Best Country?

Lol Germany 1st... probably because of all the beer
Im sure you can look up and see all the reasons why Germany was 1st and America was 4th. I'm sure Germany doesn't have so many poor and they pay their workers better and unemployment is low and so is crime.

You do know they never had a minimum wage law till last year correct?
Maybe that's why they made #1 this year?

Quit being ridiculous, I am half German I know why they are number one.
Lol Germany 1st... probably because of all the beer
Im sure you can look up and see all the reasons why Germany was 1st and America was 4th. I'm sure Germany doesn't have so many poor and they pay their workers better and unemployment is low and so is crime.

You do know they never had a minimum wage law till last year correct?
Maybe that's why they made #1 this year?

Quit being ridiculous, I am half German I know why they are number one.
I'm 100% Greek. So what? Doesn't mean I'm an expert on Greece
Lol Germany 1st... probably because of all the beer
Im sure you can look up and see all the reasons why Germany was 1st and America was 4th. I'm sure Germany doesn't have so many poor and they pay their workers better and unemployment is low and so is crime.

More manufacturing employment. THey haven't shipped as many jobs to China.

Also less "diversity", though they are trying to "fix" that.
Germany was 1st. America finished 4th. I wonder what they're doing better than us. Are they libertarians teabaggers or Republicans? Is there another country in the world that runs like the libertarians want to run America?

This is why its never a good idea to snort Sterno before posting. We have a President who hates the country he leads and has done everything to destroy the American dream. That's reality, that's the guy who's actually running ruining the country, not the imaginary teabaggers and teabagging you long for
The USA reminds me of England or Rome when they first stopped being number 1.

Analyze 1-3 and see why they are better than us. It won't be because they've gone the teabag route.

Exactly!!! American Progressives are cheering the Barbarians as "Undocumented Romans"
The truth about the world:


The problem is with this, South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland are not in the AIDS area, yet have some of the highest rates of AIDS in the world. When I was in Lesotho I saw a billboard saying the rates of HIV/AIDS and the lowest area was 19%.

The "Commies" doesn't include Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia which were part of the USSR.

Morocco in the north of Africa isn't desert, well I was there last year and didn't see a single piece of desert, even the beach didn't look like desert.

Iran as Satan, er... why not Saudi Arabia? I mean, they're WORSE than the Iranians. Oh, they're pretend "allies" of the US.

But still interesting, as it shows the perspective of people who don't know much about the world.
It's a stupid question, and has predictably drawn many stupid responses.
The truth about the world:


The problem is with this, South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland are not in the AIDS area, yet have some of the highest rates of AIDS in the world. When I was in Lesotho I saw a billboard saying the rates of HIV/AIDS and the lowest area was 19%.

The "Commies" doesn't include Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia which were part of the USSR.

Morocco in the north of Africa isn't desert, well I was there last year and didn't see a single piece of desert, even the beach didn't look like desert.

Iran as Satan, er... why not Saudi Arabia? I mean, they're WORSE than the Iranians. Oh, they're pretend "allies" of the US.

But still interesting, as it shows the perspective of people who don't know much about the world.
That's the joke
Germany was 1st. America finished 4th. I wonder what they're doing better than us. Are they libertarians teabaggers or Republicans? Is there another country in the world that runs like the libertarians want to run America?
Is there another country in the world that runs like the libertarians want to run America?

Or Pakistan

You know there are rich people in Mexico too? Does that make Mexico great? No. Countries aren't measured by how well their rich citizens do. They're measured on how they treat their poorest citizens and the USA treats their poor very badly.
Germany was 1st. America finished 4th. I wonder what they're doing better than us. Are they libertarians teabaggers or Republicans? Is there another country in the world that runs like the libertarians want to run America?
Is there another country in the world that runs like the libertarians want to run America?

Or Pakistan

You know there are rich people in Mexico too? Does that make Mexico great? No. Countries aren't measured by how well their rich citizens do. They're measured on how they treat their poorest citizens and the USA treats their poor very badly.

Bullshit leftist nonsense.
Germany was 1st. America finished 4th. I wonder what they're doing better than us. Are they libertarians teabaggers or Republicans? Is there another country in the world that runs like the libertarians want to run America?
Is there another country in the world that runs like the libertarians want to run America?

Or Pakistan

You know there are rich people in Mexico too? Does that make Mexico great? No. Countries aren't measured by how well their rich citizens do. They're measured on how they treat their poorest citizens and the USA treats their poor very badly.

Bullshit leftist nonsense.
Number 2 on the richest list is a Mexican.

Carlos Slim Helu & family

That must mean Mexico is a great place to live. You should go there and make a fortune.

And why don't lazy Mexicans make it rich like Carlos did? If he can do it anyone can do it. Mexicans must all be lazy. OR, things aren't fair in Mexico for poor people. Maybe the gap between rich and poor is too wide in Mexico. Maybe the rich own Mexico. Maybe its very hard if not impossible for poor Mexican's to get out of poverty. Sound familiar? It's what America has become under Republicans like GW Bush and YOU.
Germany was 1st. America finished 4th. I wonder what they're doing better than us. Are they libertarians teabaggers or Republicans? Is there another country in the world that runs like the libertarians want to run America?
Is there another country in the world that runs like the libertarians want to run America?

Or Pakistan

You know there are rich people in Mexico too? Does that make Mexico great? No. Countries aren't measured by how well their rich citizens do. They're measured on how they treat their poorest citizens and the USA treats their poor very badly.

Bullshit leftist nonsense.
Why doesn't Australia or Canada have huge ghetto's like we do?

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