Bernie Sanders Releases Tax Plan, Nation's Rich Recoil In Horror

Let us face it folks------>some of these people should be unceremoniously laughed off this thread! They are actually attempting to tell you that your way of life SUCKS, and that Russia and Cuba have it better! And they have been doing the SOCIALISM thing for a very long time, and am sure have perfected it, lol.

Come ON! Laugh at these people, or do you really want to live like Cuba, Venezuela, and Russia do?

I see the Hildabeast camp has called Sanders a socialist whackadoodle. They finally got something right

That is correct Sassy! Hey, just a question. I know it is a hard one, you might have to research it, and for that I apologize.

QUESTION---------> Didn't that wonderful, former country known as the "Union of Soviet SOCIALISTS Republic" actually have to build a wall to keep their people in, while WE are contemplating having to build a wall to keep ILLEGAL people out?

I am kinda confused on that one with reading all these posts from lefties how wonderful SOCIALISM is. Maybe you could clarify-)

Not a difficult question at are indeed correct. A gold star for you. It's a simple explanation, never in history has socialism worked, not once. Sure it starts out well but the end is a disaster. Ask the Russians
Let us face it folks------>some of these people should be unceremoniously laughed off this thread! They are actually attempting to tell you that your way of life SUCKS, and that Russia and Cuba have it better! And they have been doing the SOCIALISM thing for a very long time, and am sure have perfected it, lol.

Come ON! Laugh at these people, or do you really want to live like Cuba, Venezuela, and Russia do?

I see the Hildabeast camp has called Sanders a socialist whackadoodle. They finally got something right

That is correct Sassy! Hey, just a question. I know it is a hard one, you might have to research it, and for that I apologize.

QUESTION---------> Didn't that wonderful, former country known as the "Union of Soviet SOCIALISTS Republic" actually have to build a wall to keep their people in, while WE are contemplating having to build a wall to keep ILLEGAL people out?

I am kinda confused on that one with reading all these posts from lefties how wonderful SOCIALISM is. Maybe you could clarify-)

Not a difficult question at are indeed correct. A gold star for you. It's a simple explanation, never in history has socialism worked, not once. Sure it starts out well but the end is a disaster. Ask the Russians

Thank you for that clarification. Then indeed I was correct in defining these Socialist wannabees on this board as "knuckleheads." And then, I should also assume that I was correct in suggesting that the "Socialist wannabees" should be unceremoniously laughed off this board. Who would have THUNK it-)
1/17/16 Democratic Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders took a break from yelling at clouds long enough to release his tax plan today, and it’s, how should I put this…aggressive.

A comparison of rates of Sanders plan vs Trump's plan.....
Bernie Sanders Releases Tax Plan, Nation's Rich Recoil In Horror
The rich are Sanders' biggest supporters. They dont care about taxes because they have armies of lawyers and accountants who can figure out ways around them. Thats why most rich people are Democrats.
The high income earners who are making their way into the ranks of the rich are generally Republicans.
Bernie says a lot of things, anyone with two brain cells knows he's out of touch and his grand scheme is unworkable
Some version of it works in other developed nations.

His health plan will cost 28 TRILLION dollars....sorry that's not workable, it's bankruptcy. Sanders is offering free shit he can in no way ever pay for to get elected.
It would cut out your private insurance payments, costing you less.

It would also cut out your job. Then you could go on welfare and get free healthcare.

It's a win-win arrangement!
How do you figure it would cost one his job? That makes no sense.

Rich people either spend their money, save it, or invest it. Either way, they create jobs. Government doesn't create jobs. it destroys them. Siphoning off money from the rich to government only helps parasites, and it harms economic growth.
1/17/16 Democratic Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders took a break from yelling at clouds long enough to release his tax plan today, and it’s, how should I put this…aggressive.

A comparison of rates of Sanders plan vs Trump's plan.....
Bernie Sanders Releases Tax Plan, Nation's Rich Recoil In Horror

I couldn't see it. Forbes would not let me see it unless I turned off my ad blocker and I told them to shove it up their REPUBLICAN ASS.
Forbes is a left leaning publication.
Let us face it folks------>some of these people should be unceremoniously laughed off this thread! They are actually attempting to tell you that your way of life SUCKS, and that Russia and Cuba have it better! And they have been doing the SOCIALISM thing for a very long time, and am sure have perfected it, lol.

