Bernie was right when he told Liz a woman can’t win.

It’s not misogynistic. It’s a fact.
Of course the are now 112 genders, according to liberals, nobody can win with that bullshit. Cisgender. I conform to more Newtonian physics and the basic fact male+female =procreation model. This sexual genders stuff isn't like particle physics, glueons or leptons or Hiiggs bosons. We are all binary, MALE. FEMALE. It ain't that fucking complicated, Einstein. Put you cat in box and see if he suffocates, Heisenberg.

I've often wondered, why didn't Obama just declare himself a woman, and become the first woman president, first black president, and first black women president... all at one time? And, since we're on a roll with the "you are whatever you claim to be" kick.... why not also declare himself a quadriplegic? Or Jewish? Or mentally challenged? Or a native American?

Obama should have realized the possibilities with this new freedom from reality, where you can be whatever you want, simply by saying it is so.

Obama could have been the first quadriplegic Jewish mentally challenged black woman president of native American decent!

All you have to do, is claim that was you are in your own mind, and anyone who disagrees must be a bigot.
I am, err, used to be a liberal, but if they come up with any more phony rights and groups they fight for the rights of. Nobody ever heard of Sophocles. Its so obvious the Democrats are they are pandering to stupid minorities and the lowest common denominator it begs the question.I hate to say it.

Nothing to be ashamed of. I was too at one time, as well as my wife. Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan were too at one time. It's called "becoming aware."

What is also amusing is the fact the Elizabeth Warren was a Republican when Bill Clinton was President. You just can't make these things up!
It’s not misogynistic. It’s a fact.
Of course the are now 112 genders, according to liberals, nobody can win with that bullshit. Cisgender. I conform to more Newtonian physics and the basic fact male+female =procreation model. This sexual genders stuff isn't like particle physics, glueons or leptons or Hiiggs bosons. We are all binary, MALE. FEMALE. It ain't that fucking complicated, Einstein. Put you cat in box and see if he suffocates, Heisenberg.

I've often wondered, why didn't Obama just declare himself a woman, and become the first woman president, first black president, and first black women president... all at one time? And, since we're on a roll with the "you are whatever you claim to be" kick.... why not also declare himself a quadriplegic? Or Jewish? Or mentally challenged? Or a native American?

Obama should have realized the possibilities with this new freedom from reality, where you can be whatever you want, simply by saying it is so.

Obama could have been the first quadriplegic Jewish mentally challenged black woman president of native American decent!

All you have to do, is claim that was you are in your own mind, and anyone who disagrees must be a bigot.
I am, err, used to be a liberal, but if they come up with any more phony rights and groups they fight for the rights of. Nobody ever heard of Sophocles. Its so obvious the Democrats are they are pandering to stupid minorities and the lowest common denominator it begs the question.I hate to say it.

Nothing to be ashamed of. I was too at one time, as well as my wife. Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan were too at one time. It's called "becoming aware."

What is also amusing is the fact the Elizabeth Warren was a Republican when Bill Clinton was President. You just can't make these things up!

Wow. It just makes me wonder what happened that turned her into such a hateful old shrew. There's usually some previous man-problem that makes women go bad like that. She's still using her previous husband's last name too, and won't give her current husband the courtesy of using his last name.

That's just messed up.
It’s not misogynistic. It’s a fact.
Of course the are now 112 genders, according to liberals, nobody can win with that bullshit. Cisgender. I conform to more Newtonian physics and the basic fact male+female =procreation model. This sexual genders stuff isn't like particle physics, glueons or leptons or Hiiggs bosons. We are all binary, MALE. FEMALE. It ain't that fucking complicated, Einstein. Put you cat in box and see if he suffocates, Heisenberg.

I've often wondered, why didn't Obama just declare himself a woman, and become the first woman president, first black president, and first black women president... all at one time? And, since we're on a roll with the "you are whatever you claim to be" kick.... why not also declare himself a quadriplegic? Or Jewish? Or mentally challenged? Or a native American?

Obama should have realized the possibilities with this new freedom from reality, where you can be whatever you want, simply by saying it is so.

