Bernie Sanders Releases Tax Plan, Nation's Rich Recoil In Horror

1/17/16 Democratic Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders took a break from yelling at clouds long enough to release his tax plan today, and it’s, how should I put this…aggressive.

A comparison of rates of Sanders plan vs Trump's plan.....
Bernie Sanders Releases Tax Plan, Nation's Rich Recoil In Horror

I couldn't see it. Forbes would not let me see it unless I turned off my ad blocker and I told them to shove it up their REPUBLICAN ASS.
Forbes is a left leaning publication.

I don't know if you Trump rubes know this, but if Trump was President, he would very likely enact single payer healthcare, too. He and Sanders are almost on the same page on this matter.
The nation should recoil in horror after his healthcare plan was scrutinized and found it would cost like 28 trillion dollars. The man is out of touch with reality
We will collectively spend more $38 trillion in the same 2017-2026 ten year period right now.

Annual U.S. Healthcare Spending Hits $3.8 Trillion

We're at $3.8 trillion a year, and it is going to keep climbing, as it has been for many decades.

The $28 trillion figure you keep blindly tossing around is what the most extreme estimaters who oppose Sanders say would be the increase in government spending. This is a classic lie of omission, because they don't say now much private spending would decrease.
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My only question is when Bernie is finished with the rich who will he target next, where will all the money come from? I guess we will fire up the printers? Without those 1%'s and the rich to kick around who will they then blame? As for Trump he has to keep his foot out of his mouth and contain his ego, odds are he will succumb to the consequences of his own making. Sad to say I may once again refrain from voting.
No kidding. this generation of kids/young adults has become part of our problems. they think they are Entitled. Of course that sign looks like it came from someone in the OWS. that doesn't say much for them if they fell for their line of BS

The sheer irony of this post is astounding. Who doesn't love being smugly lectured by one the greediest generations to ever to exist in our nation, the Baby Boomers. Too funny. You're generation saddled mine with crushing debt that neither party addressed and yet you'll shit all over the younger generations. :lol:

Not too worry. We'll pick up the pieces of your generation's shit show.

Baby Boomers are one the greediest generations ever to exist in our nation, yes, they're also one of the most productive, entrepreneurial and inventive ever to exist. They became great producers and even greater consumers, unfortunately they seem to have lost much of their parents principles and ethics along the way.

Even more unfortunate; the succeeding generations are even more unprincipled, more unethical, greedier, less productive and more hyper-consumer oriented than the Baby Boomers were.

They also saddled us with crushing debt and declining wages despite the fact that we are more productive than ever. Don't get me wrong, I am not hating on all Baby Boomers but blaming the younger generation for many of the problems created by that generation is silly. Besides, every generation thinks the generations that succeeds them are unethical, greedier, and, less productive than they were. Most of that poppycock is simply rose-colored glasses.

MDK, if you are young, no matter what side of the aisle you reside on, let me apologize sincerely. We fell asleep at the wheel and let others decide for us because we were to busy working, trying to improve our families standard of living, along with our own.

One day, many of us looked up, and realized something had happened that was not so good. We had tried to insure our families security, and now the government was taking that money; all of our hard work........or much of it..........and redistributing it among people who did not work for it, were not our dependents, and in the process not only shortchanged our children and grandchildren, but left them holding the bill.

People who had worked all of their lives towards giving those they loved a "heads up" in the world, were understandably pissed. For someone to give people a freebie that we had to work for was irritating enough, but to take it from us to give it to them, was unacceptable.

We have TRIED to fix it, and everyone thinks it has been the left that has stopped us. WRONG! It has been the Republicans who have stopped us, because they won't put up anyone to fix it for us and you, instead they give us GW, Mcain, Dole, and Romney. We either vote for them, or waste our vote on someone who has absolutely zero chance of getting elected.

And what if we gather enough interest in a less than perfect fixer? Then we get a GW, who the left should love as he spent money hand over fist too.

We are trying to fix it, we really are for our children, and you; but all we get is "how wonderful things are now!" Easy to say for those who have never lived during better times.

And the right does themselves no favors by decrying the years of Bill Clinton. Oh sure, he was a horndog and got himself in a heap of trouble, but to be believable, you must tell the truth; economically for 6, or 7 of those 8 years, it was nirvana. Same for Reagan. 6 or 7 of those were extraordinary.

