Bette Midler Caught Lying On Trump About what Voters Are The UNWISE !!

Midler posted a fake meme. Something that the asshole RW nutbags here do every fucking day. Something that Trump has done on the official twitter feed of the President.

She apologized and took her lumps. Something that you pukes and Trump never do.

Cry me a river, bitches.

What does the 18 yr old vote and the 60 yr old vote prove to you

Don't get scared

What does that prove ??

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Yes you do know what I'm talking about

Just outrageous covering up by corrupt immoral people


Let's go over this again

Fact is the 18 yr old voter votes more liberal than the 30 yr old voter

Fact is the 30 yr old votes more liberal than the 60 yr old voter

This proves many things since it's a fact that experience helps with having data to analyze

First proves conservative voters more wise than liberal voters

2nd proves conservatism is a better system than liberalism

3rd. Proves educators are corrupt to the core for not explaining this

4th Proves the media are corrupt to the core for also not explaining this
"Bette Midler Caught Lying On Trump"

That was disconcerting for a moment ...

LOL. Wins the internet.

blueandgreen throwing a tizzy over Bette. Too funny!


Explaining what proves what

And explaining low logical ability and crooks lie on which supporters are the unwise

cons are deranged lunatics.

liberals are nicer and better people and definitely much wiser.

Conservatives stops harm

Liberals promote harm

That is the difference
Still in a Pissy Tizzy Sissy. Blue and Peach.
Bette Midler Shredded After Sharing Fake Trump Quote On GOP Voters Being 'Dumbest'

Midler caught lying !!!

But whose voters are really the unwise??

One FACT proves this

With more time to get experience with a lot more data to analyze the 60 yr old voter would know more than the 18 yr old voter

The data shows the 60 yr old voter is more conservative which proves 100 % that conservatives are the more wise

But then that proves many other things

Proves the media are totally crooked by not explaining that

Proves the educators are totally crooked for also not explaining that

A logic test for voting will be coming one way or the other... Either by saving the nation by Trump or after total destruction

If a person cannot understand that direction to conservatism does prove this issue. If you cannot understand this then you failed a logic test and you won't be able to vote !!!

Older voters aren't necessarily "wiser", but they have far different needs and interests than younger voters, and they're voter for their needs, not jobs, economy or the future. Older voters were also raised during the Reagan years and have been brainwashed like you, into thinking that Democrats are communists.

Good luck with the men sticking with Trump. There are 8 million MORE women who are registered to vote than men. WOMEN are the majority of voters. Republican wives voted for Trump in 2016. By 2018, the Republican wives were voting for Democrats.

Health care, maternity leave, student loans, reproductive health insurance issues, the wage gap, and the destruction of the clean air and water initiatives and regulations are all anti-family policies of this administration. Women overwhelmingly voter Democrat in 2018. Especially black women, who stayed home in 2016. Lots of women stayed home in 2016. It won't happen again.

The Democrat Bigots have alienated the majority of white voters, including women.
Eh, poor Bette .. reduced to just another lefty loon Trump parasite..
Yeah. I'd rather not know about politics of artists. Entertainment requires a little deception to get people's minds off their troubles. However, when using deception to pick hard-working people's pockets through politics, it's hard to sing kumbaya when so much tax is taken from your account you can't give to the charity you've always given to any more, and you keep getting reminders for 15 years after you retire. :(
Most of Trump’s voters would probably have to consult a dictionary (if they owned one to start with) about the meaning of “unwise”.
blueandgreen throwing a tizzy over Bette. Too funny!


Explaining what proves what

And explaining low logical ability and crooks lie on which supporters are the unwise

cons are deranged lunatics.

liberals are nicer and better people and definitely much wiser.
well you fooled me....were i worked in the Anaheim Hills those liberals were not all that nice to the lessor people that had to work were they lived.....
That fat, ugly, slitty-eyed (I can't even tell what this bitch's eye color is) is the ultimate Hollywood loser. Bette Midler gave exactly ONE good performance in ONE good movie in her failed, 40-year career: "The Rose" in which she played Janis. It's been straight downhill for that Hollywood flash-in-the-pan bitch ever since 1979, for Chrissakes.

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