Obama could have been the first quadriplegic Jewish mentally challenged black woman president of native American decent!

All you have to do, is claim that was you are in your own mind, and anyone who disagrees must be a bigot.
I am, err, used to be a liberal, but if they come up with any more phony rights and groups they fight for the rights of. Nobody ever heard of Sophocles. Its so obvious the Democrats are they are pandering to stupid minorities and the lowest common denominator it begs the question.I hate to say it.

Nothing to be ashamed of. I was too at one time, as well as my wife. Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan were too at one time. It's called "becoming aware."
Nothing like becoming aware after watching friends and co workers lose jobs, homes and families. Giving illegal aliens sanctuary, its "Humanitarian". Orwellian double think, we pity the poor Mexican families broken up but don't give a shit about harm they created? All the jobs the homes and families they destroyed? Learn to Code? OK, IMMIGRATE LEGALLY and stop pretending it's about racism, then. Ditto.

My experience was rather early. It as the minimum wage hike of 1995-1996, or whenever. I was working at McDonalds. The first thing they did, was lay off 3 part-time workers. Instantly three people lost their jobs.

Then the rest of us had to take up the slack in labor. So the rest of us, who were already earning more than minimum wage, had to do more work, and we got zero pay increased.

Then I watched as McDonald's started to increase prices. Now they didn't increase prices immedeately... they increased them by reducing serving sizes. The small fry, got even smaller. The medium fry was reduced in size to small, and the large fry ended up being a medium in size.

After a year or two, they introduced a new larger size, with a new larger price... and change all the names.

They did the same with drinks.

Wendy's did the same thing. The Biggie fry and drink, became what is now the large. The large became a medium/regular. And the medium/regular became the small.

All the stores did this.

What I realized was, the minimum wage did almost nothing for the working people, but it reduced jobs, and increased prices. I watched that first hand.

After that, I started reading books, like Economics in One Lession, and Thomas Sowell.... and I never went back to left-wing ideology, after I realized it was all built on myths. The myth that if you jack up the price of labor, that somehow the rich will pay for it, when in reality the working people, and the consumers are the ones who pay for it.

All left-wing ideology is built on this myth.

Even after the 2009 minimum wage hike from $5.25 to $7.25, the news media outlets were flipping out because they found that food producers were reducing the net weight of food. That box of cheerios, may be the same physical size, but they reduced the net weight of the food in it... to pay for labor cost increases.
Of course the are now 112 genders, according to liberals, nobody can win with that bullshit. Cisgender. I conform to more Newtonian physics and the basic fact male+female =procreation model. This sexual genders stuff isn't like particle physics, glueons or leptons or Hiiggs bosons. We are all binary, MALE. FEMALE. It ain't that fucking complicated, Einstein. Put you cat in box and see if he suffocates, Heisenberg.

I've often wondered, why didn't Obama just declare himself a woman, and become the first woman president, first black president, and first black women president... all at one time? And, since we're on a roll with the "you are whatever you claim to be" kick.... why not also declare himself a quadriplegic? Or Jewish? Or mentally challenged? Or a native American?

Obama should have realized the possibilities with this new freedom from reality, where you can be whatever you want, simply by saying it is so.

Obama could have been the first quadriplegic Jewish mentally challenged black woman president of native American decent!

All you have to do, is claim that was you are in your own mind, and anyone who disagrees must be a bigot.
I am, err, used to be a liberal, but if they come up with any more phony rights and groups they fight for the rights of. Nobody ever heard of Sophocles. Its so obvious the Democrats are they are pandering to stupid minorities and the lowest common denominator it begs the question.I hate to say it.

Nothing to be ashamed of. I was too at one time, as well as my wife. Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan were too at one time. It's called "becoming aware."
Nothing like becoming aware after watching friends and co workers lose jobs, homes and families. Giving illegal aliens sanctuary, its "Humanitarian". Orwellian double think, we pity the poor Mexican families broken up but don't give a shit about harm they created? All the jobs the homes and families they destroyed? Learn to Code? OK, IMMIGRATE LEGALLY and stop pretending it's about racism, then. Ditto.

