Best thing about a Sanders victory, nobody will ever have to work again

explain Trump's tax plan and how it would make the govt free.

He eliminates federal income tax altogether for more people than now pay no federal income tax. For them it will be 'free'.

All of the Republicans in fact are proposing lower taxes, plus more spending on the military. More 'free' military. More 'free' wars.

lower taxes stimulate the economy and create jobs. a growing economy and growing employment generates more federal revenue.

Trump would also allow the trillions sitting banks overseas to be brought back and spent in this country with no tax penalty. That alone would create millions of jobs.

The military is never free. DOD is full of waste. But we need a strong military. The next president needs to build the military back up and attack the waste in DOD.
you going to use any sourcing today or tomorrow or the day after that? :doubt:

something that is common knowledge does not require sourcing.
what about all the rest of your posts that don't have sourcing hack boi?

go away, You know ZERO about debating. Your unsubstantiated opinions are just that. Go to school. They might take you back

forums like this are for expressing opinions and discussing the issues. Posting a hack piece from a far left or far right blog adds nothing.

There are many things that are common knowledge, like the fact that the federal government wastes billions of dollars every year. I don't need to prove that to you or anyone else.
typical unsubstantiated rw attack posts from the usual mouth-breather (Redfish et al) suspects. Why aren't you people singing the praises of your current crop of candidates :lol:
He eliminates federal income tax altogether for more people than now pay no federal income tax. For them it will be 'free'.

All of the Republicans in fact are proposing lower taxes, plus more spending on the military. More 'free' military. More 'free' wars.

lower taxes stimulate the economy and create jobs. a growing economy and growing employment generates more federal revenue.

Trump would also allow the trillions sitting banks overseas to be brought back and spent in this country with no tax penalty. That alone would create millions of jobs.

The military is never free. DOD is full of waste. But we need a strong military. The next president needs to build the military back up and attack the waste in DOD.
you going to use any sourcing today or tomorrow or the day after that? :doubt:

something that is common knowledge does not require sourcing.
what about all the rest of your posts that don't have sourcing hack boi?

go away, You know ZERO about debating. Your unsubstantiated opinions are just that. Go to school. They might take you back

forums like this are for expressing opinions and discussing the issues. Posting a hack piece from a far left or far right blog adds nothing.

There are many things that are common knowledge, like the fact that the federal government wastes billions of dollars every year. I don't need to prove that to you or anyone else.
WTF are you talking about? Debate w/ sourcing or GTFO (go to the kiddie pool).

Hacks like Polichic who DO at least use sourcing (zany as it is) are almost, ALMOST just as bad as no sourcing (your FAIL tactic)

Last edited:
You know that Sanders must be doing well when the OP's thread title is the best anyone can come up with to try to make an argument against him.

After 100's of posts and you participating in the thread, this is what you come up with now? You have a loose wire, numb nut.

You believe the thread title?

do you understand the meaning of the word 'sarcasm' ? The OP was not to be taken literally, are you really that ignorant?

So the OP was making a satirical thread that should have been put in the satire forum?

No more so than rdean and Lakhota. If you don't get the thread, then no amount of college will help you.
Do Wall Street CEOs earn it?

Of course they do. Everything they have has been acquired as a result of totally voluntary exchanges. That's what it means to "earn" something. Government parasites, on the other hand, have earned nothing.
Uh huh. Like that time I voluntarily let them gamble my 401k money and they lost 1/3 of it? They don't "earn" a fucking thing. Tell me what they've actually produced with their transactions.
And if you kept in the 401k, you would be so far ahead. Do you give credit for that or did you knee jerk and pulled the 401k out?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No, I kept it in and I'm a little ahead - at least until these stupid mutherfuckers crash the economy again.

