Bethel Ohio taken over by people in fatigues with guns.

Get used to it, if
It's called normal people sick of your radical leftist SJW BLM bull shit, and this is what push back looks like.

I think you better get used to it, because there's probably more of it coming.

You don't like it, then quit your sickening fucking protesting.

You call people in fatigues carrying assault weapons taking over a town, NORMAL.


Now get used to it, if you continue your folly.
Maybe if having your neck stepped on for jaywalking happened all the time, you'd have a point. But it's extremely rare, like almost none existent, so you're just blowing hyperbole gas, again.
Media blows it up into a big thing, and they fall for it. Dumb dupes.
Maybe if having your neck stepped on for jaywalking happened all the time, you'd have a point. But it's extremely rare, like almost none existent, so you're just blowing hyperbole gas, again.
Media blows it up into a big thing, and they fall for it. Dumb dupes.

Yup, medias' function for the Democrats is to let no crisis got to waste. They by default magnify local matters into national crises to fuel Democrat-generated chaos.
You don't like it, then quit your sickening fucking protesting.
Police killing blacks is as American as it gets.
It's called normal people sick of your radical leftist SJW BLM bull shit, and this is what push back looks like.

I think you better get used to it, because there's probably more of it coming.

You don't like it, then quit your sickening fucking protesting.

So you don't want Democrats to have the same rights that right wingers have??
They do. They have the right to peaceful protest, just like right wingers do. They have the right to counter protest, just like right wingers do. They also have the right to be arrested for destroying or stealing property and for assaulting people, just like right wingers do. I think what you want is for the left to have the right to riot and destroy with no repercussions, as they've become accustomed to doing. Society is finally rising up to say, "Enough".
Who do you think "society " is?
You don't like it, then quit your sickening fucking protesting.
Police killing blacks is as American as it gets.
Cops killed more whites last year. More blacks kill blacks then cops do by far. If libs had a brain they would be playing soccer with it.
Its well know that homicides most often happen in same racial groups. And whites are the maj or the pop. yet.
Watch video:
Unrest continues in Bethel following weekend protest
Sunday’s incident unfolded after Village of Bethel Administrator Travis Dotson said motorcycle groups, Back the Blue organizations and Second Amendment advocates disrupted a protest by Bethel’s Solidarity with Black Lives group.
The protest was expected to draw around 25 people, according to Dotson. It ended up drawing around 800, including 250 motorcycles that occupied the protest area and forced the protesters to move.
Around 10 altercations occurred, some caught on video. Police are currently investigating those incidents, including one involving a Bethel police officer who remains on the force.

are those members of motorcycles for tramp? People came from all around OHIO to counter protest.
Defund the police now.!!!!!!!??
You don't like it, then quit your sickening fucking protesting.
Police killing blacks is as American as it gets.
Cops killed more whites last year. More blacks kill blacks then cops do by far. If libs had a brain they would be playing soccer with it.
Its well know that homicides most often happen in same racial groups. And whites are the maj or the pop. yet.
It's a well known fact? When we catch up to the 17%of the population let me know
It's called normal people sick of your radical leftist SJW BLM bull shit, and this is what push back looks like.

I think you better get used to it, because there's probably more of it coming.

You don't like it, then quit your sickening fucking protesting.
Normal people don`t strut around with their guns trying to intimidate people. Gun pussies do.
Normal people don't support antifa pussies, only scum pussy libs do.
You`re afraid of antifa? Just some of them or all 10 of them?
Who's crying?

Let me tell you something maggot, you and the rest of the white supremacist brigade here have been whining about looting when looting has not been a significant part of these protests. What are those raggedy bitches counter protesting boy? They for police killing? You pussies know where to go in order to put on a show. But you ain't bout it because you nor anyone like you will show up in the hood. You'll talk shit online and ride into small all white towns like Bethel and intimidate other whites, but you won't see these guys riding up into the hood in Cincinnati, Dayton or Cleveland. Because that's where you get your ass kicked.
You are deranged.
They were there to be judge, jury and executioners. If you assfucks want to play cop, join the force.
What good would that do ?... when a deranged Democrat mayor (as usual) orders the cops to stand down, or removes them completely, and closes down their police station.
The deranged Democrat mayor is trying to de-escalate the situation so as the cops with their adrenaline flowing wont use undue force against the protestors.
It's called normal people sick of your radical leftist SJW BLM bull shit, and this is what push back looks like.

I think you better get used to it, because there's probably more of it coming.

You don't like it, then quit your sickening fucking protesting.

So you don't want Democrats to have the same rights that right wingers have??
They do. They have the right to peaceful protest, just like right wingers do. They have the right to counter protest, just like right wingers do. They also have the right to be arrested for destroying or stealing property and for assaulting people, just like right wingers do. I think what you want is for the left to have the right to riot and destroy with no repercussions, as they've become accustomed to doing. Society is finally rising up to say, "Enough".
Who do you think "society " is?
The totality of American citizens. Society has always set rules by which people are expected to live, and American society has set up rules wherein protests can occur without destruction of property or danger to life and limb. When you exceed those parameters, society will eventually stop it. The Civil Rights struggle in the 60's was successful in large part because the protesters were not violent, gained a lot of support from white Americans, and stayed the course in the face of persecution. What's going on now will not be as successful because the protesters who are trying to get a legitimate message across are being shouted out by the rioting, looting and mayhem. American society can handle protest, but riots looting and mayhem not so much.

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