Bernie wins again

Bernie wins the election and Hilly gets the delegates.....
He lost Nebraska but got the delegates and he lost Kentucky. He is also three million votes behind Hillary.

So why should he get the Delegates?
"Bernie and Hillary were battling between 200 votes back and forth until the last 1% and then Hillary gained 3500 votes in one minute."
That Hillary sure is 'lucky'.
Every time the Sander's, by now, RADICAL! supporters watch Hillary flip a coin six times in a row and win the toss each time they get more pissed off. The percent of these Sander's supporters who will NEVER vote for Hillary is growing each week.
Last night Hillary got 250K LESS votes than in 2008.
If that doesn't end a chill up Debbie's hairy leg nothing will.
How does that work for Super Delegates? Iowa was a tie for Clinton and Sanders, and New Hampshire was a win for Sanders and Hillary left with tons of delegates.

Right now Hillary has 53% of the regular delegates and over 90% of the Super Delegates. Pretty screwy if you ask me.

That's why in my opinion, Bernie has been good for the system. Democrat voters are angry as they learn how little the Democrat establishment regards their vote.

Pretty much allows the establishment to pick and choose who they want.

And they've done that when?

It's done when you allow 25% of your votes to be free to roam wherever.

Sanders has the best chance to take down Trump.

When have the Super Delegates overruled the pledge delegates? The answer you're looking for is never.

No Sanders did not which is why the RW was rooting for him...just like I was rooting for Cruz.

Look at the polls, Hillary is three points ahead of Trump, Sanders was 12 or 13 ahead. I want Sanders, I don't want Trump or Clinton, too corrupt and both not trustworthy. If it is Clinton and Trump in the fall, I am going third party. If it is Sanders and Trump, I'll vote Sanders.
That's why in my opinion, Bernie has been good for the system. Democrat voters are angry as they learn how little the Democrat establishment regards their vote.

Pretty much allows the establishment to pick and choose who they want.

And they've done that when?

It's done when you allow 25% of your votes to be free to roam wherever.

Sanders has the best chance to take down Trump.

When have the Super Delegates overruled the pledge delegates? The answer you're looking for is never.

No Sanders did not which is why the RW was rooting for him...just like I was rooting for Cruz.

Look at the polls, Hillary is three points ahead of Trump, Sanders was 12 or 13 ahead. I want Sanders, I don't want Trump or Clinton, too corrupt and both not trustworthy. If it is Clinton and Trump in the fall, I am going third party. If it is Sanders and Trump, I'll vote Sanders.
That's a lot of 'ifs'. How many points was Hillary ahead of Trump two months ago?
Come election day the choice will be Biden/Warren versus Trump/?
The Sander' supporters are going all the way to the convention floor.
When the SD's nominate Biden/Warren the Sanders supporters are going to walk away and 95% will not vote at all. Those that do will vote will write in Sander's name or vote for Trump. The DEM's 'negro firewall' will not vote for Biden. They will do what they did in 2014. Sit in the shade.
That's why in my opinion, Bernie has been good for the system. Democrat voters are angry as they learn how little the Democrat establishment regards their vote.

Pretty much allows the establishment to pick and choose who they want.

And they've done that when?

It's done when you allow 25% of your votes to be free to roam wherever.

Sanders has the best chance to take down Trump.

When have the Super Delegates overruled the pledge delegates? The answer you're looking for is never.

No Sanders did not which is why the RW was rooting for him...just like I was rooting for Cruz.

Look at the polls, Hillary is three points ahead of Trump, Sanders was 12 or 13 ahead. I want Sanders, I don't want Trump or Clinton, too corrupt and both not trustworthy. If it is Clinton and Trump in the fall, I am going third party. If it is Sanders and Trump, I'll vote Sanders.

Sanders hasn't been vetted yet. There has been pretty much nothing in the way of negative press for Sanders because he hasn't been the front runner or the presumptive nominee. For god's sake, the RWNJs call Obama a socialist. Can you imagine what they'd do to a real one?
Crazy Bernie and The Donald have nothing in common. They have however shown that the American political system is rigged and has been rigged for quite a while. This should cause outrage and since The Donald is the only outsider, Crazy Bernie folks should back The Donald in September not Crooked Hillary.

The reason for 714 Democrat Super Delegates is 1984. The Democrat party realized that there are the Bernie Sanders candidates that are out there, making all kinds of promises of free stuff that will attract voters. IOW Bernie Sanders promise of free college tuition, is about as realistic as Trump's claim that Mexico is going to pay for a thousand mile wall.

