Beto the fake Mexican throws his sombreo into the ring

Beto is a Drunk Driving Obstructor of Justice. He was pinched for getting snooted to the max, and wrecking his car.

I can't see even a devoted Democrat thinking this is ok.

But what was really despicable about the incident, is that Beto told the investigating police officer that he had exactly 2 beers. No way can someone blow a 0.13 on the breathalyzer after only 2 brewskis. This is a lie, and one to the police. By definition, Obstruction of Justice. In the event that he would be elected, the House will need to consider impeachment charges over this. The coverup Mr. O'Rourke engaged in was worse than the crime.

Questions Persist About Beto O’Rourke’s Drunk Driving Crash 20 Years Ago
Nobody cares about a drunk driving conviction from 20 years ago

If that is the best you got.... you are doomed

You don't get it. It isn't about the Drunk Driving at all.

Its about Beto's obstruction of justice in the case.
That is the most insane legal argument I have ever heard

This is something that Beto actually did. Its a lot more sane that using the phony Trump Dossier to start an investigation of President Trump. The DUI and the Obstruction seems to be a good starting point for a Special Counsel to look into Beto and take down the Beto Regime, if it actually materializes.

Good idea to get started early on this. Just in case.
O’Rourke now has more endorsements from the NY congressional delegation (2) than NY Sen. Gillibrand (0)
O’Rourke now has more endorsements from the NY congressional delegation (2) than NY Sen. Gillibrand (0)
I'd vote for Hitler before him. Or Clinton.

You would vote for me before you would vote for Hillary and I am more corrupt than her but hey I am honest... Well maybe...

As for Beto he is just another idealist that will garner the College vote that Sanders had in 2016...
Still hoping the dems will produce something of value.
This announcement isnt even a nothing burger. Its more like an empty lettuce wrap.

If they had a lick of sense they'd embrace Schultz instead of the whacked out loons they do

Not familiar with Schultz. The election cycle is a long way off for me yet, and no names stick in my mind from local choices.

They gave Baby Killer Barbie the same media hype here in Texas they give this freak show, but she got hustled off to D.C., essentially disappeared. This clown? Well, we know a lot more about him now, and will know a lot more by the end of the year, so he's obviously toast as well. He'll disappear the same as Lil Wendy The Photogenic Blonde did.
This guy is everything Trump is not. Nice, reasonable, handsome, smart, likeable. He should do pretty good against the Trumpbots and their 24/7 ugliness.

But he's a CUCK. He's Obama in whiteface.

What I want is irrelevant. Beto is a candidate to be feared by republicans for his potential appeal to moderates of both parties..

You need to watch his coming out vid this morning. He doesn't have a chance in hell.
The drunk-driving fake Mexican who's pretending to be a dirt-poor working stiff, has just announced that he'll be taking on the Magnificent Donald J. Trump, greatest President in the world. The Democrat party continues to scrape the bottom of the scum-filled pond, and this is the latest amoeba they've come up with.

Screw you, Bobby O'Dork. I'm happy that you'll lose.

BREAKING: @BetoORourke announces he’s running for President #Election2020 #fox44tx @KWKTFOX44


Link to where he said he's Mexican?
Link to proof of drunk driving?
Link to proof that he's not working class?

Sadly, some RWNJs lie almost as often as the magat so I'm sure you understand why I ask for these links.

Thanks ever so much.

Drunk driving, burglary, cultural-appropriation...

He was arrested for two of those but not the third thing yet.

TRUE: Beto O'Rourke twice arrested in the past
HeirHead Moles

The "Democrats" are sympathetic to victims of Affluenza, or else they never would have admitted the entitled, crash-prone, loose-cannon Kennedys into their Party.

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