Best thing about a Sanders victory, nobody will ever have to work again

Imagine the American workers being able to claim more from their labor once again after decades of Republican attacks on their wages and benefits

Workers not having to worry about losing their homes, or getting sick or how they can afford to send their kids to college

We used to call it the American Dream

That is the "free stuff" Sanders is offering

I don't want free healthcare. I want a free ferrarai! Vooommm! I can now ride down the street in style with my government Iphone and my government car and my government mansion. It will be so cool. And I will be able to afford this while working at Mcdonalds.

Never mind a BigMac will now cost twenty five'll be rich so it wont be a problem.
Hell,you could even afford extra cheese!!!

Big Macs have been going up in price for the last 30 years while McDonalds expanded into a global empire

The workers saw very little of that money

You'll believe anything if it fits your social utopia agenda...
McDonald's has supersized problems

And the workers saw all the money they're worth,in fact from what I've seen they deserve a pay cut.
Imagine the American workers being able to claim more from their labor once again after decades of Republican attacks on their wages and benefits

Workers not having to worry about losing their homes, or getting sick or how they can afford to send their kids to college

We used to call it the American Dream

That is the "free stuff" Sanders is offering

I don't want free healthcare. I want a free ferrarai! Vooommm! I can now ride down the street in style with my government Iphone and my government car and my government mansion. It will be so cool. And I will be able to afford this while working at Mcdonalds.

More likely you can expect increased bargaining power with your employer. A Government who will be on your side rather than the 1%. You can expect to receive a better standard of living for the hours and hours you give to your employer

Maybe not the Ferrari you want, but being taken care of if you are sick, maybe some time off once in a while, a chance to see your kids go to college without taking a second mortgage

You know...America the way it used to be
We may very well need to introduce the islam way......after the epic failure of socialism in Venezuela


People will still have to work if Sanders gets elected

But they can expect more from their labor and a larger slice of the pie

I never thought of that bro...Does this mean my circle K job will now pay millions per hour like CEOs. Wouldn't that be so cool. Wait until I tell all my guild friends that I can finally move out of the house.

No, not millions
But the single mother working at Circle K will not have to worry when her kids get sick. She will see an increase in her paycheck. She will have a chance for her kids to get a college education she did not receive

Here's a novel idea....dont have kids you cant afford and stop working at the fucken circle K.

Blame the victim

Yes, it is women who deserve to be condemned for daring to have children. Circle K workers deserve to be mocked because that is the only employment in their area and the only employer with shifts that allow you to work while your kids are in school
Imagine the American workers being able to claim more from their labor once again after decades of Republican attacks on their wages and benefits

Workers not having to worry about losing their homes, or getting sick or how they can afford to send their kids to college

We used to call it the American Dream

That is the "free stuff" Sanders is offering

I don't want free healthcare. I want a free ferrarai! Vooommm! I can now ride down the street in style with my government Iphone and my government car and my government mansion. It will be so cool. And I will be able to afford this while working at Mcdonalds.

More likely you can expect increased bargaining power with your employer. A Government who will be on your side rather than the 1%. You can expect to receive a better standard of living for the hours and hours you give to your employer

Maybe not the Ferrari you want, but being taken care of if you are sick, maybe some time off once in a while, a chance to see your kids go to college without taking a second mortgage

You know...America the way it used to be

What about those making around 80k? Dont they deserve a big raise?
I mean the boss makes way more than that right?
People will still have to work if Sanders gets elected

But they can expect more from their labor and a larger slice of the pie

I never thought of that bro...Does this mean my circle K job will now pay millions per hour like CEOs. Wouldn't that be so cool. Wait until I tell all my guild friends that I can finally move out of the house.

No, not millions
But the single mother working at Circle K will not have to worry when her kids get sick. She will see an increase in her paycheck. She will have a chance for her kids to get a college education she did not receive

Here's a novel idea....dont have kids you cant afford and stop working at the fucken circle K.

Blame the victim

Yes, it is women who deserve to be condemned for daring to have children. Circle K workers deserve to be mocked because that is the only employment in their area and the only employer with shifts that allow you to work while your kids are in school

She made a victim of herself and her kid.
Personal responsibility ....Get Some!!
Imagine the American workers being able to claim more from their labor once again after decades of Republican attacks on their wages and benefits

Workers not having to worry about losing their homes, or getting sick or how they can afford to send their kids to college

We used to call it the American Dream

That is the "free stuff" Sanders is offering

I don't want free healthcare. I want a free ferrarai! Vooommm! I can now ride down the street in style with my government Iphone and my government car and my government mansion. It will be so cool. And I will be able to afford this while working at Mcdonalds.

