Best Educated states vote for liberal blue

Lower-income and less educated whites also have shifted substantially toward the Republican Party since 2008.

Similarly, whites without a college degree now tilt decidedly toward the Republican Party – the GOP now holds a 54% to 37% advantage among non-college whites, who were split about evenly four years ago.

In surveys conducted in 2012, nearly nine-in-ten (87%) Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters are white

A Closer Look at the Parties in 2012 | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

More College Graduates, More Democratic Voters?

College Degree Rate and Political Parties


I really don't understand where these right wingers get this idea they are so educated. All those Bible Colleges and Universities are the worst in the nation. I don't believe there is a single one above Tier 4. There are no great discoveries, nothing added to science from people who believe the world is mere thousands of years old. Most are mediocre at best and more than often "awful". If they want to delude themselves into thinking they are somehow "special", then yes, I guess "special" could be the right description. The entire world either fears them (see Bush) or laughs at them. And these "degrees" they insist they have, what the fuck are they in? Bible Study? We know they aren't scientists. We know they aren't researchers. Yet, they point and laugh at "Liberal Arts" degrees. But what is it they have? Why do all the studies say they are ignorant and uneducated, but they insist they have more "degrees" than any other group? And if they have those degrees, then what are they in and what are they doing with them?
Where did I say the red bits represent all of America?

Hint: I didn't.

The purpose of the map, which apparently has sailed completely over your head, is showing that the so-called "blue states" are not completely blue.

Get it now?

and neither are the red states. So what's your point?
That claiming blue states are the most educated because of liberals is a stupid claim.

You'd think a smart person would have figured that out. :lmao:
Konrad? Where'd you go? :confused:
Lower-income and less educated whites also have shifted substantially toward the Republican Party since 2008.

Similarly, whites without a college degree now tilt decidedly toward the Republican Party – the GOP now holds a 54% to 37% advantage among non-college whites, who were split about evenly four years ago.

In surveys conducted in 2012, nearly nine-in-ten (87%) Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters are white

A Closer Look at the Parties in 2012 | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

More College Graduates, More Democratic Voters?

College Degree Rate and Political Parties


I really don't understand where these right wingers get this idea they are so educated. All those Bible Colleges and Universities are the worst in the nation. I don't believe there is a single one above Tier 4. There are no great discoveries, nothing added to science from people who believe the world is mere thousands of years old. Most are mediocre at best and more than often "awful". If they want to delude themselves into thinking they are somehow "special", then yes, I guess "special" could be the right description. The entire world either fears them (see Bush) or laughs at them. And these "degrees" they insist they have, what the fuck are they in? Bible Study? We know they aren't scientists. We know they aren't researchers. Yet, they point and laugh at "Liberal Arts" degrees. But what is it they have? Why do all the studies say they are ignorant and uneducated, but they insist they have more "degrees" than any other group? And if they have those degrees, then what are they in and what are they doing with them?

Your ignorance is so outrageous it's not even describable. What's a "Bible college and University"? Everyone knows colleges and universities are leftist havens which try to indoctrinate their flock into adhereing to their ideologies. Go ahead, cite the names of those universities and colleges it is you THINK are "Bible colleges and universities". And, even if they are "Bible" colleges and universities? Where the HELL is it you get the idea that ONLY Republicans are of a religious nature who study the Bible? You need to get a freakin' clue. And the way? My uncle is a Republican and he has degrees in physics and mathematics. And, alternatively, my brother's wife's father? He's a Democrat and has been a Democrat all his adult life and, he's a devout Mormon who attends church every Sunday. So, stop your phony BS in trying to pretend that, somehow, it's only Republicans who are religious and attend alleged "Bible colleges and universities". And, stop your phony BS in trying to pretend, somehow, it's only Democrats who have college degrees.
Let's look at it by county, shall we?


Hmmm...looks a little different that way, doesn't it?

Looks like empty land votes Republican
Lower-income and less educated whites also have shifted substantially toward the Republican Party since 2008.

Similarly, whites without a college degree now tilt decidedly toward the Republican Party – the GOP now holds a 54% to 37% advantage among non-college whites, who were split about evenly four years ago.

