Bernie's people warned Hillary's people

I was pretty much just assuming that Hillary was going to win, so I didn't pay much attention to what she was saying in her speeches. I do remember her spending a lot of time slamming Trump and not getting into the meat & potatoes, but those were just sound bytes from her speeches.

Anyway, here's an interesting piece from the Daily Beast:

Team Bernie: Hillary ‘F*cking Ignored’ Us in Swing States

Behind-the-scenes stuff is always interesting. From the piece:

“They fucking ignored us on all these [three] battleground states [while] we were sounding the alarm for months,” Nomiki Konst, a progressive activist and former Sanders surrogate who served on the 2016 Democratic National Committee platform committee, told The Daily Beast. “We kept saying to each other like, ‘What the fuck, why are they just blowing us off? They need these voters more than anybody.’”

“The math that they lost on, is the math we won on,” Konst said. “So we wrote out a plan, and sent it to them, telling them to stop thinking you’re going to get this ‘Obama coalition,’ it’s not going to happen.”

“We were painting them a dire picture, and I couldn’t help but think they literally looked like they had no idea what was going on here,” she continued. “I remember their faces, it was like they had never fucking heard this stuff before. It’s what we had been screaming for the past 9 months
 It’s like [they] forgot the basics of Politics 101.”

“A ham sandwich could beat Donald Trump,” Melissa Arab, a Michigan delegate for Sanders, told The Daily Beast during a protest outside the Democratic convention in July. “And Hillary cannot beat Donald Trump.”

“For me this is not about Hillary Clinton, this is about HIllary Clinton’s staff becoming too insular, too professional where regular working-class folks did not matter to them,” Kleeb said. “She had too many people [on her campaign] wearing Prada going into pollster meetings, not enough of us.”


How dumb does Hillary and her campaign have to be not see what was coming? Bernie won a ton of states...that should have told them they were in trouble. Plus, Trump's rallies were enormous and he was getting all the press.

You know what Gipper, I contend that the Hillary faction of the Democratic party, is totally different than the Bernie side. They are like water and oil, they don't mix well. This is exactly why they had to make Trump look like Joe wants him to look, because without the threat of a Nazi, or racist, or whatever on the Republican side, the Democrats would NOT come out and vote for the lesser of 2 evils, that being Hillary. The Republicans already had their narrative on Hillary, so the Democrats HAD to create the narrative on Trump that was WORSE than Mz Clintons. They failed miserably, and in the end, enough Democrats switched sides to push him in, along with enough Democrats staying home to keep her out. For the 1st time in recent memory, the Democratic narrative failed nationally, and THAT is why the left is in a panic. It failed so badly that when people like Joe call us racists today, we laugh at them. 8 weeks ago, we defended ourselves against the phony narrative, lol. The instinctively know their narrative is now failing, so they are trying to double down, and know what.....America is still laughing, hehehehehehe!

The thing is the Left is not giving up on their inflammatory rhetoric against Trump. I suspect the elite left and it's media are just getting started. Many feeble minded lefties are getting inflamed and will likely resort to violence.
I was pretty much just assuming that Hillary was going to win, so I didn't pay much attention to what she was saying in her speeches. I do remember her spending a lot of time slamming Trump and not getting into the meat & potatoes, but those were just sound bytes from her speeches.

Anyway, here's an interesting piece from the Daily Beast:

Team Bernie: Hillary ‘F*cking Ignored’ Us in Swing States

Behind-the-scenes stuff is always interesting. From the piece:

“They fucking ignored us on all these [three] battleground states [while] we were sounding the alarm for months,” Nomiki Konst, a progressive activist and former Sanders surrogate who served on the 2016 Democratic National Committee platform committee, told The Daily Beast. “We kept saying to each other like, ‘What the fuck, why are they just blowing us off? They need these voters more than anybody.’”

“The math that they lost on, is the math we won on,” Konst said. “So we wrote out a plan, and sent it to them, telling them to stop thinking you’re going to get this ‘Obama coalition,’ it’s not going to happen.”