And so, you have to look at the policies and not the party. How did we get great economic expansion, and once you focus on that, who/whom is willing to do the same thing. Always remember that you can't help/won't help anyone else, if you can't feel you can help yourself. That is a dirty little secret. When you feel the economy is growing, and your pockets are full, you are more inclined to give some away as you feel you can refill them.

Right now, not to many people feel that way, and those that already have theirs are comfortable. We can try and steal theirs, or we can try to make it much easier for others to get theirs, and make the country solvent as they then join the club of paying taxes in. Or, we can steal some of theirs, they then pay less taxes, and the poor still pay nothing making the country more insolvent.

This time around, even with the GOP fighting tooth and nail against them, we actually have choices. And some of these choices have never cut a deal politically to help put us in this mess we are in today. They didn't raise their hands in congress to vote for something ridiculous that most Americans think is goofy, and that in itself is a reason to take a good long look at them. After all, if the Democrat apparatus with the help of the Republican apparatus put us in this mess, what are the odds that either one of their establishment candidates backed by lobbyists, is actually going to dig us out!
They also saddled us with crushing debt and declining wages despite the fact that we are more productive than ever. Don't get me wrong, I am not hating on all Baby Boomers but blaming the younger generation for many of the problems created by that generation is silly. Besides, every generation thinks the generations that succeeds them are unethical, greedier, and, less productive than they were. Most of that poppycock is simply rose-colored glasses.
I don't think that "blaming" the younger generations is productive but the fact of the matter is they need to wake up and realize that attempting to utilize the force of government to re-fashion society to their liking is a dead end, society is just fine, they (younger generations) are just symptoms of the problem, they're the ones that need to change their ways, else they'll just repeat the mistakes of the Baby Boomers only at a greater intensity and magnitude.

"I'm starting with the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways, And no message could have been any clearer, If you want to make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change
" -- Michael Jackson, Man in the Mirror
My only question is when Bernie is finished with the rich who will he target next, where will all the money come from? I guess we will fire up the printers? Without those 1%'s and the rich to kick around who will they then blame? As for Trump he has to keep his foot out of his mouth and contain his ego, odds are he will succumb to the consequences of his own making. Sad to say I may once again refrain from voting.
Sanders claims the amount of public spending on healthcare will be more than offset by the savings in private healthcare spending that will no longer be necessary. What you pay more in taxes will be more than offset by what you save in insurance and copays and deductibles.

No one has even attempted to debunk his claim. All we have seen to this point are exclamations and jeering covering up the inability to think critically and take him down.

This is how the Left wins. They put a plan on the table, while the Right does nothing but attack it to cover up the fact they have no plan.

When the American people are given a choice between Plan A and NOTHING, they always go for Plan A. That's how we ended up with ObamaCare.

And now the rubes are using the exact same failed tactics which gave us ObamaCare. One is reminded of the definition of insanity.

Wake up, rubes! Sanders is getting a LOT of mileage. He may not win the election, but he has pushed the single payer pebble a long, long way down the road to inevitability. All because of your stupidity and incompetence.
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No kidding. this generation of kids/young adults has become part of our problems. they think they are Entitled. Of course that sign looks like it came from someone in the OWS. that doesn't say much for them if they fell for their line of BS

The sheer irony of this post is astounding. Who doesn't love being smugly lectured by one the greediest generations to ever to exist in our nation, the Baby Boomers. Too funny. You're generation saddled mine with crushing debt that neither party addressed and yet you'll shit all over the younger generations. :lol:

Not too worry. We'll pick up the pieces of your generation's shit show.
LOL. The Baby Boomers defeated the Soviet Union and built the Internet. Millenials helped vote in Barack Obama and now are stumping for Bernie Sanders.
Millenials are the shittiest generation in a long time. Self-entitled arrogant creeps who think the world owes them while they inveigh against big corporations on their iPads and other Apple products on Facebook and Twiiter.

Mdk being his usual, I know it all stuck up jerk ? what a shocker. he's become nothing more than a troll really.

