Best way to "judge" the U.S. pulling out of Syria......

Turkey is Sunni...............Wanted Shia Assad dead.........derp.
Iran is Shia...........wanted Assad alive..........derp.
Russia backs Shia to be a thorn in our side, for a Naval Base, and to sell weapons for money......derp.

This has been a Shia versus Sunni Civil War.

Now back to your regularily scheduled TDS outbursts.
Assad is Alawite....A member of the the "moderate" sect of Muzzies we're all told about.....He cuts his hair, shaves, wears western clothing, has a hot wife who wears European fashions....He also tolerates Christians, Jews, and others...As such, he's of no use to the neocon Deep State tools of the military-industrial complex, who want permanent regional conflict in order to keep the dough rolling in.
IS, all but defeated now, only controls 1% of the territory in Syria.

Our 'ally' Turkey / Erdogan, told Trump that his forces in Syria can handle finishing them off, that there was no need for the US to stay and risk more American lives.

Trump presented this to Matt is, Bolton, Pompeo, and US Special Envoy Jeffrey. They ALL acknowledged this to be FACT.

So President Trump asked Bolton, "Why are we still in Syria?"

With Turkey capable of finishing off IS in Syria and no way to remove Al-Assad from power as long as Putin continues to protect him, there is no reason to continue to carry on Obama's International War Crime.

Bolton could give no justifiable reason to continue to risk American lives. Other than the idea that he did not like leaving a job for someone else to finish, Mattis could not come up with a sufficient reason to stay either.

Snowflakes, however, prefer to leave Americans in harm's way for 1 reason: Trump wants to do what Obama would not - bring US troops home.

Snowflakes were AGAINST the US being the world's policeman before they were for it after their Nobel Peace Prize Winner started 2 wars.

If Obama is for it and Trump is against it, though, the snowflakes are all for it.

Trump Decided To Withdraw From Syria After Stumping John Bolton With One Question

The establishment Deep State (which includes both Bolton and Pompeo) wants Assad removed and a puppet installed....That's why they don't want to leave.

"Partition of Syria: US and Israel eye Golan Heights oil"

Partition of Syria: US and Israel eye Golan Heights oil
I've never denied it, cement head....In fact, I've called out Deep State appointments every time I've seen them.

Does that ALSO mean that Trump is a DEEP STATE puppet???.....

Keep it coming, moron....this is fun.
I've never denied it, cement head....In fact, I've called out Deep State appointments every time I've seen them.

Does that ALSO mean that Trump is a DEEP STATE puppet???.....

Keep it coming, moron....this is fun.
Wby do you hate anyone who pulls troops OUT of harm's way instead of those who put them IN harm's way, like the Nobel Peace Prize Winner did?
At least you are acknowledging that there is a Deep State. It's a start.

Oh, sure, there is a deep state created by you morons to help defend the orange idiot.....and, don't forget, Santa Claus and unicorns are all part of the Trump cult also.
Means nothing of the sort...Man, those acid flashbacks must be a bummer.

You're way out of your low level of "intelligence" on here, nitwit......Tune in to FOX for more of your "education."......LOL
So I'm guessing plural "resignations" must be referring to Mattis, although Mattis never said that.

Mattis said he will "step down" in February - see his resignation letter.
Yes, of course. What I meant was that in his letter he never mentioned the Syrian withdrawal as one of the things he disagrees about with the Pres.

Ah, yes, got it now. It's there, albeit not specifically mentioned. It falls under the rubric of "treat allies with respect". That means, you don't announce you're out of an international coalition (to defeat Daesh) and are shirking your obligations, on eff'n twitter.
The Kurds HATE ISIS.........and there is only about 2000 left...

Beagle the moron, has taken a census of all the ISIS ideological fighters....and "determined" that there are only "2000 left."

Lets all thank Beagle for his poll taking......LMAO
I've only reported what CENTCOM reports and have put that up on many of the 50,000 threads on this.......LOL

Guess what..........I'll take their word over yours..........if that is OK with you.............derp
Turkey is Sunni...............Wanted Shia Assad dead.........derp.
Iran is Shia...........wanted Assad alive..........derp.
Russia backs Shia to be a thorn in our side, for a Naval Base, and to sell weapons for money......derp.

This has been a Shia versus Sunni Civil War.

Now back to your regularily scheduled TDS outbursts.
Assad is Alawite....A member of the the "moderate" sect of Muzzies we're all told about.....He cuts his hair, shaves, wears western clothing, has a hot wife who wears European fashions....He also tolerates Christians, Jews, and others...As such, he's of no use to the neocon Deep State tools of the military-industrial complex, who want permanent regional conflict in order to keep the dough rolling in.
Yes he is Secular...
Here's a horrible possible scenario....

Abandoning the Kurds may actually form a reluctant coalition between the Kurds and ISIS to prevent Turkey from overtaking eastern Syria.....Strange bed-fellows that could draw a NATO "partner"....Turkey....into an all-out war.

You'd much rather see an Erdogan-Daesh (or pretty much every other Syrian rebel group) coalition going after Assad and the Kurds. And even more likely an Assad-Kurdish coalition to counter Turkey.

The former arguably has at least temporarily happened over the last years, and the latter is in the making, if not already quietly established.

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