Beware JD's menstruation police.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017

Trump Camp Says State Menstrual Surveillance Programs are A-OK

One of the most toxic and politically explosive parts of the current abortion rights debate is tied the complexities and perhaps inanities of leaving national abortion policy up to individual states. And a comment yesterday from Trump spokesman Jason Miller put the question right back into the center of the campaign.

It’s not enough for many anti-abortion stalwarts to ban the procedure in their state. They want to ban legal drugs designed to induce abortion. They want to surveil and block women traveling to other states to obtain an abortion. One of the most threatening dimensions of these programs is that they threaten to make doctors and other medical professionals — who might give counsel on or simply know about a woman’s plans to obtain an abortion — responsible for reporting her actions. If you visit your OB-GYN and discuss traveling to another state to get an abortion, does your OB have to report you to the local sheriff? It applies to third parties who might assist a woman either in traveling to get an abortion or getting FDA-approved medications to induce an abortion at home. The cases we’ve already seen range the gamut from sheriff’s departments wanting to pull medical and travel records for evidence of pregnancies that ended for unexplained reasons, gaps in menstruation, trips out of state that coincided with a pregnancy not brought to term.

JD Vance is a major menstrual surveillance hawk. When the Biden administration pushed for updated HIPAA regulations to prevent sheriff’s departments and other law enforcement agencies from pulling women’s medical records for their menstrual surveillance programs (which they termed “compassionate laws protecting unborn children and their mothers”), Vance was one of only 28 members of Congress (and only 8 senators) to sign a letter protesting the new regs, which, per the letter, “interfere with valid state laws protecting life.” (You can see the letter here. It’s a doozy.)

This spring, HHS finalized new regulations under HIPAA to limit law enforcement access to medical records tied to reproductive health. The rule was first proposed in the aftermath of the Dobbs decision as a way to limit the ability of state and local law enforcement agencies to access medical records to stymie or criminalize access to legal reproductive health services, most specifically abortions, but not only abortions. It also applies to contraception and the full range of other endangered reproductive care.

So for instance, consider the ability of a woman from an abortion-ban state to travel to another state to get a legal abortion, or her ability to receive legal abortion drugs through the mail. The news has been filled with proposed or actual laws which would attempt to restrict travel to receive abortions in other states, charge those who travel or criminalize those who might facilitate such travel or facilitate the legal shipment of prescribed abortion drugs through the mail. Of course, local police agencies might simply take it upon themselves to pull records to see who had unexplained disruptions to their menstrual cycles.

Your local sheriff might just want to know.

And so does JD Vance, it turns out.

If you live in a women's rights gulag state like TX, get pregnant, take a vacation out of state, come back not pregnant, do you risk arrest? If the majority of voters in your state want to make it a criminal act to cross the border to get an abortion that would be okay with trump's SC and the fat, orange guy as well.

One hopes the wisdom and will of the majority will prevail here. But then Repubs keep finding ways to thwart the will of the majority all the time.
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And the Democrat LIE MACHINE keeps humming along. Another stupid narrative on the fake abortion rights narrative.
Go eff yourself.


Earlier this year, Idaho became the first state to adopt an “abortion trafficking” ban, a provision being encouraged by the National Right to Life Committee.

The state’s law makes it a crime for adults to obtain abortion pills for minors or to take a minor out of state to seek an abortion without the consent of the minor’s parent or guardian. To sidestep violating the constitutional right to travel between states, the law applies only to the portion of a trip to an out-of-state abortion provider that takes place in Idaho.

Republicans block bill to protect women who travel to other states for abortions

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans blocked a Democratic bill Thursday that would protect the rights of women to travel to other states to access abortion care legally.

The author of the Freedom to Travel for Health Care Act, Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada, requested consent to quickly pass the legislation but met resistance from Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma, who objected on behalf of Republicans.

“There’s a child in this conversation, as well,” Lankford said on the Senate floor, accusing Democrats of seeking “to inflame — to raise the what-ifs.” He said proponents of the bill should ask themselves: “Does the child in the womb have the right to travel in their future?”

Didn't you claim "wattage" recently?
Nope, but it's obvious. Democrats want to be able to give women abortion pills without her knowing. It's a step up from date rape drugs. Men should be able to use mail order abortion pills to terminate their wive's or girlfriend's pregnancies.

Democrats want universal, can't opt out abortion.
Nope, but it's obvious. Democrats want to be able to give women abortion pills without her knowing. It's a step up from date rape drugs. Men should be able to use mail order abortion pills to terminate their wive's or girlfriend's pregnancies.

Democrats want universal, can't opt out abortion.
It was you.

Trump Camp Says State Menstrual Surveillance Programs are A-OK

One of the most toxic and politically explosive parts of the current abortion rights debate is tied the complexities and perhaps inanities of leaving national abortion policy up to individual states. And a comment yesterday from Trump spokesman Jason Miller put the question right back into the center of the campaign.

It’s not enough for many anti-abortion stalwarts to ban the procedure in their state. They want to ban legal drugs designed to induce abortion. They want to surveil and block women traveling to other states to obtain an abortion. One of the most threatening dimensions of these programs is that they threaten to make doctors and other medical professionals — who might give counsel on or simply know about a woman’s plans to obtain an abortion — responsible for reporting her actions. If you visit your OB-GYN and discuss traveling to another state to get an abortion, does your OB have to report you to the local sheriff? It applies to third parties who might assist a woman either in traveling to get an abortion or getting FDA-approved medications to induce an abortion at home. The cases we’ve already seen range the gamut from sheriff’s departments wanting to pull medical and travel records for evidence of pregnancies that ended for unexplained reasons, gaps in menstruation, trips out of state that coincided with a pregnancy not brought to term.

