Bernie wins again

HIll will still win. Not a big fan, better her than whatever shit the repubs throw up there and think it will stick.

Wishful thinking!

Why do you prefer someone who totally disregards national security, lies and covers up her major mistakes along with the rapes committed by her convicted felon husband.

Not convicted, not a felon.

You're so cute and so proud of being uninformed.

Clinton Pays $25,000 Fine in Arkansas Case
Published: April 8, 2001

Former President Bill Clinton has paid a $25,000 fine that was part of a sanction in which his Arkansas law license was suspended for five years.

Mr. Clinton paid the fine with a personal check on March 21, said Marie-Bernarde Miller, the lawyer who handled a disbarment lawsuit brought by a committee of the Arkansas Supreme Court.

''The case is completed,'' Ms. Miller said.

On Jan. 19, the last full day of his presidency, Mr. Clinton reached an agreement on the fine and suspension with Robert W. Ray, the independent counsel. Mr. Ray had been investigating whether to charge Mr. Clinton with crimes like perjury and obstruction of justice because of his sworn testimony about his relationship with a White House intern.

The agreement ended any criminal liability for Mr. Clinton in the collective matters known as Whitewater, and ended the wide-ranging, $60 million investigation that plagued Mr. Clinton and his wife, now Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, for much of their time in the White House.

The agreement also satisfied a legal effort by the Arkansas Supreme Court Committee on Professional Conduct to disbar Mr. Clinton for giving misleading testimony in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case.

No deadline had been set for Mr. Clinton to pay the fine.

The fine was intended to cover the committee's cost to pay Ms. Miller and another lawyer involved in bringing the case against Mr. Clinton.

''I think the outcome was a very good resolution of this case,'' Ms. Miller said. ''The penalty that the president received -- a five-year suspension to take effect while he was a sitting president, and a $25,000 fine -- was, I think, an acceptable penalty.''
Fines and convictions are two separate things.
You must think traffic tickets are convictions.

Quite true, pay the fine and you admit your guilt. Points on your license. I had one for doing 104 on the Florida Turnpike. Good cop. we both knew it was over 110 in my '66 Goat but he wasn't sure. He kept it one mile under where the fine would have skyrocketed.
SURE WE WILL Great having a president insulting our greatest ally England
Give me a break greatest ally my ass. A great ally would keep their nose out of our elections.
And we don't have our nose up the worlds ass ?? and what of the Jewish guy coming to america before our election ?? invited by ah republicans??
Republicans did not invite Bernie. He has been here since birth. although, maybe we could start a birther movement or something against him
Hey, can someone point me to a thread loaded up with conserva-tards who don't understand how a proportional primary works?

I have no clue as to your point.

The best thing for the country is that Democrat voters have learned what a corrupt, vile system they have which totally discounts the will of the voter and makes the will of the establishment all that matters. With luck, voter pressure will force the Democrats to change their system.

More votes equals more delegates. You want to define that as cheating?

How does that work for Super Delegates? Iowa was a tie for Clinton and Sanders, and New Hampshire was a win for Sanders and Hillary left with tons of delegates.

Right now Hillary has 53% of the regular delegates and over 90% of the Super Delegates. Pretty screwy if you ask me.

That's why in my opinion, Bernie has been good for the system. Democrat voters are angry as they learn how little the Democrat establishment regards their vote.

Pretty much allows the establishment to pick and choose who they want.

And they've done that when?
Hey, can someone point me to a thread loaded up with conserva-tards who don't understand how a proportional primary works?

I have no clue as to your point.

The best thing for the country is that Democrat voters have learned what a corrupt, vile system they have which totally discounts the will of the voter and makes the will of the establishment all that matters. With luck, voter pressure will force the Democrats to change their system.

More votes equals more delegates. You want to define that as cheating?

How does that work for Super Delegates? Iowa was a tie for Clinton and Sanders, and New Hampshire was a win for Sanders and Hillary left with tons of delegates.

Right now Hillary has 53% of the regular delegates and over 90% of the Super Delegates. Pretty screwy if you ask me.

I agree super delegates suck, they should drop that.

However, that has nothing to do with Clinton having more votes and more pledged delegates. She is beating Sanders by more than Obama beat he in 2008. What is your point?

Just don't understand any of the Super Delegates, Sanders was done before he started. Sanders from the get go would have to win states delegates at almost 75% clip to win because of the Super Delegates.

