Bernie's people warned Hillary's people

I also wonder if ol Bernie will become irrelevant. It showed his true colors(funny way of putting it) when he endorsed Hildabeast. Seriously, WTF
He wasn't stupid. He knew his people/followers would get NOTHING of what they wanted if Trump became president but financial woes and heartache....more so than with Hillary....crumbs to eat was better than none....
He had no options but to support Hillary, for his follower's sake.
Yes, a corporatist and war monger that said his policies were unrealistic is the BEST CHOICE for the little people. Give me a freaking break.
He ended up supporting the EXACT thing he rallied against for DECADES.
ahemmm, I doubt she would have picked or been able to pick 3 Goldman Sachs-ers in to her administration like Trump has...., or all of the corporatists that Trump has picked that are going to make their lives miserable.... Bernie knew what he was doing.....
They don't call Obama President Goldman Sachs for nothing.
Obama and Goldman Sachs, by Michelle Malkin, National Review
I don't read Michelle Malkin, too much visceral hatred for me to stomach most of the time....

so did she put Hillary down for speaking with Goldman S while Trump actually appointed 3 to 4 goldman sachs-ers to his administration?
Obama has been in bed with Goldman Sachs for 8 years.......
I was pretty much just assuming that Hillary was going to win, so I didn't pay much attention to what she was saying in her speeches. I do remember her spending a lot of time slamming Trump and not getting into the meat & potatoes, but those were just sound bytes from her speeches.

Anyway, here's an interesting piece from the Daily Beast:

Team Bernie: Hillary ‘F*cking Ignored’ Us in Swing States

Behind-the-scenes stuff is always interesting. From the piece:

“They fucking ignored us on all these [three] battleground states [while] we were sounding the alarm for months,” Nomiki Konst, a progressive activist and former Sanders surrogate who served on the 2016 Democratic National Committee platform committee, told The Daily Beast. “We kept saying to each other like, ‘What the fuck, why are they just blowing us off? They need these voters more than anybody.’”

“The math that they lost on, is the math we won on,” Konst said. “So we wrote out a plan, and sent it to them, telling them to stop thinking you’re going to get this ‘Obama coalition,’ it’s not going to happen.”

“We were painting them a dire picture, and I couldn’t help but think they literally looked like they had no idea what was going on here,” she continued. “I remember their faces, it was like they had never fucking heard this stuff before. It’s what we had been screaming for the past 9 months… It’s like [they] forgot the basics of Politics 101.”

“A ham sandwich could beat Donald Trump,” Melissa Arab, a Michigan delegate for Sanders, told The Daily Beast during a protest outside the Democratic convention in July. “And Hillary cannot beat Donald Trump.”

“For me this is not about Hillary Clinton, this is about HIllary Clinton’s staff becoming too insular, too professional where regular working-class folks did not matter to them,” Kleeb said. “She had too many people [on her campaign] wearing Prada going into pollster meetings, not enough of us.”

This election restored the "money doesn't buy elections" theory. HRC had all the money in the world, all the surrogates, all the campaign staff, all the policy teams.

But she didn't have things more basic to politics: a compelling candidacy, a message, or any grassroots momentum. Sanders did.
Well, may the Bernie people reap what they sowed....hope they are happy campers the next 4 years!

Great way to look at it. Not.

I was a Bernie guy.

Screw Hillary. Just who do those jerks think they are ?

I'm sorry! :-(
Free college, just wasn't going to happen, even IF Bernie had become president, let alone a ''living wage'' and complete forgiveness of college debt...
Not surprising she/they ignored them, especially after trump got the nomination, as they thought they'do beat him easily.

"Why aren't I 50 points ahead?"

They royally bungled an very winnable race because they thought they had it in the bag.
She was mad because she paid for a 50 point lead and didn't get it.

And it wasn't her money. Imagine how pissed off the donors are that ponied up all those millions only to hear the sound of a toilet flushing instead of the ring of the cash register.

somehow thinking about them and what their level of butthurt must be over not getting a return on their bribery money warms the cockles of my heart this holiday season....
The message was correct and this is part of the reason Hillary lost.
What "message" would that be? Looks to me like the "message" was "Hillary can't beat Trump therefore Hillary should become Bernie".

.....and the Clinton campaign "message" back appears to have been "didn't we just beat the shit out of you guys? run along now, we're not interested in the formula for how to lose in a McGovern style landslide".

