Bernie Sanders Releases Tax Plan, Nation's Rich Recoil In Horror

The crazy homeless guy who stands on a street corner with a bullhorn has a tax plan that is less insane. :laugh:
He has stated on numerous occasions that his initial Tax Plan will be modified as the economy improves.
But then again, I actually listened to him for an hour.

Bernie says a lot of things, anyone with two brain cells knows he's out of touch and his grand scheme is unworkable

I disagree.
Blue & White Collar employment lost.
Investment in companies staying in the US lost.
Rewarding companies and investors for sending money away.
And this is SMART?

Yeah 28 trillion alone for his pie in the sky healthcare? LOL He's nuts

I don't agree with his notion that Health Care should be free.
Companies used to offer their employees that as a benefit.
And most still do offer it.
The bad part is Obamacare has made that much more expensive and difficult for employers to offer their own insurance plans to their workers.
He has stated on numerous occasions that his initial Tax Plan will be modified as the economy improves.
But then again, I actually listened to him for an hour.

Bernie says a lot of things, anyone with two brain cells knows he's out of touch and his grand scheme is unworkable

I disagree.
Blue & White Collar employment lost.
Investment in companies staying in the US lost.
Rewarding companies and investors for sending money away.
And this is SMART?

Yeah 28 trillion alone for his pie in the sky healthcare? LOL He's nuts

I don't agree with his notion that Health Care should be free.
Companies used to offer their employees that as a benefit.
And most still do offer it.
The bad part is Obamacare has made that much more expensive and difficult for employers to offer their own insurance plans to their workers.

United Health Group announced they expect to lose 1 billion dollars due to Obunglescare. Companies won't sit still for those types of losses
Bernie says a lot of things, anyone with two brain cells knows he's out of touch and his grand scheme is unworkable

I disagree.
Blue & White Collar employment lost.
Investment in companies staying in the US lost.
Rewarding companies and investors for sending money away.
And this is SMART?

Yeah 28 trillion alone for his pie in the sky healthcare? LOL He's nuts

I don't agree with his notion that Health Care should be free.
Companies used to offer their employees that as a benefit.
And most still do offer it.
The bad part is Obamacare has made that much more expensive and difficult for employers to offer their own insurance plans to their workers.

United Health Group announced they expect to lose 1 billion dollars due to Obunglescare. Companies won't sit still for those types of losses

How dare they not suck up the billion dollar loss, why that's unpatriotic, that's racist, what are they a bunch of right wingers, talk about inequality, they hate poor people and minorities, and women, and the environment, I'm calling Bernie we need to occupy United Health Groups parking lot.
Let us face it folks------>some of these people should be unceremoniously laughed off this thread! They are actually attempting to tell you that your way of life SUCKS, and that Russia and Cuba have it better! And they have been doing the SOCIALISM thing for a very long time, and am sure have perfected it, lol.

Come ON! Laugh at these people, or do you really want to live like Cuba, Venezuela, and Russia do?

I see the Hildabeast camp has called Sanders a socialist whackadoodle. They finally got something right

That is correct Sassy! Hey, just a question. I know it is a hard one, you might have to research it, and for that I apologize.

QUESTION---------> Didn't that wonderful, former country known as the "Union of Soviet SOCIALISTS Republic" actually have to build a wall to keep their people in, while WE are contemplating having to build a wall to keep ILLEGAL people out?

I am kinda confused on that one with reading all these posts from lefties how wonderful SOCIALISM is. Maybe you could clarify-)
The Soviet Union was NOT Socialist.

It was not even truly COMMUNIST.

It was a dictatorship.

And here's a little tid-bit you wlll find few other places.

The Soviet Union has been invaded multiple times during it's history and they are paranoid about being invaded again.

The old Soviet Union put up to 80% of the GNP in MILITARY because of their fear of being invaded and taken over.

If they had invested in CONSUMER GOODS instead of so much MILITARY, they < WOULD > have buried us.

It is a larger country with more natural resources than America has.

The downfall of the Soviet Union was caused by internal dissent caused by the fact they put most of their money in DEFENSE instead of CONSUMER GOODS.

