Best way to "judge" the U.S. pulling out of Syria......

So Putin likes Trump's decision to pull out of Syria, so what?
We were not there to kick the Russians and Assad out of Syria, so WTF is the problem leaving that shit-hole to Putin?
We need to handle NK, China, and Russia, so Syria and AFG can stew in their own juices.
The Kurds can take care of themselves.

Turkey and Russia BOTH like the thought of the US pulling out. Turkey considers the people we are allied with (the Kurds), to be terrorists. If we pull out of Syria, Turkey then has free reign to go after the Kurds.

Right before Trump announced his decision to pull out of Syria he had a phone call with Erdogan. I assume the Kurds were discussed, and protected.

Erdogan wants the US to withdraw, because then he can attack the Kurds.

White House says Erdogan promised Trump he’d finish off ISIS in Syria

What took place during Trump’s phone call Friday with the Turkish leader has been a central question in the debate over Trump’s decision to pull all U.S. troops out of Syria, a decision he made without consulting U.S. allies and over the opposition of all his top national security aides. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis resigned in part in protest over the Syria decision and on Saturday, NBC News reported that the U.S. envoy leading the coalition to defeat ISIS, Brett McGurk, has also resigned in protest.

Turkey has long sought a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria to clear the way for Turkish forces to attack Kurdish forces in northern Syria. Turkey considers the Kurdish forces to be terrorists who threaten Turkeys’ stability, but the U.S. has been training the Kurdish troops and relying heavily on them to fight ISIS there.
So Putin likes Trump's decision to pull out of Syria, so what?
We were not there to kick the Russians and Assad out of Syria, so WTF is the problem leaving that shit-hole to Putin?
We need to handle NK, China, and Russia, so Syria and AFG can stew in their own juices.
The Kurds can take care of themselves.

Turkey and Russia BOTH like the thought of the US pulling out. Turkey considers the people we are allied with (the Kurds), to be terrorists. If we pull out of Syria, Turkey then has free reign to go after the Kurds.

Right before Trump announced his decision to pull out of Syria he had a phone call with Erdogan. I assume the Kurds were discussed, and protected.

Erdogan wants the US to withdraw, because then he can attack the Kurds.

White House says Erdogan promised Trump he’d finish off ISIS in Syria

What took place during Trump’s phone call Friday with the Turkish leader has been a central question in the debate over Trump’s decision to pull all U.S. troops out of Syria, a decision he made without consulting U.S. allies and over the opposition of all his top national security aides. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis resigned in part in protest over the Syria decision and on Saturday, NBC News reported that the U.S. envoy leading the coalition to defeat ISIS, Brett McGurk, has also resigned in protest.

Turkey has long sought a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria to clear the way for Turkish forces to attack Kurdish forces in northern Syria. Turkey considers the Kurdish forces to be terrorists who threaten Turkeys’ stability, but the U.S. has been training the Kurdish troops and relying heavily on them to fight ISIS there.
The Kurds have enclaves all over the place. Their "Kurdistan" overlaps Iran, Turkey, Iraq and Syria. These ancient turf wars will never end, so its better for the US to leave sooner rather than later. The Kurds will not be exterminated, they are a powerful fighting force, especially with US military aid.

So Putin likes Trump's decision to pull out of Syria, so what?
We were not there to kick the Russians and Assad out of Syria, so WTF is the problem leaving that shit-hole to Putin?
We need to handle NK, China, and Russia, so Syria and AFG can stew in their own juices.
The Kurds can take care of themselves.

Turkey and Russia BOTH like the thought of the US pulling out. Turkey considers the people we are allied with (the Kurds), to be terrorists. If we pull out of Syria, Turkey then has free reign to go after the Kurds.
--------------------- let them , 'kurds' will just have to fight i guess . Course if reports are correct the 'kurds' will have the help of the Saudis and the UAE BSailor .
Besides the Trump cultists rejoicing that Trump is pulling out all of our troops from Syria, look who else is extremely happy over the decision:

Russia (Putin) is overjoyed
ISIS will soon resuscitate and couldn't be happier
Turkey (Erdogan) will have a field day attacking the Syrian Kurds
Iran's (Mullahs) could not agree more with Trump's decision
Hezbollah will be sending a dozen roses to the oval office

Always judge the company and alliances that Trump makes through his moronic decisions.

(I will say, however, that from Trump's perspective, this is a great diversion from his MANY domestic problems.)

Democrats arent' happy with Trump pulling out of Syria?

When did they change their minds about our troops being there?
I long for the days when the left was vehemently anti-war. They have become an extension of the ruling class, with their now love for war.

Libs love war. Cons love war. Man are we fucked.
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Besides the Trump cultists rejoicing that Trump is pulling out all of our troops from Syria, look who else is extremely happy over the decision:

Russia (Putin) is overjoyed
ISIS will soon resuscitate and couldn't be happier
Turkey (Erdogan) will have a field day attacking the Syrian Kurds
Iran's (Mullahs) could not agree more with Trump's decision
Hezbollah will be sending a dozen roses to the oval office

Always judge the company and alliances that Trump makes through his moronic decisions.