I read it as the message was don't forget the working class in the battleground states and don't assume you have the Obama coalition. I agree with these points and I think it's part of the reason Hillary lost. I don't think they were expecting Hillary to become Bernie. But Hillary never spoke to Bernie's crowd, Trump actually did.

“They fucking ignored us on all these [three] battleground states [while] we were sounding the alarm for months,” Nomiki Konst,

“The math that they lost on, is the math we won on,” Konst said. “So we wrote out a plan, and sent it to them, telling them to stop thinking you’re going to get this ‘Obama coalition,’ it’s not going to happen.”
Not surprising she/they ignored them, especially after trump got the nomination, as they thought they'do beat him easily.

"Why aren't I 50 points ahead?"

They royally bungled an very winnable race because they thought they had it in the bag.
She was mad because she paid for a 50 point lead and didn't get it.

And it wasn't her money. Imagine how pissed off the donors are that ponied up all those millions only to hear the sound of a toilet flushing instead of the ring of the cash register.

somehow thinking about them and what their level of butthurt must be over not getting a return on their bribery money warms the cockles of my heart this holiday season....

Giving money to political candidates =/= bribery.

Unless you want to say Trump's entire cabinet bribed their way into their new jobs. Because all were huge TRUMP donors
Not surprising she/they ignored them, especially after trump got the nomination, as they thought they'do beat him easily.

"Why aren't I 50 points ahead?"

They royally bungled an very winnable race because they thought they had it in the bag.
She was mad because she paid for a 50 point lead and didn't get it.

And it wasn't her money. Imagine how pissed off the donors are that ponied up all those millions only to hear the sound of a toilet flushing instead of the ring of the cash register.

somehow thinking about them and what their level of butthurt must be over not getting a return on their bribery money warms the cockles of my heart this holiday season....

Giving money to political candidates =/= bribery.

Unless you want to say Trump's entire cabinet bribed their way into their new jobs. Because all were huge TRUMP donors

right, money doesn't influence politics one bit, donors that donate millions don't expect a return and if I click my heels together three times I'll be in OZ.

Get real.
Not surprising she/they ignored them, especially after trump got the nomination, as they thought they'do beat him easily.

"Why aren't I 50 points ahead?"

They royally bungled an very winnable race because they thought they had it in the bag.
She was mad because she paid for a 50 point lead and didn't get it.

And it wasn't her money. Imagine how pissed off the donors are that ponied up all those millions only to hear the sound of a toilet flushing instead of the ring of the cash register.

somehow thinking about them and what their level of butthurt must be over not getting a return on their bribery money warms the cockles of my heart this holiday season....

Giving money to political candidates =/= bribery.

Unless you want to say Trump's entire cabinet bribed their way into their new jobs. Because all were huge TRUMP donors

right, money doesn't influence politics one bit, donors that donate millions don't expect a return and if I click my heels together three times I'll be in OZ.

Get real.

I didn't say it doesn't influence politics one bit. I said it isn't bribery. Twisting my words to make them easier to argue against doesn't challenge the point I made.

If all of HRCs donors are "butthurt over not getting a return on their bribery money", then the ones who did get a return (TRUMP donors) are just as guilty of bribery. Pick a side and stick with it
Well, may the Bernie people reap what they sowed....hope they are happy campers the next 4 years!

Great way to look at it. Not.

I was a Bernie guy.

Screw Hillary. Just who do those jerks think they are ?

I'm sorry! :-(
Free college, just wasn't going to happen, even IF Bernie had become president, let alone a ''living wage'' and complete forgiveness of college debt...

Thanks for sharing the obvious.

But, Bernie focused on the human condition/experience.

The two drones we had to choose from in the general have no idea what we go through.
The message was correct and this is part of the reason Hillary lost.
What "message" would that be? Looks to me like the "message" was "Hillary can't beat Trump therefore Hillary should become Bernie".

.....and the Clinton campaign "message" back appears to have been "didn't we just beat the shit out of you guys? run along now, we're not interested in the formula for how to lose in a McGovern style landslide".

I read it as the message was don't forget the working class in the battleground states and don't assume you have the Obama coalition. I agree with these points and I think it's part of the reason Hillary lost. I don't think they were expecting Hillary to become Bernie. But Hillary never spoke to Bernie's crowd, Trump actually did.

