Bernie Sanders says he wants to "redistribute wealth". But what does that really mean?

He's peddling snake oil to the gullible.

Which part of his plan do you not understand? Be specific.

Go to his web site which I have done often. Look at his issues. Click on an issue. He outlines what he considers an issue then at the bottom of that page, he outlines what he'll do to fix it. Then ask yourself how he's going to accomplish those plans under our form of government. How?

Without dictatorial powers backed up by force, he couldn't impose these "plans" on our economy and society. It's all pie-in-the-sky platitudes. They don't bear scrutiny.

Here's an example: On income inequality, Bernie lists 13 ways he'll reduce how wealth is distributed. Here's just one that I've broken down:

Demanding that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share in taxes.
--Demand all you want Bernie. That's not getting laws passed.

As president, Sen. Sanders will stop corporations from shifting their profits and jobs overseas to avoid paying U.S. income taxes.
-Those profits are private property. People and corporations can do what they want with their own private property.
-A privately owned business can move jobs wherever it find the best return on its investment.

He will create a progressive estate tax on the top 0.3 percent of Americans who inherit more than $3.5 million.
-Taxing the same assets twice. It was taxed when it was earned. This policy is suggested over and over and it is repeatedly pointed out that it would wipe out family farms and small businesses. Congress ignores these warnings at their own peril. Wouldn't pass.

He will also enact a tax on Wall Street speculators who caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes, and life savings.
Like the guys who manage your 401k and IRA? That's taking a percentage of money out of your retirement. Won't pass.

Fantasy land.

If Bernie's vision is so great, why hasn't it been tried before? Oh yea. It has.
Its strange...when the politicians give everything to the rich and corporations they want so the top 1% own 90% of the money, thats good nation building, not, but when a politician want to pay ppl better so they can have a life and family and live well, u know, take some back for the working ppl.... thats not ok. Hmmmm.
but when a politician want to pay ppl better so they can have a life and family and live well, u know, take some back for the working ppl.... thats not ok. Hmmmm.

The politicians don't pay the people. Businesses do.

Hard concept I know but try to remember that next time a politician promises you something. He's promising something that is owned by someone else. When he gets elected and can't deliver, he'll just make up some excuse and continue enjoying the perks of office.

Bernie's never had a job outside of government. He's been slurping from the government trough since 1981.
This is the latest installation of liberals and other socialists saying they want to "redistribute" the wealth in this country. But that implies that the wealth was "distributed" by someone to us all in the first place, and maybe that someone did a bad job and the liberal socialists think they can do it better.

But wealth was never "distributed" to any of us, except maybe by welfare clerks to various indigent persons. But the $100 that's in my wallet now, wasn't distributed to me by anyone. A guy with a car and I made an agreement: I'd tune up his car and fix a few things on it, and he'd pay me $100 to do it. I tuned it up, changed the oil, and replaced two squeaking belts that were badly worn. He's happy, now it starts easier, gets better gas mileage, and doesn't make weird sounds as he drives. He'd much rather have a car that drives like this, than have the $100; and I'd much rather have the $100 and don't mind getting my hands dirty to do something I do well.

Nobody "distributed" anything to either one of us. He and I made a deal, both of us gave the other something of value, both of us are happy with the outcome.

But if our modern liberal socialists had come along just then, they might have taken the guy's $100, and the guy couldn't have gotten me to fix his car. He'd still have a sh*tty-running car that sometimes wouldn't start, I'd be $100 poorer... which means my son would be walking 3 miles to school instead of riding the bike I was about to fix up for him. The liberal socialists want me to think that a better use was made of that $100, than we would have made of it... but when we asked them exactly what the money was used for, they can't answer the question.

People who talk about "redistributing" wealth, are lying. What they are doing, is taking something that was yours, that you earned, and telling you that (a) they know better how to use it than you do, and (b) this somehow makes it OK for them to take it from you, whether you like it or not.

