Bernie Sanders to introduce the dishonestly-named "Medicare for All" this week

I think you start out with a false premise and argue it like it's a real thing. Nobody is paying 51% of their earnings in taxes.

It's headed in thst direction. Especially if we move to do how payer healthcare and don't eradicate those residents who aren't carrying their own weight.

Then how do you explain how people are generally satisfied with Medicare but think that private plans suck?

Most on Medicare are scared of dying because they can't provide for themselves, whereas most with private plans are too stupid to know how good they have it.

Wow, sorry, I don't think that being against Nazis is a danger to free speech.

If it were up to me, we'd do what the Germans do. You're a nazi, we throw your ass in jail until you realize what you did wrong.
Most on Medicare are scared of dying because they can't provide for themselves, whereas most with private plans are too stupid to know how good they have it.

When you've had to fight with an insurance company to get treatment, then you can tell me how wonderful private plans are.

When a government bureaucrat tells you that you are too old for a treatment, that the government no longer provides basic procedures like knee and hip replacements, and that there is only one medicine allowed even though there are many out there......and when the Doctors start killing the old patients without their consent, hen tell us how wonderful government controlled health care is......

We have seen it at the VA.....that is what you want for everyone.....
When you've had to fight with an insurance company to get treatment, then you can tell me how wonderful private plans are.

I have had to fight then fairly regularly over the years. You learn how to deal with them pretty quickly.

As I've said, I'd rather be dead on private insurance than immortal on Government healthcare.
When a government bureaucrat tells you that you are too old for a treatment, that the government no longer provides basic procedures like knee and hip replacements, and that there is only one medicine allowed even though there are many out there......and when the Doctors start killing the old patients without their consent, hen tell us how wonderful government controlled health care is......

We have seen it at the VA.....that is what you want for everyone.....

What we saw at the VA was Republicans creating thousands of new wounded warriors and not funding it properly, but never mind.

Do you really think a private insurance company is going to tell you they will pay for your hip replacement after a certain age?

Fact of the matter is, the US is dead last in most health statistics compared to the UK, Canada, Japan and other countries. THere's a reason for that.
I have had to fight then fairly regularly over the years. You learn how to deal with them pretty quickly.

As I've said, I'd rather be dead on private insurance than immortal on Government healthcare.

It's too bad your insurance didn't cover your mental illness.

You can bet government health care will "cover" mental illness.
I think you start out with a false premise and argue it like it's a real thing. Nobody is paying 51% of their earnings in taxes.

It's headed in thst direction. Especially if we move to do how payer healthcare and don't eradicate those residents who aren't carrying their own weight.

Then how do you explain how people are generally satisfied with Medicare but think that private plans suck?

Most on Medicare are scared of dying because they can't provide for themselves, whereas most with private plans are too stupid to know how good they have it.
That is so ridiculously wrong.... the fact is, Medicare coverage is better than the private plans most people can afford. but hey, admitting a simple fact might undercut your little narrative, so, hey, let's just make something up...
That is so ridiculously wrong.... the fact is, Medicare coverage is better than the private plans most people can afford. but hey, admitting a simple fact might undercut your little narrative, so, hey, let's just make something up...

My wife was on Medicare when we met 5 1/2 years ago. When we got married 3 years ago she dropped her Meducare because she was sick and tired of the Clinics and third class doctor's she was forced to see. We don't always love the $74 weekly deduction from my paycheck for our medical and dental plan but she's now getting to see real doctors, dentists and optometrists which we both like.
That is so ridiculously wrong.... the fact is, Medicare coverage is better than the private plans most people can afford. but hey, admitting a simple fact might undercut your little narrative, so, hey, let's just make something up...

My wife was on Medicare when we met 5 1/2 years ago. When we got married 3 years ago she dropped her Meducare because she was sick and tired of the Clinics and third class doctor's she was forced to see. We don't always love the $74 weekly deduction from my paycheck for our medical and dental plan but she's now getting to see real doctors, dentists and optometrists which we both like.
And your employer pays the lion's share of that cost, right? You could not afford the plan on your own.
Of course they are, what a goofy question. And taxes are a shared burden, so you aren't looking at it correctly anyway.

Then they're nothing more thsn sheep, not Americans, and they deserve to be slaughtered like the livestock they are.

Any penny the Government takes from me which is spent on unconstitutional and immoral projects or programs is stolen, so far as I'm concerned.

We all have our taxes go to things with which we don't agree. What makes you so special?
The voices in his head told him it was true.
Progressives can keep single payer to themselves, in fact they can shove it up their asses if they like it so much...

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