Best Guess who wrote NYT Op-Ed

Who do you think wrote the NYT's editorial?

  • Mike Pence

    Votes: 7 10.4%
  • Ivanka

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mike Pompeo

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Melania

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Don, Jr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eric Trump

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Betsy Devos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gen. Mattis

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • John Kelley

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jeff Sessions

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • Ben Carson

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Linda McMahon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Rick Perry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John Barron

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 41.8%
  • Kelly Ann Conway

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Steve Mnunchin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wilbur Ross

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
WTF is "immanent"?

BTW, try reading the 25th, or better yet, have a child read it to you. Congress does not "invoke" the 25th Amendment.

You can never pass up an opportunity to show what a clueless moron you are, can you?

The vice president and a majority of the cabinet could declare the president unable to “discharge the powers and duties of his office.” If the president disputes that determination, two-thirds of both the House and the Senate must vote to put the vice president in charge.

OK azzhole; I see you are not the brightest bulb jackwad
so what you're saying it - the cabinet and vice president would invoke the 25th amendment, and the house/congress would come in later, ie - NOT invoking it on their own but being a part of said invoked process.

maybe get that child to read it to you next time.
You need 2:3 of the Congress to act if a president were to object to being ousted under the 25th. There is no way that the GOP cultists are going to support such a move.

Perhaps you should get a school child to explain politics and basic math to you
i see comprehension fucks with you. the ONLY point i was making was that the VP and cabinet invoke that process.

the rest is just you being your usual bitch self.

it sounds like the OP-ED is telling Americans that at least one official is thinking about the process; maybe others are too.

I can imagine that everyone within Trump's orbit is tiring of all of the 'baby sitting'
i'm sure you can imagine an awful lot cause that's what 90% of the trump bullshit out there is. the left imagining it to be true.
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?
secret patriot? this is what you're trying to sell it as? the ONLY thing this is doing is legitimizing this behavior as acceptable and now that this is done, the right will follow suit in a "hold my beer" fashion to one up because none of us are stopping ourselves from being so childlike stupid in our collective behaviors. this is illustrated by your glorifying the actions and demonizing the ones they're directed against so you can FEEL like one side is patriotic and the other traitors.

to me - the traitors are the ones doing this to the country as a whole for their own selfish emotional state vs. stopping and asking our collective selves once again - what the FUCK are we doing to this country?

trump won. he took part in our founding process and won. the left needs a cup of shut the fuck up and deal with reality before we tear the country out from under us cause they're too fucking stupid to see what they're really doing.

unless of course they are really trying to kill the constitution. is that your goal johnlaw? rip up the constitution? cause that's exactly what this shit is doing.


One can live in denial only so long before it all comes crashing down. Nearly all the books written about the Trump Administration up to and including Woodward's book and the recent Op-Ed all say the same thing. Trump is unhinged and of limited intelligence. He goes off the handle and is erratic. He loves dictators and has a disdain for democratic norms.

If Trump's aides listened to him with every childish and dangerous thought that flowed through Trump's mind we would be engaged with wars and every alliance would be shattered.

You say that these folks are a danger to the Republic, You couldn't be more wrong.

The danger is Trump who has diminished the presidency to lows never seen. Not even under Nixon. Trump has effectively castrated the Presidency by his behavior. His tweets are seen by many as no more than pathetic rantings.

I for one I'm glad that for the moment there are a few people in the house of horrors that is the Oval Office that have the nation's best interests at heart.
of course they do. and you know what, they're partially right. but you know what else, he still won. you may want to look at that "live in denial only so long before it all comes crashing down" cause nothing you can hope for will remove trump from office. the continued effort itself is an act against the constitution regardless of how you try to rephrase things so you can be right "in this case".

nixon? oh yea. he's the one who OFFERED to weaponize our government against itself and he was stopped dead cold and given the heave ho.

obama DID weaponize it and look what it's done. seems we were smarter as a group in the 70s than we are today.

wanna make any more clever analogies?