That's rich coming from you. lol. You think everyone that doesn't shower your simple ass with praise is a troll. At least I have the stones to quote you directly instead taking pot shot through other peoples' post.
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No kidding. this generation of kids/young adults has become part of our problems. they think they are Entitled. Of course that sign looks like it came from someone in the OWS. that doesn't say much for them if they fell for their line of BS

The sheer irony of this post is astounding. Who doesn't love being smugly lectured by one the greediest generations to ever to exist in our nation, the Baby Boomers. Too funny. You're generation saddled mine with crushing debt that neither party addressed and yet you'll shit all over the younger generations. :lol:

Not too worry. We'll pick up the pieces of your generation's shit show.
LOL. The Baby Boomers defeated the Soviet Union and built the Internet. Millenials helped vote in Barack Obama and now are stumping for Bernie Sanders.
Millenials are the shittiest generation in a long time. Self-entitled arrogant creeps who think the world owes them while they inveigh against big corporations on their iPads and other Apple products on Facebook and Twiiter.

How? By waiting out the Soviet Union? Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.

Lots of people helped vote Obama into office (another Boomer) but if you want to lay it at the feet of Millennials have at it.

Not to worry though, my generation will find a find way to pick up the pieces of the Baby Boomer's fuck ups.
Baby boomers helped build this country. But they also had a lot of flaws.. Which, was inevitable..
That's just part of it. You live and learn. What people SHOULD be pissed about is when people
(baby boomers AND younger generations) ignore history. Insanity isn't a solution to anything. Unless you are fuckin insane.
They also saddled us with crushing debt and declining wages despite the fact that we are more productive than ever. Don't get me wrong, I am not hating on all Baby Boomers but blaming the younger generation for many of the problems created by that generation is silly. Besides, every generation thinks the generations that succeeds them are unethical, greedier, and, less productive than they were. Most of that poppycock is simply rose-colored glasses.
I don't think that "blaming" the younger generations is productive but the fact of the matter is they need to wake up and realize that attempting to utilize the force of government to re-fashion society to their liking is a dead end, society is just fine, they (younger generations) are just symptoms of the problem, they're the ones that need to change their ways, else they'll just repeat the mistakes of the Baby Boomers only at a greater intensity and magnitude.

"I'm starting with the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways, And no message could have been any clearer, If you want to make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change
" -- Michael Jackson, Man in the Mirror

Which is why more of the younger generation is affiliating less and less with the two party system as neither have the real answer to our problems. Democrats and Republicans are only concerned about their side winning the election and once they get elected they do jack and shit to address our problems. It is why I became a libertarian ages ago. I am huge fan of smaller government and less military intervention across the world, none of which seem to interest either party.
Baby boomers helped build this country. But they also had a lot of flaws.. Which, was inevitable..
That's just part of it. You live and learn. What people SHOULD be pissed about is when people
(baby boomers AND younger generations) ignore history. Insanity isn't a solution to anything. Unless you are fuckin insane.

No doubt. My generation is far from blame but I get tired of these smug lectures from Boomers whom act blameless in all this mess.
No kidding. this generation of kids/young adults has become part of our problems. they think they are Entitled. Of course that sign looks like it came from someone in the OWS. that doesn't say much for them if they fell for their line of BS

The sheer irony of this post is astounding. Who doesn't love being smugly lectured by one the greediest generations to ever to exist in our nation, the Baby Boomers. Too funny. You're generation saddled mine with crushing debt that neither party addressed and yet you'll shit all over the younger generations. :lol:

Not too worry. We'll pick up the pieces of your generation's shit show.
LOL. The Baby Boomers defeated the Soviet Union and built the Internet. Millenials helped vote in Barack Obama and now are stumping for Bernie Sanders.
Millenials are the shittiest generation in a long time. Self-entitled arrogant creeps who think the world owes them while they inveigh against big corporations on their iPads and other Apple products on Facebook and Twiiter.

How? By waiting out the Soviet Union? Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.

Lots of people helped vote Obama into office (another Boomer) but if you want to lay it at the feet of Millennials have at it.

Not to worry though, my generation will find a find way to pick up the pieces of the Baby Boomer's fuck ups.
Wow, you don't much about history, do you?

