Best Share of the day.

This is an interesting piece for sharing, a bit of the reality on why Trump appeals to a working class that needs a reality mirror. I have sat in on meetings where this very dialogue takes place.

"To the remaining 80 or 90% of America, trade means something very different. There’s a video going around on the internet these days that shows a room full of workers at a Carrier air conditioning plant in Indiana being told by an officer of the company that the factory is being moved to Monterrey, Mexico, and that they’re all going to lose their jobs.

As I watched it, I thought of all the arguments over trade that we’ve had in this country since the early 1990s, all the sweet words from our economists about the scientifically proven benevolence of free trade, all the ways in which our newspapers mock people who say that treaties like the North American Free Trade Agreement allow companies to move jobs to Mexico.

Well, here is a video of a company moving its jobs to Mexico, courtesy of Nafta. This is what it looks like. The Carrier executive talks in that familiar and highly professional HR language about the need to “stay competitive” and “the extremely price-sensitive marketplace”. A worker shouts “Fuck you!” at the executive. The executive asks people to please be quiet so he can “share” his “information”. His information about all of them losing their jobs."

Millions of ordinary Americans support Donald Trump. Here's why | Thomas Frank

Meanwhile in America: We're not gonna take it anymore, anguished hands rising up momentarily, Walmart bag in hand, 'they're outsourcing our work' they say, as they open the door to their Japanese car, admiring the union made Mercedes parked next to them, checking then their Chinese made iphone, and congratulating themselves on their purchases made in Malaysian and Vietnam, as they boo the Union workers protesting their wages at a strike site, not stopping at MacDonald's today as some outside are holding signs for better wages, F them they think, foreign based Burger King today, soon home they realize their internet service is having trouble, the helpline person in Hyderabad, assists them and service is restored, next they watch on their Korean made TV Trump / Sanders criticizing out sourcing and trade agreements as they rest comfortably in the Chinese made furniture assembled somewhere in the anti-union South.....We will be great again....we will be great again....and so it goes....

"There is no need to sally forth, for it remains true that those things which make us human are, curiously enough, always close at hand. Resolve, then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tiny blasts of tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us." Pogo

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