No argument here that we were smarter in the 70s. However, the fact that one wins an election does not give that person carte blanche to do as they please. The presidency comes with enormous power, but that power has been limited not only by the Constitution's separation of powers but by the office holder who has used self-restraint in exercising those powers.

Trump shows what happens when all self-restraint is abandoned.

The 25th Amendment and the impeachment process are ways we try to exercise restraint on the presidency. We do not have a parliamentary system which have no confident votes.

Yes, Trump won. But if he is unhinged and threatens this nation by his behavior, it needs to be dealt with and certainly not ignored.
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So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?
secret patriot? this is what you're trying to sell it as? the ONLY thing this is doing is legitimizing this behavior as acceptable and now that this is done, the right will follow suit in a "hold my beer" fashion to one up because none of us are stopping ourselves from being so childlike stupid in our collective behaviors. this is illustrated by your glorifying the actions and demonizing the ones they're directed against so you can FEEL like one side is patriotic and the other traitors.

to me - the traitors are the ones doing this to the country as a whole for their own selfish emotional state vs. stopping and asking our collective selves once again - what the FUCK are we doing to this country?

trump won. he took part in our founding process and won. the left needs a cup of shut the fuck up and deal with reality before we tear the country out from under us cause they're too fucking stupid to see what they're really doing.

unless of course they are really trying to kill the constitution. is that your goal johnlaw? rip up the constitution? cause that's exactly what this shit is doing.


One can live in denial only so long before it all comes crashing down. Nearly all the books written about the Trump Administration up to and including Woodward's book and the recent Op-Ed all say the same thing. Trump is unhinged and of limited intelligence. He goes off the handle and is erratic. He loves dictators and has a disdain for democratic norms.

If Trump's aides listened to him with every childish and dangerous thought that flowed through Trump's mind we would be engaged with wars and every alliance would be shattered.

You say that these folks are a danger to the Republic, You couldn't be more wrong.

The danger is Trump who has diminished the presidency to lows never seen. Not even under Nixon. Trump has effectively castrated the Presidency by his behavior. His tweets are seen by many as no more than pathetic rantings.

I for one I'm glad that for the moment there are a few people in the house of horrors that is the Oval Office that have the nation's best interests at heart.
of course they do. and you know what, they're partially right. but you know what else, he still won. you may want to look at that "live in denial only so long before it all comes crashing down" cause nothing you can hope for will remove trump from office. the continued effort itself is an act against the constitution regardless of how you try to rephrase things so you can be right "in this case".

nixon? oh yea. he's the one who OFFERED to weaponize our government against itself and he was stopped dead cold and given the heave ho.

obama DID weaponize it and look what it's done. seems we were smarter as a group in the 70s than we are today.

wanna make any more clever analogies?

One of the things you seem to miss is that members of the Fed Govt, to include the White House staff take an oath of office to support and defend the constitution, not the man sitting in the Oval Office.

Their obligation is to the Constitution, not the president.

Sent from my iPhone using
no - i fully understand that.

but given the tear the media is doing to the president, i simply don't believe most of what they say. my fault or their fault for the deluge of crap?

i agree trump has about as much polish as a 62 ford sitting in a wheat field for the last 40 years. and *IF* his actions warrant his removal from office, remove him.

i've said so far more times than i care to count anymore.

but i don't believe RUSSIA and to date we've seen nothing at all to prove it was ever an issue. as we dig we do however find more crap the obama admin was doing TO trump.

of which i'm pretty sure isn't allowed via our constitution.

the problem with all the bad hype/news about trump and most if it being proven false is that if/when trump DOES do something we need to know about - wolf has done been cried far too many times.
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?
secret patriot? this is what you're trying to sell it as? the ONLY thing this is doing is legitimizing this behavior as acceptable and now that this is done, the right will follow suit in a "hold my beer" fashion to one up because none of us are stopping ourselves from being so childlike stupid in our collective behaviors. this is illustrated by your glorifying the actions and demonizing the ones they're directed against so you can FEEL like one side is patriotic and the other traitors.

