Beware of Flashlight Apps on your I Phone

Most apps have security flaws if one is so inclined to find and exploit them. A friend of mine has his own "lab" as he calls it for the purpose of finding security flaws in electronics. He is basically a guy who has made so much money in computer networking with backend contract payments that he never has to work again and does this stuff as a hobby. He finds these exploits and then usually notifies the companies to make them aware of it.
These aren't security flaws. It is malware.

That these things run as malware is a security flaw in the OS. Even readers have security holes in them apparently that allow malware to gather info.

I had no idea the i phones were so versatile! I am surprised at all I have learned about them on this thread! Thank you everyone! What an age we are living in, eh?
Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

I have a smartphone (Android os) can't imagine not having one now, just too many conveniences .

Oh yeah, I have a flashlight app, have to check this out.

Give me an example of one "convenience."

The flashlight is one.
The GPS is another.
Internet access where ever you are is another.
Music is another.
A handy camera (still & video) is yet another.
If you have a small business you can get the app & accessory to swipe credit or debit cards.
Access to videos is another.
E-books is yet another.

Those are just a few of the conveniences.

Very informative - Ash mentioned some of those also - who knew a phone could have so many features? Amazing!
Most apps have security flaws if one is so inclined to find and exploit them. A friend of mine has his own "lab" as he calls it for the purpose of finding security flaws in electronics. He is basically a guy who has made so much money in computer networking with backend contract payments that he never has to work again and does this stuff as a hobby. He finds these exploits and then usually notifies the companies to make them aware of it.
These aren't security flaws. It is malware.

That these things run as malware is a security flaw in the OS. Even readers have security holes in them apparently that allow malware to gather info.

I had no idea the i phones were so versatile! I am surprised at all I have learned about them on this thread! Thank you everyone! What an age we are living in, eh?

I don't and won't own an iphone ever. If you gave me one, I would put it on ebay.
Most apps have security flaws if one is so inclined to find and exploit them. A friend of mine has his own "lab" as he calls it for the purpose of finding security flaws in electronics. He is basically a guy who has made so much money in computer networking with backend contract payments that he never has to work again and does this stuff as a hobby. He finds these exploits and then usually notifies the companies to make them aware of it.
These aren't security flaws. It is malware.

That these things run as malware is a security flaw in the OS. Even readers have security holes in them apparently that allow malware to gather info.

Who knew? Thanks for all the information Sameech!
Most apps have security flaws if one is so inclined to find and exploit them. A friend of mine has his own "lab" as he calls it for the purpose of finding security flaws in electronics. He is basically a guy who has made so much money in computer networking with backend contract payments that he never has to work again and does this stuff as a hobby. He finds these exploits and then usually notifies the companies to make them aware of it.
These aren't security flaws. It is malware.

That these things run as malware is a security flaw in the OS. Even readers have security holes in them apparently that allow malware to gather info.

I had no idea the i phones were so versatile! I am surprised at all I have learned about them on this thread! Thank you everyone! What an age we are living in, eh?

I don't and won't own an iphone ever. If you gave me one, I would put it on ebay.

Me too! Or I'd give it away!
Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

Am 43 and have yet to ever needed a portable phone. They're useful for certain professions sure, but by and large average people don't need them and they're dangerous. How many have died and will continue to die because some self-important piece of crap was doing something on their phone instead of watching where they're driving? Should make that premeditated murder and execute those people. You knew it was illegal, you knew why, you did it anyway and someone died. Off with your head!
No one should be on a phone while driving. It is endangering others on the road - there are even people who text while driving! Imagine that, Delta! As for the phones - I've read quite a lot of material on cell phone users and it does appear that if someone uses them frequently there can be very serious health issues. The research has been kept out of the media most likely because cell phones are big business. If people are going to use them they should not keep them on their body - wearing them on hip or in pocket - etc and they should text rather than talk on them - they are not safe to use. imo.
Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

Am 43 and have yet to ever needed a portable phone. They're useful for certain professions sure, but by and large average people don't need them and they're dangerous. How many have died and will continue to die because some self-important piece of crap was doing something on their phone instead of watching where they're driving? Should make that premeditated murder and execute those people. You knew it was illegal, you knew why, you did it anyway and someone died. Off with your head!

You are so practical, Delta.
Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

Am 43 and have yet to ever needed a portable phone. They're useful for certain professions sure, but by and large average people don't need them and they're dangerous. How many have died and will continue to die because some self-important piece of crap was doing something on their phone instead of watching where they're driving? Should make that premeditated murder and execute those people. You knew it was illegal, you knew why, you did it anyway and someone died. Off with your head!