My experience was rather early. It as the minimum wage hike of 1995-1996, or whenever. I was working at McDonalds. The first thing they did, was lay off 3 part-time workers. Instantly three people lost their jobs.

Then the rest of us had to take up the slack in labor. So the rest of us, who were already earning more than minimum wage, had to do more work, and we got zero pay increased.

Then I watched as McDonald's started to increase prices. Now they didn't increase prices immedeately... they increased them by reducing serving sizes. The small fry, got even smaller. The medium fry was reduced in size to small, and the large fry ended up being a medium in size.

After a year or two, they introduced a new larger size, with a new larger price... and change all the names.

They did the same with drinks.

Wendy's did the same thing. The Biggie fry and drink, became what is now the large. The large became a medium/regular. And the medium/regular became the small.

All the stores did this.

What I realized was, the minimum wage did almost nothing for the working people, but it reduced jobs, and increased prices. I watched that first hand.

After that, I started reading books, like Economics in One Lession, and Thomas Sowell.... and I never went back to left-wing ideology, after I realized it was all built on myths. The myth that if you jack up the price of labor, that somehow the rich will pay for it, when in reality the working people, and the consumers are the ones who pay for it.

All left-wing ideology is built on this myth.

Even after the 2009 minimum wage hike from $5.25 to $7.25, the news media outlets were flipping out because they found that food producers were reducing the net weight of food. That box of cheerios, may be the same physical size, but they reduced the net weight of the food in it... to pay for labor cost increases.
Economics in a picture for no-info leftards:

I've often wondered, why didn't Obama just declare himself a woman, and become the first woman president, first black president, and first black women president... all at one time? And, since we're on a roll with the "you are whatever you claim to be" kick.... why not also declare himself a quadriplegic? Or Jewish? Or mentally challenged? Or a native American?

Obama should have realized the possibilities with this new freedom from reality, where you can be whatever you want, simply by saying it is so.

Obama could have been the first quadriplegic Jewish mentally challenged black woman president of native American decent!

All you have to do, is claim that was you are in your own mind, and anyone who disagrees must be a bigot.
I am, err, used to be a liberal, but if they come up with any more phony rights and groups they fight for the rights of. Nobody ever heard of Sophocles. Its so obvious the Democrats are they are pandering to stupid minorities and the lowest common denominator it begs the question.I hate to say it.

Nothing to be ashamed of. I was too at one time, as well as my wife. Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan were too at one time. It's called "becoming aware."
Nothing like becoming aware after watching friends and co workers lose jobs, homes and families. Giving illegal aliens sanctuary, its "Humanitarian". Orwellian double think, we pity the poor Mexican families broken up but don't give a shit about harm they created? All the jobs the homes and families they destroyed? Learn to Code? OK, IMMIGRATE LEGALLY and stop pretending it's about racism, then. Ditto.

My experience was rather early. It as the minimum wage hike of 1995-1996, or whenever. I was working at McDonalds. The first thing they did, was lay off 3 part-time workers. Instantly three people lost their jobs.

Then the rest of us had to take up the slack in labor. So the rest of us, who were already earning more than minimum wage, had to do more work, and we got zero pay increased.

Then I watched as McDonald's started to increase prices. Now they didn't increase prices immedeately... they increased them by reducing serving sizes. The small fry, got even smaller. The medium fry was reduced in size to small, and the large fry ended up being a medium in size.

After a year or two, they introduced a new larger size, with a new larger price... and change all the names.

They did the same with drinks.

Wendy's did the same thing. The Biggie fry and drink, became what is now the large. The large became a medium/regular. And the medium/regular became the small.

All the stores did this.

What I realized was, the minimum wage did almost nothing for the working people, but it reduced jobs, and increased prices. I watched that first hand.

After that, I started reading books, like Economics in One Lession, and Thomas Sowell.... and I never went back to left-wing ideology, after I realized it was all built on myths. The myth that if you jack up the price of labor, that somehow the rich will pay for it, when in reality the working people, and the consumers are the ones who pay for it.