So the Democrat Super Delegates are there, to make certain this never happens again.


I imagine after Hillary Clinton slaughters Donald Trump that the Republican party will think about adding in some Super Delegates of their own.

There are just way too many people in this country that are politically ignorant. They don't understand the make up of the National Electorate, they don't understand government policies, and they don't have a basic understanding of civics, nor are they capable of determining who is electable and who's not. These type of people fall prey to the candidates like Sanders and Trump.
Bernie actually lost two of the last three. For some strange reason, no one mentions Nebraska.
That's why in my opinion, Bernie has been good for the system. Democrat voters are angry as they learn how little the Democrat establishment regards their vote.

Pretty much allows the establishment to pick and choose who they want.

And they've done that when?

It's done when you allow 25% of your votes to be free to roam wherever.

Sanders has the best chance to take down Trump.

When have the Super Delegates overruled the pledge delegates? The answer you're looking for is never.

No Sanders did not which is why the RW was rooting for him...just like I was rooting for Cruz.

Look at the polls, Hillary is three points ahead of Trump, Sanders was 12 or 13 ahead. I want Sanders, I don't want Trump or Clinton, too corrupt and both not trustworthy. If it is Clinton and Trump in the fall, I am going third party. If it is Sanders and Trump, I'll vote Sanders.
No one knows anything about Bernie.
And the press treats him with kid gloves.
He's in congress for 25 years. What did he do?
Ask someone if they know Bernie admires Castro.
Does anyone know his wife brought down and bankrupted a college? One group of kids who will never vote for him.
When asked by the NY Daily News how big is to big to fail, he said he didn't know. That it had to be worked out. But he's been running on that for two years.
When asked how he would break up the banks, he said he would leave it to the banks.
He said Castro brought bread lines to Cuba, a sign of his success.
His screams of revolution.
I believe he would ruin American business. Business isn't evil. It's when business is unregulated that's the problem. And you can blame that on the owned GOP.

Bernie's followers don't want to hear about his failings. They are as bad as Bush followers who finally had to admit Bush was a disaster. I believe Bernie would be worse.
"Bernie and Hillary were battling between 200 votes back and forth until the last 1% and then Hillary gained 3500 votes in one minute."
That Hillary sure is 'lucky'.
Every time the Sander's, by now, RADICAL! supporters watch Hillary flip a coin six times in a row and win the toss each time they get more pissed off. The percent of these Sander's supporters who will NEVER vote for Hillary is growing each week.
Last night Hillary got 250K LESS votes than in 2008.
If that doesn't end a chill up Debbie's hairy leg nothing will.

Da--Duh--the 3500 votes came in suddenly because a large precinct or district just turned them in. You will see that in every election.

The point is last week Sanders needed to win every single state with 88% of the vote and capture 88% of every delegate still in each and every state left to play catch up with her.

She is 91 delegates away from securing the nomination and he is 855 away from doing it--LOL

Don't start with your idiotic threats of Sanders supporters not voting for Hillary Clinton. Most of you are college students that would not have taken the time to cast a vote anyway, especially now that FREE COLLEGE TUITION is off the table. Don't deny it, that's why you're attracted to this nursing home candidate. Not even the most liberal Democrat in Washington D.C. would have ever supported that, let alone any Republican.


Bernie's wife under investigation for bank fraud....Breaking news!
"Bernie and Hillary were battling between 200 votes back and forth until the last 1% and then Hillary gained 3500 votes in one minute."
That Hillary sure is 'lucky'.
Every time the Sander's, by now, RADICAL! supporters watch Hillary flip a coin six times in a row and win the toss each time they get more pissed off. The percent of these Sander's supporters who will NEVER vote for Hillary is growing each week.
Last night Hillary got 250K LESS votes than in 2008.
If that doesn't end a chill up Debbie's hairy leg nothing will.

Da--Duh--the 3500 votes came in suddenly because a large precinct or district just turned them in. You will see that in every election.

The point is last week Sanders needed to win every single state with 88% of the vote and capture 88% of every delegate still in each and every state left to play catch up with her.

She is 91 delegates away from securing the nomination and he is 855 away from doing it--LOL

Don't start with your idiotic threats of Sanders supporters not voting for Hillary Clinton. Most of you are college students that would not have taken the time to cast a vote anyway, especially now that FREE COLLEGE TUITION is off the table. Don't deny it, that's why you're attracted to this nursing home candidate. Not even the most liberal Democrat in Washington D.C. would have ever supported that, let alone any Republican.