Come ON! Laugh at these people, or do you really want to live like Cuba, Venezuela, and Russia do?

I see the Hildabeast camp has called Sanders a socialist whackadoodle. They finally got something right

That is correct Sassy! Hey, just a question. I know it is a hard one, you might have to research it, and for that I apologize.

QUESTION---------> Didn't that wonderful, former country known as the "Union of Soviet SOCIALISTS Republic" actually have to build a wall to keep their people in, while WE are contemplating having to build a wall to keep ILLEGAL people out?

I am kinda confused on that one with reading all these posts from lefties how wonderful SOCIALISM is. Maybe you could clarify-)
The Soviet Union was NOT Socialist.

It was not even truly COMMUNIST.

It was a dictatorship.

And here's a little tid-bit you wlll find few other places.

The Soviet Union has been invaded multiple times during it's history and they are paranoid about being invaded again.

The old Soviet Union put up to 80% of the GNP in MILITARY because of their fear of being invaded and taken over.

If they had invested in CONSUMER GOODS instead of so much MILITARY, they < WOULD > have buried us.

It is a larger country with more natural resources than America has.

The downfall of the Soviet Union was caused by internal dissent caused by the fact they put most of their money in DEFENSE instead of CONSUMER GOODS.

The Chinese learned THEIR lesson from watching the Soviet Union and the Chinese are KICKING OUR ASS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT.

Just because they < called > themselves Communists, doesn't mean they were.

And there are Socialist countries with a higher standard of living and better health care than America.

At least there were until they let in the Middle East Rapefugees. Now they are having LOTS of problems but those problems aren't attributable to Socialism but to TERRORISM / RELIGIOUS FANATACISM.
The richest have milked this country for the past 30 years and have outsourced, seeked tax havens and destroyed our middle class. Sorry, but I have no sorrow for the bastards. They deserve a good kick in the ass.

Many of the riches have sold the common working man down the fucking river in this country.
The richest have milked this country for the past 30 years and have outsourced, seeked tax havens and destroyed our middle class. Sorry, but I have no sorrow for the bastards. They deserve a good kick in the ass.

Many of the riches have sold the common working man down the fucking river in this country.
Then you support the rich taking their money and going elsewhere?
Bernies plan wont bring back jobs like people say. He is going to scare away MORE money. That is a big attack on small businesses and educated people.
Something funny I noticed : "Trump hates poor" "Bernie loves them" yet Bernie wants to squeeze 10% of blood out of a turnip.. Trump doesn't.. I guess, im JS, so much propaganda about that man..
I also posted a thread today of where Bernie is charging people to come listen to him promise them free shit :lol:
1/17/16 Democratic Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders took a break from yelling at clouds long enough to release his tax plan today, and it’s, how should I put this…aggressive.

A comparison of rates of Sanders plan vs Trump's plan.....
Bernie Sanders Releases Tax Plan, Nation's Rich Recoil In Horror

I couldn't see it. Forbes would not let me see it unless I turned off my ad blocker and I told them to shove it up their REPUBLICAN ASS.

You can turn it right back on again, dumbass.
The richest have milked this country for the past 30 years and have outsourced, seeked tax havens and destroyed our middle class. Sorry, but I have no sorrow for the bastards. They deserve a good kick in the ass.

Many of the riches have sold the common working man down the fucking river in this country.
Hey dumbfuck! You do realize YOU support policies and politicians that do that? Fuckin moron. Swear to gawd
Let us face it folks------>some of these people should be unceremoniously laughed off this thread! They are actually attempting to tell you that your way of life SUCKS, and that Russia and Cuba have it better! And they have been doing the SOCIALISM thing for a very long time, and am sure have perfected it, lol.

Come ON! Laugh at these people, or do you really want to live like Cuba, Venezuela, and Russia do?

I see the Hildabeast camp has called Sanders a socialist whackadoodle. They finally got something right

That is correct Sassy! Hey, just a question. I know it is a hard one, you might have to research it, and for that I apologize.

QUESTION---------> Didn't that wonderful, former country known as the "Union of Soviet SOCIALISTS Republic" actually have to build a wall to keep their people in, while WE are contemplating having to build a wall to keep ILLEGAL people out?