All left-wing ideology is built on this myth.

Even after the 2009 minimum wage hike from $5.25 to $7.25, the news media outlets were flipping out because they found that food producers were reducing the net weight of food. That box of cheerios, may be the same physical size, but they reduced the net weight of the food in it... to pay for labor cost increases.
Economics in a picture for no-info leftards:

This coming from idiots who elect the GOP and have taxes cut on rich people expecting that to “trickle down” to them. Sure. Any day now.
I am, err, used to be a liberal, but if they come up with any more phony rights and groups they fight for the rights of. Nobody ever heard of Sophocles. Its so obvious the Democrats are they are pandering to stupid minorities and the lowest common denominator it begs the question.I hate to say it.

Nothing to be ashamed of. I was too at one time, as well as my wife. Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan were too at one time. It's called "becoming aware."
Nothing like becoming aware after watching friends and co workers lose jobs, homes and families. Giving illegal aliens sanctuary, its "Humanitarian". Orwellian double think, we pity the poor Mexican families broken up but don't give a shit about harm they created? All the jobs the homes and families they destroyed? Learn to Code? OK, IMMIGRATE LEGALLY and stop pretending it's about racism, then. Ditto.

My experience was rather early. It as the minimum wage hike of 1995-1996, or whenever. I was working at McDonalds. The first thing they did, was lay off 3 part-time workers. Instantly three people lost their jobs.

Then the rest of us had to take up the slack in labor. So the rest of us, who were already earning more than minimum wage, had to do more work, and we got zero pay increased.

Then I watched as McDonald's started to increase prices. Now they didn't increase prices immedeately... they increased them by reducing serving sizes. The small fry, got even smaller. The medium fry was reduced in size to small, and the large fry ended up being a medium in size.

After a year or two, they introduced a new larger size, with a new larger price... and change all the names.

They did the same with drinks.

Wendy's did the same thing. The Biggie fry and drink, became what is now the large. The large became a medium/regular. And the medium/regular became the small.

All the stores did this.

What I realized was, the minimum wage did almost nothing for the working people, but it reduced jobs, and increased prices. I watched that first hand.

After that, I started reading books, like Economics in One Lession, and Thomas Sowell.... and I never went back to left-wing ideology, after I realized it was all built on myths. The myth that if you jack up the price of labor, that somehow the rich will pay for it, when in reality the working people, and the consumers are the ones who pay for it.

All left-wing ideology is built on this myth.

Even after the 2009 minimum wage hike from $5.25 to $7.25, the news media outlets were flipping out because they found that food producers were reducing the net weight of food. That box of cheerios, may be the same physical size, but they reduced the net weight of the food in it... to pay for labor cost increases.
Economics in a picture for no-info leftards:

This coming from idiots who elect the GOP and have taxes cut on rich people expecting that to “trickle down” to them. Sure. Any day now.
So you say you don't understand the message that picture conveys, Moron? Get an adult in your life to explain it … I have no patience for stupid people who act like spoiled, petulant little girls.
This coming from idiots who elect the GOP and have taxes cut on rich people expecting that to “trickle down” to them. Sure. Any day now.

You just live in a world of denial, don't you?

Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy

Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy | FreedomWorks


Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages
Oct. 17, 2019, 8:59 AM

A tightening labor market with U.S. unemployment rate at a 50-year low is starting to result in higher wages for full-time workers, including younger people and minorities whose pay has lagged.

Median weekly earnings for Americans in the third quarter rose 3.6% to $919, outpacing inflation, the U.S. Labor Department reported Wednesday. Earnings for those aged 25 to 54, in their prime working years, rose by 5%, the fastest rate of growth in recent years.

Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages


Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists

Published 1 month ago on September 9, 2019


“Love him or hate him, this is an incredible economic accomplishment for the President and a tremendous benefit for American blacks,” said Project 21 member Derryck Green.