The Chinese learned THEIR lesson from watching the Soviet Union and the Chinese are KICKING OUR ASS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT.

Just because they < called > themselves Communists, doesn't mean they were.

And there are Socialist countries with a higher standard of living and better health care than America.

At least there were until they let in the Middle East Rapefugees. Now they are having LOTS of problems but those problems aren't attributable to Socialism but to TERRORISM / RELIGIOUS FANATACISM.
Ah yes "socialism failed because we didnt do it enough.
The old excuse.
No kidding. this generation of kids/young adults has become part of our problems. they think they are Entitled. Of course that sign looks like it came from someone in the OWS. that doesn't say much for them if they fell for their line of BS

The sheer irony of this post is astounding. Who doesn't love being smugly lectured by one the greediest generations to ever to exist in our nation, the Baby Boomers. Too funny. You're generation saddled mine with crushing debt that neither party addressed and yet you'll shit all over the younger generations. :lol:

Not too worry. We'll pick up the pieces of your generation's shit show.
He has stated on numerous occasions that his initial Tax Plan will be modified as the economy improves.
Well that should be an easy task.

"Any changes yet Bernie?"
"I'll get back to you as soon as this massive depression ends"

You mean like jobs actually coming back to the US?
Nah! Can't have THAT!
Uh-huh, I'm sure ole Bernie's schemes will "create" tens of millions of new jobs; on the down side, a job standing in the soup line isn't all that it's cracked up to be.

I guess you aren't aware of how many White Collar jobs have been shipped away?
No; I presume you wouldn't.
Which white collar jobs? Be specific.
Whichever they were, they were the wrong ones, we need to ship all the "white collar" jobs of the politicians and bureaucrats in Washington D.C. "away" ... preferably to another planet. ;)

"Socialism proposes no adequate substitute for the motive of enlightened selfishness that today is at the basis of all human labor and effort, enterprise and new activity." -- William Howard Taft
No kidding. this generation of kids/young adults has become part of our problems. they think they are Entitled. Of course that sign looks like it came from someone in the OWS. that doesn't say much for them if they fell for their line of BS

The sheer irony of this post is astounding. Who doesn't love being smugly lectured by one the greediest generations to ever to exist in our nation, the Baby Boomers. Too funny. You're generation saddled mine with crushing debt that neither party addressed and yet you'll shit all over the younger generations. :lol:

Not too worry. We'll pick up the pieces of your generation's shit show.

Baby Boomers are one the greediest generations ever to exist in our nation, yes, they're also one of the most productive, entrepreneurial and inventive ever to exist. They became great producers and even greater consumers, unfortunately they seem to have lost much of their parents principles and ethics along the way.

Even more unfortunate; the succeeding generations are even more unprincipled, more unethical, greedier, less productive and more hyper-consumer oriented than the Baby Boomers were.

the problem today. So many of the Entitled/lazy/don't care if they live off the backs of others/taxpayers. Many years ago in the 50's 60's a person would rather cut off their arm and leg than go on any government assistance. today they brag about it. laugh in our face.
I'm not 'rich' yet Bernie wants to increase my taxes, hey Bernie :fu:
You don't have to be "rich" for the gub'mint worshippers to target you for their thievery, all you have to do is have something that they want and in their opinion don't deserve.

"All socialism involves slavery." -- Herbert Spencer
No kidding. this generation of kids/young adults has become part of our problems. they think they are Entitled. Of course that sign looks like it came from someone in the OWS. that doesn't say much for them if they fell for their line of BS

The sheer irony of this post is astounding. Who doesn't love being smugly lectured by one the greediest generations to ever to exist in our nation, the Baby Boomers. Too funny. You're generation saddled mine with crushing debt that neither party addressed and yet you'll shit all over the younger generations. :lol:

Not too worry. We'll pick up the pieces of your generation's shit show.

Baby Boomers are one the greediest generations ever to exist in our nation, yes, they're also one of the most productive, entrepreneurial and inventive ever to exist. They became great producers and even greater consumers, unfortunately they seem to have lost much of their parents principles and ethics along the way.

Even more unfortunate; the succeeding generations are even more unprincipled, more unethical, greedier, less productive and more hyper-consumer oriented than the Baby Boomers were.