In surveys conducted in 2012, nearly nine-in-ten (87%) Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters are white

A Closer Look at the Parties in 2012 | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

More College Graduates, More Democratic Voters?

College Degree Rate and Political Parties


I really don't understand where these right wingers get this idea they are so educated. All those Bible Colleges and Universities are the worst in the nation. I don't believe there is a single one above Tier 4. There are no great discoveries, nothing added to science from people who believe the world is mere thousands of years old. Most are mediocre at best and more than often "awful". If they want to delude themselves into thinking they are somehow "special", then yes, I guess "special" could be the right description. The entire world either fears them (see Bush) or laughs at them. And these "degrees" they insist they have, what the fuck are they in? Bible Study? We know they aren't scientists. We know they aren't researchers. Yet, they point and laugh at "Liberal Arts" degrees. But what is it they have? Why do all the studies say they are ignorant and uneducated, but they insist they have more "degrees" than any other group? And if they have those degrees, then what are they in and what are they doing with them?

Your ignorance is so outrageous it's not even describable. What's a "Bible college and University"? Everyone knows colleges and universities are leftist havens which try to indoctrinate their flock into adhereing to their ideologies. Go ahead, cite the names of those universities and colleges it is you THINK are "Bible colleges and universities". And, even if they are "Bible" colleges and universities? Where the HELL is it you get the idea that ONLY Republicans are of a religious nature who study the Bible? You need to get a freakin' clue. And the way? My uncle is a Republican and he has degrees in physics and mathematics. And, alternatively, my brother's wife's father? He's a Democrat and has been a Democrat all his adult life and, he's a devout Mormon who attends church every Sunday. So, stop your phony BS in trying to pretend that, somehow, it's only Republicans who are religious and attend alleged "Bible colleges and universities". And, stop your phony BS in trying to pretend, somehow, it's only Democrats who have college degrees.
Don't bother arguing with RDerp. Facts are to him what garlic is to vampires. Plus, he's a serial liar.

Just make fun of him. Everybody else does. :lol:
Lower-income and less educated whites also have shifted substantially toward the Republican Party since 2008.

Similarly, whites without a college degree now tilt decidedly toward the Republican Party – the GOP now holds a 54% to 37% advantage among non-college whites, who were split about evenly four years ago.

In surveys conducted in 2012, nearly nine-in-ten (87%) Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters are white

A Closer Look at the Parties in 2012 | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

More College Graduates, More Democratic Voters?

College Degree Rate and Political Parties


I really don't understand where these right wingers get this idea they are so educated. All those Bible Colleges and Universities are the worst in the nation. I don't believe there is a single one above Tier 4. There are no great discoveries, nothing added to science from people who believe the world is mere thousands of years old. Most are mediocre at best and more than often "awful". If they want to delude themselves into thinking they are somehow "special", then yes, I guess "special" could be the right description. The entire world either fears them (see Bush) or laughs at them. And these "degrees" they insist they have, what the fuck are they in? Bible Study? We know they aren't scientists. We know they aren't researchers. Yet, they point and laugh at "Liberal Arts" degrees. But what is it they have? Why do all the studies say they are ignorant and uneducated, but they insist they have more "degrees" than any other group? And if they have those degrees, then what are they in and what are they doing with them?

Really...dude? I accessed two of the websites you listed above -- "More College Graduates, More Democratic Voters ?" and "College Degree Rate and Political Parties" and, talk about the most made up irrelevant pile of gibberish I've ever seen in my life.

First, the one "College Degree Rate and Political Parties.

So, this guy compares the percentage of voters voting Democrat and voters voting Republican, to those states with the percentage of college degrees in each state? What the hell is this supposed to mean? It means nothing. It says nothing about how many of those voting Democrat in each state have college degrees and, how many of those voting Republican have college degrees. Further, this date is from 1996. What the hell does it have to do with the 2012 election?

Second, the one "More College Graduates, More Democratic Voters ?"

