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Bernie Sanders: We Will Raise Taxes On Anyone Making Over $29,000 To Fund Government Health Care

So apparently, like all other UHC supporters you are just going to ignore that the reason American costs are so high is due to poor diet and not insurance companies?

So how do you propose we regulate everybody's diet?

You don't have to regulate it , you just have to stop subsidizing commodity crops that by in large get turned into cheap, nutrient sparse, high calorie processed foods and meat products while at the same time NOT subsidizing healthy plant based foods (fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, seeds).

We're essentially subsidizing farmers to grow crops that get turned into (cheap) foods that make our citizenry unhealthy, by 2030 the estimates are that over 40% of the U.S. citizenry will be obese (80% overweight) and 1/3 will have diabetes and that the current generation will be the first in recorded history to live shorter lives than their parents, all thanks to our shitty diet (and to a lesser degree lack of exercise).

If we keep going the way we're going there won't be enough resources in the world to provide anything approaching quality health care for any significant fraction of the population.

I seriously doubt it has anything to do with cost. If somebody wants to sit on the couch with three boxes of cracker jacks, that's what they want to do, even if it costs five bucks a box. I can't see anybody saying they're going to eat a bag of grapes because cracker jacks are too expensive.
Trust me, it's all about cost, if healthy foods were on an even playing field with unhealthy processed foods from a price perspective the problem we're seeing with chronic disease trends wouldn't be nearly as bad as it is now.

Of course we do NEED increased education with respect to diet because the "junk food" industry represents one the most powerful marketing cartels on the planet and we also do not educate our health care professionals NEARLY enough with respect to nutrition (for example the typical doctor only receives 19-20 hours of education related to nutrition in Medical School).

It's a winnable battle but step one is to adopt an agricultural policy that is not INSANE and adopt one that encourages the competitiveness of a healthy diet for the U.S. citizenry, that alone will begin the process of actually LOWERING health care costs.

With the advancement of technology, we've become much less active. I have older tenants and younger tenants. When spring breaks, all us older people get outside. We have a fire, they bring their kids with them, and they play outside. My younger tenants? I've seen some that never left the apartment unless they were going to their car. Their entire world is in their four walls. They have their cell phone, their internet, their cable television, their video games. No need to go outside.

Today if a kid wants to play baseball, he does it on his Playstation whatever. That's why you just about have to speak Spanish if you want to understand what's being discussed in our professional baseball dugouts. Where they came from, they grew up like we did in the 60's and 70's.
You make good points on the lack of exercise problem.
I find an advantage of living in the countryside is the ability to hunt your food. Deer meat, rabbit meat, and pheasant meat is very lean. Plus hunting can be a labor intensive activity.

That's a good point, if you're living the countryside you can also GROW your own food, which means you know exactly what's going into it (no GMO's, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, etc..,) .;)
How on earth did all those settlers out on the frontier survive without socialized medicine? How did all the generations before LBJ’s great society survive without socialized medicine?

They didn't! They all died. See, proof that we need UHC! ;)
They died because that is the natural state of man. People are born, live, and they eventually die. Stop fucking with the natural order.
So how do you propose we regulate everybody's diet?

You don't have to regulate it , you just have to stop subsidizing commodity crops that by in large get turned into cheap, nutrient sparse, high calorie processed foods and meat products while at the same time NOT subsidizing healthy plant based foods (fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, seeds).

We're essentially subsidizing farmers to grow crops that get turned into (cheap) foods that make our citizenry unhealthy, by 2030 the estimates are that over 40% of the U.S. citizenry will be obese (80% overweight) and 1/3 will have diabetes and that the current generation will be the first in recorded history to live shorter lives than their parents, all thanks to our shitty diet (and to a lesser degree lack of exercise).

If we keep going the way we're going there won't be enough resources in the world to provide anything approaching quality health care for any significant fraction of the population.