More likely you can expect increased bargaining power with your employer. A Government who will be on your side rather than the 1%. You can expect to receive a better standard of living for the hours and hours you give to your employer

Maybe not the Ferrari you want, but being taken care of if you are sick, maybe some time off once in a while, a chance to see your kids go to college without taking a second mortgage

You know...America the way it used to be

someone has to pay for all the free shit, fool. If burger flippers are paid $20/hour and a big mac costs $15, who is going to eat an McDonalds? answer: no one. Soooooooooooooooooooooo, all the burger joints close, all the employees are back on the unemployment rolls, all the people with McDonalds stock in their 401K accounts lose their money, and there is no one working to pay the unemployment and welfare benefits.

WTF is wrong with you libs? Are you totally ignorant about how an economy works?

Imagine the American workers being able to claim more from their labor once again after decades of Republican attacks on their wages and benefits

Workers not having to worry about losing their homes, or getting sick or how they can afford to send their kids to college

We used to call it the American Dream

That is the "free stuff" Sanders is offering

I don't want free healthcare. I want a free ferrarai! Vooommm! I can now ride down the street in style with my government Iphone and my government car and my government mansion. It will be so cool. And I will be able to afford this while working at Mcdonalds.

More likely you can expect increased bargaining power with your employer. A Government who will be on your side rather than the 1%. You can expect to receive a better standard of living for the hours and hours you give to your employer

Maybe not the Ferrari you want, but being taken care of if you are sick, maybe some time off once in a while, a chance to see your kids go to college without taking a second mortgage

You know...America the way it used to be

someone has to pay for all the free shit, fool. If burger flippers are paid $20/hour and a big mac costs $15, who is going to eat an McDonalds? answer: no one. Soooooooooooooooooooooo, all the burger joints close, all the employees are back on the unemployment rolls, all the people with McDonalds stock in their 401K accounts lose their money, and there is no one working to pay the unemployment and welfare benefits.

WTF is wrong with you libs? Are you totally ignorant about how an economy works?


the one percenters

so you will not need nearly as many 20 dollar an hour burger flippers
Imagine the American workers being able to claim more from their labor once again after decades of Republican attacks on their wages and benefits

Workers not having to worry about losing their homes, or getting sick or how they can afford to send their kids to college

We used to call it the American Dream

That is the "free stuff" Sanders is offering

I don't want free healthcare. I want a free ferrarai! Vooommm! I can now ride down the street in style with my government Iphone and my government car and my government mansion. It will be so cool. And I will be able to afford this while working at Mcdonalds.

More likely you can expect increased bargaining power with your employer. A Government who will be on your side rather than the 1%. You can expect to receive a better standard of living for the hours and hours you give to your employer

Maybe not the Ferrari you want, but being taken care of if you are sick, maybe some time off once in a while, a chance to see your kids go to college without taking a second mortgage

You know...America the way it used to be

someone has to pay for all the free shit, fool. If burger flippers are paid $20/hour and a big mac costs $15, who is going to eat an McDonalds? answer: no one. Soooooooooooooooooooooo, all the burger joints close, all the employees are back on the unemployment rolls, all the people with McDonalds stock in their 401K accounts lose their money, and there is no one working to pay the unemployment and welfare benefits.

WTF is wrong with you libs? Are you totally ignorant about how an economy works?


They ignore the obvious because nothing should get in the way of their free shit.
It's all unicorns and rainbows....till the bottom falls out.
With government as our Daddy, we'll all be taken care off!!

My brothers secretary quit because she figured out she could make the equivalent of $52k staying home, and those are pre-Bernie dollars!!
With government as our Daddy, we'll all be taken care off!!

My brothers secretary quit because she figured out she could make the equivalent of $52k staying home, and those are pre-Bernie dollars!!

"from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" Marx

Ok, Karl, I need a new 7 series BMW, but I don't have the ability to pay for it, would you please send one over.
Imagine the American workers being able to claim more from their labor once again after decades of Republican attacks on their wages and benefits

Workers not having to worry about losing their homes, or getting sick or how they can afford to send their kids to college

We used to call it the American Dream

That is the "free stuff" Sanders is offering

I don't want free healthcare. I want a free ferrarai! Vooommm! I can now ride down the street in style with my government Iphone and my government car and my government mansion. It will be so cool. And I will be able to afford this while working at Mcdonalds.