Where the hell is this guy getting his data for alleged Democrats and Republicans with Bachelor's degrees? He gives a link for the data he uses for those identifying themselves as liberals and conservatives but, he doesn't give a link to the data he's using for those with Bachelor's degrees.

And, lastly, neither one of these sites define what numbers of years of college completion is being used for the data. There are 2-year colleges, there are 4-year colleges and, there are 6-year colleges. Also, it doesn't define as to whether the colleges they're referring to are public colleges or private colleges nor, do they define whether or not the colleges are for-profit 2-year colleges or for-profit 4-year colleges. It's all just simply a bunch of manipulated bull.

So, I'm going to try my own experiment. I'm going to average out the graduation rates in 2010 for Public colleges (6-year), Public colleges (4-year) and Public colleges (2-year), Private colleges (6-year) and Private colleges (4-year), For-Profit colleges (6-year), For-Profit colleges (4-year) and For-Profit colleges (2-year) and then compare them to the percentages of those identifying themselves as Democrats and Republicans, etc., in 2010.

My data for the graduation rates will come from this site: College Completion: Graduation Rates and Data for 3,800 Colleges

And, my data for those identifying themselves as Democrats, Republicans, etc., will come from this site: State of the States

And, I will be posting my results at a later date.
Lower-income and less educated whites also have shifted substantially toward the Republican Party since 2008.

Similarly, whites without a college degree now tilt decidedly toward the Republican Party – the GOP now holds a 54% to 37% advantage among non-college whites, who were split about evenly four years ago.

In surveys conducted in 2012, nearly nine-in-ten (87%) Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters are white

A Closer Look at the Parties in 2012 | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

More College Graduates, More Democratic Voters?

College Degree Rate and Political Parties


I really don't understand where these right wingers get this idea they are so educated. All those Bible Colleges and Universities are the worst in the nation. I don't believe there is a single one above Tier 4. There are no great discoveries, nothing added to science from people who believe the world is mere thousands of years old. Most are mediocre at best and more than often "awful". If they want to delude themselves into thinking they are somehow "special", then yes, I guess "special" could be the right description. The entire world either fears them (see Bush) or laughs at them. And these "degrees" they insist they have, what the fuck are they in? Bible Study? We know they aren't scientists. We know they aren't researchers. Yet, they point and laugh at "Liberal Arts" degrees. But what is it they have? Why do all the studies say they are ignorant and uneducated, but they insist they have more "degrees" than any other group? And if they have those degrees, then what are they in and what are they doing with them?

Your ignorance is so outrageous it's not even describable. What's a "Bible college and University"? Everyone knows colleges and universities are leftist havens which try to indoctrinate their flock into adhereing to their ideologies. Go ahead, cite the names of those universities and colleges it is you THINK are "Bible colleges and universities". And, even if they are "Bible" colleges and universities? Where the HELL is it you get the idea that ONLY Republicans are of a religious nature who study the Bible? You need to get a freakin' clue. And the way? My uncle is a Republican and he has degrees in physics and mathematics. And, alternatively, my brother's wife's father? He's a Democrat and has been a Democrat all his adult life and, he's a devout Mormon who attends church every Sunday. So, stop your phony BS in trying to pretend that, somehow, it's only Republicans who are religious and attend alleged "Bible colleges and universities". And, stop your phony BS in trying to pretend, somehow, it's only Democrats who have college degrees.
Don't bother arguing with RDerp. Facts are to him what garlic is to vampires. Plus, he's a serial liar.

Just make fun of him. Everybody else does. :lol:

I should...huh? LOL! But, honestly...I just can't help myself. I love arguing with twits like this. However, though, I have no problem with making fun of him either. As, that's fun too. :badgrin:
Your ignorance is so outrageous it's not even describable. What's a "Bible college and University"? Everyone knows colleges and universities are leftist havens which try to indoctrinate their flock into adhereing to their ideologies. Go ahead, cite the names of those universities and colleges it is you THINK are "Bible colleges and universities". And, even if they are "Bible" colleges and universities? Where the HELL is it you get the idea that ONLY Republicans are of a religious nature who study the Bible? You need to get a freakin' clue. And the way? My uncle is a Republican and he has degrees in physics and mathematics. And, alternatively, my brother's wife's father? He's a Democrat and has been a Democrat all his adult life and, he's a devout Mormon who attends church every Sunday. So, stop your phony BS in trying to pretend that, somehow, it's only Republicans who are religious and attend alleged "Bible colleges and universities". And, stop your phony BS in trying to pretend, somehow, it's only Democrats who have college degrees.
Don't bother arguing with RDerp. Facts are to him what garlic is to vampires. Plus, he's a serial liar.