to me - the traitors are the ones doing this to the country as a whole for their own selfish emotional state vs. stopping and asking our collective selves once again - what the FUCK are we doing to this country?

trump won. he took part in our founding process and won. the left needs a cup of shut the fuck up and deal with reality before we tear the country out from under us cause they're too fucking stupid to see what they're really doing.

unless of course they are really trying to kill the constitution. is that your goal johnlaw? rip up the constitution? cause that's exactly what this shit is doing.


One can live in denial only so long before it all comes crashing down. Nearly all the books written about the Trump Administration up to and including Woodward's book and the recent Op-Ed all say the same thing. Trump is unhinged and of limited intelligence. He goes off the handle and is erratic. He loves dictators and has a disdain for democratic norms.

If Trump's aides listened to him with every childish and dangerous thought that flowed through Trump's mind we would be engaged with wars and every alliance would be shattered.

You say that these folks are a danger to the Republic, You couldn't be more wrong.

The danger is Trump who has diminished the presidency to lows never seen. Not even under Nixon. Trump has effectively castrated the Presidency by his behavior. His tweets are seen by many as no more than pathetic rantings.

I for one I'm glad that for the moment there are a few people in the house of horrors that is the Oval Office that have the nation's best interests at heart.
of course they do. and you know what, they're partially right. but you know what else, he still won. you may want to look at that "live in denial only so long before it all comes crashing down" cause nothing you can hope for will remove trump from office. the continued effort itself is an act against the constitution regardless of how you try to rephrase things so you can be right "in this case".

nixon? oh yea. he's the one who OFFERED to weaponize our government against itself and he was stopped dead cold and given the heave ho.

obama DID weaponize it and look what it's done. seems we were smarter as a group in the 70s than we are today.

wanna make any more clever analogies?

No argument here that we were smarter in the 70s. However, the fact that one wins an election does not give that person carte blanche to do as they please. The presidency comes with enormous power, but that power has been limited not only by the Constitution separation of powers but by the office holder who has used self-restraint in exercising those powers.

Trump shows what happens when all self-restraint is abandoned.

The 25th Amendment and the impeachment process are ways we try to exercise restraint on the presidency. We do not have a parliamentary system where we have no confident votes.

Yew, Trump won. But if he is unhinged and threatens this nation by his behavior, it needs to be dealt with and certainly not ignored.
great. to me obama lost all sense of self control by going after the media to begin with in fox and then anyone who wrote about him in a less than favorable light. i expect more from our presidents than to chime into our social situations like they're the caretaker of it all.they are not. obama did it and now trump is doing it. they both suck shit for this and look at what it is doing to us as a country?

making up reasons to believe the warrants and so forth are justified is ONLY going to show the right now to play the game in todays politics. declare the democrat president a fool and then justify anything you wish to do to prove it. that is what is being done today so just expect the right to repay the favor.

like i've been saying - we're all about revenge politics and honesty need not play here anymore. it's just another word that has lost meaning in our time.
Tucker Carlson says his people believe they know the author. They are in touch with WH.

Tucker Carlson says....LOL!
That's when my eyes glaze over.
But I believe he and butt-buddy Hannity are in touch with the White House.
Fox is not a news organization.
It's the media arm for Trump, sucker.

Another leftist pining for the days of your when you turned on the TV and only views you agreed with were allowed.

Alas, those days will not return. Thank God ...
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?
secret patriot? this is what you're trying to sell it as? the ONLY thing this is doing is legitimizing this behavior as acceptable and now that this is done, the right will follow suit in a "hold my beer" fashion to one up because none of us are stopping ourselves from being so childlike stupid in our collective behaviors. this is illustrated by your glorifying the actions and demonizing the ones they're directed against so you can FEEL like one side is patriotic and the other traitors.

to me - the traitors are the ones doing this to the country as a whole for their own selfish emotional state vs. stopping and asking our collective selves once again - what the FUCK are we doing to this country?

trump won. he took part in our founding process and won. the left needs a cup of shut the fuck up and deal with reality before we tear the country out from under us cause they're too fucking stupid to see what they're really doing.

unless of course they are really trying to kill the constitution. is that your goal johnlaw? rip up the constitution? cause that's exactly what this shit is doing.