I seriously doubt it has anything to do with cost. If somebody wants to sit on the couch with three boxes of cracker jacks, that's what they want to do, even if it costs five bucks a box. I can't see anybody saying they're going to eat a bag of grapes because cracker jacks are too expensive.
Trust me, it's all about cost, if healthy foods were on an even playing field with unhealthy processed foods from a price perspective the problem we're seeing with chronic disease trends wouldn't be nearly as bad as it is now.

Of course we do NEED increased education with respect to diet because the "junk food" industry represents one the most powerful marketing cartels on the planet and we also do not educate our health care professionals NEARLY enough with respect to nutrition (for example the typical doctor only receives 19-20 hours of education related to nutrition in Medical School).

It's a winnable battle but step one is to adopt an agricultural policy that is not INSANE and adopt one that encourages the competitiveness of a healthy diet for the U.S. citizenry, that alone will begin the process of actually LOWERING health care costs.

With the advancement of technology, we've become much less active. I have older tenants and younger tenants. When spring breaks, all us older people get outside. We have a fire, they bring their kids with them, and they play outside. My younger tenants? I've seen some that never left the apartment unless they were going to their car. Their entire world is in their four walls. They have their cell phone, their internet, their cable television, their video games. No need to go outside.

Today if a kid wants to play baseball, he does it on his Playstation whatever. That's why you just about have to speak Spanish if you want to understand what's being discussed in our professional baseball dugouts. Where they came from, they grew up like we did in the 60's and 70's.
You make good points on the lack of exercise problem.
I find an advantage of living in the countryside is the ability to hunt your food. Deer meat, rabbit meat, and pheasant meat is very lean. Plus hunting can be a labor intensive activity.

That's a good point, if you're living the countryside you can also GROW your own food, which means you know exactly what's going into it (no GMO's, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, etc..,) .;)
Oh yes. We have a huge garden and can every year. Roma tomatoes for pasta sauce, onions to go with it. Getting ready to have home grown butternut squash with wild game for Thanksgiving. We bake our own bread as well. Make jam from wild raspberries and elderberries.
Trust me, it's all about cost, if healthy foods were on an even playing field with unhealthy processed foods from a price perspective the problem we're seeing with chronic disease trends wouldn't be nearly as bad as it is now.

Of course we do NEED increased education with respect to diet because the "junk food" industry represents one the most powerful marketing cartels on the planet and we also do not educate our health care professionals NEARLY enough with respect to nutrition (for example the typical doctor only receives 19-20 hours of education related to nutrition in Medical School).

It's a winnable battle but step one is to adopt an agricultural policy that is not INSANE and adopt one that encourages the competitiveness of a healthy diet for the U.S. citizenry, that alone will begin the process of actually LOWERING health care costs.

I don't think healthy foods are too expensive. How much is a tomato? How much are a bag of grapes? How much money is corn?

We have a changed society now. We have more single-parent homes than ever before. We have more working mothers than ever before. When I was a kid, most mothers were home. We seldom ate out. Mom always had dinner ready by the time Dad got home.

Today Mom relies on Pizza Hut and McDonald's to feed the family. She is simply too exhausted from work and working too many hours to prepare a healthy dinner. That's why there's boxes of TV dinners in the freezer.

If we are going to subsidize the rich, yes I'm going to advocate for the poor.

See you really don't have any convictions. LOL! You are confused and don't know what the hell to believe. Typical Moon Bat.

I am against all welfare. No subsidies, no grants, no bailouts, no welfare no entitlements. That includes foreign the same as domestic. Rich and poor alike.

No bailouts to banks, no subsidies to farmers, not bailouts to GM and no foreign aid to Israel or South Korea or anybody else.

No food stamps to Illegals or inner city welfare queens.

No spending more money than the government takes in. You know, fiscal responsibility.

When you develop some real convictions on the horseshit you post then maybe you will have some credibility and I'll take you seriously. Until then bug off.

That's great you are for that. When do you suppose it will start?

When people with moral courage realize that it is immoral for the fucking government to take the money that we earn and give it away to shitheads that didn't earn it.

