Bernie Sander's Rhetoric Is No Different Than Trumps....Only Bernie Wants To Punish America


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Jul 21, 2009

Bernie appeals to a specific type of voter......the "Hate America" voter. This is why so many show up to his events. He wants to punish America....and there's a specific group that thinks this is a good thing. College kids, foreigners, La Raza, illegal Democrats, anyone who hates America loves Bernie's Marxist rhetoric.

What does BS stand for? Perpetually higher taxes and ever increasing spending.

Sounds good to someone who's head is full of mush.

September 15, 2015
Sanders served up a pile of BS at Liberty University
By Thomas Lifson

Bernie Sanders is getting a lot of credit for supposedly stepping into the lion’s den at Liberty University. In fact, the students at that evangelical university founded by Jerry Falwell are far more polite and well-behaved than their counterparts at most other campuses. There was zero danger of disruption, but the media swells who gushed over his courage do not know much about Liberty and its standards of conduct. As I type this, Mike Barnicle on Morning Joe is calling the speech “Incredible … just incredible.” Mika Brzezinski (of course) echoed him. Eugene Robinson, the Pulitzer Prize-winner of the WaPo, called it “powerful.” (For some reason, everyone is calling it “Liberty College” when, in fact, it is well-known as Liberty University. Is this a way of demoting it?)

So Bernie took advantage of his audience’s politeness and served up a bunch of sound bites intended for television viewers and his base (and for media lefties).

John Hinderaker of Powerline is made of harder metal than these softheads, and he lays out how much BS was purveyed by Sanders. It is truly a must-read, for it exposes the lazy leftist snake oil being peddled. A couple of excerpts:

I am far, far from being a perfect human being, but I am motivated by a vision, which exists in all of the great religions, in Christianity, in Judaism, in Islam and Buddhism, and other religions.

And that vision is so beautifully and clearly stated in Matthew 7:12, and it states, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them to do to you, for this sums up the war and the prophets.”
Bullshit. Islam does not teach that Muslims should do unto infidels as they would have infidels do unto them. The idea that the Golden Rule sums up the universal wisdom of religious faith is very silly, but is commonly held by non-religious people.


People should not be dying in the United States of America when they are sick.

What that is, is an indication that we are the only major country on earth that does not guarantee health care to all people as a right, and I think we should change that.
Bullshit. Sorry to break it to you, Bernie, but some sick people do die, even in socialist countries. Actually, for better or worse, the U.S. does guarantee health care to all people. Hospitals can’t turn anyone away, and poor people are on Medicaid. People who live in countries with socialized medicine come here for treatment if they are really sick, and if they can afford it. Let me know when residents of Rochester, Minnesota are booking flights to London so they can participate in Great Britain’s wonderful National Health Service.

Blog: Sanders served up a pile of BS at Liberty University

Robert Knight - Bernie Sanders’ Siren Song of Socialism

Bernie Sanders Supporters Look at Costly Proposals and See Money Well Spent
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Conservatives in general want to boost America by getting government out of their way (restrict govt to only its necessary functions of protecting liberties) and letting them achieve as much as each person can.

Liberals in general want to "boost" America by restricting the ones who do more and accomplish more, so that they don't exceed the people who do less.

"Punishing Americans" is an unfortunately accurate way of describing what liberals (Democrats) do, whether they originally intended to or not.
Conservatives in general want to boost America by getting government out of their way (restrict govt to only its necessary functions of protecting liberties) and letting them achieve as much as each person can.

Liberals in general want to "boost" America by restricting the ones who do more and accomplish more, so that they don't exceed the people who do less.

"Punishing Americans" is an unfortunately accurate way of describing what liberals (Democrats) do, whether they originally intended to or not.
Hilarious, get the federal gubment out of the way and in 50 years you morons will be whining about the state government being tyrannical.
Hilarious, get the federal gubment out of the way and in 50 years you morons will be whining about the state government being tyrannical.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute what you said, but I hate it anyway. So I'll make up something silly with no reason to believe it and no cites or references, and pretend it's true, and bash you for that instead while smearing you and calling you names.
Conservatives in general want to boost America by getting government out of their way (restrict govt to only its necessary functions of protecting liberties) and letting them achieve as much as each person can.

Liberals in general want to "boost" America by restricting the ones who do more and accomplish more, so that they don't exceed the people who do less.

"Punishing Americans" is an unfortunately accurate way of describing what liberals (Democrats) do, whether they originally intended to or not.
Hilarious, get the federal gubment out of the way and in 50 years you morons will be whining about the state government being tyrannical.
One asshole at a time
Conservatives in general want to boost America by getting government out of their way (restrict govt to only its necessary functions of protecting liberties) and letting them achieve as much as each person can.

Liberals in general want to "boost" America by restricting the ones who do more and accomplish more, so that they don't exceed the people who do less.

"Punishing Americans" is an unfortunately accurate way of describing what liberals (Democrats) do, whether they originally intended to or not.
Hilarious, get the federal gubment out of the way and in 50 years you morons will be whining about the state government being tyrannical.
One asshole at a time

How is Bernie playing in your country? Is your opinion as a foreigner representative?

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