Along with a reported third straight month of 3.7 percent overall unemployment, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) August jobs report noted that the overall black unemployment rate fell half-a-percent to 5.5 percent. This is the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded. BLS began reporting employment statistics by race in 1972. And with overall white unemployment at 3.4 percent, it is also the smallest reported gap between the races ever in terms of joblessness. Until recently, the racial employment disparity between blacks and whites has generally held to a 2-1 margin.

Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists

Job growth smashes expectations for February as unemployment falls back to 3.5%


US-China phase 1 trade deal: Beijing agrees to buy $200 billion in US products
By Michelle Toh, CNN Business
11 hrs ago [Jan 16. 2020]

China has agreed to buy hundreds of billions of dollars worth of products from the United States as part of their "phase one" trade deal.

The agreement signed Wednesday will have Beijing purchase an additional $200 billion of US goods and services over the next two years.

The increase in purchases will be compared to 2017, before the trade war started. China imported over $185 billion in total US goods and services that year.

In exchange, Washington has agreed to reduce tariffs on $120 billion in Chinese products from 15% to 7.5%.

Taken together, the phased purchases by China would result in a dramatic surge in US exports. Total exports to China would increase to over $260 billion in 2020, and roughly $310 billion in 2021 if the deal holds

US-China phase 1 trade deal: Beijing agrees to buy $200 billion in US products


HAH! President Trump Invited Minnesota Hog Farmers to USMCA Signing Ceremony — But NOT Nancy Pelosi
by Jim Hoft January 29, 2020

President Trump signed the historic USMCA Trade Agreement on Wednesday at the White House.

The trade agreement replaces the disastrous NAFTA agreement signed into law during the Clinton years.

President Trump invited Minnesota Republicans and Minnesota hog farmers to the White House for the signing ceremony today.

HAH! President Trump Invited Minnesota Hog Farmers to USMCA Signing Ceremony -- But NOT Nancy Pelosi


More MAGA Winning: Gallup Poll Has NEVER Recorded This Level Of Economic Optimism

Written by K. Walker on February 6, 2020


Americans feel better about their personal financial situation than they did under Obama, Clinton, or even Reagan. This year-to-year number has been rising since 2018 and has hit a 44-year record high according to Gallup’s “Mood of the Nation” economic survey. Gallup reports that 59% of Americans — nearly six in 10 — say that they are better off financially than they were a year ago, which is up from 50% last year.


There has also been a sharp decline in the percentage of people who say that they are financially worse off than a year ago. Only 20% of Americans are stating that as their financial reality, and that is a record low.


More MAGA Winning: Gallup Poll Has NEVER Recorded This Level Of Economic Optimism



Job growth smashes expectations for February as unemployment falls back to 3.5%


· Nonfarm payrolls rose by 273,000 in February vs. a 175,000 estimate, while the unemployment rate edged lower to 3.5%.

· Job gains were widespread, with health care adding 57,000 to lead the way.

· December and January’s estimates were revised upward by a total of 243,000.

Job growth smashes expectations for February as unemployment falls back to 3.5%

I am, err, used to be a liberal, but if they come up with any more phony rights and groups they fight for the rights of. Nobody ever heard of Sophocles. Its so obvious the Democrats are they are pandering to stupid minorities and the lowest common denominator it begs the question.I hate to say it.

Nothing to be ashamed of. I was too at one time, as well as my wife. Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan were too at one time. It's called "becoming aware."
Nothing like becoming aware after watching friends and co workers lose jobs, homes and families. Giving illegal aliens sanctuary, its "Humanitarian". Orwellian double think, we pity the poor Mexican families broken up but don't give a shit about harm they created? All the jobs the homes and families they destroyed? Learn to Code? OK, IMMIGRATE LEGALLY and stop pretending it's about racism, then. Ditto.

My experience was rather early. It as the minimum wage hike of 1995-1996, or whenever. I was working at McDonalds. The first thing they did, was lay off 3 part-time workers. Instantly three people lost their jobs.

Then the rest of us had to take up the slack in labor. So the rest of us, who were already earning more than minimum wage, had to do more work, and we got zero pay increased.