One can live in denial only so long before it all comes crashing down. Nearly all the books written about the Trump Administration up to and including Woodward's book and the recent Op-Ed all say the same thing. Trump is unhinged and of limited intelligence. He goes off the handle and is erratic. He loves dictators and has a disdain for democratic norms.

If Trump's aides listened to him with every childish and dangerous thought that flowed through Trump's mind we would be engaged with wars and every alliance would be shattered.

You say that these folks are a danger to the Republic, You couldn't be more wrong.

The danger is Trump who has diminished the presidency to lows never seen. Not even under Nixon. Trump has effectively castrated the Presidency by his behavior. His tweets are seen by many as no more than pathetic rantings.

I for one I'm glad that for the moment there are a few people in the house of horrors that is the Oval Office that have the nation's best interests at heart.
of course they do. and you know what, they're partially right. but you know what else, he still won. you may want to look at that "live in denial only so long before it all comes crashing down" cause nothing you can hope for will remove trump from office. the continued effort itself is an act against the constitution regardless of how you try to rephrase things so you can be right "in this case".

nixon? oh yea. he's the one who OFFERED to weaponize our government against itself and he was stopped dead cold and given the heave ho.

obama DID weaponize it and look what it's done. seems we were smarter as a group in the 70s than we are today.

wanna make any more clever analogies?

No argument here that we were smarter in the 70s. However, the fact that one wins an election does not give that person carte blanche to do as they please. The presidency comes with enormous power, but that power has been limited not only by the Constitution separation of powers but by the office holder who has used self-restraint in exercising those powers.

Trump shows what happens when all self-restraint is abandoned.

The 25th Amendment and the impeachment process are ways we try to exercise restraint on the presidency. We do not have a parliamentary system where we have no confident votes.

Yew, Trump won. But if he is unhinged and threatens this nation by his behavior, it needs to be dealt with and certainly not ignored.
great. to me obama lost all sense of self control by going after the media to begin with in fox and then anyone who wrote about him in a less than favorable light. i expect more from our presidents than to chime into our social situations like they're the caretaker of it all.they are not. obama did it and now trump is doing it. they both suck shit for this and look at what it is doing to us as a country?

making up reasons to believe the warrants and so forth are justified is ONLY going to show the right now to play the game in todays politics. declare the democrat president a fool and then justify anything you wish to do to prove it. that is what is being done today so just expect the right to repay the favor.

like i've been saying - we're all about revenge politics and honesty need not play here anymore. it's just another word that has lost meaning in our time.

I can agree with you in part. During the W. administration there was all this talk of the unitary executive. That Congressional oversight of the executive branch was limited and all such power vested in the presidency. Unitary executive theory - Wikipedia

The power of the executive branch which has tended to ebb and flow has just grown since then. W. used signing statements and Obama used executive orders to circumvent the legislative branch. Trump wants to expand presidential power further. As a matter of fact Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court has indicated the President is all but above the law while in office.

Presidential power needs to ebb. It will not until the denouement of the Trump presidency occurs.
secret patriot? this is what you're trying to sell it as? the ONLY thing this is doing is legitimizing this behavior as acceptable and now that this is done, the right will follow suit in a "hold my beer" fashion to one up because none of us are stopping ourselves from being so childlike stupid in our collective behaviors. this is illustrated by your glorifying the actions and demonizing the ones they're directed against so you can FEEL like one side is patriotic and the other traitors.

to me - the traitors are the ones doing this to the country as a whole for their own selfish emotional state vs. stopping and asking our collective selves once again - what the FUCK are we doing to this country?

trump won. he took part in our founding process and won. the left needs a cup of shut the fuck up and deal with reality before we tear the country out from under us cause they're too fucking stupid to see what they're really doing.

unless of course they are really trying to kill the constitution. is that your goal johnlaw? rip up the constitution? cause that's exactly what this shit is doing.


