. Even as their vote is minimized and marginalized by the DNC elites....they'll still line up like faithful drones and vote Democrat. Remember when blacks only counted as 3/5th of a person??? the Democrat primary....all you people who aren't "super delegates"....your vote counts as less than 1. Such progress
Indiana was a disaster for the Hillary campaign.
Sure Hillary will get the nomination. But that's far from what's the real problem for Hillary.
Her problem is the longer Sanders refuses to quit the more entrenched Sander's supporters become, the less likely they are ever to vote for Hillary.
Everyday Sanders stays in the race Hillary loses potential voters.
When Sanders promises he will never quit until after a contested DEM convention forces him to he means it.
After Hillary gets the nomination at least 90% of Sander's hard-core supporters are either going to vote for Trump out of spite or they are going to write in Donald Duck or they are going to stay home and watch Doctor Zhivago.
I do not think so. One thing you should know about Bernie, is he HATES Rs. He has spouted for decades his hatred for Rs. So, seems likely he will back Cankles and tell his supporters to do the same. Plus if you really think a Bernie supporter will vote for any R, even a progressive elitist like Trump, you need to rethink your thinking.

And that's the true shame. Even as their vote is minimized and marginalized by the DNC elites....they'll still line up like faithful drones and vote Democrat. Remember when blacks only counted as 3/5th of a person??? the Democrat primary....all you people who aren't "super delegates"....your vote counts as less than 1. Such progress
I think it is clear that many Americans are fed up with the two parties. That is clearly evidenced by the success of Trump and Sanders. Unfortunately, Trump and Sanders do not strike me as solutions.
Indiana was a disaster for the Hillary campaign.
Sure Hillary will get the nomination. But that's far from what's the real problem for Hillary.
Her problem is the longer Sanders refuses to quit the more entrenched Sander's supporters become, the less likely they are ever to vote for Hillary.
Everyday Sanders stays in the race Hillary loses potential voters.
When Sanders promises he will never quit until after a contested DEM convention forces him to he means it.
After Hillary gets the nomination at least 90% of Sander's hard-core supporters are either going to vote for Trump out of spite or they are going to write in Donald Duck or they are going to stay home and watch Doctor Zhivago.
I do not think so. One thing you should know about Bernie, is he HATES Rs. He has spouted for decades his hatred for Rs. So, seems likely he will back Cankles and tell his supporters to do the same. Plus if you really think a Bernie supporter will vote for any R, even a progressive elitist like Trump, you need to rethink your thinking.
We'll see. Hardcore Sander's supporters are hardcore AGAINST Hillary as fervently as they are against REPs.
Additionally Sanders is actually offering what he believes are real world solutions especially to young supporters and GOD bless their foolishness, they believe him.
Young Sander's female supporters are never going to vote for Hillary 'The Enabler'.
Polls show this fact.
I don't believe Sandres ,no matter what, will ever explicitly tell his supporters to suddenly disregard everything Sanders preached to them about Hillary being a 'Wall Street Whore'. He has way too much integrity to do that.
The closest he will come will be to say during his concession speech after a VERY divisive contested convention is: "We fought the best fight we could. We changed the political social landscape. Now you must all vote for your convictions".
That's not going to help Hillary much.
There is obviously a very deep resentment among young DEMs against the Washington establishment which Hillary is its decades long 'Poster girl', as witnessed in the Indiana primary.
Hillary is in major trouble.
Sanders is the closest thing to an alternative offered by the two party dictatorship. That may not be saying much, but he does at least stand for something and has, consistently, for a long time. That is an admirable trait in a field where 'politicians' are so commonly contemptible. Especially, he had the correct vision and the courage to vote against the illegal invasion of Iraq.
Many of us will, nonetheless, vote for other than one of the parties that have essentially effected a coup d'état, taking over the government and working against the interests of the people.

If the party can pin him down to specifics on how to get shit done and pay for it....Bernie is undeniably the best candidate out here. I'm so pleased that Indiana sent Hillary the lyin beast on her merry little conservative way.

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