Then I watched as McDonald's started to increase prices. Now they didn't increase prices immedeately... they increased them by reducing serving sizes. The small fry, got even smaller. The medium fry was reduced in size to small, and the large fry ended up being a medium in size.

After a year or two, they introduced a new larger size, with a new larger price... and change all the names.

They did the same with drinks.

Wendy's did the same thing. The Biggie fry and drink, became what is now the large. The large became a medium/regular. And the medium/regular became the small.

All the stores did this.

What I realized was, the minimum wage did almost nothing for the working people, but it reduced jobs, and increased prices. I watched that first hand.

After that, I started reading books, like Economics in One Lession, and Thomas Sowell.... and I never went back to left-wing ideology, after I realized it was all built on myths. The myth that if you jack up the price of labor, that somehow the rich will pay for it, when in reality the working people, and the consumers are the ones who pay for it.

All left-wing ideology is built on this myth.

Even after the 2009 minimum wage hike from $5.25 to $7.25, the news media outlets were flipping out because they found that food producers were reducing the net weight of food. That box of cheerios, may be the same physical size, but they reduced the net weight of the food in it... to pay for labor cost increases.
Economics in a picture for no-info leftards:

This coming from idiots who elect the GOP and have taxes cut on rich people expecting that to “trickle down” to them. Sure. Any day now.

Look at every single thing you own in your entire life, from the clothes you wear, to the computer you are using, and everything else.

If trickle down is not working, then explain what poor impoverished beggar provided all those things you use every single day?

Additionally, look at every single job that is created in this entire country. From the burger flipper at the whopper shop, to the engineer, accountant, and surgeon at a hospital.

If trickle down is not working, then explain what poor impoverished beggar has provided all those jobs?

Every time you try and insult the GOP or right-wingers on economic matters, you only serve to prove conclusively to everyone on this forum, and anyone else that hears your stupidity, that you are utterly ignorant and incompetent on this topic.
It isn't that A woman can't win, it's just THOSE women can't win.
Indeed, 66 million Americans voted for Shrillary in 2016 and had she been less pompous & lazy she could have been our 1st female POTUS despite her massive baggage. Thankfully she couldn't be so she isn't but someday a woman - likely a conservative - will be our prez. In the meantime this country could use a lot less Lawrence O'Donnell, Rachel Madcow, Mourning Joe whining and virtue signaling about the evil, toxic masculine nature of American politics. We are no more misogynist than we are racist and, as we all know, voters twice elected a guy named Barrack Obama. Leftards need to grow up but they just don't seem to have that in them.

"We’re losing our damn minds": James Carville unloads on the Democratic Party
Last edited:
Nothing to be ashamed of. I was too at one time, as well as my wife. Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan were too at one time. It's called "becoming aware."
Nothing like becoming aware after watching friends and co workers lose jobs, homes and families. Giving illegal aliens sanctuary, its "Humanitarian". Orwellian double think, we pity the poor Mexican families broken up but don't give a shit about harm they created? All the jobs the homes and families they destroyed? Learn to Code? OK, IMMIGRATE LEGALLY and stop pretending it's about racism, then. Ditto.

My experience was rather early. It as the minimum wage hike of 1995-1996, or whenever. I was working at McDonalds. The first thing they did, was lay off 3 part-time workers. Instantly three people lost their jobs.

Then the rest of us had to take up the slack in labor. So the rest of us, who were already earning more than minimum wage, had to do more work, and we got zero pay increased.

Then I watched as McDonald's started to increase prices. Now they didn't increase prices immedeately... they increased them by reducing serving sizes. The small fry, got even smaller. The medium fry was reduced in size to small, and the large fry ended up being a medium in size.

After a year or two, they introduced a new larger size, with a new larger price... and change all the names.

They did the same with drinks.

Wendy's did the same thing. The Biggie fry and drink, became what is now the large. The large became a medium/regular. And the medium/regular became the small.

All the stores did this.

What I realized was, the minimum wage did almost nothing for the working people, but it reduced jobs, and increased prices. I watched that first hand.

