Bevelyn Beatty stabbed in Washington. DNC street thugs at work

The Democratic Party's paid street terrorist arm tried to stab Beatty and several more Americans a few nights ago; one reason I read English versions of foreign newspapers is they don't bury or ignore altogether American news like our media is doing with election news.

" Black anti-BLM activist Bevelyn Beatty Wednesday was ambushed and stabbed while attempting to help another person who was being assaulted by whom she described as "BLM thugs" in Washington D.C. "


Beatty became famous when she dumped paint on the "Black Liver Matter" mural painted in front of Trump Tower in NYC.
First rule , when any right winger says anything , assume it is a lie to start with, then work backwards because it will get you to the truth faster, considering 90% of what right wingers say is a lie. Beverly Beatty , she is a total wack job , from baby blood
drinking to Q anon . Go back to the complete video and not one that has been altered , what happened in the video, Three very small women are attacked by 1/2 dozen large men and women. This fat women comes charging in punching and beating along with her friends attacking these three small women. We know these guys where proud boys who are right wing gang bangers. They said they were stabbed which they were but they had knives also as can be seen twice in the video. How should three small women act when attacked by 1/2 dozen large men who are Proud boys. Its in the video and I was able to see this instantly because , I assumed it was a lie to start with and it was.

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