“We were painting them a dire picture, and I couldn’t help but think they literally looked like they had no idea what was going on here,” she continued. “I remember their faces, it was like they had never fucking heard this stuff before. It’s what we had been screaming for the past 9 months
 It’s like [they] forgot the basics of Politics 101.”

“A ham sandwich could beat Donald Trump,” Melissa Arab, a Michigan delegate for Sanders, told The Daily Beast during a protest outside the Democratic convention in July. “And Hillary cannot beat Donald Trump.”

“For me this is not about Hillary Clinton, this is about HIllary Clinton’s staff becoming too insular, too professional where regular working-class folks did not matter to them,” Kleeb said. “She had too many people [on her campaign] wearing Prada going into pollster meetings, not enough of us.”


How dumb does Hillary and her campaign have to be not see what was coming? Bernie won a ton of states...that should have told them they were in trouble. Plus, Trump's rallies were enormous and he was getting all the press.

You know what Gipper, I contend that the Hillary faction of the Democratic party, is totally different than the Bernie side. They are like water and oil, they don't mix well. This is exactly why they had to make Trump look like Joe wants him to look, because without the threat of a Nazi, or racist, or whatever on the Republican side, the Democrats would NOT come out and vote for the lesser of 2 evils, that being Hillary. The Republicans already had their narrative on Hillary, so the Democrats HAD to create the narrative on Trump that was WORSE than Mz Clintons. They failed miserably, and in the end, enough Democrats switched sides to push him in, along with enough Democrats staying home to keep her out. For the 1st time in recent memory, the Democratic narrative failed nationally, and THAT is why the left is in a panic. It failed so badly that when people like Joe call us racists today, we laugh at them. 8 weeks ago, we defended ourselves against the phony narrative, lol. The instinctively know their narrative is now failing, so they are trying to double down, and know what.....America is still laughing, hehehehehehe!

The thing is the Left is not giving up on their inflammatory rhetoric against Trump. I suspect the elite left and it's media are just getting started. Many feeble minded lefties are getting inflamed and will likely resort to violence.

And I agree with your assessment. I am of the opinion, they are attempting to create enough havoc after Trump takes office, to get him to try and stop the riots so they can use violence, and law enforcement will respond. Then the narrative will double down on brown shirted Nazis. We of course will again have to put up with a story about a saintly, young, left winger, who was slapped around or something, just because they were exercising their right to free speech, and NEVER got violent, is a saint, and the Pope has already put them in for canonization.

Personally..........if I was Trump, I would not respond with ANY federal force until asked by the states themselves to intervene. Just cut off funds to sanctuary cities and states, and sit back. If they want to allow the illegals to burn down their cities and states, let them go ahead, then let the liberal state, rebuild it themselves. See, then when they proclaim "you didn't build that," they will be at least telling the partial truth-)
"Remember how far down Trump was just two weeks before the election?"
I never believed the polls that had Trump down. I think he was ahead most of the time but the polls over weighed Dems and underweighed Independents and Repubs.
I was not believing those polls either as the numbers simply did not add up and I was posting that.

But the point remains that the DEMOCRATS were believing their own polls and misguiding their election efforts, as indicated by them ignoring Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania until very late in the campaigns.

It is ironic; the Democrats sent out guide sheets to their supporters in the polling industry suggesting how they could stack their polls by over-sampling demographic groups known to be more Democratic Party.

Then they bought the results of those polls and brought their own election efforts to ruin because they BELIEVED THEIR OWN LIES.
He wasn't stupid. He knew his people/followers would get NOTHING of what they wanted if Trump became president but financial woes and heartache....more so than with Hillary....crumbs to eat was better than none....
He had no options but to support Hillary, for his follower's sake.
I disagree.

Sanders should have offered his support to Hillary if she met him half way. But instead, like a typical white male liberal, he just gave it all away and got nothing for it.

I am glad that he did not split the ticket and run as a Green but that is due to the long term intersts of having Nordic Model capitalism in the USA one day.