So, with Sanders, he's behind and there are only so many states left and they are all proportional. It;s not that Clinton when she loses a primary is actually getting more delegate, it's the fact that in a Democratic primary in order to pull ahead you need a landslide because if it;s close there isn't much of a difference between winner and loser. Clinton won some big states very convincingly and Sanders doesn't have enough runway ahead of him to catch up now. Winning a state by 50 or even 60% only puts him more behind because it's still not enough to make up the difference and after each primary there is less-opportunity..

It's not cheating, it's tha Clinton beat the shit out of Sanders, whether he concedes or not.
I have no clue as to your point.

The best thing for the country is that Democrat voters have learned what a corrupt, vile system they have which totally discounts the will of the voter and makes the will of the establishment all that matters. With luck, voter pressure will force the Democrats to change their system.

More votes equals more delegates. You want to define that as cheating?

How does that work for Super Delegates? Iowa was a tie for Clinton and Sanders, and New Hampshire was a win for Sanders and Hillary left with tons of delegates.

Right now Hillary has 53% of the regular delegates and over 90% of the Super Delegates. Pretty screwy if you ask me.

I agree super delegates suck, they should drop that.

However, that has nothing to do with Clinton having more votes and more pledged delegates. She is beating Sanders by more than Obama beat he in 2008. What is your point?

Just don't understand any of the Super Delegates, Sanders was done before he started. Sanders from the get go would have to win states delegates at almost 75% clip to win because of the Super Delegates.

So, with Sanders, he's behind and there are only so many states left and they are all proportional. It;s not that Clinton when she loses a primary is actually getting more delegate, it's the fact that in a Democratic primary in order to pull ahead you need a landslide because if it;s close there isn't much of a difference between winner and loser. Clinton won some big states very convincingly and Sanders doesn't have enough runway ahead of him to catch up now. Winning a state by 50 or even 60% only puts him more behind because it's still not enough to make up the difference and after each primary there is less-opportunity..

It's not cheating, it's tha Clinton beat the shit out of Sanders, whether he concedes or not.

She is winning with about 52% of the votes, so it's not that big. I agree Bernie will lose, which is a damn shame because he had a real chance on trumping Trump. I'll vote Bernie over Trump, I will never vote for Clinton, her lies about Libya and Honduras, along with her other lies is way over the top for me.
I have no clue as to your point.

The best thing for the country is that Democrat voters have learned what a corrupt, vile system they have which totally discounts the will of the voter and makes the will of the establishment all that matters. With luck, voter pressure will force the Democrats to change their system.

More votes equals more delegates. You want to define that as cheating?

How does that work for Super Delegates? Iowa was a tie for Clinton and Sanders, and New Hampshire was a win for Sanders and Hillary left with tons of delegates.

Right now Hillary has 53% of the regular delegates and over 90% of the Super Delegates. Pretty screwy if you ask me.

That's why in my opinion, Bernie has been good for the system. Democrat voters are angry as they learn how little the Democrat establishment regards their vote.

Pretty much allows the establishment to pick and choose who they want.

And they've done that when?

It's done when you allow 25% of your votes to be free to roam wherever.

Sanders has the best chance to take down Trump.
More votes equals more delegates. You want to define that as cheating?

How does that work for Super Delegates? Iowa was a tie for Clinton and Sanders, and New Hampshire was a win for Sanders and Hillary left with tons of delegates.

Right now Hillary has 53% of the regular delegates and over 90% of the Super Delegates. Pretty screwy if you ask me.

I agree super delegates suck, they should drop that.

However, that has nothing to do with Clinton having more votes and more pledged delegates. She is beating Sanders by more than Obama beat he in 2008. What is your point?

Just don't understand any of the Super Delegates, Sanders was done before he started. Sanders from the get go would have to win states delegates at almost 75% clip to win because of the Super Delegates.

So, with Sanders, he's behind and there are only so many states left and they are all proportional. It;s not that Clinton when she loses a primary is actually getting more delegate, it's the fact that in a Democratic primary in order to pull ahead you need a landslide because if it;s close there isn't much of a difference between winner and loser. Clinton won some big states very convincingly and Sanders doesn't have enough runway ahead of him to catch up now. Winning a state by 50 or even 60% only puts him more behind because it's still not enough to make up the difference and after each primary there is less-opportunity..