Yes there were lots of culprits for the Obama-fiasco. And they are mostly getting their just desserts in the form of lower wages and less opportunity.
Your generation will fix these problems by voting in onling polls and sharing Facebook posts with each other.
No kidding. this generation of kids/young adults has become part of our problems. they think they are Entitled. Of course that sign looks like it came from someone in the OWS. that doesn't say much for them if they fell for their line of BS

The sheer irony of this post is astounding. Who doesn't love being smugly lectured by one the greediest generations to ever to exist in our nation, the Baby Boomers. Too funny. You're generation saddled mine with crushing debt that neither party addressed and yet you'll shit all over the younger generations. :lol:

Not too worry. We'll pick up the pieces of your generation's shit show.
LOL. The Baby Boomers defeated the Soviet Union and built the Internet. Millenials helped vote in Barack Obama and now are stumping for Bernie Sanders.
Millenials are the shittiest generation in a long time. Self-entitled arrogant creeps who think the world owes them while they inveigh against big corporations on their iPads and other Apple products on Facebook and Twiiter.

How? By waiting out the Soviet Union? Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.

Lots of people helped vote Obama into office (another Boomer) but if you want to lay it at the feet of Millennials have at it.

Not to worry though, my generation will find a find way to pick up the pieces of the Baby Boomer's fuck ups.
Wow, you don't much about history, do you?

Yes there were lots of culprits for the Obama-fiasco. And they are mostly getting their just desserts in the form of lower wages and less opportunity.
Your generation will fix these problems by voting in onling polls and sharing Facebook posts with each other.
Not considering your generation is the one that gave us the corporatism everyone is rebelling against today? :/
No kidding. this generation of kids/young adults has become part of our problems. they think they are Entitled. Of course that sign looks like it came from someone in the OWS. that doesn't say much for them if they fell for their line of BS

The sheer irony of this post is astounding. Who doesn't love being smugly lectured by one the greediest generations to ever to exist in our nation, the Baby Boomers. Too funny. You're generation saddled mine with crushing debt that neither party addressed and yet you'll shit all over the younger generations. :lol:

Not too worry. We'll pick up the pieces of your generation's shit show.
LOL. The Baby Boomers defeated the Soviet Union and built the Internet. Millenials helped vote in Barack Obama and now are stumping for Bernie Sanders.
Millenials are the shittiest generation in a long time. Self-entitled arrogant creeps who think the world owes them while they inveigh against big corporations on their iPads and other Apple products on Facebook and Twiiter.

How? By waiting out the Soviet Union? Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.

Lots of people helped vote Obama into office (another Boomer) but if you want to lay it at the feet of Millennials have at it.

Not to worry though, my generation will find a find way to pick up the pieces of the Baby Boomer's fuck ups.
Wow, you don't much about history, do you?

Yes there were lots of culprits for the Obama-fiasco. And they are mostly getting their just desserts in the form of lower wages and less opportunity.
Your generation will fix these problems by voting in onling polls and sharing Facebook posts with each other.

Our debt has been increasing and wages have been declining for decades, regardless of which party occupies the White House. Hooray for Republicans and Democrats! Don't forget to vote for X b/c this time it will be different. Promise.

You'll have to excuse me if I take your lectures on History with a very small grain of salt.
My only question is when Bernie is finished with the rich who will he target next, where will all the money come from? I guess we will fire up the printers? Without those 1%'s and the rich to kick around who will they then blame? As for Trump he has to keep his foot out of his mouth and contain his ego, odds are he will succumb to the consequences of his own making. Sad to say I may once again refrain from voting.

there it is. they eventually run out of the riches money and then who do come to next? you can't get that thought these people heads. all they have do is look at other Socialist countries. but it seems many now finds that glamour's. Freedoms and Free people that will be long gone
No kidding. this generation of kids/young adults has become part of our problems. they think they are Entitled. Of course that sign looks like it came from someone in the OWS. that doesn't say much for them if they fell for their line of BS

The sheer irony of this post is astounding. Who doesn't love being smugly lectured by one the greediest generations to ever to exist in our nation, the Baby Boomers. Too funny. You're generation saddled mine with crushing debt that neither party addressed and yet you'll shit all over the younger generations. :lol:

Not too worry. We'll pick up the pieces of your generation's shit show.
LOL. The Baby Boomers defeated the Soviet Union and built the Internet. Millenials helped vote in Barack Obama and now are stumping for Bernie Sanders.
Millenials are the shittiest generation in a long time. Self-entitled arrogant creeps who think the world owes them while they inveigh against big corporations on their iPads and other Apple products on Facebook and Twiiter.