We will have to do it and Bernie could have delayed it by decades had he split the party.
Not surprising she/they ignored them, especially after trump got the nomination, as they thought they'do beat him easily.

"Why aren't I 50 points ahead?"

They royally bungled an very winnable race because they thought they had it in the bag.
She was mad because she paid for a 50 point lead and didn't get it.
I was pretty much just assuming that Hillary was going to win, so I didn't pay much attention to what she was saying in her speeches. I do remember her spending a lot of time slamming Trump and not getting into the meat & potatoes, but those were just sound bytes from her speeches.

Anyway, here's an interesting piece from the Daily Beast:

Team Bernie: Hillary ‘F*cking Ignored’ Us in Swing States

Behind-the-scenes stuff is always interesting. From the piece:

“They fucking ignored us on all these [three] battleground states [while] we were sounding the alarm for months,” Nomiki Konst, a progressive activist and former Sanders surrogate who served on the 2016 Democratic National Committee platform committee, told The Daily Beast. “We kept saying to each other like, ‘What the fuck, why are they just blowing us off? They need these voters more than anybody.’”

“The math that they lost on, is the math we won on,” Konst said. “So we wrote out a plan, and sent it to them, telling them to stop thinking you’re going to get this ‘Obama coalition,’ it’s not going to happen.”

“We were painting them a dire picture, and I couldn’t help but think they literally looked like they had no idea what was going on here,” she continued. “I remember their faces, it was like they had never fucking heard this stuff before. It’s what we had been screaming for the past 9 months
 It’s like [they] forgot the basics of Politics 101.”

“A ham sandwich could beat Donald Trump,” Melissa Arab, a Michigan delegate for Sanders, told The Daily Beast during a protest outside the Democratic convention in July. “And Hillary cannot beat Donald Trump.”

“For me this is not about Hillary Clinton, this is about HIllary Clinton’s staff becoming too insular, too professional where regular working-class folks did not matter to them,” Kleeb said. “She had too many people [on her campaign] wearing Prada going into pollster meetings, not enough of us.”
Like most leftists Hillary and her team live in a bubble world, isolated from the real world. Trump was there and simply exploited it.
I was pretty much just assuming that Hillary was going to win, so I didn't pay much attention to what she was saying in her speeches. I do remember her spending a lot of time slamming Trump and not getting into the meat & potatoes, but those were just sound bytes from her speeches.

Anyway, here's an interesting piece from the Daily Beast:

Team Bernie: Hillary ‘F*cking Ignored’ Us in Swing States

Behind-the-scenes stuff is always interesting. From the piece:

“They fucking ignored us on all these [three] battleground states [while] we were sounding the alarm for months,” Nomiki Konst, a progressive activist and former Sanders surrogate who served on the 2016 Democratic National Committee platform committee, told The Daily Beast. “We kept saying to each other like, ‘What the fuck, why are they just blowing us off? They need these voters more than anybody.’”

“The math that they lost on, is the math we won on,” Konst said. “So we wrote out a plan, and sent it to them, telling them to stop thinking you’re going to get this ‘Obama coalition,’ it’s not going to happen.”

“We were painting them a dire picture, and I couldn’t help but think they literally looked like they had no idea what was going on here,” she continued. “I remember their faces, it was like they had never fucking heard this stuff before. It’s what we had been screaming for the past 9 months
 It’s like [they] forgot the basics of Politics 101.”

“A ham sandwich could beat Donald Trump,” Melissa Arab, a Michigan delegate for Sanders, told The Daily Beast during a protest outside the Democratic convention in July. “And Hillary cannot beat Donald Trump.”

“For me this is not about Hillary Clinton, this is about HIllary Clinton’s staff becoming too insular, too professional where regular working-class folks did not matter to them,” Kleeb said. “She had too many people [on her campaign] wearing Prada going into pollster meetings, not enough of us.”

Hillary still would have lost. She was too corrupt to put into office.

Team Trump would simply have had to try a few more things to shed her those votes.

