Best and Worst Presidents of My Lifetime. Mashmont Rates Them.

Leftwing JD and FBI deep state persists in all administrations. How do you think we got the fabricated "Golden Showers" Steele dossier knowingly pushed by government agencies?
So Trumps handpicked Justice Department was “Deep State”?
Name for me a Democrat Congress that lowered the deficit.

The Deficit was cut in half by the Democratic Congress during Obama

That would be a comparison of control of Congresses, which isn't the subject of this thread. When Republicans control Congress, spending is controlled. When Democrats control it, it's off the rails.
The president authorizes all spending.
1.1 million Americans dead. 15% of all covid deaths in the world with 3% of the population. More than 400 Americans are dying of covid every day - still.

Your economy was totally crashed which didn't happen in other first world countries, completely negating your economic arguments.

Trump had nothing to do with you having the vaccine. 0ther than writing a cheque, he did N0THING. The British and the Germans had a vaccine before you did.
What a shame Democrat governors in CA and NY shut their states down and harmed the great Trump economy. But thank God President Trump removed regulations and allowed the pharma companies to do what they do. And the 'foreign' companies who supposedly discovered the virus? Both subsidiaries of the US. So there you go.
The Deficit was cut in half by the Democratic Congress during Obama

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The only trouble with that is the Democrats took Congress in 2007 at the height of the great Bush economy. So they were the ones who caused the crisis to begin with. They don't get credit for partially reviving something they ruined. Sorry.

Also is the fact that deficits are red herrings. Democrats claim they lower a deficit by raising taxes. Acting like that is some sort of positive is absurd. And we all know Monkey Boy raised taxes out the wazoo.
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What a shame Democrat governors in CA and NY shut their states down and harmed the great Trump economy. But thank God President Trump removed regulations and allowed the pharma companies to do what they do. And the 'foreign' companies who supposedly discovered the virus? Both subsidiaries of the US. So there you go.

It’s a shame that Trump was more concerned with getting re-elected than protecting Americans against COVID
Name for me a Democrat Congress that lowered the deficit.
The two years of the Biden budget the democratic controlled congress lowered the Trump deficits substantially illiterate.
Seriously, do you have a clue how a budget is passed ?
The only trouble with that is the Democrats took Congress in 2007 at the height of the great Bush economy. So they were the ones who caused the crisis to begin with. They don't get credit for partially reviving something they ruined. Sorry.

The only trouble was Bush crashed the economy and refused to acknowledge we were in a serious Recession and caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008
The only trouble with that is the Democrats took Congress in 2007 at the height of the great Bush economy. So they were the ones who caused the crisis to begin with. They don't get credit for partially reviving something they ruined. Sorry.
The congress alone cannot pass a budget; illiterate post. Do some research on how a budget is passed.
Leftwing JD and FBI deep state persists in all administrations. How do you think we got the fabricated "Golden Showers" Steele dossier knowingly pushed by government agencies?

Fabricated "Golden Showers"????? Michael Cohen wrote in his book that Trump paid Vegas hookers for "Golden Showers". He was there.

As for the Steele Dossier making that up, it's a really fucking weird thing to make up about someone, dontcha think??? Most guys have a foot fetish, or want threesomes, but Trump likes sick creepy stuff. 0f all of the sexual shit you could make up about someone, this is way down the list of where most people's minds go.
What a shame Democrat governors in CA and NY shut their states down and harmed the great Trump economy. But thank God President Trump removed regulations and allowed the pharma companies to do what they do. And the 'foreign' companies who supposedly discovered the virus? Both subsidiaries of the US. So there you go.

The Great Trump economy was a lie. Trump and F0X called it the greatest economy in history, and it was. The problem was that it was the Great 0bama Economy, until Trump broke it and brought crashing down.

Record farm bankruptcies in 2018 and 2019 - before covid. These were mostly small, family owned farms. The kinds of people who live on the land and don't poison the land with cancer causing chemicals, for higher yields and profits.

The trade deficit in manufactured goods, which Trump promised to wipe out, increased from $735 billion in 2016 under 0bama, to $845 billion in 2019 under Trump - before covid:

Please note that the trade deficit in 2008 was $810 billion, so 0bama REDUCED the trade deficit during his time in office. Trump increased it.

Then there's the out of control deficits.

Every economic number you looked at showed that the economy was in trouble under Trump.
The Great Trump economy was a lie. Trump and F0X called it the greatest economy in history, and it was. The problem was that it was the Great 0bama Economy, until Trump broke it and brought crashing down.

Record farm bankruptcies in 2018 and 2019 - before covid. These were mostly small, family owned farms. The kinds of people who live on the land and don't poison the land with cancer causing chemicals, for higher yields and profits.

The trade deficit in manufactured goods, which Trump promised to wipe out, increased from $735 billion in 2016 under 0bama, to $845 billion in 2019 under Trump - before covid:

Please note that the trade deficit in 2008 was $810 billion, so 0bama REDUCED the trade deficit during his time in office. Trump increased it.

Then there's the out of control deficits.

Every economic number you looked at showed that the economy was in trouble under Trump.

And the present economy is what?

Huh? Lol
You are all in for the wealthy. I get it. I cannot share their ideals.

I take it that being "initforme" didn't work out for you. It seldom does.

What is the point of living in a society where everyone is out for themselves? United we stand,, and we can do anything we set our minds to. Divided, we can't do nearly as much, and when we expend our energies making sure that minorities and "others" are excluded, we fall far behind.

Ever watch a team encounter an obstacle? The team who sends their strongest player to the top, to pull the other members up and over, while the remaining team boost the climber, get the whole team over the obstacle faster than the teams which watch and wait while other members try to get over on their own.

The teams who spend all of their time and energy arguing over how to do the tasks, are always the first ones eliminated.
And the present economy is what?

Huh? Lol
Much better than it was under Trump. Can you spell recession ? We have 3.4% unemployment.

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