“They fucking ignored us on all these [three] battleground states [while] we were sounding the alarm for months,” Nomiki Konst,

“The math that they lost on, is the math we won on,” Konst said. “So we wrote out a plan, and sent it to them, telling them to stop thinking you’re going to get this ‘Obama coalition,’ it’s not going to happen.”
I understand what you're saying, however the white working class was never "Bernie's crowd" , the message of "Free stuff everywhere, for everyone, all the time" isn't what won Trump that vote.

So I don't buy that Bernie's boys & girls had any magic formula for the Midwestern Battle Ground states that would have changed anything, Clinton lost because she is Clinton and represented more of the same big government bullshit that had failed those people economically time & again while at the same time telling them that they are bigots that somehow deserved it, Trump on the other hand represented something "different", sure boisterous, often obnoxious and clueless different but different all the same.
Not surprising she/they ignored them, especially after trump got the nomination, as they thought they'do beat him easily.

"Why aren't I 50 points ahead?"

They royally bungled an very winnable race because they thought they had it in the bag.
She was mad because she paid for a 50 point lead and didn't get it.

And it wasn't her money. Imagine how pissed off the donors are that ponied up all those millions only to hear the sound of a toilet flushing instead of the ring of the cash register.

somehow thinking about them and what their level of butthurt must be over not getting a return on their bribery money warms the cockles of my heart this holiday season....

Giving money to political candidates =/= bribery.

Unless you want to say Trump's entire cabinet bribed their way into their new jobs. Because all were huge TRUMP donors

right, money doesn't influence politics one bit, donors that donate millions don't expect a return and if I click my heels together three times I'll be in OZ.

Get real.

I didn't say it doesn't influence politics one bit. I said it isn't bribery. Twisting my words to make them easier to argue against doesn't challenge the point I made.

If all of HRCs donors are "butthurt over not getting a return on their bribery money", then the ones who did get a return (TRUMP donors) are just as guilty of bribery. Pick a side and stick with it

you didn't make a point. you simply said it isn't bribery.

I say it is. when someone gives another person money and expects something for it, such as political favors, that's bribery. we can argue semantics all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that this is exactly how the corruption in DC works. The polticians say 'it isn't bribery' when in fact it clearly is.

and I didn't say the Trump donors weren't guilty of the same thing. I think they are every bit as guilty.
He wasn't stupid. He knew his people/followers would get NOTHING of what they wanted if Trump became president but financial woes and heartache....more so than with Hillary....crumbs to eat was better than none....
He had no options but to support Hillary, for his follower's sake.
Yes, a corporatist and war monger that said his policies were unrealistic is the BEST CHOICE for the little people. Give me a freaking break.
He ended up supporting the EXACT thing he rallied against for DECADES.
ahemmm, I doubt she would have picked or been able to pick 3 Goldman Sachs-ers in to her administration like Trump has...., or all of the corporatists that Trump has picked that are going to make their lives miserable.... Bernie knew what he was doing.....
They don't call Obama President Goldman Sachs for nothing.
Obama and Goldman Sachs, by Michelle Malkin, National Review
I don't read Michelle Malkin, too much visceral hatred for me to stomach most of the time....

so did she put Hillary down for speaking with Goldman S while Trump actually appointed 3 to 4 goldman sachs-ers to his administration?
Obama has been in bed with Goldman Sachs for 8 years.......
was that bad or good? IF it was bad, then why is it okay with Trump?
Yes, a corporatist and war monger that said his policies were unrealistic is the BEST CHOICE for the little people. Give me a freaking break.
He ended up supporting the EXACT thing he rallied against for DECADES.
ahemmm, I doubt she would have picked or been able to pick 3 Goldman Sachs-ers in to her administration like Trump has...., or all of the corporatists that Trump has picked that are going to make their lives miserable.... Bernie knew what he was doing.....
They don't call Obama President Goldman Sachs for nothing.
Obama and Goldman Sachs, by Michelle Malkin, National Review
I don't read Michelle Malkin, too much visceral hatred for me to stomach most of the time....