It's not cheating, it's tha Clinton beat the shit out of Sanders, whether he concedes or not.

She is winning with about 52% of the votes, so it's not that big. I agree Bernie will lose, which is a damn shame because he had a real chance on trumping Trump. I'll vote Bernie over Trump, I will never vote for Clinton, her lies about Libya and Honduras, along with her other lies is way over the top for me.

Which state? Where exactly did Sanders get screwed? Were rules changed or something? Outside of super delegates I am perplexed by this argument.
How does that work for Super Delegates? Iowa was a tie for Clinton and Sanders, and New Hampshire was a win for Sanders and Hillary left with tons of delegates.

Right now Hillary has 53% of the regular delegates and over 90% of the Super Delegates. Pretty screwy if you ask me.

I agree super delegates suck, they should drop that.

However, that has nothing to do with Clinton having more votes and more pledged delegates. She is beating Sanders by more than Obama beat he in 2008. What is your point?

Just don't understand any of the Super Delegates, Sanders was done before he started. Sanders from the get go would have to win states delegates at almost 75% clip to win because of the Super Delegates.

So, with Sanders, he's behind and there are only so many states left and they are all proportional. It;s not that Clinton when she loses a primary is actually getting more delegate, it's the fact that in a Democratic primary in order to pull ahead you need a landslide because if it;s close there isn't much of a difference between winner and loser. Clinton won some big states very convincingly and Sanders doesn't have enough runway ahead of him to catch up now. Winning a state by 50 or even 60% only puts him more behind because it's still not enough to make up the difference and after each primary there is less-opportunity..

It's not cheating, it's tha Clinton beat the shit out of Sanders, whether he concedes or not.

She is winning with about 52% of the votes, so it's not that big. I agree Bernie will lose, which is a damn shame because he had a real chance on trumping Trump. I'll vote Bernie over Trump, I will never vote for Clinton, her lies about Libya and Honduras, along with her other lies is way over the top for me.

Which state? Where exactly did Sanders get screwed? Were rules changed or something? Outside of super delegates I am perplexed by this argument.

Super Delegates, that's it, never claimed otherwise. Doesn't matter at this point, Clinton and Trump will square off. I am not supporting dumb or dumber, they are both bad for America, yet America will survive.

What perplexes me is how duped the American public is that would make Clinton or Trump their nominee.
I agree super delegates suck, they should drop that.

However, that has nothing to do with Clinton having more votes and more pledged delegates. She is beating Sanders by more than Obama beat he in 2008. What is your point?

Just don't understand any of the Super Delegates, Sanders was done before he started. Sanders from the get go would have to win states delegates at almost 75% clip to win because of the Super Delegates.

So, with Sanders, he's behind and there are only so many states left and they are all proportional. It;s not that Clinton when she loses a primary is actually getting more delegate, it's the fact that in a Democratic primary in order to pull ahead you need a landslide because if it;s close there isn't much of a difference between winner and loser. Clinton won some big states very convincingly and Sanders doesn't have enough runway ahead of him to catch up now. Winning a state by 50 or even 60% only puts him more behind because it's still not enough to make up the difference and after each primary there is less-opportunity..

It's not cheating, it's tha Clinton beat the shit out of Sanders, whether he concedes or not.

She is winning with about 52% of the votes, so it's not that big. I agree Bernie will lose, which is a damn shame because he had a real chance on trumping Trump. I'll vote Bernie over Trump, I will never vote for Clinton, her lies about Libya and Honduras, along with her other lies is way over the top for me.

Which state? Where exactly did Sanders get screwed? Were rules changed or something? Outside of super delegates I am perplexed by this argument.

Super Delegates, that's it, never claimed otherwise. Doesn't matter at this point, Clinton and Trump will square off. I am not supporting dumb or dumber, they are both bad for America, yet America will survive.

What perplexes me is how duped the American public is that would make Clinton or Trump their nominee.

OK, back to the beginning, iI agree, I don't like super delegates, they exist only to stop people like Trump. So, while I disagree with their use, I think Trump is worse.

But, let's step back, so far it appears Clinton is going to take the nomination without needing super delegates. Believe it or not, she is the Democrats first choice and it's not even close.
More votes equals more delegates. You want to define that as cheating?