I have been using a mobile phone as my primary phone since 2001. The advances in the technology have made them much more convenient. Since my work took me on the road most of the time, it was a necessity for me.

As for using them while driving, I don't. I will take a call and either tell them I will call them back or make it a VERY short call. The hands-free feature is no safer than holding the phone to your ear.
Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

Am 43 and have yet to ever needed a portable phone. They're useful for certain professions sure, but by and large average people don't need them and they're dangerous. How many have died and will continue to die because some self-important piece of crap was doing something on their phone instead of watching where they're driving? Should make that premeditated murder and execute those people. You knew it was illegal, you knew why, you did it anyway and someone died. Off with your head!

I have been using a mobile phone as my primary phone since 2001. The advances in the technology have made them much more convenient. Since my work took me on the road most of the time, it was a necessity for me.

As for using them while driving, I don't. I will take a call and either tell them I will call them back or make it a VERY short call. The hands-free feature is no safer than holding the phone to your ear.

One of the things about going out for a walk used to be getting away from the annoyance of phones. Just about everyone here who walks for exercise is staring down at their phone. It's pathetic. Used to be you said hello to neighbors seeing em walking around, now you're afraid to intrude or interupt.
I have a flip top phone for emergencies but I changed the number and do not give it out. So it does not ring. ha! ha!

I have no desire to use the thing. I do not even like a land line. I would not even have this one except that my husband insisted I have one, Misterbeale. Phones are highly over rated. I prefer email.

"I have a flip top phone for emergencies but I changed the number"

well you don't want the devil to get your number!!

I hear the devil can come through your internet connection wires too!!

Recent events:
2000-APR: USA: Book published about computer possession: Reverend Jim Peasboro of Savannah GA has written a book "The Devil in the Machine: Is your computer possessed by a demon?" Some of the points raised in the book by the author are:

"While the Computer Age has ushered in many advances, it has also opened yet another door through which Lucifer and his minions can enter and corrupt men's souls."
Demons can possess anything with a brain, including a chicken, a human being, or a computer.
"Any PC built after 1985 has the storage capacity to house an evil spirit."
"...most of the youths involved in school shootings like the tragedy at Columbine were computer buffs...I have no doubt that computer demons exerted an influence on them."
an estimated " in 10 computers in America now houses some type of evil spirit."
"Christian Technicians can replace the hard drive and reinstall the software, getting rid of the wicked spirit permanently."

I put on the whole armour each day and plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over the air waves. I'm covered. How about you, Guno? Do you believe God is able to keep your or not?
Most apps have security flaws if one is so inclined to find and exploit them. A friend of mine has his own "lab" as he calls it for the purpose of finding security flaws in electronics. He is basically a guy who has made so much money in computer networking with backend contract payments that he never has to work again and does this stuff as a hobby. He finds these exploits and then usually notifies the companies to make them aware of it.
These aren't security flaws. It is malware.

That these things run as malware is a security flaw in the OS. Even readers have security holes in them apparently that allow malware to gather info.

I had no idea the i phones were so versatile! I am surprised at all I have learned about them on this thread! Thank you everyone! What an age we are living in, eh?
If you really want to super charge your phone download app called Tasker. Puts you in complete control of your phone.
Why anyone who considers themselves decent even has an Apple product boggles the mind given the factories where they're made. You know, the ones with such deplorable conditions workers commit suicide so often they had to put nets around the perimeter to catch em as they lept out windows.

Revealed Inside Apple s Chinese sweatshop factory where workers are paid just 1.12 per hour Daily Mail Online


18 Chinese workers have killed themselves as of that story. And these were Chinese workers sopresumedly they're used to hard working ocnditions so just how bad does it have to be to make Chinese nationals kill themselves?
Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

Am 43 and have yet to ever needed a portable phone. They're useful for certain professions sure, but by and large average people don't need them and they're dangerous. How many have died and will continue to die because some self-important piece of crap was doing something on their phone instead of watching where they're driving? Should make that premeditated murder and execute those people. You knew it was illegal, you knew why, you did it anyway and someone died. Off with your head!

I have been using a mobile phone as my primary phone since 2001. The advances in the technology have made them much more convenient. Since my work took me on the road most of the time, it was a necessity for me.