so did she put Hillary down for speaking with Goldman S while Trump actually appointed 3 to 4 goldman sachs-ers to his administration?
Obama has been in bed with Goldman Sachs for 8 years.......
was that bad or good? IF it was bad, then why is it okay with Trump?
Thanks for displaying the hypocrisy of the left.
Your silence the past 8 years and now the sudden whining speaks volumes.
I also wonder if ol Bernie will become irrelevant. It showed his true colors(funny way of putting it) when he endorsed Hildabeast. Seriously, WTF
He wasn't stupid. He knew his people/followers would get NOTHING of what they wanted if Trump became president but financial woes and heartache....more so than with Hillary....crumbs to eat was better than none....
He had no options but to support Hillary, for his follower's sake.
Yes, a corporatist and war monger that said his policies were unrealistic is the BEST CHOICE for the little people. Give me a freaking break.
He ended up supporting the EXACT thing he rallied against for DECADES.
ahemmm, I doubt she would have picked or been able to pick 3 Goldman Sachs-ers in to her administration like Trump has...., or all of the corporatists that Trump has picked that are going to make their lives miserable.... Bernie knew what he was doing.....
Now...imagine if you will...what the election results would have been had the MSM not been entirely biased against Trump.
The Media did exactly what Trump wanted and manipulated them in to doing....they gave him over 3 billion in free advertising and media coverage! He's no dummy when it comes to marketing, don't let him fool ya now, by him crying the blues on the Maine Stream Media....

He worked them upside down and inside get the coverage HE WANTED...he knew exactly what he was doing....
ahemmm, I doubt she would have picked or been able to pick 3 Goldman Sachs-ers in to her administration like Trump has...., or all of the corporatists that Trump has picked that are going to make their lives miserable.... Bernie knew what he was doing.....

Not all Goldman Sux alumni are PRO-GS

Many of them left because the ass holes that run that outfit are so heinous, and they are trying to mitigate GS' reach in the world.
The Media did exactly what Trump wanted and manipulated them in to doing....they gave him over 3 billion in free advertising and media coverage! He's no dummy when it comes to marketing, don't let him fool ya now, by him crying the blues on the Maine Stream Media....

He worked them upside down and inside get the coverage HE WANTED...he knew exactly what he was doing....
And yet Democrats still slam on Trump as a Clown, an idiot, a loser.

I also wonder if ol Bernie will become irrelevant. It showed his true colors(funny way of putting it) when he endorsed Hildabeast. Seriously, WTF
He wasn't stupid. He knew his people/followers would get NOTHING of what they wanted if Trump became president but financial woes and heartache....more so than with Hillary....crumbs to eat was better than none....
He had no options but to support Hillary, for his follower's sake.
Yes, a corporatist and war monger that said his policies were unrealistic is the BEST CHOICE for the little people. Give me a freaking break.
He ended up supporting the EXACT thing he rallied against for DECADES.
ahemmm, I doubt she would have picked or been able to pick 3 Goldman Sachs-ers in to her administration like Trump has...., or all of the corporatists that Trump has picked that are going to make their lives miserable.... Bernie knew what he was doing.....
Now...imagine if you will...what the election results would have been had the MSM not been entirely biased against Trump.
The Media did exactly what Trump wanted and manipulated them in to doing....they gave him over 3 billion in free advertising and media coverage! He's no dummy when it comes to marketing, don't let him fool ya now, by him crying the blues on the Maine Stream Media....

He worked them upside down and inside get the coverage HE WANTED...he knew exactly what he was doing....
Maybe, but that does not justify the lying, misinformation, and collusion on the part of much of the MSM to get Hillary elected. This had a big affect on many voters and we see still today. Had the media just reported the news, it is very likely Trump wins by an even larger margin.
He wasn't stupid. He knew his people/followers would get NOTHING of what they wanted if Trump became president but financial woes and heartache....more so than with Hillary....crumbs to eat was better than none....
He had no options but to support Hillary, for his follower's sake.
Yes, a corporatist and war monger that said his policies were unrealistic is the BEST CHOICE for the little people. Give me a freaking break.
He ended up supporting the EXACT thing he rallied against for DECADES.
ahemmm, I doubt she would have picked or been able to pick 3 Goldman Sachs-ers in to her administration like Trump has...., or all of the corporatists that Trump has picked that are going to make their lives miserable.... Bernie knew what he was doing.....
Now...imagine if you will...what the election results would have been had the MSM not been entirely biased against Trump.
The Media did exactly what Trump wanted and manipulated them in to doing....they gave him over 3 billion in free advertising and media coverage! He's no dummy when it comes to marketing, don't let him fool ya now, by him crying the blues on the Maine Stream Media....

He worked them upside down and inside get the coverage HE WANTED...he knew exactly what he was doing....
Maybe, but that does not justify the lying, misinformation, and collusion on the part of much of the MSM to get Hillary elected. This had a big affect on many voters and we see still today. Had the media just reported the news, it is very likely Trump wins by an even larger margin.
What lying did they do about him?

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