Remember how far down Trump was ust two weeks before the election?

And he still came back to win.

No, Hillary would have still lost as she was guiding her campaign based on false information and deeply flawed polling. The Sanders people would have not saved her.
Tough to say. She sure didn't lose by much in the swing states, and that may have been different if those voters thought she actually gave a shit.

The Democrats' national approach in 2020 will be fascinating to watch, that's for damn sure.

2020 will be a watershed moment for both. We know that there are millions of votes not being cast all over this country, and one of these two groups has to give them a reason why to come out. If the Democrats try to put up Bernie or Warren, they are going to lose, and lose big. Somebody that is more of a centrist though...........well, we have to see how much rope Trump runs out to hang himself with, lol.
2018 is the deadline to get things rolling. Without a Rep majority Trump is dead in the water.
I also wonder if ol Bernie will become irrelevant. It showed his true colors(funny way of putting it) when he endorsed Hildabeast. Seriously, WTF
He wasn't stupid. He knew his people/followers would get NOTHING of what they wanted if Trump became president but financial woes and heartache....more so than with Hillary....crumbs to eat was better than none....
He had no options but to support Hillary, for his follower's sake.
Yes, a corporatist and war monger that said his policies were unrealistic is the BEST CHOICE for the little people. Give me a freaking break.
He ended up supporting the EXACT thing he rallied against for DECADES.
ahemmm, I doubt she would have picked or been able to pick 3 Goldman Sachs-ers in to her administration like Trump has...., or all of the corporatists that Trump has picked that are going to make their lives miserable.... Bernie knew what he was doing.....
I also wonder if ol Bernie will become irrelevant. It showed his true colors(funny way of putting it) when he endorsed Hildabeast. Seriously, WTF
He wasn't stupid. He knew his people/followers would get NOTHING of what they wanted if Trump became president but financial woes and heartache....more so than with Hillary....crumbs to eat was better than none....
He had no options but to support Hillary, for his follower's sake.
Yes, a corporatist and war monger that said his policies were unrealistic is the BEST CHOICE for the little people. Give me a freaking break.
He ended up supporting the EXACT thing he rallied against for DECADES.
ahemmm, I doubt she would have picked or been able to pick 3 Goldman Sachs-ers in to her administration like Trump has...., or all of the corporatists that Trump has picked that are going to make their lives miserable.... Bernie knew what he was doing.....
He supported a corporatist, dontcareforreality. There is no spin you can apply to it and look honest. Sorry.
I also wonder if ol Bernie will become irrelevant. It showed his true colors(funny way of putting it) when he endorsed Hildabeast. Seriously, WTF
He wasn't stupid. He knew his people/followers would get NOTHING of what they wanted if Trump became president but financial woes and heartache....more so than with Hillary....crumbs to eat was better than none....
He had no options but to support Hillary, for his follower's sake.
Yes, a corporatist and war monger that said his policies were unrealistic is the BEST CHOICE for the little people. Give me a freaking break.
He ended up supporting the EXACT thing he rallied against for DECADES.
ahemmm, I doubt she would have picked or been able to pick 3 Goldman Sachs-ers in to her administration like Trump has...., or all of the corporatists that Trump has picked that are going to make their lives miserable.... Bernie knew what he was doing.....
Now...imagine if you will...what the election results would have been had the MSM not been entirely biased against Trump.
I was pretty much just assuming that Hillary was going to win, so I didn't pay much attention to what she was saying in her speeches. I do remember her spending a lot of time slamming Trump and not getting into the meat & potatoes, but those were just sound bytes from her speeches.

Anyway, here's an interesting piece from the Daily Beast:

Team Bernie: Hillary ‘F*cking Ignored’ Us in Swing States

Behind-the-scenes stuff is always interesting. From the piece:

“They fucking ignored us on all these [three] battleground states [while] we were sounding the alarm for months,” Nomiki Konst, a progressive activist and former Sanders surrogate who served on the 2016 Democratic National Committee platform committee, told The Daily Beast. “We kept saying to each other like, ‘What the fuck, why are they just blowing us off? They need these voters more than anybody.’”