More likely you can expect increased bargaining power with your employer. A Government who will be on your side rather than the 1%. You can expect to receive a better standard of living for the hours and hours you give to your employer

Maybe not the Ferrari you want, but being taken care of if you are sick, maybe some time off once in a while, a chance to see your kids go to college without taking a second mortgage

You know...America the way it used to be

someone has to pay for all the free shit, fool. If burger flippers are paid $20/hour and a big mac costs $15, who is going to eat an McDonalds? answer: no one. Soooooooooooooooooooooo, all the burger joints close, all the employees are back on the unemployment rolls, all the people with McDonalds stock in their 401K accounts lose their money, and there is no one working to pay the unemployment and welfare benefits.

WTF is wrong with you libs? Are you totally ignorant about how an economy works?


They ignore the obvious because nothing should get in the way of their free shit.
It's all unicorns and rainbows....till the bottom falls out.

they have been taught since an early age

that there is an limitless pool of free shit
Imagine the American workers being able to claim more from their labor once again after decades of Republican attacks on their wages and benefits

Workers not having to worry about losing their homes, or getting sick or how they can afford to send their kids to college

We used to call it the American Dream

That is the "free stuff" Sanders is offering

I don't want free healthcare. I want a free ferrarai! Vooommm! I can now ride down the street in style with my government Iphone and my government car and my government mansion. It will be so cool. And I will be able to afford this while working at Mcdonalds.

More likely you can expect increased bargaining power with your employer. A Government who will be on your side rather than the 1%. You can expect to receive a better standard of living for the hours and hours you give to your employer

Maybe not the Ferrari you want, but being taken care of if you are sick, maybe some time off once in a while, a chance to see your kids go to college without taking a second mortgage

You know...America the way it used to be

someone has to pay for all the free shit, fool. If burger flippers are paid $20/hour and a big mac costs $15, who is going to eat an McDonalds? answer: no one. Soooooooooooooooooooooo, all the burger joints close, all the employees are back on the unemployment rolls, all the people with McDonalds stock in their 401K accounts lose their money, and there is no one working to pay the unemployment and welfare benefits.

WTF is wrong with you libs? Are you totally ignorant about how an economy works?

Nobody is saying $20 min wage and nobody is saying $15 Big Macs

Low wage workers have been left behind and it is time for them to catch up
Sanders stands up for American workers struggling to keep up

That is why republicans hate him. The one percent demands a docile workforce

The Bernie is an absolute dumbass, I own an "s" Corp for each of my three business. According to the Bernie those are not people?? One person owns them...
Socialism works great for a short time until the wealth accumulated under capitalism is gone and then you are pretty well screwed.

Libtards are simply too stupid to understand that reality.
Imagine the American workers being able to claim more from their labor once again after decades of Republican attacks on their wages and benefits

Workers not having to worry about losing their homes, or getting sick or how they can afford to send their kids to college

We used to call it the American Dream

That is the "free stuff" Sanders is offering

I don't want free healthcare. I want a free ferrarai! Vooommm! I can now ride down the street in style with my government Iphone and my government car and my government mansion. It will be so cool. And I will be able to afford this while working at Mcdonalds.

More likely you can expect increased bargaining power with your employer. A Government who will be on your side rather than the 1%. You can expect to receive a better standard of living for the hours and hours you give to your employer

Maybe not the Ferrari you want, but being taken care of if you are sick, maybe some time off once in a while, a chance to see your kids go to college without taking a second mortgage

You know...America the way it used to be

someone has to pay for all the free shit, fool. If burger flippers are paid $20/hour and a big mac costs $15, who is going to eat an McDonalds? answer: no one. Soooooooooooooooooooooo, all the burger joints close, all the employees are back on the unemployment rolls, all the people with McDonalds stock in their 401K accounts lose their money, and there is no one working to pay the unemployment and welfare benefits.

WTF is wrong with you libs? Are you totally ignorant about how an economy works?

Nobody is saying $20 min wage and nobody is saying $15 Big Macs

Low wage workers have been left behind and it is time for them to catch up

get a second job, that's what I did when I was a low wage worker. stop whining and take responsibility for your life.

AND, when the price of labor goes up, the price of the product goes up. When the price of the product goes up sales of the product go down. Econ 101
Sanders stands up for American workers struggling to keep up

That is why republicans hate him. The one percent demands a docile workforce

Has Bernie told the Hollywood liberals that he is going to take 90% of their income? Has he told Buffet and Soros? Has he told Gates?

Are you really so stupid that you think those people are going to go along with this fantasy?

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