JD Vance is a major menstrual surveillance hawk. When the Biden administration pushed for updated HIPAA regulations to prevent sheriff’s departments and other law enforcement agencies from pulling women’s medical records for their menstrual surveillance programs (which they termed “compassionate laws protecting unborn children and their mothers”), Vance was one of only 28 members of Congress (and only 8 senators) to sign a letter protesting the new regs, which, per the letter, “interfere with valid state laws protecting life.” (You can see the letter here. It’s a doozy.)

This spring, HHS finalized new regulations under HIPAA to limit law enforcement access to medical records tied to reproductive health. The rule was first proposed in the aftermath of the Dobbs decision as a way to limit the ability of state and local law enforcement agencies to access medical records to stymie or criminalize access to legal reproductive health services, most specifically abortions, but not only abortions. It also applies to contraception and the full range of other endangered reproductive care.

So for instance, consider the ability of a woman from an abortion-ban state to travel to another state to get a legal abortion, or her ability to receive legal abortion drugs through the mail. The news has been filled with proposed or actual laws which would attempt to restrict travel to receive abortions in other states, charge those who travel or criminalize those who might facilitate such travel or facilitate the legal shipment of prescribed abortion drugs through the mail. Of course, local police agencies might simply take it upon themselves to pull records to see who had unexplained disruptions to their menstrual cycles.

Your local sheriff might just want to know.

And so does JD Vance, it turns out.

If you live in a women's rights gulag state like TX, get pregnant, take a vacation out of state, come back not pregnant, do you risk arrest? If the majority of voters in your state want to make it a criminal act to cross the border to get an abortion that would be okay with trump's SC and the fat, orange guy as well.

One hopes the wisdom and will of the majority will prevail here. But then Repubs keep finding ways to thwart the will of the majority all the time.
Notice that in the mind of insane lefturds, like bug, any effort to protect the absolutely innocent and completely helpless lives of the preborn is claimed to be an attack on women or some menstrual surveillance effort.

Our little libturd, bug, has absolutely no credibility.

Also: please tell the idiot libturd, bug, that menstruation is spelled with an “s.”
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It was you.
Me? I don't care. In fact, the more democrat women that get abortions the better. I would go one step further. With every abortion, the woman gets a little snip snip as a reward. She will never need another abortion. I would put an abortion van on ever street corner in every barrio and slum. Every government housing project would have a little abortion clinic on the first floor.
Notice that in the mind of insane lefturds, like bug, any effort to protect the absolutely innocent and completely helpless lives of the preborn is claimed to be an attack on women or some menstrual surveillance effort.

Our little libturd, bug, has absolutely no credibility.
It looks like what they want is to be able to take young girls to other states for abortions without telling parents.
The biggest farce is that the Republicans are the party of “freedom.” Oh, they are all for corporations having the right to pollute, but when it comes to personal freedoms, be prepared for the Pubs to trample upon your rights. So, the OP does ring of truth and possibility.

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Me? I don't care. In fact, the more democrat women that get abortions the better. I would go one step further. With every abortion, the woman gets a little snip snip as a reward. She will never need another abortion. I would put an abortion van on ever street corner in every barrio and slum. Every government housing project would have a little abortion clinic on the first floor.
Conservative women get abortions too. Even Catholics.
The biggest farce is that the Republicans are the party of “freedom.” Oh, they are all for corporations have the right to pollute, but when it comes to personal freedoms, be prepared to the Pubs trample on your rights.
That's because they are beholden to the religious yahoo vote. All the religious yahoos want to do is stick their fucking snout into someone else's crotch. Sniffling out sin and homosexuality.
We have documented evidence that Harris's stooge ordered tampon dispensers to be put in boys bathrooms and the left comes up with this convoluted nonsense about menstruation. Lefties are so predictable.
It looks like what they want is to be able to take young girls to other states for abortions without telling parents.
Parents aren’t even allowed to be informed by the children’s schools that some of the kids “identify” as gay, or binary, or as a person of the other gender.
Go eff yourself.


Earlier this year, Idaho became the first state to adopt an “abortion trafficking” ban, a provision being encouraged by the National Right to Life Committee.

The state’s law makes it a crime for adults to obtain abortion pills for minors or to take a minor out of state to seek an abortion without the consent of the minor’s parent or guardian. To sidestep violating the constitutional right to travel between states, the law applies only to the portion of a trip to an out-of-state abortion provider that takes place in Idaho.

Republicans block bill to protect women who travel to other states for abortions

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans blocked a Democratic bill Thursday that would protect the rights of women to travel to other states to access abortion care legally.

The author of the Freedom to Travel for Health Care Act, Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada, requested consent to quickly pass the legislation but met resistance from Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma, who objected on behalf of Republicans.

“There’s a child in this conversation, as well,” Lankford said on the Senate floor, accusing Democrats of seeking “to inflame — to raise the what-ifs.” He said proponents of the bill should ask themselves: “Does the child in the womb have the right to travel in their future?”

The only reason the corrupt Democratic Party and their FAKE CANDIDATE SHAMALA HAS is miniona like you who believe everything they spew.
Notice that in the mind of insane lefturds, like bug, any effort to protect the absolutely innocent and completely helpless lives of the preborn is claimed to be an attack on women or some menstrual surveillance effort.

Our little libturd, bug, has absolutely no credibility.

Also: please tell the idiot libturd, bug, that menstruation is spelled with an “s.”
So is shit, which is what you post daily.

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