Just make fun of him. Everybody else does. :lol:

I should...huh? LOL! But, honestly...I just can't help myself. I love arguing with twits like this. However, though, I have no problem with making fun of him either. As, that's fun too. :badgrin:
Just be advised that Derp is physically unable to admit he's wrong -- and he's wrong all the time. Coupled with his pathological lying, you're better off not arguing with him.

"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig."
Don't bother arguing with RDerp. Facts are to him what garlic is to vampires. Plus, he's a serial liar.

Just make fun of him. Everybody else does. :lol:

I should...huh? LOL! But, honestly...I just can't help myself. I love arguing with twits like this. However, though, I have no problem with making fun of him either. As, that's fun too. :badgrin:

Just be advised that Derp is physically unable to admit he's wrong -- and he's wrong all the time. Coupled with his pathological lying, you're better off not arguing with him.

Eh, I'm not afraid.

"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig."

I have some time to waste and, I love annoying pigs.
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Why is it always the uneducated who accuse the educated of not having intelligence? :rofl
Looks like empty land votes Republican
Most of that "empty land" is where you get your food, building materials and energy from, ingrate.

Empty land can't vote.....people do

It demonstrates the stupidity of daveman. Claiming some moral victory because we won more land than you
I'm making no such claim.

I'm merely pointing out that it's the most productive people in the country who are the ones that hold the land, and are the ones who feed dour covetous little looters like you.
Looks like empty land votes Republican
Most of that "empty land" is where you get your food, building materials and energy from, ingrate.

Empty land can't vote.....people do

It demonstrates the stupidity of daveman. Claiming some moral victory because we won more land than you

See, now you're just demonstrating your own stupidity -- yet again.

My point, as I've already stated, is that there are plenty of conservatives in those states you morons claim to be best-educated solely because they're blue states.

But you -- man, you're really dragging down the average in your state. :lmao:
Don't know about various claims of red and blue "states" intelligence but I do know a vote for Obama was definitely a sign that there was little intelligent life behind the vote. His dismal record and his election win now proves without a doubt that idiots are now the majority in this country.
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Most of that "empty land" is where you get your food, building materials and energy from, ingrate.

Empty land can't vote.....people do

It demonstrates the stupidity of daveman. Claiming some moral victory because we won more land than you

See, now you're just demonstrating your own stupidity -- yet again.

My point, as I've already stated, is that there are plenty of conservatives in those states you morons claim to be best-educated solely because they're blue states.

But you -- man, you're really dragging down the average in your state. :lmao:

As Tuesday proved....there are not enough of those Conservatives
Don't know about various claims of red and blue "states" intelligence but I do know a vote for Obama was definitely a sign that there was little intelligent life behind the vote. His dismal record and his election win now proves without a doubt that idiots are now the majority in this country.

Obama will be considered a top ten President when his second term is over. One of his noted accomplishments will be accomplishing what he did in spite of the interference of a Republican party dedicated to destroying our economy at all costs
Don't know about various claims of red and blue "states" intelligence but I do know a vote for Obama was definitely a sign that there was little intelligent life behind the vote. His dismal record and his election win now proves without a doubt that idiots are now the majority in this country.

Obama will be considered a top ten President when his second term is over. One of his noted accomplishments will be accomplishing what he did in spite of the interference of a Republican party dedicated to destroying our economy at all costs

His record and the numbers are not supporting the above at this time. But hey Kreskin, predicting the future is easy. Being accurate about that prediction is another thing. See ya here in a few years. ;) His first term sucked.

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