We will see how many Sander's supporters turn out to vote for Biden.
So far the exit polls aren't looking to sweet for Hillary are they.
Every Sander's supporter who writes in Sander's name, every negro who realises Obama didn't do fuck all for them and does what they did in 2014 is a vote for Trump.
Go look at the exit polls. Not so sweet for Hillary is it?
Bernie is a communist. Hillary is a fucking career criminal.
Some say she and 'MLP' are complicant in a number of murders.
I'm one of them.
Too many former friends and associates of the Clintons have committed suicide by shooting himself multiple times in the back of their head.
"Bernie and Hillary were battling between 200 votes back and forth until the last 1% and then Hillary gained 3500 votes in one minute."
That Hillary sure is 'lucky'.
Every time the Sander's, by now, RADICAL! supporters watch Hillary flip a coin six times in a row and win the toss each time they get more pissed off. The percent of these Sander's supporters who will NEVER vote for Hillary is growing each week.
Last night Hillary got 250K LESS votes than in 2008.
If that doesn't end a chill up Debbie's hairy leg nothing will.

Da--Duh--the 3500 votes came in suddenly because a large precinct or district just turned them in. You will see that in every election.

The point is last week Sanders needed to win every single state with 88% of the vote and capture 88% of every delegate still in each and every state left to play catch up with her.

She is 91 delegates away from securing the nomination and he is 855 away from doing it--LOL

Don't start with your idiotic threats of Sanders supporters not voting for Hillary Clinton. Most of you are college students that would not have taken the time to cast a vote anyway, especially now that FREE COLLEGE TUITION is off the table. Don't deny it, that's why you're attracted to this nursing home candidate. Not even the most liberal Democrat in Washington D.C. would have ever supported that, let alone any Republican.

We will see how many Sander's supporters turn out to vote for Biden.
So far the exit polls aren't looking to sweet for Hillary are they.
Every Sander's supporter who writes in Sander's name, every negro who realises Obama didn't do fuck all for them and does what they did in 2014 is a vote for Trump.
Go look at the exit polls. Not so sweet for Hillary is it?

The only morons that are going to take the time to stop & talk to some stranger about how they voted and why are Sanders & Trump supporters--LOL The exit polls showed Romney winning in 2012. Didn't happen.

You people do the same with National polling data. National polling data has turned into a world-wide train wreck. Why you ask? The overwhelming majority of people will not pick up on unknown callers anymore, and most of us use cell phones today, that pollsters have no access too. Most people won't take the time to participate in online polling. Some are set up to where one supporter can vote a thousand times, the others won't do it because they're associated with a donation site. Texting in your preference is also a joke because one supporter can do it many times. So pollsters are forced to use very low participation samples. I saw one national poll where they had 736 participants that were supposed to reflect the opinion of over 170+ million voters. They're laughable and so is your exit poll.

Trump also does great in the polls, but oddly enough he also has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history. Who mentions the polls more often that any other candidates? Trump & Sanders do it continually. Sometimes 4 times in one paragraph.
Gallup: Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded

FURTHERMORE--the real poll is out and it came to you from an actual ballot. Hillary Clinton is ahead of Bernie Sanders by 3 million+ votes, she is ahead of Donald Trump by 1 million votes, and Bernie Sanders comes in last place well behind both of them.

Here is a link on the polls and the problems with them.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

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The exit polls showed Romney winning in 2012. Didn't happen
Not true the exit polls on election day showed the race tied at best. I was shocked to see it that is how I can still remember that day. I thought for sure Romney would win the exit polls were right...he lost. He's a choke artist...
The exit polls showed Romney winning in 2012. Didn't happen
Not true the exit polls on election day showed the race tied at best. I was shocked to see it that is how I can still remember that day. I thought for sure Romney would win the exit polls were right...he lost. He's a choke artist...

Nope the exit polls showed Romney beating Obama by 2 points.

The real poll came to you from an actual BALLOT. Hillary Clinton is leading Bernie Sanders by 3+million votes, she is ahead of Donald Trump by 1 million votes, and Bernie Sanders comes in LAST PLACE well behind both of them.

Really Bernie Sanders was Republicans only hope at winning the White House. In fact, there has been a lot of operation Bernie voting going on by Republicans in these open primary states. This in an effort to get the weakest candidate that they can steam roll and bury on election night. And that's exactly what would have happened if Bernie Sanders was the nominee.


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