“The math that they lost on, is the math we won on,” Konst said. “So we wrote out a plan, and sent it to them, telling them to stop thinking you’re going to get this ‘Obama coalition,’ it’s not going to happen.”

“We were painting them a dire picture, and I couldn’t help but think they literally looked like they had no idea what was going on here,” she continued. “I remember their faces, it was like they had never fucking heard this stuff before. It’s what we had been screaming for the past 9 months
 It’s like [they] forgot the basics of Politics 101.”

“A ham sandwich could beat Donald Trump,” Melissa Arab, a Michigan delegate for Sanders, told The Daily Beast during a protest outside the Democratic convention in July. “And Hillary cannot beat Donald Trump.”

“For me this is not about Hillary Clinton, this is about HIllary Clinton’s staff becoming too insular, too professional where regular working-class folks did not matter to them,” Kleeb said. “She had too many people [on her campaign] wearing Prada going into pollster meetings, not enough of us.”
When it comes to average everyday people Hildabeast was clueless and classless... a shitbag by all accounts.
I also wonder if ol Bernie will become irrelevant. It showed his true colors(funny way of putting it) when he endorsed Hildabeast. Seriously, WTF
He wasn't stupid. He knew his people/followers would get NOTHING of what they wanted if Trump became president but financial woes and heartache....more so than with Hillary....crumbs to eat was better than none....
He had no options but to support Hillary, for his follower's sake.
Yes, a corporatist and war monger that said his policies were unrealistic is the BEST CHOICE for the little people. Give me a freaking break.
He ended up supporting the EXACT thing he rallied against for DECADES.
ahemmm, I doubt she would have picked or been able to pick 3 Goldman Sachs-ers in to her administration like Trump has...., or all of the corporatists that Trump has picked that are going to make their lives miserable.... Bernie knew what he was doing.....
They don't call Obama President Goldman Sachs for nothing.
Obama and Goldman Sachs, by Michelle Malkin, National Review
I was pretty much just assuming that Hillary was going to win, so I didn't pay much attention to what she was saying in her speeches. I do remember her spending a lot of time slamming Trump and not getting into the meat & potatoes, but those were just sound bytes from her speeches.

Anyway, here's an interesting piece from the Daily Beast:

Team Bernie: Hillary ‘F*cking Ignored’ Us in Swing States

Behind-the-scenes stuff is always interesting. From the piece:

“They fucking ignored us on all these [three] battleground states [while] we were sounding the alarm for months,” Nomiki Konst, a progressive activist and former Sanders surrogate who served on the 2016 Democratic National Committee platform committee, told The Daily Beast. “We kept saying to each other like, ‘What the fuck, why are they just blowing us off? They need these voters more than anybody.’”

“The math that they lost on, is the math we won on,” Konst said. “So we wrote out a plan, and sent it to them, telling them to stop thinking you’re going to get this ‘Obama coalition,’ it’s not going to happen.”

“We were painting them a dire picture, and I couldn’t help but think they literally looked like they had no idea what was going on here,” she continued. “I remember their faces, it was like they had never fucking heard this stuff before. It’s what we had been screaming for the past 9 months
 It’s like [they] forgot the basics of Politics 101.”

“A ham sandwich could beat Donald Trump,” Melissa Arab, a Michigan delegate for Sanders, told The Daily Beast during a protest outside the Democratic convention in July. “And Hillary cannot beat Donald Trump.”

“For me this is not about Hillary Clinton, this is about HIllary Clinton’s staff becoming too insular, too professional where regular working-class folks did not matter to them,” Kleeb said. “She had too many people [on her campaign] wearing Prada going into pollster meetings, not enough of us.”

That's nice, one group of losers giving advice about how to lose to the other group of losers.

"We kept saying to each other like, ‘What the fuck, why are they just blowing us off? They need these voters more than anybody.’”

