Bet the tin foil hats didn't see this coming

Ben Thomson

Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2020
Back when the SCOTUS ruled in favor of so called 'religious freedom' in a case, allowing people to discriminate against gay couples on religious grounds the wingers rejoiced. Well, they will be happy to know the SCOTUS ruled again in favor of 'religious freedom'..this time allowing some Muslims to sue the government. That should be cause for rejoicing among the loonie right once again...Supreme Court says Muslim men wrongly placed on no-fly list can sue for money damages
Back when the SCOTUS ruled in favor of so called 'religious freedom' in a case, allowing people to discriminate against gay couples on religious grounds the wingers rejoiced. Well, they will be happy to know the SCOTUS ruled again in favor of 'religious freedom'..this time allowing some Muslims to sue the government. That should be cause for rejoicing among the loonie right once again...Supreme Court says Muslim men wrongly placed on no-fly list can sue for money damages

Good. Government overreach is government overreach.

I have a feeling you aren't going to get the response you were expecting.
Yep. It goes against everything this country is supposed to stand for.
Right up until the time we have another 9/11 attack. And the no fly list has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with what "this country is supposed to stand for.", other than just protection of the people.
They should be able to. The no fly list is bullshit.

Yep. It goes against everything this country is supposed to stand for.
Trump didn't mean to be a super bad dude it just comes naturally...But he continues to cost the US a lot of dough...

Trump didn't create this. He has continued it but he didn't create it.
Yet he could have ended it, will he give anyone a pardon over this?
So there's going to be a court case for damages; that's nice.

They should be able to. The no fly list is bullshit.

Yep. It goes against everything this country is supposed to stand for.
Trump didn't mean to be a super bad dude it just comes naturally...But he continues to cost the US a lot of dough...

Trump didn't create this. He has continued it but he didn't create it.
Yet he could have ended it, will he give anyone a pardon over this?

Yes he could have. So could have Obama.
Reread the OP and do it real slow and pronounce every word, if you don't know the meaning of a word you can easily find it on Google search....
So you don't have answer to my question, then. Let me know when you come up with one.
Lots of Satanists are going to get very rich from this, along with every other fringe religion. After all, they're the ones actually getting discriminated against. And it will mostly be red-state local governments getting sued.

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