I am kinda confused on that one with reading all these posts from lefties how wonderful SOCIALISM is. Maybe you could clarify-)
The Soviet Union was NOT Socialist.

It was not even truly COMMUNIST.

It was a dictatorship.

And here's a little tid-bit you wlll find few other places.

The Soviet Union has been invaded multiple times during it's history and they are paranoid about being invaded again.

The old Soviet Union put up to 80% of the GNP in MILITARY because of their fear of being invaded and taken over.

If they had invested in CONSUMER GOODS instead of so much MILITARY, they < WOULD > have buried us.

It is a larger country with more natural resources than America has.

The downfall of the Soviet Union was caused by internal dissent caused by the fact they put most of their money in DEFENSE instead of CONSUMER GOODS.

The Chinese learned THEIR lesson from watching the Soviet Union and the Chinese are KICKING OUR ASS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT.

Just because they < called > themselves Communists, doesn't mean they were.

And there are Socialist countries with a higher standard of living and better health care than America.

At least there were until they let in the Middle East Rapefugees. Now they are having LOTS of problems but those problems aren't attributable to Socialism but to TERRORISM / RELIGIOUS FANATACISM.

Sure thing. Whatever you say!

Then I will ask you a few simple questions to cement your synopsis.

1. From 1900 (or even slightly before if you would like) to 2000, who had the best standard of living in the world by faaaaaar? The best healthcare by faaaar?

2. Since we have been surpassed, (and I sort of agree with you, although I would interject a few caveats) in which direction politically have we moved?

Who has higher taxes, socialist or Capitalistic countries? (or, are you suggesting our tax rates are to high) Which country continuously had the most patents? Which country is having its intellectual properties stolen consistently, now more than ever?

Are we (is anyone reading this thread) to believe that the SAME people who were over there, came here, and all of the sudden created new stuff because of American water, lol?

Your whole theory is poppycock and ludicrous. The freedom from government here created the American boom, and people who think like you have stifled it.

In your misguided attempt to make everyone equal...........not under the law, but economically, you have dampened the very reason to be successful, economic gain. It is that failure of Socialism and Marxism that allowed us to vault over all of Europe economically, and why we are faltering today.

Do we all remember how regular European citizens used to envy RICH Americans? (and every American was rich compared to them) As these people on the left have morphed us into European Socialism, we now more resemble them. I don't know about most of you people, but I think Europe is a great place to visit, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to live there!
Bernies plan wont bring back jobs like people say. He is going to scare away MORE money. That is a big attack on small businesses and educated people.
Something funny I noticed : "Trump hates poor" "Bernie loves them" yet Bernie wants to squeeze 10% of blood out of a turnip.. Trump doesn't.. I guess, im JS, so much propaganda about that man..
I also posted a thread today of where Bernie is charging people to come listen to him promise them free shit :lol:
The richest have milked this country for the past 30 years and have outsourced, seeked tax havens and destroyed our middle class. Sorry, but I have no sorrow for the bastards. They deserve a good kick in the ass.

Many of the riches have sold the common working man down the fucking river in this country.
Hey dumbfuck! You do realize YOU support policies and politicians that do that? Fuckin moron. Swear to gawd
Chill TN, you must make certain allowances for poor Matthew, after all he's trapped in a severe reality distortion field. :eek:

"Being the soothsayer of the tribe is a dirty job, but someone has to do it" -- Anton St. Maarten
1/17/16 Democratic Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders took a break from yelling at clouds long enough to release his tax plan today, and it’s, how should I put this…aggressive.

A comparison of rates of Sanders plan vs Trump's plan.....
Bernie Sanders Releases Tax Plan, Nation's Rich Recoil In Horror

So does the middle class. A 90% tax rate pretty much says they get to do nothing fun, like travel, ever again. The rich, on the other hand, simply leave and move to Monaco or some other place where they aren't vilified.
1/17/16 Democratic Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders took a break from yelling at clouds long enough to release his tax plan today, and it’s, how should I put this…aggressive.

A comparison of rates of Sanders plan vs Trump's plan.....
Bernie Sanders Releases Tax Plan, Nation's Rich Recoil In Horror
Sanders is still locked into the freeloader/parasite voter as his base.
This insane tax plan just makes it more apparent that Sanders is not in the least bit interested in broadening his voter base.

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