Bernie Sanders says he wants to "redistribute wealth". But what does that really mean?

He wants to take money from people that have worked their asses off to be successful, and give that money to those that are too lazy and stupid to do the same.

Bill Gates hasn't worked since 1998 except on Capital Hill where he keeps getting more Americans fired.
Which part of his plan do you not understand? Be specific.

Go to his web site which I have done often. Look at his issues. Click on an issue. He outlines what he considers an issue then at the bottom of that page, he outlines what he'll do to fix it. Then ask yourself how he's going to accomplish those plans under our form of government. How?

Without dictatorial powers backed up by force, he couldn't impose these "plans" on our economy and society. It's all pie-in-the-sky platitudes. They don't bear scrutiny.

Here's an example: On income inequality, Bernie lists 13 ways he'll reduce how wealth is distributed. Here's just one that I've broken down:

Demanding that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share in taxes.
--Demand all you want Bernie. That's not getting laws passed.

As president, Sen. Sanders will stop corporations from shifting their profits and jobs overseas to avoid paying U.S. income taxes.
-Those profits are private property. People and corporations can do what they want with their own private property.
-A privately owned business can move jobs wherever it find the best return on its investment.

He will create a progressive estate tax on the top 0.3 percent of Americans who inherit more than $3.5 million.
-Taxing the same assets twice. It was taxed when it was earned. This policy is suggested over and over and it is repeatedly pointed out that it would wipe out family farms and small businesses. Congress ignores these warnings at their own peril. Wouldn't pass.

He will also enact a tax on Wall Street speculators who caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes, and life savings.
Like the guys who manage your 401k and IRA? That's taking a percentage of money out of your retirement. Won't pass.

Fantasy land.

If Bernie's vision is so great, why hasn't it been tried before? Oh yea. It has.

I like how he'll end tax cuts and subsides to fossil fuel companies.
I gotta wonder if Colonel Sanders knows how these fossil fuel companies are going to make up the difference?
Or is he depending on the stupidity of his supporters not to connect the dots?

I guess the Directors will have to sell one or two of their 20 homes.'s one of those Colonel Sanders supporters I just mentioned.
A swing and a have two more strikes,and I dont give participation trophies.
Labor is the most important ingredient in nation building and we treat ours like shit.

Excellent description of how our corporate tax rate chases companies and jobs out of our country.


Keep fighting the good fight, for those poor corporations who see profits soaring. When do you start to advocate on behalf of yourself?
Which part of his plan do you not understand? Be specific.

Go to his web site which I have done often. Look at his issues. Click on an issue. He outlines what he considers an issue then at the bottom of that page, he outlines what he'll do to fix it. Then ask yourself how he's going to accomplish those plans under our form of government. How?

Without dictatorial powers backed up by force, he couldn't impose these "plans" on our economy and society. It's all pie-in-the-sky platitudes. They don't bear scrutiny.

Here's an example: On income inequality, Bernie lists 13 ways he'll reduce how wealth is distributed. Here's just one that I've broken down:

Demanding that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share in taxes.
--Demand all you want Bernie. That's not getting laws passed.

As president, Sen. Sanders will stop corporations from shifting their profits and jobs overseas to avoid paying U.S. income taxes.
-Those profits are private property. People and corporations can do what they want with their own private property.
-A privately owned business can move jobs wherever it find the best return on its investment.

He will create a progressive estate tax on the top 0.3 percent of Americans who inherit more than $3.5 million.
-Taxing the same assets twice. It was taxed when it was earned. This policy is suggested over and over and it is repeatedly pointed out that it would wipe out family farms and small businesses. Congress ignores these warnings at their own peril. Wouldn't pass.

He will also enact a tax on Wall Street speculators who caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes, and life savings.
Like the guys who manage your 401k and IRA? That's taking a percentage of money out of your retirement. Won't pass.

Fantasy land.

If Bernie's vision is so great, why hasn't it been tried before? Oh yea. It has.

I like how he'll end tax cuts and subsides to fossil fuel companies.
I gotta wonder if Colonel Sanders knows how these fossil fuel companies are going to make up the difference?
Or is he depending on the stupidity of his supporters not to connect the dots?

I guess the Directors will have to sell one or two of their 20 homes.'s one of those Colonel Sanders supporters I just mentioned.
A swing and a have two more strikes,and I dont give participation trophies.

You think I care about Portfolio Conservatives?
No more than you care about anybody but yourself.
I'll tell you what, let's put each other on Ignore right now so I no longer have to read your Low IQ postings.
Labor is the most important ingredient in nation building and we treat ours like shit.