Ain't gonna happen soon because politician have figured out if they run on a platform to steal your money and give it way to people that have a larger voting contingency then they will stay in power.

The people that steal from me are not the rich that create jobs, pay a large tax and are philanthropists but the tens of millions of assholes Moon Bats that vote in government to give them entitlements like free health care or education or housing or Obamaphones or whatever.

When you figure out your convictions then let me know. Until then you are simply too confused for me to waste my time educating you.

Pay for the things you use and quit complaining about that.

If we are going to subsidize the rich, yes I'm going to advocate for the poor.

See you really don't have any convictions. LOL! You are confused and don't know what the hell to believe. Typical Moon Bat.

I am against all welfare. No subsidies, no grants, no bailouts, no welfare no entitlements. That includes foreign the same as domestic. Rich and poor alike.

No bailouts to banks, no subsidies to farmers, not bailouts to GM and no foreign aid to Israel or South Korea or anybody else.

No food stamps to Illegals or inner city welfare queens.

No spending more money than the government takes in. You know, fiscal responsibility.

When you develop some real convictions on the horseshit you post then maybe you will have some credibility and I'll take you seriously. Until then bug off.

That's great you are for that. When do you suppose it will start?

When people with moral courage realize that it is immoral for the fucking government to take the money that we earn and give it away to shitheads that didn't earn it.

Ain't gonna happen soon because politician have figured out if they run on a platform to steal your money and give it way to people that have a larger voting contingency then they will stay in power.

The people that steal from me are not the rich that create jobs, pay a large tax and are philanthropists but the tens of millions of assholes Moon Bats that vote in government to give them entitlements like free health care or education or housing or Obamaphones or whatever.

When you figure out your convictions then let me know. Until then you are simply too confused for me to waste my time educating you.

Pay for the things you use and quit complaining about that.

You are one confused little puppy, aren't you?
Yes, corporations are thoroughly unaccountable to the people. That's the main purpose of incorporating to begin with. Govt, otoh exists, in theory at least, to serve the people.

It's a bad theory, nuts. Replacing consumer freedom with government oversight isn't a good trade. Outside of theft and fraud, businesses are best held accountable by consumers who are free to tell them to fly a kite, not authoritarian regulators telling everyone how to live correctly.

Theories are theories for a reason. Trump would still be ripping off his charity if not for oversite. Without oversite how does corruption get exposed?

Crimes are investigated and "exposed" by the police.

Lol....ok....where were the police concerning the banking corruption of a decade ago? Did the police expose the corruption in Trump's charity?

Even at that, the police are a part of the government's oversite

Oversight implies regulation - regulation that dictates conformity for the sake of it. I support government investigating and prosecuting actual crimes. I don't support mandating conformity for the sake of it.

We are discussing crimes.
We are the only country in the world where the MAJORITY of obese citizens are malnourished as well as overweight.
This costs the healthcare system $Billions every single year.
And THAT is why our healthcare costs are so high.
Why schools need actual “physical education” classes. But, lawyers have saw to it that the risk of lawsuit supersedes fat Johnny having to do sit-ups.

I don't think the school has anything to do with it. School is there to learn things, not get exercise. It's up to the parents to take away the cell phones and video gams, and kick their kids outside for the day.
But when I went to school we had to pass a push-up test, sit-up test, and run a mile for time. When you were done with physical education class you had to shower because your ass was sweating. How come European kids are not obese? They have soccer, gymnastics, and swimming as part of physical education. Our schools should build our students mind and body. The Ancient Greek principle.

I don't believe the exercise in a gym class is going to keep a skinny kid from getting fat. Most of our activity as kids were once we got home. We'd eat dinner after school, jump on our bikes, and head up to the playground at the school a few miles up the road. Even in the middle of winter, there was not much entertainment at home, so we'd put on the huge coats, the boots, and walk up to the bowling ally or something.