(I will say, however, that from Trump's perspective, this is a great diversion from his MANY domestic problems.)

Had O done this you would be frolicking and very gay and glad. Trump did it and you're mad.
Fuck the libs on this...........We have been at War in that shit hole for almost 2 decades..........Let them kill each other over there...............if they do a terrorist attack again.......carpet bomb them and leave.........say you put them on a leash or there will be nothing left..........Had we done this from the beginning.....the dang War would have been over in 6 months.............Saved lives and our wounded and Trillions of Dollars..........

But we had to go in an NATION Build ........trying to Force Feed Democracy to countries who only care about THEOLOGY...........

That is a way to lose a War..........and being Brutal causes collateral damage...but it ends the War real quick.......Our political correctness and Rules of War are why we are stuck there.........and why we lose them now.
Fuck the libs on this...........We have been at War in that shit hole for almost 2 decades..........Let them kill each other over there...............if they do a terrorist attack again.......carpet bomb them and leave.........say you put them on a leash or there will be nothing left..........Had we done this from the beginning.....the dang War would have been over in 6 months.............Saved lives and our wounded and Trillions of Dollars..........

But we had to go in an NATION Build ........trying to Force Feed Democracy to countries who only care about THEOLOGY...........

That is a way to lose a War..........and being Brutal causes collateral damage...but it ends the War real quick.......Our political correctness and Rules of War are why we are stuck there.........and why we lose them now.
Our criminal government has spent a trillion dollars on the Afghan War, and what are the results? Lots of death and enrichment of the ruling class. A common result of war.
Fuck the libs on this...........We have been at War in that shit hole for almost 2 decades..........Let them kill each other over there...............if they do a terrorist attack again.......carpet bomb them and leave.........say you put them on a leash or there will be nothing left..........Had we done this from the beginning.....the dang War would have been over in 6 months.............Saved lives and our wounded and Trillions of Dollars..........

But we had to go in an NATION Build ........trying to Force Feed Democracy to countries who only care about THEOLOGY...........

That is a way to lose a War..........and being Brutal causes collateral damage...but it ends the War real quick.......Our political correctness and Rules of War are why we are stuck there.........and why we lose them now.
Our criminal government has spent a trillion dollars on the Afghan War, and what are the results? Lots of death and enrichment of the ruling class. A common result of war.
Afghanistan Drug fields are making the country a bunch of money.......Are we sure we are not there to save the local Drug Lords.................pfft.
Besides the Trump cultists rejoicing that Trump is pulling out all of our troops from Syria, look who else is extremely happy over the decision:

Russia (Putin) is overjoyed
ISIS will soon resuscitate and couldn't be happier
Turkey (Erdogan) will have a field day attacking the Syrian Kurds
Iran's (Mullahs) could not agree more with Trump's decision
Hezbollah will be sending a dozen roses to the oval office

Always judge the company and alliances that Trump makes through his moronic decisions.

(I will say, however, that from Trump's perspective, this is a great diversion from his MANY domestic problems.)
Needless to say, if a Democratic president were to announce we’re leaving Syria…

Such is the stupidity of the blind partisan right in general and Trump supporters in particular.
At the local diner this a.m. I wasn't close enough to the tv to hear what was being said but it was reported there were resignations over Trump's decision to pull out of Syria. A top diplomat, maybe? And who else? It was resignationS.

Anyone know?
long for the days when the left was vehemently anti-war. They have become an extension of the ruling class, with their now love for war.

STUPID "conclusion" expected from a Trump ass licker....

Criticism of Trump's Syrian pullout is NOT based on "love of war"...

We have 2000 troops there to do 3 things

1. Protect the Kurds from being slaughtered by the Turks
2. Prevent the rebirth of ISIS by having some base in eastern Syria
3. To not allow Russia and Iran from having a free hand in annexing Syria.

Why the fuck do we have tens of thousands of troops in Japan, Germany and South Korea???..............Is THAT a "love of war"???
Fuck the libs on this...........We have been at War in that shit hole for almost 2 decades..........Let them kill each other over there...............if they do a terrorist attack again.......carpet bomb them and leave.........say you put them on a leash or there will be nothing left..........Had we done this from the beginning.....the dang War would have been over in 6 months.............Saved lives and our wounded and Trillions of Dollars..........

But we had to go in an NATION Build ........trying to Force Feed Democracy to countries who only care about THEOLOGY...........

