Beware of Flashlight Apps on your I Phone

Am 43 and have yet to ever needed a portable phone. They're useful for certain professions sure, but by and large average people don't need them and they're dangerous. How many have died and will continue to die because some self-important piece of crap was doing something on their phone instead of watching where they're driving? Should make that premeditated murder and execute those people. You knew it was illegal, you knew why, you did it anyway and someone died. Off with your head!

I have been using a mobile phone as my primary phone since 2001. The advances in the technology have made them much more convenient. Since my work took me on the road most of the time, it was a necessity for me.

As for using them while driving, I don't. I will take a call and either tell them I will call them back or make it a VERY short call. The hands-free feature is no safer than holding the phone to your ear.

One of the things about going out for a walk used to be getting away from the annoyance of phones. Just about everyone here who walks for exercise is staring down at their phone. It's pathetic. Used to be you said hello to neighbors seeing em walking around, now you're afraid to intrude or interupt.

I have to tell you, Delta. You are right. I am astonished at how many people are totally absorbed in their cellphones. I was in a lobby at a hospital waiting to visit someone when I noticed that for the first time. Everyone in the lobby had their heads down scrolling through their phones. I was amazed.

Eventually someone looked my way and I began to share Jesus Christ and soon many of the people in the lobby were listening intently on the matter of eternity and where they would be - so forth - I'm believing the seeds planted that day were watered by other Christians - it is a great opportunity to share the LORD anytime people are waiting and wasting time - as in looking at a screen on a cell phone! People need solitude - a walk in the country should be a walk in the country - not listening to Ms. Yackety Yack while walking down the road!

Some people use their phone a lot. Some people less so.

It boils down to what each person chooses to do. I enjoy a walk in the country or in my neighborhood with peace & quiet. But I am not so egotistical as to tell others how they should enjoy their walk. Some simply want the exercise. They get that, whether they have a phone in their hand or not.

It isn't egotistical, Winterborn. It is concern for their well being. Let me repeat myself. People need solitude. People need solitude.

There should be a time set aside for solitude - for even talking to the LORD and prayer - for meditating on the Word of God and focusing on Jesus Christ and looking for the still small voice of the Holy Spirit - that is what Americans need to get back to. There was a time when it was most natural to spend time in solitude - to think on eternal things and have fellowship with the Holy Spirit. There needs to be a return to this so that we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit when He is speaking to our hearts ( speaking of born again Christians ) Nothing egotistical about it.
My phone even helps me meditate. I play meditation music for about 20 minutes a day. Best thing I ever learned about was meditating. I agree about the solitude. I do see that people are fast losing the art of conversing with others in public. They have their face in their phones sort of like how shy or socially awkward people have their hair covering their face.
My phone is pretty valuable to me. I do 90% of my business by phone. Not to mention it also functions as a camera/video recorder, music player, and book reader.

Understood but try to limit the length of time you have it up to your ear. Same goes for cordless phones at home. If it isn't a landline - hooked up to the wall with a cord on handle - it is a health issue - do not stay on it for hours on end. Use the text feature to be safe.
I use a Bluetooth hands free device when not in my car. My car has a built in Bluetooth connector. I never have it up to my ear.
My phone is pretty valuable to me. I do 90% of my business by phone. Not to mention it also functions as a camera/video recorder, music player, and book reader.

Understood but try to limit the length of time you have it up to your ear. Same goes for cordless phones at home. If it isn't a landline - hooked up to the wall with a cord on handle - it is a health issue - do not stay on it for hours on end. Use the text feature to be safe.
I use a Bluetooth hands free device when not in my car. My car has a built in Bluetooth connector. I never have it up to my ear.

You are very wise to do that, Asceplias! I wish you well in your business! It sounds like you are on the ball!
I was very late to the game getting a cellphone. I hate talking on telephones period. The only reason I did was related to work/one of my parents having a major health crisis. I wanted work to be able to reach me in emergencies and, more importantly, I wanted my family to be able to reach me in emergencies. Now that both my parents have died, I am seriously contemplating doing away with it. The problem is that work, despite me telling them not to, gave my number to people who give my number to people at the drop of a hate so it is pure inconvenience to me 95% of the time. When I am not at work, I do not want people calling me at 9:30-10:00 at night just because it suits their schedule. Screw them. I am not a fast food restaurant where people can pull up to the window 24/7 no matter how much they seem to think they matter.
I was very late to the game getting a cellphone. I hate talking on telephones period. The only reason I did was related to work/one of my parents having a major health crisis. I wanted work to be able to reach me in emergencies and, more importantly, I wanted my family to be able to reach me in emergencies. Now that both my parents have died, I am seriously contemplating doing away with it. The problem is that work, despite me telling them not to, gave my number to people who give my number to people at the drop of a hate so it is pure inconvenience to me 95% of the time. When I am not at work, I do not want people calling me at 9:30-10:00 at night just because it suits their schedule. Screw them. I am not a fast food restaurant where people can pull up to the window 24/7 no matter how much they seem to think they matter.
My phone automatically goes to mute after 9pm all the way to 7am. Only a call from my immediate family can make my phone ring after hours.
My phone is pretty valuable to me. I do 90% of my business by phone. Not to mention it also functions as a camera/video recorder, music player, and book reader.