How does that work for Super Delegates? Iowa was a tie for Clinton and Sanders, and New Hampshire was a win for Sanders and Hillary left with tons of delegates.

Right now Hillary has 53% of the regular delegates and over 90% of the Super Delegates. Pretty screwy if you ask me.

That's why in my opinion, Bernie has been good for the system. Democrat voters are angry as they learn how little the Democrat establishment regards their vote.

Pretty much allows the establishment to pick and choose who they want.

And they've done that when?

It's done when you allow 25% of your votes to be free to roam wherever.

Sanders has the best chance to take down Trump.

When have the Super Delegates overruled the pledge delegates? The answer you're looking for is never.

No Sanders did not which is why the RW was rooting for him...just like I was rooting for Cruz.
Does this mean Hillary will get the delegates? :9:

Last week Sanders needed to win 88% of the vote or 88% of all delegates left in each and every state. Even though he won in Oregon--he didn't get near the 88% required.

Needed to secure the nomination 2383

Hillary Clinton has 2291 delegates--she needs 92 more to secure the nomination.

Bernie Sanders has 1578 delegates--he needs 855 more.

Democrat primaries coming up.

Jun 5 Virgin Islands Caucus 12 Open
Jun 5 Puerto Rico Primary 67 Open
Jun 7 California 546 Mixed (Independents can't vote in the Presidential primary)
Jun 7 Montana 27 Open
Jun 7 New Jersey 142 Mixed (Independents can't vote in the Presidential primary)
Jun 7 New Mexico 43 Closed
Jun 7 North Dakota Caucus 23-Closed
Jun 7 South Dakota 25 Closed
Jun 14 District of Columbia 46-Closed

Hillary Clinton will have the required delegates on June 7th and will secure the nomination at that time.

This race was really over when Bernie Sanders got clobbered in New York. At that point in time there was no mathematical possibility of him catching Hillary Clinton. Instead of dropping out of this race, and giving what was left of his campaign treasure to other Democrats, he sent out another mass email to ask his supporters for more donations. David Plouffe, Obama's former campaign manager called him a fraud for doing that. He received another 28 million that month, and then got clobbered in Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Maryland, & Delaware. Yet he still didn't drop out of this race.

The longer he stays in a race he's lost, the more he alienates the Democrat party, the more credibility, respect and support he loses.

The Democrat party is calling on Sanders to settle down his supporters as many have been making death threats to state party leaders. It appears that Sanders & Trump supporters do have a lot in common.
NV Dems Scold Sanders Camp After Supporters Threaten State Party Official

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Crazy Bernie and The Donald have nothing in common. They have however shown that the American political system is rigged and has been rigged for quite a while. This should cause outrage and since The Donald is the only outsider, Crazy Bernie folks should back The Donald in September not Crooked Hillary.
"Bernie wins again"

It’s difficult to tell which is more pathetic: conservative ignorance or stupidity.

Clinton now has 2294 delegates, just 89 more are needed to win the nomination.

Indeed, she will have won the nomination after the June 7th primaries.
"Bernie wins again"

It’s difficult to tell which is more pathetic: conservative ignorance or stupidity.

Clinton now has 2294 delegates, just 89 more are needed to win the nomination.

Indeed, she will have won the nomination after the June 7th primaries.

She only steals, never wins anything

Hillary is riding Bernie dirty just like Bill rode Monica

I had no idea that there were so many communists in our country. WHERE do these people come from?

Astonishing! I read Bernie's bio yesterday trying to figure out the attraction and Man O Man he is a full blown commie.

It's too bad Trump took the GOP nomination so easily. There are much better republicans than he in politics and certainly at large. Hillary is just a professional politician who knows all the ropes and the rules and has defined the inside track. Bernie is a head in the clouds chump that believes in unicorns that poop cotton candy. NOTHING he advocates for would EVER pass as legislation. The people that support him have no idea how government works.

They also can't read at grade level and need remedial education in order to function at community college. But with Bernie they'd get that -- for free!
"Bernie wins again"

It’s difficult to tell which is more pathetic: conservative ignorance or stupidity.

Clinton now has 2294 delegates, just 89 more are needed to win the nomination.

Indeed, she will have won the nomination after the June 7th primaries.

She has SuperDelegates Honey Boo Boo.

The Dems want Bernie, the Party Bosses are saying "Talk to the Hand" because this isn't a Democracy, you're getting Hillary

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