Bernie Sanders: Worker Co-Ops


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
3. Creating Worker Co-ops
We need to develop new economic models to increase job creation and productivity. Instead of giving huge tax breaks to corporations which ship our jobs to China and other low-wage countries, we need to provide assistance to workers who want to purchase their own businesses by establishing worker-owned cooperatives. Study after study shows that when workers have an ownership stake in the businesses they work for, productivity goes up, absenteeism goes down and employees are much more satisfied with their jobs.

Agenda for America: 12 Steps Forward<

More than one person recommended to me that I support Bernie Sanders campaign.
I looked up his economic plans, including redirecting the trillion dollar war budget toward covering other costs, and found this plan for promoting worker-owned businesses.

Now how is THIS much different from Libertarians, Conservatives, etc. who want to
reserve more capital and control among private sector business?

Is it just the corporate powers that be, inserting themselves and getting one party to blame the other?

If political leaders AGREE to localize financial control to DEMOCRATIZE economic development,
instead of selling out to politics, why aren't the parties working together on this common goal?
Check this out Emily... it's hugely successful.

and related commentary:

Check this out Emily... it's hugely successful.

and related commentary:

Now why can't Trump run with Sanders, and invest all his business resources into replicating THESE efforts?
Let the President downsize the govt to what is absolutely necessary for the feds to do.
Let Sanders and the progressive Greens and Libs do all this social development through private local co-ops.
including health care co-ops. And get federal govt out of it. Let the PEOPLE be the govt on that level.
Invest our own labor, income and resources into local business and school development, including
social services and health care, DEDUCT that 100% from our taxes, and shift the power back to the PEOPLE.
Check this out Emily... it's hugely successful.

and related commentary:

Now why can't Trump run with Sanders, and invest all his business resources into replicating THESE efforts?
Let the President downsize the govt to what is absolutely necessary for the feds to do.
Let Sanders and the progressive Greens and Libs do all this social development through private local co-ops.
including health care co-ops. And get federal govt out of it. Let the PEOPLE be the govt on that level.
Invest our own labor, income and resources into local business and school development, including
social services and health care, DEDUCT that 100% from our taxes, and shift the power back to the PEOPLE.

I certainly agree with where you ended up there. That should be a goal. But where you started is a non-starter. Sanders and Rump are polar opposites philosophically; Rump is entirely about greed and enriching Numero Uno at the expense of the masses, while Sanders is the exact opposite. Their goals are entirely the reverse of each other.

That's also why "business experience" is not a selling point for a Presidential candidate -- business exploits the People to enrich itself, whereas the role of government is (supposed to be) in the opposite direction. You can't have a river that flows both ways.

Mondragón is a beautiful and inspirational model. Thanks for looking it over.

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