Best way to "judge" the U.S. pulling out of Syria......

IS, all but defeated now, only controls 1% of the territory in Syria.

Our 'ally' Turkey / Erdogan, told Trump that his forces in Syria can handle finishing them off, that there was no need for the US to stay and risk more American lives.

Trump presented this to Matt is, Bolton, Pompeo, and US Special Envoy Jeffrey. They ALL acknowledged this to be FACT.

So President Trump asked Bolton, "Why are we still in Syria?"

With Turkey capable of finishing off IS in Syria and no way to remove Al-Assad from power as long as Putin continues to protect him, there is no reason to continue to carry on Obama's International War Crime.

Bolton could give no justifiable reason to continue to risk American lives. Other than the idea that he did not like leaving a job for someone else to finish, Mattis could not come up with a sufficient reason to stay either.

Snowflakes, however, prefer to leave Americans in harm's way for 1 reason: Trump wants to do what Obama would not - bring US troops home.

Snowflakes were AGAINST the US being the world's policeman before they were for it after their Nobel Peace Prize Winner started 2 wars.

If Obama is for it and Trump is against it, though, the snowflakes are all for it.

Trump Decided To Withdraw From Syria After Stumping John Bolton With One Question

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Turkey is Sunni....

Hey moron......Did you ever wanted why a Sunni Turkey HATES a Sunni Saudi Arabia?

Get your head out of your ass and "think" that the Shia-Sunni divide is "trumped" (pardon the expression) by hatred of the U.S..........

If morons think that Turkey cares more about the U.S. status than their own interests, you are truly a fucking Trump cultist.
Turkey is Sunni....

Hey moron......Did you ever wanted why a Sunni Turkey HATES a Sunni Saudi Arabia?

Get your head out of your ass and "think" that the Shia-Sunni divide is "trumped" (pardon the expression) by hatred of the U.S..........

If morons think that Turkey cares more about the U.S. status than their own interests, you are truly a fucking Trump cultist.
learn history ..........might pull your head out of your ass...............

The Sunni Versus Shia conflict goes back to Mohammed................time for you to read history.
Turkey is Sunni....

Hey moron......Did you ever wanted why a Sunni Turkey HATES a Sunni Saudi Arabia?

Get your head out of your ass and "think" that the Shia-Sunni divide is "trumped" (pardon the expression) by hatred of the U.S..........

If morons think that Turkey cares more about the U.S. status than their own interests, you are truly a fucking Trump cultist.
learn history ..........might pull your head out of your ass...............

The Sunni Versus Shia conflict goes back to Mohammed................time for you to read history.

He knows nothing of ME tensions or cultures.
Here's a horrible possible scenario....

Abandoning the Kurds may actually form a reluctant coalition between the Kurds and ISIS to prevent Turkey from overtaking eastern Syria.....Strange bed-fellows that could draw a NATO "partner"....Turkey....into an all-out war.
arn history ..........might pull your head out of your ass...............

The Sunni Versus Shia conflict goes back to Mohammed................time for you to read history.

Mr. fuckhead......what does THAT factoid have to do with this topic.???

I'm well aware of the Shia-Sunni eternal conflict......but ONE thing that can unite these two factions is HATRED of the U.S.......
Here's a horrible possible scenario....

Abandoning the Kurds may actually form a reluctant coalition between the Kurds and ISIS to prevent Turkey from overtaking eastern Syria.....Strange bed-fellows that could draw a NATO "partner"....Turkey....into an all-out war.
The Kurds HATE ISIS.........and there is only about 2000 left...............

Jesus your dumb............but a War with Turkey is possible.............idlib................
arn history ..........might pull your head out of your ass...............

The Sunni Versus Shia conflict goes back to Mohammed................time for you to read history.

Mr. fuckhead......what does THAT factoid have to do with this topic.???

I'm well aware of the Shia-Sunni eternal conflict......but ONE thing that can unite these two factions is HATRED of the U.S.......
You are a moron.......if you understand that you'd never have made the statements that caused me to send that reply.
here is my concern,

our alleged leader, never seeks wise advice, he's knee jerk, undiplomatic, and causes chaos, and uses things like this at a whim to get the topic off of his own criminal woes in the news... THAT is NOT good for America, the USA... imo.

Proverbs 12:15
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.

Proverbs 11:14
Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.

Proverbs 15:22
Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.

Proverbs 19:20-21
Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future. Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.

Trump is not alleged. He is the elected president. Certainly, all proverbs are excellent advice. However, within the context of our times, ......................................the longest standing city on earth, Damascus, Syria.

Isaiah 17: The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. Consider who may be using who.
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There are only 2000 US 'advisors' in Syria. They ahve been trying to train people who are living in the seventeenth century how to use modern technology.
It HASN'T"T WORKED worth shit.
In a couple of months nobody will even remember the 'advisors' were there.
UN Warns 10 Million More Yemenis Expected to Starve to Death by End of Year

Hardly anything coming out of Talking heads of the press on this.

BTW.........MERRY Christmas.

Why did the Yemeni leaders ever think it was a good idea to attack Saudi Arabia?

Iran pushed it........and it's about theology..........they believe the army of the willing will wait for the 12th Imam in Yemen and then take over the region and end the world..............

Why Yemen is so important to Iran..............where many DO BELIEVE the 12th Imam is already here..........Which Religiously would require taking out Saudi Arabia and reclaiming Mecca and Medina.
The Kurds HATE ISIS.........and there is only about 2000 left...

Beagle the moron, has taken a census of all the ISIS ideological fighters....and "determined" that there are only "2000 left."

Lets all thank Beagle for his poll taking......LMAO
IS, all but defeated now, only controls 1% of the territory in Syria.

Our 'ally' Turkey / Erdogan, told Trump that his forces in Syria can handle finishing them off, that there was no need for the US to stay and risk more American lives.

Trump presented this to Matt is, Bolton, Pompeo, and US Special Envoy Jeffrey. They ALL acknowledged this to be FACT.

So President Trump asked Bolton, "Why are we still in Syria?"

With Turkey capable of finishing off IS in Syria and no way to remove Al-Assad from power as long as Putin continues to protect him, there is no reason to continue to carry on Obama's International War Crime.

Bolton could give no justifiable reason to continue to risk American lives. Other than the idea that he did not like leaving a job for someone else to finish, Mattis could not come up with a sufficient reason to stay either.

Snowflakes, however, prefer to leave Americans in harm's way for 1 reason: Trump wants to do what Obama would not - bring US troops home.

Snowflakes were AGAINST the US being the world's policeman before they were for it after their Nobel Peace Prize Winner started 2 wars.

If Obama is for it and Trump is against it, though, the snowflakes are all for it.

Trump Decided To Withdraw From Syria After Stumping John Bolton With One Question

The establishment Deep State (which includes both Bolton and Pompeo) wants Assad removed and a puppet installed....That's why they don't want to leave.

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