Best Guess who wrote NYT Op-Ed

Who do you think wrote the NYT's editorial?

  • Mike Pence

    Votes: 7 10.4%
  • Ivanka

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mike Pompeo

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Melania

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Don, Jr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eric Trump

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Betsy Devos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gen. Mattis

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • John Kelley

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jeff Sessions

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • Ben Carson

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Linda McMahon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Rick Perry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John Barron

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 41.8%
  • Kelly Ann Conway

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Steve Mnunchin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wilbur Ross

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Considering the NYT's was Comey/McCabe/Brennan/Clapper favorite media outlet to leak to and they have a mega axe to grind why not one of them?
You know damn good and well if somebody in the Trump administration wrote that bullshit his/her name would have been shouted from the rooftops. It's another attempt to manipulate public opinion ahead of the mid-terms. Anybody who can't recognize this overused tactic by now must be a total idiot.
O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.
The GOP is the Cesspool warmongering brainwashing cesspool, super dope. Bush allowed 911 through sheer incompetence, then gave us the stupidest Wars ever and a corrupt World depression. Obama averted the depression that cost 8 trillion despite pure GOP obstruction and gave us seven and a half years straight of growth that continues. You live on an imaginary GOP planet, super duper.

Obama handed out taxpayer money to his buddies after Bush crashed the economy. You need to get things right, boy. None of it did a damn thing for the people. He is a corrupt Kenyan Marxist traitor asshole!

If you think Obama likes Americans, I got a sweet toll bridge in Brooklyn for sale. ;)

You could make your money back in 2 years.
Too bad you have no evidence for that, conspiracy Nut Job super soup.

Oh, but I do, faggot dupe.

Obama administration reworked Solyndra loan to favor donor

Suck penis and choke, fake American.

Here's another link, too.
Seriously, what is wrong with you LOL! Your links are garbage, all discredited garbage.

Wrong, pussy!

So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?

In short, I don't care.

Whomever it may be, from whatever 'alleged' federal department the author claims to come from (keep in mind, this can be faked, easily), this person is a traitor.

If they are a close aid to the president, then they have an oath/NDA to the president. They just violated it via this editorial. As far as I'm concerned, they can go fuck themselves and enjoy prison.

This reeks of staged journalism.
Boy...Fox News ain't say the least.

My guess is Trump will be hugging a tv tonight with Fox News on it...saying soothing things to him while he cries himself to sleep.

Jeez...I am starting to feel sorry for the guy.

Fuck you, never feel sorry for the dictator wannabe!
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?

In short, I don't care.

Whomever it may be, from whatever 'alleged' federal department the author claims to come from (keep in mind, this can be faked, easily), this person is a traitor.

If they are a close aid to the president, then they have an oath/NDA to the president. They just violated it via this editorial. As far as I'm concerned, they can go fuck themselves and enjoy prison.

This reeks of staged journalism.

Anyone working for the president took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, not to be blindly loyal to Trump.
The NY Times has less credibility than The Enquirer. That Op Ed could have been written by literally ANYONE who can string sentences together. Such as any member of the AP, the White House Press Corp, SNL or late night TV writers, Madcow, Chris Todd, etc etc...

Except the way Trump reacted to it, you know it was someone in his administration who wrote it.
...Very impressive display...
Sufficient to the day.

...of far left talking points...
You confuse contempt for your Creature with a Leftist political stance; your blind spot in all of this; you could not be more wrong.

...the only problem with your analysis of Trump is just because that's your opinion of him doesn't make it fact...
When aide after aide and minion after minion jump-ship and caution the voting public that they have a mentally unstable king on their hands, well...

...Everyone should think long and hard about making things like this Times op-ed acceptable...
Indeed. And, given just how bad The Creature is in that regard, it's a good bet that they've given this much thought before going public.

...once you do that to one president you are setting the table to do it to all...

...and they could very well one day end up creating the very autocrat they claim they are trying to prevent.
Could be. But the need to isolate or legally remove the unstable, lewd, crude, boorish, lying, arrogant oaf is sufficiently pressing to warrant the risk.
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I'm looking forward to finding out who wrote it, but it seems to me the person with the most reason to is Kelley.
  • There's no one whose sensibilities would be offended more than someone with his disciplined, honest, respectful background
  • There's no one who would see him in such a wide variety of situations on a daily basis
  • There's no one who would feel more duty-bound to hang in there and protect the country at all costs
Just a guess, who knows.
Anybody who thinks the NYT is going to risk a lawsuit over a faked up O/P doesn't read newspapers.
They don't understand their liability for slander and libel.
They don't read any newspaper.
They just watch Fox.

I've been subscribing to the NYT for at least 15 years now and Trump is wrong, there are fewer articles about him now than ever.

His photo rarely makes the front page.

There's usually an article about his latest fuck up on either the left or side columns, but then he IS POTUS.
You think this board is busy? NYT posts a story and within five minutes there's over a thousand comments from subscribers on their message boards. And it builds from there.
They hired Sarah Jeung, dipshit.

They know you idiots will buy their glorified toilet paper no matter what they do.
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?
None of the above.

This is a black flag.

Some democrat wrote this and the NY Times is giving them cover to sow fear and dissension inside the Whitehouse.
The NY Times has less credibility than The Enquirer. That Op Ed could have been written by literally ANYONE who can string sentences together. Such as any member of the AP, the White House Press Corp, SNL or late night TV writers, Madcow, Chris Todd, etc etc...
Yes, EXCEPT the NYT rarely runs an anonymous op ed. They interviewed the person who brought them the letter quite carefully, they know the person, and after much discussion about breaking their policy, they decided that the content was important enough for the American people to know that they published it without the contributor's name.

Those reporter types can smell a rat a mile away. They would not have published it unless they had good reason to believe it was really by a senior official in the Trump administration.
Personally I think it was Conway. I think her husband who dislikes Trump immensely finally broke through to her, and she is able to insulate herself by staying out front and spinning things to protect Trump in public.
I really don't know, but she was my first guess, too.

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