How? By waiting out the Soviet Union? Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.

Lots of people helped vote Obama into office (another Boomer) but if you want to lay it at the feet of Millennials have at it.

Not to worry though, my generation will find a find way to pick up the pieces of the Baby Boomer's fuck ups.
Wow, you don't much about history, do you?

Yes there were lots of culprits for the Obama-fiasco. And they are mostly getting their just desserts in the form of lower wages and less opportunity.
Your generation will fix these problems by voting in onling polls and sharing Facebook posts with each other.
Not considering your generation is the one that gave us the corporatism everyone is rebelling against today? :/
Yeah there were no corporations prior to 1945
The sheer irony of this post is astounding. Who doesn't love being smugly lectured by one the greediest generations to ever to exist in our nation, the Baby Boomers. Too funny. You're generation saddled mine with crushing debt that neither party addressed and yet you'll shit all over the younger generations. :lol:

Not too worry. We'll pick up the pieces of your generation's shit show.
LOL. The Baby Boomers defeated the Soviet Union and built the Internet. Millenials helped vote in Barack Obama and now are stumping for Bernie Sanders.
Millenials are the shittiest generation in a long time. Self-entitled arrogant creeps who think the world owes them while they inveigh against big corporations on their iPads and other Apple products on Facebook and Twiiter.

How? By waiting out the Soviet Union? Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.

Lots of people helped vote Obama into office (another Boomer) but if you want to lay it at the feet of Millennials have at it.

Not to worry though, my generation will find a find way to pick up the pieces of the Baby Boomer's fuck ups.
Wow, you don't much about history, do you?

Yes there were lots of culprits for the Obama-fiasco. And they are mostly getting their just desserts in the form of lower wages and less opportunity.
Your generation will fix these problems by voting in onling polls and sharing Facebook posts with each other.
Not considering your generation is the one that gave us the corporatism everyone is rebelling against today? :/
Yeah there were no corporations prior to 1945
I am sorry all, but I think we are to hard on today's generation as far as what they think. Hell, we sent them to lefty universities because we were told that was the thing to do. They come out of school, many with tons of debt and are pissed. Why shouldn't they be?

Not to mention, the young people have a much smaller time frame to look at than we do. They had GW and Obungles! That is supposed to give them confidence in the political system? If that was the only two Presidents you could personally remember, would you not be cynical too!

And then, instead of many people saying, (hint, hint) look at the Reagan and Clinton economy, that is what we want, both sides attack the others President. When they look online, they have total opposite views presented to them of both, throw their hands in the air, and wonder why they can never get a straight answer. And when a straight answer is given to them, their heads are so full of propaganda from all these people, they can't discern if it is the truth or not so dismiss it!

If you have children or grandchildren, they are being shortchanged. Neither side wants to take any blame, nor give any credit. You would think one side is the devil, and the other is Dracula. How do we expect our people of any age that are not aware, what the truth is with so much nonsense going around?

And then, and then, most kids are taught to respect teachers. If they go to said teachers and ask them, (or professors) what kind of answer do you think they are going to get? And honestly, their thought process is accurate. CONSIDER: My parents pay big bucks to send me to this school (or pay big taxes) to learn something. Since they do that, why should I think they would give me a wrong answer!

No, these younger people need a little nurturing, not disrespect. It is better to pose the truth as a logical question to them, which you already know the answer to, and let them draw reasonable conclusions themselves. To tell them a conservative should be President because Hillary is a criminal is not a logical statement to anyone under 30. That is what we must learn, and there is no promise they will see it your way, but at least you will get them thinking, which is exactly what Socialists fear!
1/17/16 Democratic Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders took a break from yelling at clouds long enough to release his tax plan today, and it’s, how should I put this…aggressive.

A comparison of rates of Sanders plan vs Trump's plan.....
Bernie Sanders Releases Tax Plan, Nation's Rich Recoil In Horror
Actually everyone including the working power should recoil in horror. Do his supporters realize he would tax everyone more than Trump including people who make 0 a18,500, 18,550-75,300 & 75,300-151,000.

It was actually not as bad as I thought it would be.

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