Even when school was out for the summer, parents couldn't keep their kids home. The only time you went inside was to eat and sleep, unless it was raining and you couldn't go out. Even then, we'd get out of the house to go to a friends home and play games in the garage.

It's not that I blame kids today for what they do. After all, if we had all these different kinds of entertainment when we were younger, we probably would have never left the house either. Why should I walk two miles to my friend Bob's house, when I can just text him or face chat???
We unfortunately do not work that way.

Why not? Universities do most of the work...…..

Insulin was meant as a non profit until for profit companies got hold of it.

Insulin is more complicated, and better, than when it was extracted from pigs.

You asked. I answered. We charge many times higher than other countries.

We charge many times higher than other countries.

Of course we do. We do the research and they threaten to steal the IP.

As has been noted, we did NOT do the research on insulin and that makes absolutely no sense. If you create something you charge others more.

As has been noted, we did NOT do the research on insulin and that makes absolutely no sense.

If you think there has been no new research on insulin, that we use the same insulin we did 100 years ago, you're dumber than you first appeared.

We did not discover insulin. Those who did gave it away. We pay many times more for it than those where it was developed.

It's true, human genetically engineered insulin is more expensive than insulin from pigs.
Banks get money at near zero interest rates.

Where do they get this cheap money?

From the magic of the Federal Reserve.

If students got the same it would be cheaper.

Government didn't remove profit from student borrowing


From the magic of the Federal Reserve.

Banks borrow very little from the Fed. Banks are net lenders to the Fed.

The Fed has pumped hundreds of billions into the market through 'repo' offerings. Here's what they are, and why they're back for the first time since the financial crisis. | Markets Insider

Government didn't remove profit from student borrowing?


Then why did Obama have the government take over student loans?

Because Obama was little more than a stooge for wall street.

One person’s debt is another person’s asset. What some owe, others own. And student debtors don’t just cut checks to lenders. Our money flows to third parties — including investors.

One rarely discussed feature of the “student loan industrial complex” is the $200 billion market for student loan asset-backed securities (SLABS). This is a circular business, involving lenders like Sallie Mae and big banks like Wells Fargo and Bank of America. Like mortgages, student loans get pooled and repackaged into new financial products (securities). The lenders then sell the securities to investors. Investors receive the reward of monthly loan payments, plus interest. They can hold the securities themselves, trade them or bet on them. In turn, lenders receive quick cash, including fees and commissions, and push the risk of the underlying loans onto investors. This shift allows lenders to make more, and larger, loans.

How Wall Street Profits From Student Debt

For people claiming I do not know what I am talking about, there sure are a lot of ignorant people who do not know how things work.

One rarely discussed feature of the “student loan industrial complex” is the $200 billion market for student loan asset-backed securities (SLABS).

The federal government holds over $1.2 trillion in student loans. And they DON'T sell them.

For people claiming I do not know what I am talking about

You're clueless.

And yet I provide verification for my every claim. If you are not big enough to admit you were wrong, so be it.

You've provided sources that don't help your claims, so yeah.
Trust me, it's all about cost, if healthy foods were on an even playing field with unhealthy processed foods from a price perspective the problem we're seeing with chronic disease trends wouldn't be nearly as bad as it is now.

Of course we do NEED increased education with respect to diet because the "junk food" industry represents one the most powerful marketing cartels on the planet and we also do not educate our health care professionals NEARLY enough with respect to nutrition (for example the typical doctor only receives 19-20 hours of education related to nutrition in Medical School).

It's a winnable battle but step one is to adopt an agricultural policy that is not INSANE and adopt one that encourages the competitiveness of a healthy diet for the U.S. citizenry, that alone will begin the process of actually LOWERING health care costs.

I don't think healthy foods are too expensive. How much is a tomato? How much are a bag of grapes? How much money is corn?
I don't think they're too expensive either because I consider the price I'm paying for the nutrients contained in the foods I buy, but on a per calorie basis healthy foods (primarily organic, whole, plant based foods) are more expensive than high calorie, nutrient sparse processed foods. That's one of the primary reasons that the obesity epidemic has hit the poor the hardest; they are priced into calorie dense, nutrient sparse low priced junk foods.

