BETO: Bad news for Trump

BETO says he won't pardon him when he is President.

Failing Democrat Candidate Beto O'Rourke Says He Won't Pardon President Trump if He Wins (VIDEO)

BETO also said he would be getting his teeth cleaned on Monday at three o'clock and it will be live-streamed from his Website Also that he was looking at moving to Alaska---Texas wasn't big enough for him anymore.

Alaska they carry a lot of fire power if he ever runs for anything there Anti gun legislation will go over real well ...

Doesn't he blow male cows or sumthin....? Wrote a poem about it ?

beto tard.jpg
Beto the fake mexican is the beta male version of looney tune congress woman AOC. ... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
BETO says he won't pardon him when he is President.

Failing Democrat Candidate Beto O'Rourke Says He Won't Pardon President Trump if He Wins (VIDEO)

BETO also said he would be getting his teeth cleaned on Monday at three o'clock and it will be live-streamed from his Website Also that he was looking at moving to Alaska---Texas wasn't big enough for him anymore.
LOL ya gotta be kidding me. Beto isn't getting anywhere near the Whitehouse and will never be able to pardon anyone.
The question is whether Pence or Pelosi will pardon Trump.
Pardon him for what exactly?

Triggering folks? :dunno:
You can always tell those that have never read the Constitution. Treason is the ONLY crime defined in the US Constitution, if it doesn't meet that definition, its not treason in the United States.

Our Framers defined this so that nutburgers wouldn't try to use State Power to kill folks for disagreeing with them and calling it "treason".
The question is whether Pence or Pelosi will pardon Trump.

No need, there will be no impeachment. There is no evidence to support it.
First the Senate will Repudiate the House in this phone impeachment.
Then the US Electorate will Repudidate the Dems that would not accept the 2016 election by giving Trump an even bigger win in 2020.
Haha. Beto epitomizes you Democrats. Can’t even express your own self loathing lest you be accused of implying a female was raising kids!
Oh what to do??????

He had already said he’d stop making a joke he’d frequently repeated about how his wife, Amy, raising the couple’s three young children “sometimes with my help.” O’Rourke said that he’d discussed scrapping the joke with Amy and, while she said she understood he was trying to not that she was “taking on the lion’s share” of parenting responsibilities”
O'Rourke: Being white male doesn't put me at disadvantage
Haha. Beto epitomizes you Democrats. Can’t even express your own self loathing lest you be accused of implying a female was raising kids!
Oh what to do??????

He had already said he’d stop making a joke he’d frequently repeated about how his wife, Amy, raising the couple’s three young children “sometimes with my help.” O’Rourke said that he’d discussed scrapping the joke with Amy and, while she said she understood he was trying to not that she was “taking on the lion’s share” of parenting responsibilities”
O'Rourke: Being white male doesn't put me at disadvantage

Beto epitomizes the typical old-style Soviet style apparatchik.

I have heard he wants to confiscate guns, tax churches to oblivion, use the levers of power to penalize and go after his political opponents. Shit, he is a real piece tyrannical of work. The next Rahm Emanuel.
Haha. Beto epitomizes you Democrats. Can’t even express your own self loathing lest you be accused of implying a female was raising kids!
Oh what to do??????

He had already said he’d stop making a joke he’d frequently repeated about how his wife, Amy, raising the couple’s three young children “sometimes with my help.” O’Rourke said that he’d discussed scrapping the joke with Amy and, while she said she understood he was trying to not that she was “taking on the lion’s share” of parenting responsibilities”
O'Rourke: Being white male doesn't put me at disadvantage

Yeah funny, and (from your link)

“As a white man who has had privileges that others could not depend on or take for granted, I’ve clearly had advantages over the course of my life.”

."O’Rourke said he believes the Democrats seeking the White House in 2020 encompass" “the best field that we’ve ever seen in the nominating process,” praising its “diversity of background and experience” and expertise.

The guy is obsessed with race and skin color. This guy is warped.
BETO says he won't pardon him when he is President.

Failing Democrat Candidate Beto O'Rourke Says He Won't Pardon President Trump if He Wins (VIDEO)

BETO also said he would be getting his teeth cleaned on Monday at three o'clock and it will be live-streamed from his Website Also that he was looking at moving to Alaska---Texas wasn't big enough for him anymore.

I guess if the retard is going to dream, he may as well dream big. Of course the bigger the dream, the bigger the disappointment will be when he has to drop out of the race about Feb.


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