One can live in denial only so long before it all comes crashing down. Nearly all the books written about the Trump Administration up to and including Woodward's book and the recent Op-Ed all say the same thing. Trump is unhinged and of limited intelligence. He goes off the handle and is erratic. He loves dictators and has a disdain for democratic norms.

If Trump's aides listened to him with every childish and dangerous thought that flowed through Trump's mind we would be engaged with wars and every alliance would be shattered.

You say that these folks are a danger to the Republic, You couldn't be more wrong.

The danger is Trump who has diminished the presidency to lows never seen. Not even under Nixon. Trump has effectively castrated the Presidency by his behavior. His tweets are seen by many as no more than pathetic rantings.

I for one I'm glad that for the moment there are a few people in the house of horrors that is the Oval Office that have the nation's best interests at heart.
of course they do. and you know what, they're partially right. but you know what else, he still won. you may want to look at that "live in denial only so long before it all comes crashing down" cause nothing you can hope for will remove trump from office. the continued effort itself is an act against the constitution regardless of how you try to rephrase things so you can be right "in this case".

nixon? oh yea. he's the one who OFFERED to weaponize our government against itself and he was stopped dead cold and given the heave ho.

obama DID weaponize it and look what it's done. seems we were smarter as a group in the 70s than we are today.

wanna make any more clever analogies?

No argument here that we were smarter in the 70s. However, the fact that one wins an election does not give that person carte blanche to do as they please. The presidency comes with enormous power, but that power has been limited not only by the Constitution separation of powers but by the office holder who has used self-restraint in exercising those powers.

Trump shows what happens when all self-restraint is abandoned.

The 25th Amendment and the impeachment process are ways we try to exercise restraint on the presidency. We do not have a parliamentary system where we have no confident votes.

Yew, Trump won. But if he is unhinged and threatens this nation by his behavior, it needs to be dealt with and certainly not ignored.
great. to me obama lost all sense of self control by going after the media to begin with in fox and then anyone who wrote about him in a less than favorable light. i expect more from our presidents than to chime into our social situations like they're the caretaker of it all.they are not. obama did it and now trump is doing it. they both suck shit for this and look at what it is doing to us as a country?

making up reasons to believe the warrants and so forth are justified is ONLY going to show the right now to play the game in todays politics. declare the democrat president a fool and then justify anything you wish to do to prove it. that is what is being done today so just expect the right to repay the favor.

like i've been saying - we're all about revenge politics and honesty need not play here anymore. it's just another word that has lost meaning in our time.

I can agree with you. During the W. administration there was all this talk of the unitary executive. That Congressional oversight of the executive branch was limited and all such power vested in the presidency. Unitary executive theory - Wikipedia

The power of the executive branch which has tended to ebb and flow has just grown since then. W. used signing statements and Obama used executive orders to circumvent the legislative branch. Trump wants to expand presidential power further. As a matter of fact Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court, has indicated the President is all but above the law while in office.

Presidential power needs to ebb. It will not until the denouement of the Trump presidency occurs.
well like i keep saying, if we don't stop bad behavior, when sides switch they escalate it. we're seeing that in action and deny it cause "our side" is doing it for the best of reasons. ie - the other side sucks and is full of XYZ.

there's over 1 million docs on kavenaugh - i'm sure you can string together whatever is wanted about him by now and validate it *somewhere* in this intentional mess the left is creating. the bottom line is it didn't matter who was nominated, the left had their rebuttal lined up and ready to go and forgot to put in the proper name once he was nominated.