Excellent description of how our corporate tax rate chases companies and jobs out of our country.


Keep fighting the good fight, for those poor corporations who see profits soaring. When do you start to advocate on behalf of yourself?

Done and did.
Which allowed me to retire at 46. I advocate you get off your ass and apply yourself and stop blaming others for your poor performance.
Which part of his plan do you not understand? Be specific.

Go to his web site which I have done often. Look at his issues. Click on an issue. He outlines what he considers an issue then at the bottom of that page, he outlines what he'll do to fix it. Then ask yourself how he's going to accomplish those plans under our form of government. How?

Without dictatorial powers backed up by force, he couldn't impose these "plans" on our economy and society. It's all pie-in-the-sky platitudes. They don't bear scrutiny.

Here's an example: On income inequality, Bernie lists 13 ways he'll reduce how wealth is distributed. Here's just one that I've broken down:

Demanding that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share in taxes.
--Demand all you want Bernie. That's not getting laws passed.

As president, Sen. Sanders will stop corporations from shifting their profits and jobs overseas to avoid paying U.S. income taxes.
-Those profits are private property. People and corporations can do what they want with their own private property.
-A privately owned business can move jobs wherever it find the best return on its investment.

He will create a progressive estate tax on the top 0.3 percent of Americans who inherit more than $3.5 million.
-Taxing the same assets twice. It was taxed when it was earned. This policy is suggested over and over and it is repeatedly pointed out that it would wipe out family farms and small businesses. Congress ignores these warnings at their own peril. Wouldn't pass.

He will also enact a tax on Wall Street speculators who caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes, and life savings.
Like the guys who manage your 401k and IRA? That's taking a percentage of money out of your retirement. Won't pass.

Fantasy land.

If Bernie's vision is so great, why hasn't it been tried before? Oh yea. It has.

I like how he'll end tax cuts and subsides to fossil fuel companies.
I gotta wonder if Colonel Sanders knows how these fossil fuel companies are going to make up the difference?
Or is he depending on the stupidity of his supporters not to connect the dots?

I guess the Directors will have to sell one or two of their 20 homes.'s one of those Colonel Sanders supporters I just mentioned.
A swing and a have two more strikes,and I dont give participation trophies.

You think I care about Portfolio Conservatives?
No more than you care about anybody but yourself.
I'll tell you what, let's put each other on Ignore right now so I no longer have to read your Low IQ postings.

Still cant figure it out can you?
Labor is the most important ingredient in nation building and we treat ours like shit.

Excellent description of how our corporate tax rate chases companies and jobs out of our country.


Keep fighting the good fight, for those poor corporations who see profits soaring. When do you start to advocate on behalf of yourself?

Done and did.
Which allowed me to retire at 46. I advocate you get off your ass and apply yourself and stop blaming others for your poor performance.

Oh I get it, when a republican is unemployed he's "retired", but when it's someone else he's a "moocher".

Now it all makes sense.
Labor is the most important ingredient in nation building and we treat ours like shit.

Excellent description of how our corporate tax rate chases companies and jobs out of our country.


Keep fighting the good fight, for those poor corporations who see profits soaring. When do you start to advocate on behalf of yourself?

Done and did.
Which allowed me to retire at 46. I advocate you get off your ass and apply yourself and stop blaming others for your poor performance.

Oh I get it, when a republican is unemployed he's "retired", but when it's someone else he's a "moocher".

Now it all makes sense.

Damn! Wish I posted that. Wish I THOUGHT of that!
Which part of his plan do you not understand? Be specific.

Go to his web site which I have done often. Look at his issues. Click on an issue. He outlines what he considers an issue then at the bottom of that page, he outlines what he'll do to fix it. Then ask yourself how he's going to accomplish those plans under our form of government. How?

Without dictatorial powers backed up by force, he couldn't impose these "plans" on our economy and society. It's all pie-in-the-sky platitudes. They don't bear scrutiny.

Here's an example: On income inequality, Bernie lists 13 ways he'll reduce how wealth is distributed. Here's just one that I've broken down:

Demanding that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share in taxes.
--Demand all you want Bernie. That's not getting laws passed.

As president, Sen. Sanders will stop corporations from shifting their profits and jobs overseas to avoid paying U.S. income taxes.
-Those profits are private property. People and corporations can do what they want with their own private property.
-A privately owned business can move jobs wherever it find the best return on its investment.