We have a changed society now. We have more single-parent homes than ever before. We have more working mothers than ever before. When I was a kid, most mothers were home. We seldom ate out. Mom always had dinner ready by the time Dad got home.

Today Mom relies on Pizza Hut and McDonald's to feed the family. She is simply too exhausted from work and working too many hours to prepare a healthy dinner. That's why there's boxes of TV dinners in the freezer.
Yep, unfortunately that leads to a shitty diet which is what is literally killing the population via lifestyle based chronic diseases like coronary disease, cancers, diabetes, stroke, hypertension, etc..,.

If we can come up with an agricultural policy that gives "Mom" healthy, convenient alternatives at a price she can afford then many (most?) "Moms" are going to take that option if they're made aware that it's the option that's best for her families long term health.

Convenience foods don't have to be unhealthy, the reason today's convenience foods primarily are so horrible is because subsidies make unhealthy ingredients the lower cost option.
Before the 2008 election, Barack Obama said he had a health care plan.

And then...here's the critical part...he put a plan on the table. BEFORE the election. That took YUGE balls.

See? That's how it works. If you claim you have a plan, then you show it. If all you do is talk and dodge and weave, then you are a gutless coward that only the stupidest people will bleev.

It's truly bizarre you tards have never asked Trump to show his "terrific", "beautiful", "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost" plan.

I have never seen such submissive marks before. Truly.
1. Say you have a plan.

2. Show that plan.

3. Defend the plan. This part is really easy if the other guys don't have one. They can whine all day long about your plan, but you will win if they don't have one.

4. Get plan passed.

That's exactly why we have Obamacare today.

And now the Republicans and their rubes actually believe using the exact same tactics which failed so catastrophically against Obamacare will magically work against UHC!

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

Trump's plan: Nothing but hot air and lies.

Democrats' plan: UHC.

Guess which one will win in the long run.
I LOVE MEMES.....they are usually truism with a little humor added....in this case NO HUMOR ADDED!

Either literacy is sorely lacking here or some intentionally work at misinterpreting things or both.
why they pass all these regulations in the first place. It radically increases their power, and with it their ability to sell favors for bribes.
Skipping right past the point as fully expected. How would these horrible people get elected without the massive bribes from special interests? You're not going to answer. Don't even try faking another non-response.
TRUMP: I have a beautiful plan which will make healthcare so cheap!

RUBES: Show us that plan! Yay!

TRUMP: Those commies on the Left have a plan on the table for UHC!

RUBES: Those damned commies!

TRUMP: Let's go with my plan which is actually nothing!

You asked. I answered. We charge many times higher than other countries.

We charge many times higher than other countries.

Of course we do. We do the research and they threaten to steal the IP.

As has been noted, we did NOT do the research on insulin and that makes absolutely no sense. If you create something you charge others more.

As has been noted, we did NOT do the research on insulin and that makes absolutely no sense.

If you think there has been no new research on insulin, that we use the same insulin we did 100 years ago, you're dumber than you first appeared.

We did not discover insulin. Those who did gave it away. We pay many times more for it than those where it was developed.

It's true, human genetically engineered insulin is more expensive than insulin from pigs.

The rest of the world is not using pig insulin.
Banks get money at near zero interest rates.

Where do they get this cheap money?

From the magic of the Federal Reserve.

If students got the same it would be cheaper.

Government didn't remove profit from student borrowing


From the magic of the Federal Reserve.

Banks borrow very little from the Fed. Banks are net lenders to the Fed.

The Fed has pumped hundreds of billions into the market through 'repo' offerings. Here's what they are, and why they're back for the first time since the financial crisis. | Markets Insider

Government didn't remove profit from student borrowing?


Then why did Obama have the government take over student loans?

Because Obama was little more than a stooge for wall street.