that alone tells me it doesn't matter - the left was going to do what they're doing now and if the left doesn't stop themselves, what do you think the right will do when their turn?

i'd like to think grow up - but i'm quickly losing faith that we as a culture are going to do that for a long long time. we're literally to the point of burning it all down in spite and making up demons to blame in trump when in fact trump is the product of the direction we've been headed as a country for awhile. he's not the problem.

we are.
Anonymous is a narcissist like comey. He has mental issues like delusions of grandeur with a superman complex. He takes credit for Trump's success while he plays America's protector. Look for someone with relationship problems, possibly childhood issues of dad leaving, low self esteem, needing to be noticed.

Graham said he wanted to be more like mccain after the funeral. at the hearings, he said he didn't like some of the things trump said. Is it him.

Pence uses the word loadstone. It was meant to get rid of pence and make way for Ryan.
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?
They say based on the language, it might be mike pence or someone close to him. I can see where pence might want to step into the job

It wasn't Pence. Pence is smart enough to know he could never step in as POTUS and fill TRUMP's shoes. I imagine Pence fully understands the only reason why TRUMP has been able to accomplish so much in such a short time is because he is willing to take risks for what he believes is in the best interests of the US and American workers. Pence sees first hand the attacks TRUMP faces everyday from the media and he knows if he were to replace TRUMP those attacks would be turned in full force towards himself and his family. I doubt Pence has any aspirations of becoming or running for POTUS.

I will concede it could have been written by a member of Pence's staff.

Personally I think the op-ed was written Rosenstein or someone outside the WH for the purpose of rehashing the media narrative of TRUMP being unstable. TRUMP will play along because he is a master at allowing the media to hype up the drama with these narratives that only fail to produce the anticipated results, while TRUMP works behind the scenes fulfilling his promises.
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?
secret patriot? this is what you're trying to sell it as? the ONLY thing this is doing is legitimizing this behavior as acceptable and now that this is done, the right will follow suit in a "hold my beer" fashion to one up because none of us are stopping ourselves from being so childlike stupid in our collective behaviors. this is illustrated by your glorifying the actions and demonizing the ones they're directed against so you can FEEL like one side is patriotic and the other traitors.

to me - the traitors are the ones doing this to the country as a whole for their own selfish emotional state vs. stopping and asking our collective selves once again - what the FUCK are we doing to this country?

trump won. he took part in our founding process and won. the left needs a cup of shut the fuck up and deal with reality before we tear the country out from under us cause they're too fucking stupid to see what they're really doing.

unless of course they are really trying to kill the constitution. is that your goal johnlaw? rip up the constitution? cause that's exactly what this shit is doing.


One can live in denial only so long before it all comes crashing down. Nearly all the books written about the Trump Administration up to and including Woodward's book and the recent Op-Ed all say the same thing. Trump is unhinged and of limited intelligence. He goes off the handle and is erratic. He loves dictators and has a disdain for democratic norms.

If Trump's aides listened to him with every childish and dangerous thought that flowed through Trump's mind we would be engaged with wars and every alliance would be shattered.

You say that these folks are a danger to the Republic, You couldn't be more wrong.

The danger is Trump who has diminished the presidency to lows never seen. Not even under Nixon. Trump has effectively castrated the Presidency by his behavior. His tweets are seen by many as no more than pathetic rantings.

I for one I'm glad that for the moment there are a few people in the house of horrors that is the Oval Office that have the nation's best interests at heart.
of course they do. and you know what, they're partially right. but you know what else, he still won. you may want to look at that "live in denial only so long before it all comes crashing down" cause nothing you can hope for will remove trump from office. the continued effort itself is an act against the constitution regardless of how you try to rephrase things so you can be right "in this case".

nixon? oh yea. he's the one who OFFERED to weaponize our government against itself and he was stopped dead cold and given the heave ho.

obama DID weaponize it and look what it's done. seems we were smarter as a group in the 70s than we are today.

wanna make any more clever analogies?