He will create a progressive estate tax on the top 0.3 percent of Americans who inherit more than $3.5 million.
-Taxing the same assets twice. It was taxed when it was earned. This policy is suggested over and over and it is repeatedly pointed out that it would wipe out family farms and small businesses. Congress ignores these warnings at their own peril. Wouldn't pass.

He will also enact a tax on Wall Street speculators who caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes, and life savings.
Like the guys who manage your 401k and IRA? That's taking a percentage of money out of your retirement. Won't pass.

Fantasy land.

If Bernie's vision is so great, why hasn't it been tried before? Oh yea. It has.

Bernie Sanders says he wants to "redistribute wealth". But what does that really mean?

It means he has a great plan to keep his government job and perks. He knows, after being in government since 1981, he can't deliver this fantasy. He's grown used to the paycheck, the staff, the attention and the lifestyle and wants to keep it.

Bernie, please recognize that federal taxes don't "pay for" things. Thanks.

Lmao. Really...well, they paid halliberton and kbr and they pay the oil companies...they paid to move our jobs to other countries....
Taxes are what drove those companies offshore, dingleheimer.

No but gov makes policy that gets ppl better pay and bennies. U are increditably ignorant, like the vast majority of voters, im sorry.
Make Business pay their fair share"...why? because we might have to go to a foreign country and bail their asses out like we already have and what did the corporations pay? NOT A FUCKING CENT!!! Hos THAT for welfare?

As president, Sen. Sanders will stop corporations from shifting their profits and jobs overseas to avoid paying U.S. income taxes."

OMG! U why wouldnt you want that? You want less taxes for you? Make the wealthy and corporations pay there fair share...and more too. If you have the mone? u pay more. Dont like it? See ya. Have fun payin the tariffs.

He will also enact a tax on Wall Street speculators who caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes, and life savings.

Good. Its about fkn time. Im sick and tired of these ppl who are ruining the country cryin about being taxed on monies the get by doing not a friggin thing. Screw um. Theyve had it their way for 45 years and look at where we are now.
Labor is the most important ingredient in nation building and we treat ours like shit.

Excellent description of how our corporate tax rate chases companies and jobs out of our country.


Keep fighting the good fight, for those poor corporations who see profits soaring. When do you start to advocate on behalf of yourself?

Done and did.
Which allowed me to retire at 46. I advocate you get off your ass and apply yourself and stop blaming others for your poor performance.

Oh I get it, when a republican is unemployed he's "retired", but when it's someone else he's a "moocher".

Now it all makes sense.

See the difference is I pay for my own shit as a retired person.
Liberals use my tax money to suck the welfare tit and call it retirement.
But to be honest I'll take my form of pays way better.
An example of the effect of wealth redistribution was the economic progress seen in the decades between the late '40s and early '80s. It was initiated by FDR in the late 1930s by imposing a 94% marginal tax on the the money hoarders and Robber Barons and used that money to create the CCC and WPA "make-work" programs which put millions of unemployed Americans, including my father, to work.

The effect of all these newly employed workers produced an immediate surge in the economy by creating enormous demand for products, which in turn created thousands of new industries. I was just a boy in the late '40s but I watched the emergence and growth of the middle class throughout that era, mainly as the result of the union movement.

Ronald Reagan, The Man From General Electric, imposed Milton Friedman's "trickle-down" scam on us in the early '80s, which turned out to be the siphon-up system which has managed to transfer most of the Nation's wealth to a tiny group of individuals known as the One Percent. Most of that wealth is stashed in tax-evading off-shore accounts.

I believe what Bernie Sanders has in mind is to impose a confiscatory tax on the super-rich, demanding that they bring that hoarded wealth back home where it belongs, and pay the proper taxes on it. And in the manner of FDR's WPA, he will put the bulk of our unemployed to work repairing and rebuilding our long-ignored and decaying infrastructure.

FDR's "wealth redistribution" programs made the Great Depression last 12 years instead of 2.
No but gov makes policy that gets ppl better pay and bennies. U are increditably ignorant, like the vast majority of voters, im sorry.
Make Business pay their fair share"...why? because we might have to go to a foreign country and bail their asses out like we already have and what did the corporations pay? NOT A FUCKING CENT!!! Hos THAT for welfare?

As president, Sen. Sanders will stop corporations from shifting their profits and jobs overseas to avoid paying U.S. income taxes."

OMG! U why wouldnt you want that? You want less taxes for you? Make the wealthy and corporations pay there fair share...and more too. If you have the mone? u pay more. Dont like it? See ya. Have fun payin the tariffs.