I don't know if I'd call it greedy as they grew up with a lot less. And I'm a boomer. And then all these new fangled, make life easier for you came around. but It did have an effect on our children and if parents weren't up on it. My two kid showed some signs of it. My oldest just getting ready to get into the work force and would turn his nose up at working fast food. Unless you are this brilliant thing a company would want at that age, where else do you start building your Resume? the old saying you have to WORK your way UP still goes in life no matter their big dreams. He got it finally. Now my 22 year old is going through it. he'll learn too, the hard way in the Real life. lol
No kidding. this generation of kids/young adults has become part of our problems. they think they are Entitled. Of course that sign looks like it came from someone in the OWS. that doesn't say much for them if they fell for their line of BS

The sheer irony of this post is astounding. Who doesn't love being smugly lectured by one the greediest generations to ever to exist in our nation, the Baby Boomers. Too funny. You're generation saddled mine with crushing debt that neither party addressed and yet you'll shit all over the younger generations. :lol:

Not too worry. We'll pick up the pieces of your generation's shit show.

Baby Boomers are one the greediest generations ever to exist in our nation, yes, they're also one of the most productive, entrepreneurial and inventive ever to exist. They became great producers and even greater consumers, unfortunately they seem to have lost much of their parents principles and ethics along the way.

Even more unfortunate; the succeeding generations are even more unprincipled, more unethical, greedier, less productive and more hyper-consumer oriented than the Baby Boomers were.

They also saddled us with crushing debt and declining wages despite the fact that we are more productive than ever. Don't get me wrong, I am not hating on all Baby Boomers but blaming the younger generation for many of the problems created by that generation is silly. Besides, every generation thinks the generations that succeeds them are unethical, greedier, and, less productive than they were. Most of that poppycock is simply rose-colored glasses.
No kidding. this generation of kids/young adults has become part of our problems. they think they are Entitled. Of course that sign looks like it came from someone in the OWS. that doesn't say much for them if they fell for their line of BS

The sheer irony of this post is astounding. Who doesn't love being smugly lectured by one the greediest generations to ever to exist in our nation, the Baby Boomers. Too funny. You're generation saddled mine with crushing debt that neither party addressed and yet you'll shit all over the younger generations. :lol:

Not too worry. We'll pick up the pieces of your generation's shit show.
LOL. The Baby Boomers defeated the Soviet Union and built the Internet. Millenials helped vote in Barack Obama and now are stumping for Bernie Sanders.
Millenials are the shittiest generation in a long time. Self-entitled arrogant creeps who think the world owes them while they inveigh against big corporations on their iPads and other Apple products on Facebook and Twiiter.
No kidding. this generation of kids/young adults has become part of our problems. they think they are Entitled. Of course that sign looks like it came from someone in the OWS. that doesn't say much for them if they fell for their line of BS

The sheer irony of this post is astounding. Who doesn't love being smugly lectured by one the greediest generations to ever to exist in our nation, the Baby Boomers. Too funny. You're generation saddled mine with crushing debt that neither party addressed and yet you'll shit all over the younger generations. :lol:

Not too worry. We'll pick up the pieces of your generation's shit show.
LOL. The Baby Boomers defeated the Soviet Union and built the Internet. Millenials helped vote in Barack Obama and now are stumping for Bernie Sanders.
Millenials are the shittiest generation in a long time. Self-entitled arrogant creeps who think the world owes them while they inveigh against big corporations on their iPads and other Apple products on Facebook and Twiiter.

Mdk being his usual, I know it all stuck up jerk ? what a shocker. he's become nothing more than a troll really.
I don't agree with his notion that Health Care should be free.
Companies used to offer their employees that as a benefit.

They still do, and employer-sponsored health insurance is one of the main causes of rising health care costs.
It would cut out your private insurance payments, costing you less.

My husband's firm pays 100% of our insurance, you're barking up the wrong tree....and I have no intentions of paying for yours
Under single payer healthcare, the owner of your husband's business would no longer have to buy insurance, thus bringing the owner a huge savings.

Also, the insurance benefit your husband receives is at the expense of his take-home pay. The money spent on his insurance premiums is money he could have been receiving as income instead.

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