So you are ahead. Then quit bitchin, do you honestly think all stocks just rise. They have gained and fallen thousands of times. Learn about where your money is and invest accordingly. It's your money, you might want to be responsible for it.
Look jackass, have you ever heard of a risk reward ratio? It's gotten ridiculously high thanks to these idiots but none of us have much choice as to whether or not to play the game. Real stock market increases come from technological advances not financial manipulation.
Of course they do. Everything they have has been acquired as a result of totally voluntary exchanges. That's what it means to "earn" something. Government parasites, on the other hand, have earned nothing.
Uh huh. Like that time I voluntarily let them gamble my 401k money and they lost 1/3 of it? They don't "earn" a fucking thing. Tell me what they've actually produced with their transactions.
And if you kept in the 401k, you would be so far ahead. Do you give credit for that or did you knee jerk and pulled the 401k out?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No, I kept it in and I'm a little ahead - at least until these stupid mutherfuckers crash the economy again.

So you are ahead. Then quit bitchin, do you honestly think all stocks just rise. They have gained and fallen thousands of times. Learn about where your money is and invest accordingly. It's your money, you might want to be responsible for it.
Look jackass, have you ever heard of a risk reward ratio? It's gotten ridiculously high thanks to these idiots but none of us have much choice as to whether or not to play the game. Real stock market increases come from technological advances not financial manipulation.

Ever hear of education and learning about how money works? Every 401k plan I know of has options and you can have low to high risk portions you can assign your portfolio. Certain sectors of the market do better in conditions. Maybe when Sanders gets elected and college is free you can take Economics 101.
I'm going out to "do stuff" You tards can keep fighting the spooky Senator (whilst simultaneously clinging to your big gov't crony capitalism) who is running for President (who voted against the decade+ long, Iraq boondoggle BTW)
Uh huh. Like that time I voluntarily let them gamble my 401k money and they lost 1/3 of it? They don't "earn" a fucking thing. Tell me what they've actually produced with their transactions.
And if you kept in the 401k, you would be so far ahead. Do you give credit for that or did you knee jerk and pulled the 401k out?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No, I kept it in and I'm a little ahead - at least until these stupid mutherfuckers crash the economy again.

So you are ahead. Then quit bitchin, do you honestly think all stocks just rise. They have gained and fallen thousands of times. Learn about where your money is and invest accordingly. It's your money, you might want to be responsible for it.
Look jackass, have you ever heard of a risk reward ratio? It's gotten ridiculously high thanks to these idiots but none of us have much choice as to whether or not to play the game. Real stock market increases come from technological advances not financial manipulation.

Ever hear of education and learning about how money works? Every 401k plan I know of has options and you can have low to high risk portions you can assign your portfolio. Certain sectors of the market do better in conditions. Maybe when Sanders gets elected and college is free you can take Economics 101.
So how's your 401k doing and what investment choices have you made lately?
And if you kept in the 401k, you would be so far ahead. Do you give credit for that or did you knee jerk and pulled the 401k out?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No, I kept it in and I'm a little ahead - at least until these stupid mutherfuckers crash the economy again.

So you are ahead. Then quit bitchin, do you honestly think all stocks just rise. They have gained and fallen thousands of times. Learn about where your money is and invest accordingly. It's your money, you might want to be responsible for it.
Look jackass, have you ever heard of a risk reward ratio? It's gotten ridiculously high thanks to these idiots but none of us have much choice as to whether or not to play the game. Real stock market increases come from technological advances not financial manipulation.

Ever hear of education and learning about how money works? Every 401k plan I know of has options and you can have low to high risk portions you can assign your portfolio. Certain sectors of the market do better in conditions. Maybe when Sanders gets elected and college is free you can take Economics 101.
So how's your 401k doing and what investment choices have you made lately?

Last year they grew , this quarter I don't expect them to fair as well but it is more my fault as I haven't shifted to more conservative funds. I don't need it for several years so I'm doing well. When the market crashed in 2008, I have gained all back and a lot more. I expect economic down cycles, that is the nature of the beast. I don't blame others because I make a mistake.
No, I kept it in and I'm a little ahead - at least until these stupid mutherfuckers crash the economy again.