Good. Its about fkn time. Im sick and tired of these ppl who are ruining the country cryin about being taxed on monies the get by doing not a friggin thing. Screw um. Theyve had it their way for 45 years and look at where we are now.
Labor is the most important ingredient in nation building and we treat ours like shit.

Excellent description of how our corporate tax rate chases companies and jobs out of our country.


Keep fighting the good fight, for those poor corporations who see profits soaring. When do you start to advocate on behalf of yourself?

Done and did.
Which allowed me to retire at 46. I advocate you get off your ass and apply yourself and stop blaming others for your poor performance.

Oh I get it, when a republican is unemployed he's "retired", but when it's someone else he's a "moocher".

Now it all makes sense.

Damn! Wish I posted that. Wish I THOUGHT of that!

Still havent told me who's going to make up the difference in those oil company short falls.
I know you have the answer,you just dont want to say it.
See the difference is I pay for my own shit as a retired person.
Liberals use my tax money to suck the welfare tit and call it retirement.
But to be honest I'll take my form of pays way better.[/QUOTE]

I you consider corporate welfare bad?
Labor is the most important ingredient in nation building and we treat ours like shit.

Excellent description of how our corporate tax rate chases companies and jobs out of our country.


Keep fighting the good fight, for those poor corporations who see profits soaring. When do you start to advocate on behalf of yourself?

Done and did.
Which allowed me to retire at 46. I advocate you get off your ass and apply yourself and stop blaming others for your poor performance.

Oh I get it, when a republican is unemployed he's "retired", but when it's someone else he's a "moocher".

Now it all makes sense.

See the difference is I pay for my own shit as a retired person.
Liberals use my tax money to suck the welfare tit and call it retirement.
But to be honest I'll take my form of pays way better.

Liberals? You mean your fellow conservatives and corporations you love to suck up to.

Plus no one believes you're retired because you're successful. At BEST you made a half-assed attempt to start a business, failed miserably and now claim to be retired while living off of your wife/girlfriend who I'm sure is the only one in your household who actually has a job.
See the difference is I pay for my own shit as a retired person.
Liberals use my tax money to suck the welfare tit and call it retirement.
But to be honest I'll take my form of pays way better.

I you consider corporate welfare bad?[/QUOTE]

While I dont care for it they at least provide a service.
And I find it ironic that lefties cry about oil subsides yet the government makes more money off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do.

Do you consider New Yorks economic incentive of low taxes for the first ten years of operation to encourage new business a bad thing?
Excellent description of how our corporate tax rate chases companies and jobs out of our country.


Keep fighting the good fight, for those poor corporations who see profits soaring. When do you start to advocate on behalf of yourself?

Done and did.
Which allowed me to retire at 46. I advocate you get off your ass and apply yourself and stop blaming others for your poor performance.

Oh I get it, when a republican is unemployed he's "retired", but when it's someone else he's a "moocher".

Now it all makes sense.

See the difference is I pay for my own shit as a retired person.
Liberals use my tax money to suck the welfare tit and call it retirement.
But to be honest I'll take my form of pays way better.

Liberals? You mean your fellow conservatives and corporations you love to suck up to.

Plus no one believes you're retired because you're successful. At BEST you made a half-assed attempt to start a business, failed miserably and now claim to be retired while living off of your wife/girlfriend who I'm sure is the only one in your household who actually has a job.

The bitter tears of your failure....
You want to know the best thing about class warfare?
You're the only one who has to fight it.
Keep fighting the good fight, for those poor corporations who see profits soaring. When do you start to advocate on behalf of yourself?

Done and did.
Which allowed me to retire at 46. I advocate you get off your ass and apply yourself and stop blaming others for your poor performance.

Oh I get it, when a republican is unemployed he's "retired", but when it's someone else he's a "moocher".

Now it all makes sense.

See the difference is I pay for my own shit as a retired person.
Liberals use my tax money to suck the welfare tit and call it retirement.
But to be honest I'll take my form of pays way better.

Liberals? You mean your fellow conservatives and corporations you love to suck up to.

Plus no one believes you're retired because you're successful. At BEST you made a half-assed attempt to start a business, failed miserably and now claim to be retired while living off of your wife/girlfriend who I'm sure is the only one in your household who actually has a job.

The bitter tears of your failure....
You want to know the best thing about class warfare?
You're the only one who has to fight it.

Only one of us is the idiot who supports politicians and policies that actually go against our own best interest. Talk about failure.

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