These people aren't "redistributing" anything, because your money wasn't "distributed" to you in the first place. You EARNED it, and you got it because you DESERVED it, not because some uninvolved bureaucrat thought your having it would somehow be a good idea and so gave his blessing on you to receive it.

"Redistributing" is the liberal socialists' way of implying you did NOT earn your money, and so it's not really yours. And pretending that his deciding what to use your money for, is the natural order of things. Not the idea that since you earned it, YOU should decide what to use it for. They're trying to get you away from that idea.

A man who jerks you into an alley, sticks a gun in your face, and demands you give him your money or he'll blast you, is doing the same thing those liberal socialists are. The only difference is, the guy with the gun is being more honest and straightforward about it. He's not pretending you owe him anything, and not trying to get you to believe that what he's doing is "moral", and not trying to fool you into thinking that your keeping your money is eeevil.

Next time one of our liberal socialists tells you he wants to "redistribute" the wealth, remember what he's really saying. And remember that in many ways you'd be better off with somebody sticking a gun in your face.


Bernie Sanders: A "Little More Complicated" Than Just Taking Wealth From The Rich And Redistributing It

Bernie Sanders: A "Little More Complicated" Than Just Taking Wealth From The Rich And Redistributing It

Oct. 20, 2015

In an interview with Felix Salmon of Fusion, Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders explains how he would redistribute wealth back to the middle class. However, Sanders said it's "a little more complicated" than just taking wealth from the rich and redistributing it to the middle class. Sanders also proposed a wealth tax to help pay for his economic agenda.

"I think what’s happened is that there has been mass redistribution of wealth in this country for the last 30 years," Sanders said. "The problem is it’s gone from the middle class to the top one-tenth of 1%. And I think we have to redistribute it back to working families and the middle class so that they can have a decent standard of living."
It means tax the middle class more so the wealthy can get wealthier and a few scraps tossed to the welfare club.
Bernie Sanders says he wants to "redistribute wealth". But what does that really mean?

It means he has a great plan to keep his government job and perks. He knows, after being in government since 1981, he can't deliver this fantasy. He's grown used to the paycheck, the staff, the attention and the lifestyle and wants to keep it.

He means to rob you to support his lazy friends and cronies while pretending to care about the little people

No, you means that bernie wants to take back some of the bs we give to corporations and the rich and give some back to the backbone of this or ANY country...the working class...where nobody would have anything unless they made it themselves...there would be no rich cause there would be no one to man the factories so the factory owner can become wealthy on the backs of labor. Labor is the most important ingredient in nation building and we treat ours like shit.
Bernie, please recognize that federal taxes don't "pay for" things. Thanks.

Lmao. Really...well, they paid halliberton and kbr and they pay the oil companies...they paid to move our jobs to other countries....
Taxes are what drove those companies offshore, dingleheimer.
I'm sure those Directors and CEOs COULDN'T tell their employees in Congress to lower taxes.
They much prefer Low wages, Long hours and ZERO benefits.
Bernie Sanders's economic equality can only be achieved if the tax rate he proposes for his hated billionaires (90%) also applies to the non-billionaires.

For historical example Google "Soviet Union" or "Venezuela" or "Cuba".

Or you can read what his ACTUAL plan is. Have you bothered doing that?

How Bernie pays for his proposals - Bernie Sanders

LOL ...Some of his ideas are so flawed you'd have to be a twelve year old to believe they are workable.
Lmao. Really...well, they paid halliberton and kbr and they pay the oil companies...they paid to move our jobs to other countries....[/QUOTE]
Taxes are what drove those companies offshore, dingleheimer.[/QUOTE]

No. Show me your figures. Id like to see them. Talkin out of ur butt again.
What drove those traitors offshore are labor costs.If u have a company employing 1000 ppl being paid 20usd hr and because of this "global economy"(which is nothing more than...move ur company to the next third world no income 1usd a week, no epa, no taxes and no tariffs to pay when you sell ur shit to the no 1 consuming nation in the world that u just moved from), economy. Now, in this new enviroment the company pays a dollar a WEEK to the worker. How much of a saving is that? Ok, Ill do your math. It used to cost 20,000usd a week. Now it only costs 1000usd's a week. Thats a savings of 19,000usd a week. Do you think that is a little more to the point than taxes. And the corp wasnt payin taxes here anyway...lmfao. Did I help u a little?
Which part of his plan do you not understand? Be specific.