As for using them while driving, I don't. I will take a call and either tell them I will call them back or make it a VERY short call. The hands-free feature is no safer than holding the phone to your ear.
I have my phone set up to sense when I am in the car. If I get a call it automatically hangs up and sends a text back to the person telling them I am driving and will call them back. If the call is from someone I dont know then it just hangs up.
Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

Am 43 and have yet to ever needed a portable phone. They're useful for certain professions sure, but by and large average people don't need them and they're dangerous. How many have died and will continue to die because some self-important piece of crap was doing something on their phone instead of watching where they're driving? Should make that premeditated murder and execute those people. You knew it was illegal, you knew why, you did it anyway and someone died. Off with your head!

I have been using a mobile phone as my primary phone since 2001. The advances in the technology have made them much more convenient. Since my work took me on the road most of the time, it was a necessity for me.

As for using them while driving, I don't. I will take a call and either tell them I will call them back or make it a VERY short call. The hands-free feature is no safer than holding the phone to your ear.

One of the things about going out for a walk used to be getting away from the annoyance of phones. Just about everyone here who walks for exercise is staring down at their phone. It's pathetic. Used to be you said hello to neighbors seeing em walking around, now you're afraid to intrude or interupt.

I have to tell you, Delta. You are right. I am astonished at how many people are totally absorbed in their cellphones. I was in a lobby at a hospital waiting to visit someone when I noticed that for the first time. Everyone in the lobby had their heads down scrolling through their phones. I was amazed.

Eventually someone looked my way and I began to share Jesus Christ and soon many of the people in the lobby were listening intently on the matter of eternity and where they would be - so forth - I'm believing the seeds planted that day were watered by other Christians - it is a great opportunity to share the LORD anytime people are waiting and wasting time - as in looking at a screen on a cell phone! People need solitude - a walk in the country should be a walk in the country - not listening to Ms. Yackety Yack while walking down the road!
Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

Am 43 and have yet to ever needed a portable phone. They're useful for certain professions sure, but by and large average people don't need them and they're dangerous. How many have died and will continue to die because some self-important piece of crap was doing something on their phone instead of watching where they're driving? Should make that premeditated murder and execute those people. You knew it was illegal, you knew why, you did it anyway and someone died. Off with your head!

I have been using a mobile phone as my primary phone since 2001. The advances in the technology have made them much more convenient. Since my work took me on the road most of the time, it was a necessity for me.

As for using them while driving, I don't. I will take a call and either tell them I will call them back or make it a VERY short call. The hands-free feature is no safer than holding the phone to your ear.

One of the things about going out for a walk used to be getting away from the annoyance of phones. Just about everyone here who walks for exercise is staring down at their phone. It's pathetic. Used to be you said hello to neighbors seeing em walking around, now you're afraid to intrude or interupt.

I have to tell you, Delta. You are right. I am astonished at how many people are totally absorbed in their cellphones. I was in a lobby at a hospital waiting to visit someone when I noticed that for the first time. Everyone in the lobby had their heads down scrolling through their phones. I was amazed.

Eventually someone looked my way and I began to share Jesus Christ and soon many of the people in the lobby were listening intently on the matter of eternity and where they would be - so forth - I'm believing the seeds planted that day were watered by other Christians - it is a great opportunity to share the LORD anytime people are waiting and wasting time - as in looking at a screen on a cell phone! People need solitude - a walk in the country should be a walk in the country - not listening to Ms. Yackety Yack while walking down the road!

Some people use their phone a lot. Some people less so.

It boils down to what each person chooses to do. I enjoy a walk in the country or in my neighborhood with peace & quiet. But I am not so egotistical as to tell others how they should enjoy their walk. Some simply want the exercise. They get that, whether they have a phone in their hand or not.
Why anyone who considers themselves decent even has an Apple product boggles the mind given the factories where they're made. You know, the ones with such deplorable conditions workers commit suicide so often they had to put nets around the perimeter to catch em as they lept out windows.

Revealed Inside Apple s Chinese sweatshop factory where workers are paid just 1.12 per hour Daily Mail Online


18 Chinese workers have killed themselves as of that story. And these were Chinese workers sopresumedly they're used to hard working ocnditions so just how bad does it have to be to make Chinese nationals kill themselves?

This is utterly heart wrenching! This is what the Chinese have planned for Americans once Russia attacks us, Delta. Forced labor camps - what do people think the Ghost Cities built in the middle of Mongolian desert are for? A vacation? These Mega City - Ghost Cities - are vacant and waiting to be filled - why are they empty? They are waiting for the people who are taken into captivity - they will place there - their own military leaders have been quoted in speeches about the superiority of the Chines people and that they need the land of America so killing 200 million people is acceptable under those circumstances - this is why the Chinese Govt wants the American people disarmed. The last time I looked it up - I believe the number was 175 million - they had built enough of these Ghost cities - to house 175 million people. That was some years go - the Mongolian people were in fear for their lives to tell what these cities were for. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out. It is not for their own people. It's for ours!

