Bernie Sanders Releases Tax Plan, Nation's Rich Recoil In Horror

Bernie releasing HIS tax plan. More like Hugo Chavez tax plan?
this country has went to hell went some old geezer avowed Socialist/ commie loving nobody is being considered seriously as being a President.
1/17/16 Democratic Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders took a break from yelling at clouds long enough to release his tax plan today, and it’s, how should I put this…aggressive.

A comparison of rates of Sanders plan vs Trump's plan.....
Bernie Sanders Releases Tax Plan, Nation's Rich Recoil In Horror
Sanders is still locked into the freeloader/parasite voter as his base.
This insane tax plan just makes it more apparent that Sanders is not in the least bit interested in broadening his voter base.

If his base had any sense it would be shrinking at this fallacy
This is a typical Sander's supporter...his/her first mistake was getting a worthless degree

Wow! Taxing Capital Gains that are invested in China!
WHAT?.....Hey moron....Did you not see the quote regarding the sale of a business? What the fuck does that have to do with China?
BTW, genius, you do realize that your 401k, or any other investment you may have, woudl be subject to the higher sanders proposed tax rate?
And if you decide to sell your home and downsize, perhaps rent instead of buy, after the first $150k the remainder is subject to cap gains taxes?
So for example, an elderly couple in Northern NJ who've been in their home for 50 years, own it outright and due to rising real estate values have driven the market value to say $600,000. They sell their home and decide to head to Florida. Instead of buying, they find a nice retirement community and rent a condo.
Now, the proceeds from the sale of their home are part of their retirement safety net. BU T NO, Bernie Sanders comes along and says. "Let's $600k, that's the 43% tax bracket. You owe me $252,000. Pay up you rich prick.".....
Does that sound ok to you?
Sanders is just pandering to a certain faction of the population. The parasites and freeloaders who want everything for nothing. And iof they vote for Sanders, he's going to confiscate wealth by any means fair and unfair to give it to his supporters.
I think Sanders should start thinking about his own retirement.
This is a typical Sander's supporter...his/her first mistake was getting a worthless degree


lol, womeeeeen studies. wtf job are they going to get with that? good grief

One of our children tells me they want to pursue a degree in women's studies? No, just no

No kidding. this generation of kids/young adults has become part of our problems. they think they are Entitled. Of course that sign looks like it came from someone in the OWS. that doesn't say much for them if they fell for their line of BS
The crazy homeless guy who stands on a street corner with a bullhorn has a tax plan that is less insane. :laugh:
He has stated on numerous occasions that his initial Tax Plan will be modified as the economy improves.
But then again, I actually listened to him for an hour.
OH BULLSHIT.....anyone with more than two functioning brain cells knows that once something like this entitlement ( single payer tax plan) is in place, it is like a tick buried into a donkey's ass. The only way that tick is going away is if the donkey shits the bed
Let us face it folks------>some of these people should be unceremoniously laughed off this thread! They are actually attempting to tell you that your way of life SUCKS, and that Russia and Cuba have it better! And they have been doing the SOCIALISM thing for a very long time, and am sure have perfected it, lol.

Come ON! Laugh at these people, or do you really want to live like Cuba, Venezuela, and Russia do?

I see the Hildabeast camp has called Sanders a socialist whackadoodle. They finally got something right

That is correct Sassy! Hey, just a question. I know it is a hard one, you might have to research it, and for that I apologize.

QUESTION---------> Didn't that wonderful, former country known as the "Union of Soviet SOCIALISTS Republic" actually have to build a wall to keep their people in, while WE are contemplating having to build a wall to keep ILLEGAL people out?

I am kinda confused on that one with reading all these posts from lefties how wonderful SOCIALISM is. Maybe you could clarify-)
The Soviet Union was NOT Socialist.

It was not even truly COMMUNIST.

It was a dictatorship.

And here's a little tid-bit you wlll find few other places.

The Soviet Union has been invaded multiple times during it's history and they are paranoid about being invaded again.

The old Soviet Union put up to 80% of the GNP in MILITARY because of their fear of being invaded and taken over.

If they had invested in CONSUMER GOODS instead of so much MILITARY, they < WOULD > have buried us.

It is a larger country with more natural resources than America has.

The downfall of the Soviet Union was caused by internal dissent caused by the fact they put most of their money in DEFENSE instead of CONSUMER GOODS.

The Chinese learned THEIR lesson from watching the Soviet Union and the Chinese are KICKING OUR ASS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT.

Just because they < called > themselves Communists, doesn't mean they were.

And there are Socialist countries with a higher standard of living and better health care than America.

At least there were until they let in the Middle East Rapefugees. Now they are having LOTS of problems but those problems aren't attributable to Socialism but to TERRORISM / RELIGIOUS FANATACISM.

