Bernie's calling Trumpy out -- it's all about BIGOTRY

Go home.. go to sleep at your new vacation house, Crazy Bernie! The vacation house(s) I'm sure you spent from using the money from the primaries. Crazy Bernie!
Bernie raises such important points he oughta run for president!

Oh wait....he did....but the anointed party elite threw him under the bus.
The birther issue. It's about bigotry.

Trump is the king birther.

Trump is the king of the bigots.

Then why did hilary's minion, sydney blumenthal......and her campaign chief sell birtherism to the networks in 2008? They don't wipe their asses without hilary telling them it's essentially hilary gave the order to accuse obama of not being an American...
Man, did he just bitch slap the Donald all over Morning Joe?!!

Go get him, Bernie!!!

Bernie doesn't have the balls to "bitch slap" anybody. If he would have bitch slapped, the bitch, when he had a chance, he might have won the nomination.
"The king birther"? What does that mean? Like most Americans Trump wanted to examine Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama's real birth certificate rather than a facsimile waved by some slobbering Obama supporter. Does the consideration of the Constitutional requirement that a president be born in the U.S.A. make Trump a freaking bigot? Does Trump's opinion about preventing the illegal entry into the U.S. by freaking criminals make him a bigot? Maybe Michael Savage was right when he said that liberalism is a mental illness.
Hillary neutered Bernie, fixing the election, rigging the win, then making him kiss her ring. She owns his the little neutered dog is yapping at the fence at the big dog.
"The king birther"? What does that mean? Like most Americans Trump wanted to examine Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama's real birth certificate rather than a facsimile waved by some slobbering Obama supporter. Does the consideration of the Constitutional requirement that a president be born in the U.S.A. make Trump a freaking bigot? Does Trump's opinion about preventing the illegal entry into the U.S. by freaking criminals make him a bigot? Maybe Michael Savage was right when he said that liberalism is a mental illness.
It's an attempt to distract from the proven - ADMITTED - fact Hillary's camp began the Birther movement in 2008. :p
And a weak, fading voice calls out from under The Great Democrat Party bus......

But the Bernie-bois aren't there to hear. They're all over at the Trump rally. DNC fucked them once and now they're out for revenge.
Bernie is the most honest candidate in this so called...emphasis so called great country has ever had.
Yea, yea we have heard it all before. Trump's voters are "deplorable". That is the hate talk the Democrats spew.

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