Understood but try to limit the length of time you have it up to your ear. Same goes for cordless phones at home. If it isn't a landline - hooked up to the wall with a cord on handle - it is a health issue - do not stay on it for hours on end. Use the text feature to be safe.
I use a Bluetooth hands free device when not in my car. My car has a built in Bluetooth connector. I never have it up to my ear.

You are very wise to do that, Asceplias! I wish you well in your business! It sounds like you are on the ball!
Thank you.
Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

I have a smartphone (Android os) can't imagine not having one now, just too many conveniences .

Oh yeah, I have a flashlight app, have to check this out.

Give me an example of one "convenience."

Shopping for instance. I'm in a store and looking over an item. I can scan the bar code and find out the price of the item at competing stores nearby online with the phone.
I was very late to the game getting a cellphone. I hate talking on telephones period. The only reason I did was related to work/one of my parents having a major health crisis. I wanted work to be able to reach me in emergencies and, more importantly, I wanted my family to be able to reach me in emergencies. Now that both my parents have died, I am seriously contemplating doing away with it. The problem is that work, despite me telling them not to, gave my number to people who give my number to people at the drop of a hate so it is pure inconvenience to me 95% of the time. When I am not at work, I do not want people calling me at 9:30-10:00 at night just because it suits their schedule. Screw them. I am not a fast food restaurant where people can pull up to the window 24/7 no matter how much they seem to think they matter.

Listen to me, Sameech. You deserve your privacy and peace and quiet. It isn't a luxury. It is a "necessity" in life. The more you have it - the more you will realize the value. It is non-negotiable. Yes, you have to do business and perhaps available for a family member - but if possible - find an alternative way of communicating - if you can get an answer machine and have it put in a far part of the house - where you cannot hear messages or who is calling - do that too - turn down the volume to a whisper if it is nearby so you do not hear it - or put it in another outdoor space - which has cover so rain doesn't damage it - you'll be glad you did.
I can tell you feel aggravated already about the invasion of your privacy so if you'll give them an alternative contact - or mailbox to deposit their calls in - you can have someone listen to those at your convenience - if they do not know you - they do not get an audience with you at all - even through a 2nd or 3rd party. It's not being selfish. Your peace is worth it. You are worth it.

My condolences for your loss of parents, Sameech. I'm sorry to hear it.
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Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

I have a smartphone (Android os) can't imagine not having one now, just too many conveniences .

Oh yeah, I have a flashlight app, have to check this out.

Give me an example of one "convenience."

Shopping for instance. I'm in a store and looking over an item. I can scan the bar code and find out the price of the item at competing stores nearby online with the phone.

So long as you are in control of it and it isn't in control of you. Weigh the benefits vs. the drawbacks and if the benefits outweigh the drawbacks then by all means - enjoy. I would do what Asceplias does and use blue tooth feature - or buy a car with one if you are in business and must have constant communication - also use speaker phone or whatever is necessary to protect yourself and do not put the thing up to your ear - or stay on phone for long periods of time where it heats up. Same applies to the cordless phone - it is the microwaves that are dangerous - you need to use wisdom handling those things - do not wear it on your hip or in your pocket either - I hear that is not healthy for your body and can cause problems too.
I was very late to the game getting a cellphone. I hate talking on telephones period. The only reason I did was related to work/one of my parents having a major health crisis. I wanted work to be able to reach me in emergencies and, more importantly, I wanted my family to be able to reach me in emergencies. Now that both my parents have died, I am seriously contemplating doing away with it. The problem is that work, despite me telling them not to, gave my number to people who give my number to people at the drop of a hate so it is pure inconvenience to me 95% of the time. When I am not at work, I do not want people calling me at 9:30-10:00 at night just because it suits their schedule. Screw them. I am not a fast food restaurant where people can pull up to the window 24/7 no matter how much they seem to think they matter.
My phone automatically goes to mute after 9pm all the way to 7am. Only a call from my immediate family can make my phone ring after hours.