Sure thing. Whatever you say!

Then I will ask you a few simple questions to cement your synopsis.

1. From 1900 (or even slightly before if you would like) to 2000, who had the best standard of living in the world by faaaaaar? The best healthcare by faaaar?

2. Since we have been surpassed, (and I sort of agree with you, although I would interject a few caveats) in which direction politically have we moved?

Who has higher taxes, socialist or Capitalistic countries? (or, are you suggesting our tax rates are to high) Which country continuously had the most patents? Which country is having its intellectual properties stolen consistently, now more than ever?

Are we (is anyone reading this thread) to believe that the SAME people who were over there, came here, and all of the sudden created new stuff because of American water, lol?

Your whole theory is poppycock and ludicrous. The freedom from government here created the American boom, and people who think like you have stifled it.

In your misguided attempt to make everyone equal...........not under the law, but economically, you have dampened the very reason to be successful, economic gain. It is that failure of Socialism and Marxism that allowed us to vault over all of Europe economically, and why we are faltering today.

Do we all remember how regular European citizens used to envy RICH Americans? (and every American was rich compared to them) As these people on the left have morphed us into European Socialism, we now more resemble them. I don't know about most of you people, but I think Europe is a great place to visit, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to live there!

They don't want YOU either.

Neither do we but, unfortunately, we will have to put up with you.
lol, womeeeeen studies. wtf job are they going to get with that? good grief
Hey now, don't knock women's studies, I've been studying them my whole life and I still can't figure them out (but I LOVE the "studying"). :D
This is a typical Sander's supporter...his/her first mistake was getting a worthless degree


lol, womeeeeen studies. wtf job are they going to get with that? good grief

One of our children tells me they want to pursue a degree in women's studies? No, just no

No kidding. this generation of kids/young adults has become part of our problems. they think they are Entitled. Of course that sign looks like it came from someone in the OWS. that doesn't say much for them if they fell for their line of BS

Here is the thing, this thing gets a worthless degree that cost 60K and it was a poor decision and now it wants us to pay for it's poor decision. Take responsibility for your own actions and mistakes
The nation should recoil in horror after his healthcare plan was scrutinized and found it would cost like 28 trillion dollars. The man is out of touch with reality
Well, we're already engaged in a high speed pursuit of National Bankruptcy, so what the hell, might as well kick on the "afterBerners".

"Maximum warp. Punch it." -- Christopher Pike, Star Trek
We got a 106 miles to Chicago, full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes its dark and we're wearing sun glasses......
The crazy homeless guy who stands on a street corner with a bullhorn has a tax plan that is less insane. :laugh:
He has stated on numerous occasions that his initial Tax Plan will be modified as the economy improves.
Well that should be an easy task.

"Any changes yet Bernie?"
"I'll get back to you as soon as this massive depression ends"

You mean like jobs actually coming back to the US?
Nah! Can't have THAT!
What jobs?....
Please be specific
The crazy homeless guy who stands on a street corner with a bullhorn has a tax plan that is less insane. :laugh:
He has stated on numerous occasions that his initial Tax Plan will be modified as the economy improves.
But then again, I actually listened to him for an hour.

Bernie says a lot of things, anyone with two brain cells knows he's out of touch and his grand scheme is unworkable
Some version of it works in other developed nations.
What does work in those countries?.....
Please, if you are going to compare these nations with tiny populations and or largely homogeneous societies to the US, you can forget it.
The crazy homeless guy who stands on a street corner with a bullhorn has a tax plan that is less insane. :laugh:
He has stated on numerous occasions that his initial Tax Plan will be modified as the economy improves.
But then again, I actually listened to him for an hour.

Bernie says a lot of things, anyone with two brain cells knows he's out of touch and his grand scheme is unworkable

I disagree.
Blue & White Collar employment lost.
Investment in companies staying in the US lost.
Rewarding companies and investors for sending money away.
And this is SMART?
What are you referring to?
The crazy homeless guy who stands on a street corner with a bullhorn has a tax plan that is less insane. :laugh:
He has stated on numerous occasions that his initial Tax Plan will be modified as the economy improves.
Well that should be an easy task.

"Any changes yet Bernie?"
"I'll get back to you as soon as this massive depression ends"

You mean like jobs actually coming back to the US?
Nah! Can't have THAT!
Uh-huh, I'm sure ole Bernie's schemes will "create" tens of millions of new jobs; on the down side, a job standing in the soup line isn't all that it's cracked up to be.

I guess you aren't aware of how many White Collar jobs have been shipped away?
No; I presume you wouldn't.
Which white collar jobs? Be specific.

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