Er... umm, yeah, Ms. Valley Girl ... it's a complete mystery as to why the Clinton Campaign would blow you and your gang of lunatic socialist lemmings off, perhaps if they'd have listened to you geniuses Clinton could have lost all 50 states.

The message was correct and this is part of the reason Hillary lost.
I was pretty much just assuming that Hillary was going to win, so I didn't pay much attention to what she was saying in her speeches. I do remember her spending a lot of time slamming Trump and not getting into the meat & potatoes, but those were just sound bytes from her speeches.

Anyway, here's an interesting piece from the Daily Beast:

Team Bernie: Hillary ‘F*cking Ignored’ Us in Swing States

Behind-the-scenes stuff is always interesting. From the piece:

“They fucking ignored us on all these [three] battleground states [while] we were sounding the alarm for months,” Nomiki Konst, a progressive activist and former Sanders surrogate who served on the 2016 Democratic National Committee platform committee, told The Daily Beast. “We kept saying to each other like, ‘What the fuck, why are they just blowing us off? They need these voters more than anybody.’”

“The math that they lost on, is the math we won on,” Konst said. “So we wrote out a plan, and sent it to them, telling them to stop thinking you’re going to get this ‘Obama coalition,’ it’s not going to happen.”

“We were painting them a dire picture, and I couldn’t help but think they literally looked like they had no idea what was going on here,” she continued. “I remember their faces, it was like they had never fucking heard this stuff before. It’s what we had been screaming for the past 9 months
 It’s like [they] forgot the basics of Politics 101.”

“A ham sandwich could beat Donald Trump,” Melissa Arab, a Michigan delegate for Sanders, told The Daily Beast during a protest outside the Democratic convention in July. “And Hillary cannot beat Donald Trump.”

“For me this is not about Hillary Clinton, this is about HIllary Clinton’s staff becoming too insular, too professional where regular working-class folks did not matter to them,” Kleeb said. “She had too many people [on her campaign] wearing Prada going into pollster meetings, not enough of us.”

Hillary still would have lost. She was too corrupt to put into office.

Team Trump would simply have had to try a few more things to shed her those votes and they only needed one of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

Remember how far down Trump was just two weeks before the election?

And he still came back to win.

No, Hillary would have still lost as she was guiding her campaign based on false information and deeply flawed polling. The Sanders people would have not saved her.

Agreed about Hillary. But I'm willing to bet Trump was never that far down in the polls if ever.
Hopefully, the Dems learn that they have to lurch even further Leftward. Embrace their Inner Mao.
I also wonder if ol Bernie will become irrelevant. It showed his true colors(funny way of putting it) when he endorsed Hildabeast. Seriously, WTF
He wasn't stupid. He knew his people/followers would get NOTHING of what they wanted if Trump became president but financial woes and heartache....more so than with Hillary....crumbs to eat was better than none....
He had no options but to support Hillary, for his follower's sake.
Yes, a corporatist and war monger that said his policies were unrealistic is the BEST CHOICE for the little people. Give me a freaking break.
He ended up supporting the EXACT thing he rallied against for DECADES.
ahemmm, I doubt she would have picked or been able to pick 3 Goldman Sachs-ers in to her administration like Trump has...., or all of the corporatists that Trump has picked that are going to make their lives miserable.... Bernie knew what he was doing.....
They don't call Obama President Goldman Sachs for nothing.
Obama and Goldman Sachs, by Michelle Malkin, National Review
I don't read Michelle Malkin, too much visceral hatred for me to stomach most of the time....

so did she put Hillary down for speaking with Goldman S while Trump actually appointed 3 to 4 goldman sachs-ers to his administration?
The message was correct and this is part of the reason Hillary lost.
What "message" would that be? Looks to me like the "message" was "Hillary can't beat Trump therefore Hillary should become Bernie".

.....and the Clinton campaign "message" back appears to have been "didn't we just beat the shit out of you guys? run along now, we're not interested in the formula for how to lose in a McGovern style landslide".

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