Go to his web site which I have done often. Look at his issues. Click on an issue. He outlines what he considers an issue then at the bottom of that page, he outlines what he'll do to fix it. Then ask yourself how he's going to accomplish those plans under our form of government. How?

Without dictatorial powers backed up by force, he couldn't impose these "plans" on our economy and society. It's all pie-in-the-sky platitudes. They don't bear scrutiny.

Here's an example: On income inequality, Bernie lists 13 ways he'll reduce how wealth is distributed. Here's just one that I've broken down:

Demanding that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share in taxes.
--Demand all you want Bernie. That's not getting laws passed.

As president, Sen. Sanders will stop corporations from shifting their profits and jobs overseas to avoid paying U.S. income taxes.
-Those profits are private property. People and corporations can do what they want with their own private property.
-A privately owned business can move jobs wherever it find the best return on its investment.

He will create a progressive estate tax on the top 0.3 percent of Americans who inherit more than $3.5 million.
-Taxing the same assets twice. It was taxed when it was earned. This policy is suggested over and over and it is repeatedly pointed out that it would wipe out family farms and small businesses. Congress ignores these warnings at their own peril. Wouldn't pass.

He will also enact a tax on Wall Street speculators who caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes, and life savings.
Like the guys who manage your 401k and IRA? That's taking a percentage of money out of your retirement. Won't pass.

Fantasy land.

If Bernie's vision is so great, why hasn't it been tried before? Oh yea. It has.

I like how he'll end tax cuts and subsides to fossil fuel companies.
I gotta wonder if Colonel Sanders knows how these fossil fuel companies are going to make up the difference?
Or is he depending on the stupidity of his supporters not to connect the dots?
Which part of his plan do you not understand? Be specific.

Go to his web site which I have done often. Look at his issues. Click on an issue. He outlines what he considers an issue then at the bottom of that page, he outlines what he'll do to fix it. Then ask yourself how he's going to accomplish those plans under our form of government. How?

Without dictatorial powers backed up by force, he couldn't impose these "plans" on our economy and society. It's all pie-in-the-sky platitudes. They don't bear scrutiny.

Here's an example: On income inequality, Bernie lists 13 ways he'll reduce how wealth is distributed. Here's just one that I've broken down:

Demanding that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share in taxes.
--Demand all you want Bernie. That's not getting laws passed.

As president, Sen. Sanders will stop corporations from shifting their profits and jobs overseas to avoid paying U.S. income taxes.
-Those profits are private property. People and corporations can do what they want with their own private property.
-A privately owned business can move jobs wherever it find the best return on its investment.

He will create a progressive estate tax on the top 0.3 percent of Americans who inherit more than $3.5 million.
-Taxing the same assets twice. It was taxed when it was earned. This policy is suggested over and over and it is repeatedly pointed out that it would wipe out family farms and small businesses. Congress ignores these warnings at their own peril. Wouldn't pass.

He will also enact a tax on Wall Street speculators who caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes, and life savings.
Like the guys who manage your 401k and IRA? That's taking a percentage of money out of your retirement. Won't pass.

Fantasy land.

If Bernie's vision is so great, why hasn't it been tried before? Oh yea. It has.

I like how he'll end tax cuts and subsides to fossil fuel companies.
I gotta wonder if Colonel Sanders knows how these fossil fuel companies are going to make up the difference?
Or is he depending on the stupidity of his supporters not to connect the dots?

I guess the Directors will have to sell one or two of their 20 homes.
He wants to take money from people that have worked their asses off to be successful, and give that money to those that are too lazy and stupid to do the same.

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