There was a story about a Chinese worker who put a note in the bottom of a designer bag - bought in NYC - he was pleading with someone to rescue him from the deplorable conditions he was forced to work in - NK does the exact same thing to manufacture the products they sew Made in Russia labels and Made in China labels into - because the products would otherwise not be bought - this had been going on for many decades - read the book, Eyes of the tailless animals - and know that the author testified before Congress about it.....

I saw another photo of people jumping off a bridge in China and committing suicide - while other people chatted with one another and didn't even bother to tell these people do not jump! The Chinese were just chatting with each other as if it is only some person committing suicide - nothing to bother with - let's keep chatting! It was horrific to me that people could be so callous but without the love of God in your heart, Delta? That is what happens. You see communists who despise God do not mind mass murder - mass rape - mass destruction - the end justifies the means in their world. This is how vile communism is.

When it comes to me and I see something made in China I pray for the person who made it because I know they are suffering horribly. There are Christians who escaped North Korea (NK) and have told that the Christmas lights that Americans string on their trees are the lights they were forced to make in slave labor. These things should horrify Christians in America - it brings alive the scripture woe unto those who are lounging on their couches of ivory while their brother - Joseph languishes in a prison! How can anyone be partying it up knowing the suffering that is going on in this world? I tell you the truth, Delta. America is under the judgment of God but God knows how to protect His own children. Those who live holy unto the LORD now - who repent of their sins and even start living for Him today will know the difference between those who believe on and live for Christ and those who don't. That hour is coming. The LORD forgives all sin - it is time for people to come to the LORD. Perilous days are here for America. She must wake up. She must!
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Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

Am 43 and have yet to ever needed a portable phone. They're useful for certain professions sure, but by and large average people don't need them and they're dangerous. How many have died and will continue to die because some self-important piece of crap was doing something on their phone instead of watching where they're driving? Should make that premeditated murder and execute those people. You knew it was illegal, you knew why, you did it anyway and someone died. Off with your head!

I have been using a mobile phone as my primary phone since 2001. The advances in the technology have made them much more convenient. Since my work took me on the road most of the time, it was a necessity for me.

As for using them while driving, I don't. I will take a call and either tell them I will call them back or make it a VERY short call. The hands-free feature is no safer than holding the phone to your ear.

One of the things about going out for a walk used to be getting away from the annoyance of phones. Just about everyone here who walks for exercise is staring down at their phone. It's pathetic. Used to be you said hello to neighbors seeing em walking around, now you're afraid to intrude or interupt.

I have to tell you, Delta. You are right. I am astonished at how many people are totally absorbed in their cellphones. I was in a lobby at a hospital waiting to visit someone when I noticed that for the first time. Everyone in the lobby had their heads down scrolling through their phones. I was amazed.

Eventually someone looked my way and I began to share Jesus Christ and soon many of the people in the lobby were listening intently on the matter of eternity and where they would be - so forth - I'm believing the seeds planted that day were watered by other Christians - it is a great opportunity to share the LORD anytime people are waiting and wasting time - as in looking at a screen on a cell phone! People need solitude - a walk in the country should be a walk in the country - not listening to Ms. Yackety Yack while walking down the road!

Some people use their phone a lot. Some people less so.

It boils down to what each person chooses to do. I enjoy a walk in the country or in my neighborhood with peace & quiet. But I am not so egotistical as to tell others how they should enjoy their walk. Some simply want the exercise. They get that, whether they have a phone in their hand or not.

It isn't egotistical, Winterborn. It is concern for their well being. Let me repeat myself. People need solitude. People need solitude.

There should be a time set aside for solitude - for even talking to the LORD and prayer - for meditating on the Word of God and focusing on Jesus Christ and looking for the still small voice of the Holy Spirit - that is what Americans need to get back to. There was a time when it was most natural to spend time in solitude - to think on eternal things and have fellowship with the Holy Spirit. There needs to be a return to this so that we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit when He is speaking to our hearts ( speaking of born again Christians ) Nothing egotistical about it.
My phone is pretty valuable to me. I do 90% of my business by phone. Not to mention it also functions as a camera/video recorder, music player, and book reader.

Understood but try to limit the length of time you have it up to your ear. Same goes for cordless phones at home. If it isn't a landline - hooked up to the wall with a cord on handle - it is a health issue - do not stay on it for hours on end. Use the text feature to be safe.

Or use the speaker phone feature, Asclepias! That would also be far better than putting it up to your ear continually! Use the speaker phone.

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