So you are ahead. Then quit bitchin, do you honestly think all stocks just rise. They have gained and fallen thousands of times. Learn about where your money is and invest accordingly. It's your money, you might want to be responsible for it.
Look jackass, have you ever heard of a risk reward ratio? It's gotten ridiculously high thanks to these idiots but none of us have much choice as to whether or not to play the game. Real stock market increases come from technological advances not financial manipulation.

Ever hear of education and learning about how money works? Every 401k plan I know of has options and you can have low to high risk portions you can assign your portfolio. Certain sectors of the market do better in conditions. Maybe when Sanders gets elected and college is free you can take Economics 101.
So how's your 401k doing and what investment choices have you made lately?

Last year they grew , this quarter I don't expect them to fair as well but it is more my fault as I haven't shifted to more conservative funds. I don't need it for several years so I'm doing well. When the market crashed in 2008, I have gained all back and a lot more. I expect economic down cycles, that is the nature of the beast. I don't blame others because I make a mistake.
Well even I've shifted to more conservative funds and I don't really have time to worry about this stuff. I would have expected the certified financial managers at Putnam (in my case) to do that. Hopefully your heroes won't have screwed you over too badly when the time comes to cash in.
So you are ahead. Then quit bitchin, do you honestly think all stocks just rise. They have gained and fallen thousands of times. Learn about where your money is and invest accordingly. It's your money, you might want to be responsible for it.
Look jackass, have you ever heard of a risk reward ratio? It's gotten ridiculously high thanks to these idiots but none of us have much choice as to whether or not to play the game. Real stock market increases come from technological advances not financial manipulation.

Ever hear of education and learning about how money works? Every 401k plan I know of has options and you can have low to high risk portions you can assign your portfolio. Certain sectors of the market do better in conditions. Maybe when Sanders gets elected and college is free you can take Economics 101.
So how's your 401k doing and what investment choices have you made lately?

Last year they grew , this quarter I don't expect them to fair as well but it is more my fault as I haven't shifted to more conservative funds. I don't need it for several years so I'm doing well. When the market crashed in 2008, I have gained all back and a lot more. I expect economic down cycles, that is the nature of the beast. I don't blame others because I make a mistake.
Well even I've shifted to more conservative funds and I don't really have time to worry about this stuff. I would have expected the certified financial managers at Putnam (in my case) to do that. Hopefully your heroes won't have screwed you over too badly when the time comes to cash in.

If you don't have time to worry, then don't bitch how you got screwed over. The financial managers aren't my heroes, I'm not sure where you came up with that stupid comment, that's why I research. I don't trust others to make me money. I need to know what I am having done with my money.

Now go back to not worrying about your future.
Look jackass, have you ever heard of a risk reward ratio? It's gotten ridiculously high thanks to these idiots but none of us have much choice as to whether or not to play the game. Real stock market increases come from technological advances not financial manipulation.

Ever hear of education and learning about how money works? Every 401k plan I know of has options and you can have low to high risk portions you can assign your portfolio. Certain sectors of the market do better in conditions. Maybe when Sanders gets elected and college is free you can take Economics 101.
So how's your 401k doing and what investment choices have you made lately?

Last year they grew , this quarter I don't expect them to fair as well but it is more my fault as I haven't shifted to more conservative funds. I don't need it for several years so I'm doing well. When the market crashed in 2008, I have gained all back and a lot more. I expect economic down cycles, that is the nature of the beast. I don't blame others because I make a mistake.
Well even I've shifted to more conservative funds and I don't really have time to worry about this stuff. I would have expected the certified financial managers at Putnam (in my case) to do that. Hopefully your heroes won't have screwed you over too badly when the time comes to cash in.

If you don't have time to worry, then don't bitch how you got screwed over. The financial managers aren't my heroes, I'm not sure where you came up with that stupid comment, that's why I research. I don't trust others to make me money. I need to know what I am having done with my money.

