Bernie Sanders Releases Tax Plan, Nation's Rich Recoil In Horror

Jobs overseas are never coming back and if they did employers would expect workers to accept meager unfair wages like $12 which no adult should ever accept. Can't survive in it.
Jobs overseas are never coming back and if they did employers would expect workers to accept meager unfair wages like $12 which no adult should ever accept. Can't survive in it.
Why? Throw the wage out there. If someone is willing to work for it and they can do the job, why not?
Jobs overseas are never coming back and if they did employers would expect workers to accept meager unfair wages like $12 which no adult should ever accept. Can't survive in it.
Those jobs shouldn't come back. We should not be educating our kids to be piecework shirtmakers or automaker assembly line workers.

That's now how America works and thrives. As soon as the idiots remember this and stop pining for old, low tech jobs; then we can move forward again.
Jobs overseas are never coming back and if they did employers would expect workers to accept meager unfair wages like $12 which no adult should ever accept. Can't survive in it.
Those jobs shouldn't come back. We should not be educating our kids to be piecework shirtmakers or automaker assembly line workers.

That's now how America works and thrives. As soon as the idiots remember this and stop pining for old, low tech jobs; then we can move forward again.

Ever meet anyone that wasn't going to be a scientist?
Unfortunately, there are plenty of humans with IQs less than 100 that STILL need to eat.
$12 per hour means at the end if the week a person hasn't earned anything. Yes we want to resemble China.
The OP defends the rich. He must be very rich, indeed.

The liberal elite defend the rich. Then again, maybe if Sanders has his way, we won't have to watch Hollywood float around in their yachts or fly their corporate jets to wag their fingers at hard working Americans for driving an SUV.
The OP defends the rich. He must be very rich, indeed.

The liberal elite defend the rich. Then again, maybe if Sanders has his way, we won't have to watch Hollywood float around in their yachts or fly their corporate jets to wag their fingers at hard working Americans for driving an SUV.
When's the last time an entertainer lobbied Congress to replace Americans with Business Visas?
Jobs overseas are never coming back and if they did employers would expect workers to accept meager unfair wages like $12 which no adult should ever accept. Can't survive in it.
Those jobs shouldn't come back. We should not be educating our kids to be piecework shirtmakers or automaker assembly line workers.

That's now how America works and thrives. As soon as the idiots remember this and stop pining for old, low tech jobs; then we can move forward again.

Ever meet anyone that wasn't going to be a scientist?
Unfortunately, there are plenty of humans with IQs less than 100 that STILL need to eat.
We have always had people with below average IQs and still managed to be the country that had the most innovation and advanced tech in the world.

Wages aren't going to go up significantly until the two billion Indians and Chinese who entered the global market work force a couple decades ago are absorbed, and until China is able to turn their economy into one that is not driven by exports but by internal consumption.

That could take another generation or two.
Jobs overseas are never coming back and if they did employers would expect workers to accept meager unfair wages like $12 which no adult should ever accept. Can't survive in it.
Those jobs shouldn't come back. We should not be educating our kids to be piecework shirtmakers or automaker assembly line workers.

That's now how America works and thrives. As soon as the idiots remember this and stop pining for old, low tech jobs; then we can move forward again.

Ever meet anyone that wasn't going to be a scientist?
Unfortunately, there are plenty of humans with IQs less than 100 that STILL need to eat.
We have always had people with below average IQs and still managed to be the country that had the most innovation and advanced tech in the world.

Wages aren't going to go up significantly until the two billion Indians and Chinese who entered the global market work force a couple decades ago are absorbed, and until China is able to turn their economy into one that is not driven by exports but by internal consumption.

That could take another generation or two.

I heard the Indian and Chinese argument back in 2000 about the world being a better place in 10-20 years.
Guess what...I call cheap labor, A Land of 1,000 Castes and a Totalitarian society what they are.
They have replaced a significant number of Americans in the workforce and have yet to prove they can sustain themselves in any meaningful manner.
And they're certainly NOT sustaining us.
Oh, dearie me... taxing the rich... chasing after foreign assets... my, my, my... shocking...
Nice to see him follow my suggestion :rolleyes-41: of adding margins, since income has spread out so far.

Lower top end marginal rate than I would have thought. Not catastrophic. Surprising.

Now, do the numbers work?
Oh, dearie me... taxing the rich... chasing after foreign assets... my, my, my... shocking...
Yeah because that works out so well every time it's tried, right?
Beats me...

Increasing taxes as one works one's way up the food chain makes good sense...

Taxing the shit out of sheltered assets overseas makes even better sense...

Using high tariffs to level the playing field with slave-wages countries like China and India et al makes excellent sense...

Forcing jobs back on-shore and re-establishing our manufacturing and research base makes the best sense of all...

Within the realm of those four observations, the only macro-level difference that I've seen so far between Donald and Bernie is with the first one - taxes on the rich...

And, frankly, there are so few rich, that the Average American really doesn't give a shit about that, other than to de-fang the One Percent to some extent...

Just sayin'...
Look, all the things socialist want the government to do cost big bucks.

and that money has to come from somewhere.

Amazingly, there are more ways to gain it if you use a little creativity. For instance,

the government buy and hold stocks and other investment tools(State Capitalism)

the government simplify its tax codes and closing loopholes

The government raise fee rates.

Also, the socialist only focus on those programs for people that need help instead of everyone.
If somehow Bernie and Trump are the two last standing it will be a very interesting debate, the capitalist vs the socialist. Only a few short years ago it would have been no contest, these days it isn't a given when so many now are dependents and have been propagandized into a stupor.
The OP defends the rich. He must be very rich, indeed.
I guess that means since you support welfare and those leaching off of others for their health care and daily living needs, you must be the biggest welfare fraud case there is?
I figured that.

Liberals don't apply the same standards to themselves or their own. Yesterday, some Liberal moron, sorry for being redundant, said since David Duke, former KKK member endorsed Trump, Trump must be a member. When I asked if he applied that same standard to Obama being a communist since the communist party endorsed him, he went into something about shaking hands and agreeing. I informed him that I didn't have an opinion either way on either one but was curious whether or not he applied the same standard to someone he supports. Nothing from him. I also asked him since Robert Byrd, former KKK member, supported Obama did he apply the same standard to Obama as he did Trump. Nothing again.

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