One of the things you seem to miss is that members of the Fed Govt, to include the White House staff take an oath of office to support and defend the constitution, not the man sitting in the Oval Office.

Their obligation is to the Constitution, not the president.

Sent from my iPhone using

EXACTLY & that is why I previously mentioned patriotism is to the nation, not to any POTUS.
The NY Times has less credibility than The Enquirer. That Op Ed could have been written by literally ANYONE who can string sentences together. Such as any member of the AP, the White House Press Corp, SNL or late night TV writers, Madcow, Chris Todd, etc etc...
Yes, EXCEPT the NYT rarely runs an anonymous op ed. They interviewed the person who brought them the letter quite carefully, they know the person, and after much discussion about breaking their policy, they decided that the content was important enough for the American people to know that they published it without the contributor's name.

Those reporter types can smell a rat a mile away. They would not have published it unless they had good reason to believe it was really by a senior official in the Trump administration.

Since they can smell a rat, are they then blatantly lying when they have to retract stories ? I’m talking CNN there. NYT and CNN have taken a real beating over this presidant. CNN has had to dump what, 3 news people for telling lies? And how many “anonymous sorces have actually panned out? That I can remember so far, none may be wrong, don’t know. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Trump camp planted this story.
Quite a few people are saying that. Considering his response, I'm not so sure. But people are saying that is an act, too, just to divide us more and fire up his base against the "enemy" during the election season.

Whatever happened to plain old "mud slinging?" It would be nice, compared to what is going on now.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Does the so-called “Senior Administration Official” really exist, or is it just the Failing New York Times with another phony source? If the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!

4:40 PM - 5 Sep 2018
The vice president and a majority of the cabinet could declare the president unable to “discharge the powers and duties of his office.” If the president disputes that determination, two-thirds of both the House and the Senate must vote to put the vice president in charge.

OK azzhole; I see you are not the brightest bulb jackwad
so what you're saying it - the cabinet and vice president would invoke the 25th amendment, and the house/congress would come in later, ie - NOT invoking it on their own but being a part of said invoked process.

maybe get that child to read it to you next time.
You need 2:3 of the Congress to act if a president were to object to being ousted under the 25th. There is no way that the GOP cultists are going to support such a move.

Perhaps you should get a school child to explain politics and basic math to you
i see comprehension fucks with you. the ONLY point i was making was that the VP and cabinet invoke that process.

the rest is just you being your usual bitch self.

it sounds like the OP-ED is telling Americans that at least one official is thinking about the process; maybe others are too.

I can imagine that everyone within Trump's orbit is tiring of all of the 'baby sitting'
i'm sure you can imagine an awful lot cause that's what 90% of the trump bullshit out there is. the left imagining it to be true.

I don't believe Trump's cabinet members thought they were signing on as baby sitters; do you?
So who do you think the secret patriot is in the White House who wrote the NYT's Op-Ed?
They say based on the language, it might be mike pence or someone close to him. I can see where pence might want to step into the job

It wasn't Pence. Pence is smart enough to know he could never step in as POTUS and fill TRUMP's shoes. I imagine Pence fully understands the only reason why TRUMP has been able to accomplish so much in such a short time is because he is willing to take risks for what he believes is in the best interests of the US and American workers. Pence sees first hand the attacks TRUMP faces everyday from the media and he knows if he were to replace TRUMP those attacks would be turned in full force towards himself and his family. I doubt Pence has any aspirations of becoming or running for POTUS.

I will concede it could have been written by a member of Pence's staff.

Personally I think the op-ed was written Rosenstein or someone outside the WH for the purpose of rehashing the media narrative of TRUMP being unstable. TRUMP will play along because he is a master at allowing the media to hype up the drama with these narratives that only fail to produce the anticipated results, while TRUMP works behind the scenes fulfilling his promises.

Is there a reason you capitalize Trump’s whole name? Does this make him more powerful in your world?

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this is a govt coward that needs to get fired
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