Now go back to not worrying about your future.
When I say your heroes, I'm not talking about the financial managers. I'm talking about the Wall Street scum that you seem to believe creates the gains in the market. In most respects, they have only two super powers. 1) They can funnel an inordinate amount of wealth in their own direction and 2) they can crash the whole enchilada out of greed.
typical unsubstantiated rw attack posts from the usual mouth-breather (Redfish et al) suspects. Why aren't you people singing the praises of your current crop of candidates :lol:

The GOP has a great group of candidates. Old, young, politicians, non-politicians, a black, a woman, two Hispanics. All qualified and capable and experienced.

Now, what do you dems have? two old white has-beens who want a dictatorial socialist state. One of them is a career criminal and habitual liar who is likely to be indicted, the other is an avowed socialist who has no idea how this economy works or what the constitution says.
lower taxes stimulate the economy and create jobs. a growing economy and growing employment generates more federal revenue.

Trump would also allow the trillions sitting banks overseas to be brought back and spent in this country with no tax penalty. That alone would create millions of jobs.

The military is never free. DOD is full of waste. But we need a strong military. The next president needs to build the military back up and attack the waste in DOD.
you going to use any sourcing today or tomorrow or the day after that? :doubt:

something that is common knowledge does not require sourcing.
what about all the rest of your posts that don't have sourcing hack boi?

go away, You know ZERO about debating. Your unsubstantiated opinions are just that. Go to school. They might take you back

forums like this are for expressing opinions and discussing the issues. Posting a hack piece from a far left or far right blog adds nothing.

There are many things that are common knowledge, like the fact that the federal government wastes billions of dollars every year. I don't need to prove that to you or anyone else.
WTF are you talking about? Debate w/ sourcing or GTFO (go to the kiddie pool).

Hacks like Polichic who DO at least use sourcing (zany as it is) are almost, ALMOST just as bad as no sourcing (your FAIL tactic)


I have posted cites for the majority of my posts. But it is a fact that many posts from all of us are just statements of opinions or beliefs.

It is naïve to think that any of us are going to change the minds of anyone else. Hurling juvenile insults as you continue to do only demonstrates your inability to support your far left ideology with logic and reason.
You believe the thread title?

Sorry, but If I'm getting all this free stuff, when will I even have time to work?

Vote for Trump. His tax plan may make all of your federal government free, as far as you're concerned.

explain Trump's tax plan and how it would make the govt free.

He eliminates federal income tax altogether for more people than now pay no federal income tax. For them it will be 'free'.

All of the Republicans in fact are proposing lower taxes, plus more spending on the military. More 'free' military. More 'free' wars.
yep, we saw how those "free" foreign adventures worked-out under the last rw Admin. The poor & middle-class ended up paying for it through the nose in more ways than one.

no one said those "adventures" were free. But both parties authorized and funded them. why is the truth so hard for you to grasp?
Ever hear of education and learning about how money works? Every 401k plan I know of has options and you can have low to high risk portions you can assign your portfolio. Certain sectors of the market do better in conditions. Maybe when Sanders gets elected and college is free you can take Economics 101.
So how's your 401k doing and what investment choices have you made lately?

Last year they grew , this quarter I don't expect them to fair as well but it is more my fault as I haven't shifted to more conservative funds. I don't need it for several years so I'm doing well. When the market crashed in 2008, I have gained all back and a lot more. I expect economic down cycles, that is the nature of the beast. I don't blame others because I make a mistake.
Well even I've shifted to more conservative funds and I don't really have time to worry about this stuff. I would have expected the certified financial managers at Putnam (in my case) to do that. Hopefully your heroes won't have screwed you over too badly when the time comes to cash in.

If you don't have time to worry, then don't bitch how you got screwed over. The financial managers aren't my heroes, I'm not sure where you came up with that stupid comment, that's why I research. I don't trust others to make me money. I need to know what I am having done with my money.

Now go back to not worrying about your future.
When I say your heroes, I'm not talking about the financial managers. I'm talking about the Wall Street scum that you seem to believe creates the gains in the market. In most respects, they have only two super powers. 1) They can funnel an inordinate amount of wealth in their own direction and 2) they can crash the whole enchilada out of greed.

how would Clinton or sanders regulate wall street to prevent what you discussed above?

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