One person’s debt is another person’s asset. What some owe, others own. And student debtors don’t just cut checks to lenders. Our money flows to third parties — including investors.

One rarely discussed feature of the “student loan industrial complex” is the $200 billion market for student loan asset-backed securities (SLABS). This is a circular business, involving lenders like Sallie Mae and big banks like Wells Fargo and Bank of America. Like mortgages, student loans get pooled and repackaged into new financial products (securities). The lenders then sell the securities to investors. Investors receive the reward of monthly loan payments, plus interest. They can hold the securities themselves, trade them or bet on them. In turn, lenders receive quick cash, including fees and commissions, and push the risk of the underlying loans onto investors. This shift allows lenders to make more, and larger, loans.

How Wall Street Profits From Student Debt

For people claiming I do not know what I am talking about, there sure are a lot of ignorant people who do not know how things work.

One rarely discussed feature of the “student loan industrial complex” is the $200 billion market for student loan asset-backed securities (SLABS).

The federal government holds over $1.2 trillion in student loans. And they DON'T sell them.

For people claiming I do not know what I am talking about

You're clueless.

And yet I provide verification for my every claim. If you are not big enough to admit you were wrong, so be it.

You've provided sources that don't help your claims, so yeah.

I provided sources you don't want to read and acknowledge.
So apparently, like all other UHC supporters you are just going to ignore that the reason American costs are so high is due to poor diet and not insurance companies?

So how do you propose we regulate everybody's diet?

You don't have to regulate it , you just have to stop subsidizing commodity crops that by in large get turned into cheap, nutrient sparse, high calorie processed foods and meat products while at the same time NOT subsidizing healthy plant based foods (fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, seeds).

We're essentially subsidizing farmers to grow crops that get turned into (cheap) foods that make our citizenry unhealthy, by 2030 the estimates are that over 40% of the U.S. citizenry will be obese (80% overweight) and 1/3 will have diabetes and that the current generation will be the first in recorded history to live shorter lives than their parents, all thanks to our shitty diet (and to a lesser degree lack of exercise).

If we keep going the way we're going there won't be enough resources in the world to provide anything approaching quality health care for any significant fraction of the population.

I seriously doubt it has anything to do with cost. If somebody wants to sit on the couch with three boxes of cracker jacks, that's what they want to do, even if it costs five bucks a box. I can't see anybody saying they're going to eat a bag of grapes because cracker jacks are too expensive.
Trust me, it's all about cost, if healthy foods were on an even playing field with unhealthy processed foods from a price perspective the problem we're seeing with chronic disease trends wouldn't be nearly as bad as it is now.

Of course we do NEED increased education with respect to diet because the "junk food" industry represents one the most powerful marketing cartels on the planet and we also do not educate our health care professionals NEARLY enough with respect to nutrition (for example the typical doctor only receives 19-20 hours of education related to nutrition in Medical School).

It's a winnable battle but step one is to adopt an agricultural policy that is not INSANE and adopt one that encourages the competitiveness of a healthy diet for the U.S. citizenry, that alone will begin the process of actually LOWERING health care costs.

With the advancement of technology, we've become much less active. I have older tenants and younger tenants. When spring breaks, all us older people get outside. We have a fire, they bring their kids with them, and they play outside. My younger tenants? I've seen some that never left the apartment unless they were going to their car. Their entire world is in their four walls. They have their cell phone, their internet, their cable television, their video games. No need to go outside.

Today if a kid wants to play baseball, he does it on his Playstation whatever. That's why you just about have to speak Spanish if you want to understand what's being discussed in our professional baseball dugouts. Where they came from, they grew up like we did in the 60's and 70's.
You make good points on the lack of exercise problem.
I find an advantage of living in the countryside is the ability to hunt your food. Deer meat, rabbit meat, and pheasant meat is very lean. Plus hunting can be a labor intensive activity. I derive great pleasure in kicking up a covey of quail and knocking some down.
Chaney enjoyed shooting his buddy in the face as well. But he was overweight. Go figure?

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