After that, I started reading books, like Economics in One Lession, and Thomas Sowell.... and I never went back to left-wing ideology, after I realized it was all built on myths. The myth that if you jack up the price of labor, that somehow the rich will pay for it, when in reality the working people, and the consumers are the ones who pay for it.

All left-wing ideology is built on this myth.

Even after the 2009 minimum wage hike from $5.25 to $7.25, the news media outlets were flipping out because they found that food producers were reducing the net weight of food. That box of cheerios, may be the same physical size, but they reduced the net weight of the food in it... to pay for labor cost increases.
Economics in a picture for no-info leftards:

This coming from idiots who elect the GOP and have taxes cut on rich people expecting that to “trickle down” to them. Sure. Any day now.

Look at every single thing you own in your entire life, from the clothes you wear, to the computer you are using, and everything else.

If trickle down is not working, then explain what poor impoverished beggar provided all those things you use every single day?

Additionally, look at every single job that is created in this entire country. From the burger flipper at the whopper shop, to the engineer, accountant, and surgeon at a hospital.

If trickle down is not working, then explain what poor impoverished beggar has provided all those jobs?

Every time you try and insult the GOP or right-wingers on economic matters, you only serve to prove conclusively to everyone on this forum, and anyone else that hears your stupidity, that you are utterly ignorant and incompetent on this topic.
You’re so dense dude. I’m not saying capitalism doesn’t work. Yes, there was a time when everyone benefitted from a strong supply side. That is no longer relevant. In this day and age, only a handful of people own more wealth than the bottom 50% of of workers. Meanwhile, 78% of workers reporting living paycheck to paycheck. If the federal minimum wage had kept up with inflation and the cost of living, it would be over $20 per hour. There has to be balance to the economy for it to work and right now that isn’t a thing is it?
how come no reporter has ever asked warren why most people cant stand her?
A woman can win the Presidency. Just not the unqualified women the DNC is forcing on us.
This coming from idiots who elect the GOP and have taxes cut on rich people expecting that to “trickle down” to them. Sure. Any day now.

You just live in a world of denial, don't you?

Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy

Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy | FreedomWorks


Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages
Oct. 17, 2019, 8:59 AM

A tightening labor market with U.S. unemployment rate at a 50-year low is starting to result in higher wages for full-time workers, including younger people and minorities whose pay has lagged.

Median weekly earnings for Americans in the third quarter rose 3.6% to $919, outpacing inflation, the U.S. Labor Department reported Wednesday. Earnings for those aged 25 to 54, in their prime working years, rose by 5%, the fastest rate of growth in recent years.

Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages


Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists

Published 1 month ago on September 9, 2019


“Love him or hate him, this is an incredible economic accomplishment for the President and a tremendous benefit for American blacks,” said Project 21 member Derryck Green.

Along with a reported third straight month of 3.7 percent overall unemployment, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) August jobs report noted that the overall black unemployment rate fell half-a-percent to 5.5 percent. This is the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded. BLS began reporting employment statistics by race in 1972. And with overall white unemployment at 3.4 percent, it is also the smallest reported gap between the races ever in terms of joblessness. Until recently, the racial employment disparity between blacks and whites has generally held to a 2-1 margin.

Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists

Job growth smashes expectations for February as unemployment falls back to 3.5%


US-China phase 1 trade deal: Beijing agrees to buy $200 billion in US products
By Michelle Toh, CNN Business
11 hrs ago [Jan 16. 2020]

China has agreed to buy hundreds of billions of dollars worth of products from the United States as part of their "phase one" trade deal.

The agreement signed Wednesday will have Beijing purchase an additional $200 billion of US goods and services over the next two years.

The increase in purchases will be compared to 2017, before the trade war started. China imported over $185 billion in total US goods and services that year.

In exchange, Washington has agreed to reduce tariffs on $120 billion in Chinese products from 15% to 7.5%.

Taken together, the phased purchases by China would result in a dramatic surge in US exports. Total exports to China would increase to over $260 billion in 2020, and roughly $310 billion in 2021 if the deal holds

US-China phase 1 trade deal: Beijing agrees to buy $200 billion in US products


HAH! President Trump Invited Minnesota Hog Farmers to USMCA Signing Ceremony — But NOT Nancy Pelosi
by Jim Hoft January 29, 2020

President Trump signed the historic USMCA Trade Agreement on Wednesday at the White House.