That is a way to lose a War..........and being Brutal causes collateral damage...but it ends the War real quick.......Our political correctness and Rules of War are why we are stuck there.........and why we lose them now.
Our criminal government has spent a trillion dollars on the Afghan War, and what are the results? Lots of death and enrichment of the ruling class. A common result of war.
Afghanistan Drug fields are making the country a bunch of money.......Are we sure we are not there to save the local Drug Lords.................pfft.
All part of enriching the ruling class.
At the local diner this a.m. I wasn't close enough to the tv to hear what was being said but it was reported there were resignations over Trump's decision to pull out of Syria. A top diplomat, maybe? And who else? It was resignationS.

Anyone know?

Brett McGurk, the main U.S. diplomat tasked with keeping the international anti-ISIS coalition together.
At the local diner this a.m. I wasn't close enough to the tv to hear what was being said but it was reported there were resignations over Trump's decision to pull out of Syria. A top diplomat, maybe? And who else? It was resignationS.

Anyone know?

Brett McGurk, the U.S. envoy to the coalition fighting the Islamic State, has announced his resignation, reportedly in protest of President Trump's decision this week to withdraw all U.S. forces from Syria.

McGurk, a veteran diplomat with more than a decade of experience in Iraq, had worked with the 79-member global coalition led by the U.S. to reclaim territory seized by the Islamic State in both Syria and Iraq.
long for the days when the left was vehemently anti-war. They have become an extension of the ruling class, with their now love for war.

STUPID "conclusion" expected from a Trump ass licker....

Criticism of Trump's Syrian pullout is NOT based on "love of war"...

We have 2000 troops there to do 3 things

1. Protect the Kurds from being slaughtered by the Turks
2. Prevent the rebirth of ISIS by having some base in eastern Syria
3. To not allow Russia and Iran from having a free hand in annexing Syria.

Why the fuck do we have tens of thousands of troops in Japan, Germany and South Korea???..............Is THAT a "love of war"???
Why do you want WWIII?

Time to bring ALL our troops home including all the CIA fuckers who are merely instigating war, for the benefit of the ruling class.

The left used to know this, but apparently they have been infiltrated by nefarious forces and have surrendered.
At the local diner this a.m. I wasn't close enough to the tv to hear what was being said but it was reported there were resignations over Trump's decision to pull out of Syria. A top diplomat, maybe? And who else? It was resignationS.

Anyone know?
Mattis probably............others maybe........It is probably over the Kurds and FSA..........In Mattis resignation he stated his issues over NATO members......and allies..............NATO in the region would have to be Turkey...........which would lead me to think the idlib problem and FSA.............who's purpose was to overthrow Assad.........same as Turkey...............

However, since Trump took office the stategy of overthrowing Assad has changed..........and clearly the old goal was to remove you have remnants of forces there to overthrow Assad caught in the meat grinder of Syria in Idlib.........Turkey not wanting them........Syria not wanting them.....and tensions of a possible battle on the Turkish border over the remnants.........

Catch 22's all over the place in the quicksand of the Middle East where everyone one is fighting everyone there using Syria as the's always been that way there for ages...........and the best laid plans have always failed there whether it was the British and French after the Ottoman Empire fell or now...................

Anyone who says they have the answers there to the nightmare of opposing sides is a fool..........because no one really knows how to escape the insanity of the region..........

To stay is leave is insanity.........back the kurds and piss off the Turks.......back the Turks and piss off the Kurds......

Honestly there is NO EXIT Strategy that has a snow balls chance in hell of succeeding.......History repeats itself.............
At the local diner this a.m. I wasn't close enough to the tv to hear what was being said but it was reported there were resignations over Trump's decision to pull out of Syria. A top diplomat, maybe? And who else? It was resignationS.

Anyone know?
Mattis probably............others maybe........It is probably over the Kurds and FSA..........In Mattis resignation he stated his issues over NATO members......and allies..............NATO in the region would have to be Turkey...........which would lead me to think the idlib problem and FSA.............who's purpose was to overthrow Assad.........same as Turkey...............

However, since Trump took office the stategy of overthrowing Assad has changed..........and clearly the old goal was to remove you have remnants of forces there to overthrow Assad caught in the meat grinder of Syria in Idlib.........Turkey not wanting them........Syria not wanting them.....and tensions of a possible battle on the Turkish border over the remnants.........

Catch 22's all over the place in the quicksand of the Middle East where everyone one is fighting everyone there using Syria as the's always been that way there for ages...........and the best laid plans have always failed there whether it was the British and French after the Ottoman Empire fell or now...................

Anyone who says they have the answers there to the nightmare of opposing sides is a fool..........because no one really knows how to escape the insanity of the region..........

To stay is leave is insanity.........back the kurds and piss off the Turks.......back the Turks and piss off the Kurds......

Honestly there is NO EXIT Strategy that has a snow balls chance in hell of succeeding.......History repeats itself.............
I agree that once in there and taking any side, getting out is going to be unpopular with someone. I think the reason McGurk quit was that Trump apparently didn't go to the coalition first. We had huge support fighting ISIS and we led the charge. It would have been nice if Trump at least gave them the tip of the hat before flipping them all the bird and saying we were out.

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