The trade agreement replaces the disastrous NAFTA agreement signed into law during the Clinton years.

President Trump invited Minnesota Republicans and Minnesota hog farmers to the White House for the signing ceremony today.

HAH! President Trump Invited Minnesota Hog Farmers to USMCA Signing Ceremony -- But NOT Nancy Pelosi


More MAGA Winning: Gallup Poll Has NEVER Recorded This Level Of Economic Optimism

Written by K. Walker on February 6, 2020


Americans feel better about their personal financial situation than they did under Obama, Clinton, or even Reagan. This year-to-year number has been rising since 2018 and has hit a 44-year record high according to Gallup’s “Mood of the Nation” economic survey. Gallup reports that 59% of Americans — nearly six in 10 — say that they are better off financially than they were a year ago, which is up from 50% last year.


There has also been a sharp decline in the percentage of people who say that they are financially worse off than a year ago. Only 20% of Americans are stating that as their financial reality, and that is a record low.


More MAGA Winning: Gallup Poll Has NEVER Recorded This Level Of Economic Optimism



Job growth smashes expectations for February as unemployment falls back to 3.5%


· Nonfarm payrolls rose by 273,000 in February vs. a 175,000 estimate, while the unemployment rate edged lower to 3.5%.

· Job gains were widespread, with health care adding 57,000 to lead the way.

· December and January’s estimates were revised upward by a total of 243,000.

Job growth smashes expectations for February as unemployment falls back to 3.5%

Here are the economic facts that matter and not your rightwing bullshit:

1) The middle class is diminishing while the poor are getting more poor. 78% of workers report living paycheck to paycheck because the cost of living is WAY behind on the rate of inflation.

2) A half of a dozen people own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers COMBINED.

3) The American child poverty rate is the worst out of all other developed nations.
It’s not misogynistic. It’s a fact.

Two observations..

1) Warren is NOT a good test case for "female President"...
2) Tell the Dems that are whining about sexism and lack of diversity in their finalists, that THEIR party must be misogynistic and racist and it aint YOUR fault..

Sorry there's a third...
3) Think we'll ever see a doomed Dem candidate who ACCEPTS their responsibility for the loss without claiming victimhood???

It's getting old and tired...
its time for Pocahontas to get down and dirty. it time for her to end Bernie's chances by endorsing Sleepy Creepy Joe!

She has no other choice but to support Biden. Bernie badmouthed her and like they say, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

I have a pet theory here. Stay with me.. You know the effort to get Trump removed by 25th amendment right? SURELY Biden is gonna be manipulated and played like a puppet by the people the party supply to work around him.. He is also COMPROMISED with a lot of blackmailable baggage..

So as soon he tries to assert his weak minded compromised self and gets in their way, they WILL 25th amendment him.. All this assuming he wins.. And the DNC will choose his VP accordingly...

PREFERABLY a female, person of color or BOTH obviously.. And to keep the Bernie fans from rioting -- the person needs to be as FAR to the radical left as possible... Who's available??

Well Warren, Kamala Harris or Stacey Abrahms. But DNC MIGHT push an Obama choice into the VP slot like Duvall Patrick whose name was floated about the time that Bloomberg declared...

That HAS to be the doomsday plan at this point.. VP pick for Biden is of the utmost importance...
how come no reporter has ever asked warren why most people cant stand her?
That is subjective and many do find her disingenuous and slimy but I believe it was her persistent dishonesty that doomed her candidacy. Whenever her lips move, she's lying. I mean, she came in 3rd in her home state on Super-T but y
ou can't push a female candidate - at least a Dem female - without giving rise to charges of misogyny.

The loony-left whining about the failure of their women to get traction is proof of my contention. If Gabbard stays in I hope the Dems let her in on the next Dem debate. Lame as she is, she is the most genuine Dem in the race.

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