If you can possibly turn it off on the weekends - From Friday dinner time to Monday Morning work time? That would be very beneficial to you, Ascelplias. You will feel more rested - refreshed - you'll be more relaxed - you need that time for yourself where there is no contact coming in and you know there won't be any contact coming in. Think about it.
I was very late to the game getting a cellphone. I hate talking on telephones period. The only reason I did was related to work/one of my parents having a major health crisis. I wanted work to be able to reach me in emergencies and, more importantly, I wanted my family to be able to reach me in emergencies. Now that both my parents have died, I am seriously contemplating doing away with it. The problem is that work, despite me telling them not to, gave my number to people who give my number to people at the drop of a hate so it is pure inconvenience to me 95% of the time. When I am not at work, I do not want people calling me at 9:30-10:00 at night just because it suits their schedule. Screw them. I am not a fast food restaurant where people can pull up to the window 24/7 no matter how much they seem to think they matter.

Listen to me, Sameech. You deserve your privacy and peace and quiet. It isn't a luxury. It is a "necessity" in life. The more you have it - the more you will realize the value. It is non-negotiable. Yes, you have to do business and perhaps available for a family member - but if possible - find an alternative way of communicating - if you can get an answer machine and have it put in a far part of the house - where you cannot hear messages or who is calling - do that too - turn down the volume to a whisper if it is nearby so you do not hear it - or put it in another outdoor space - which has cover so rain doesn't damage it - you'll be glad you did.
I can tell you feel aggravated already about the invasion of your privacy so if you'll give them an alternative contact - or mailbox to deposit their calls in - you can have someone listen to those at your convenience - if they do not know you - they do not get an audience with you at all - even through a 2nd or 3rd party. It's not being selfish. Your peace is worth it. You are worth it.

My condolences for your loss of parents, Sameech. I'm sorry to hear it.

Thanks. I just trust that they are either in a better place or at least at peace and out of pain.

I have voice mail on my home phone. People just don't want to leave messages because they world is too "this is too important to wait". The older I get the more I want to move to a cabin in the woods. I have even considered doing away with the internet because it makes it too easy for people to try to flood me with last minute "gotta have it right now" crap that is not nearly as simple as they think it is to deliver.
I have a flip top phone for emergencies but I changed the number and do not give it out. So it does not ring. ha! ha!

I have no desire to use the thing. I do not even like a land line. I would not even have this one except that my husband insisted I have one, Misterbeale. Phones are highly over rated. I prefer email.

"I have a flip top phone for emergencies but I changed the number"

well you don't want the devil to get your number!!

I hear the devil can come through your internet connection wires too!!

Recent events:
2000-APR: USA: Book published about computer possession: Reverend Jim Peasboro of Savannah GA has written a book "The Devil in the Machine: Is your computer possessed by a demon?" Some of the points raised in the book by the author are:

"While the Computer Age has ushered in many advances, it has also opened yet another door through which Lucifer and his minions can enter and corrupt men's souls."
Demons can possess anything with a brain, including a chicken, a human being, or a computer.
"Any PC built after 1985 has the storage capacity to house an evil spirit."
"...most of the youths involved in school shootings like the tragedy at Columbine were computer buffs...I have no doubt that computer demons exerted an influence on them."
an estimated " in 10 computers in America now houses some type of evil spirit."
"Christian Technicians can replace the hard drive and reinstall the software, getting rid of the wicked spirit permanently."

I put on the whole armour each day and plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over the air waves. I'm covered. How about you, Guno? Do you believe God is able to keep your or not?
I was very late to the game getting a cellphone. I hate talking on telephones period. The only reason I did was related to work/one of my parents having a major health crisis. I wanted work to be able to reach me in emergencies and, more importantly, I wanted my family to be able to reach me in emergencies. Now that both my parents have died, I am seriously contemplating doing away with it. The problem is that work, despite me telling them not to, gave my number to people who give my number to people at the drop of a hate so it is pure inconvenience to me 95% of the time. When I am not at work, I do not want people calling me at 9:30-10:00 at night just because it suits their schedule. Screw them. I am not a fast food restaurant where people can pull up to the window 24/7 no matter how much they seem to think they matter.

I have special rings on my flip phone for the people I know and family, all others i ignore, not interested being bombarded with bull shit 24/7 since i'm semi retired
I was very late to the game getting a cellphone. I hate talking on telephones period. The only reason I did was related to work/one of my parents having a major health crisis. I wanted work to be able to reach me in emergencies and, more importantly, I wanted my family to be able to reach me in emergencies. Now that both my parents have died, I am seriously contemplating doing away with it. The problem is that work, despite me telling them not to, gave my number to people who give my number to people at the drop of a hate so it is pure inconvenience to me 95% of the time. When I am not at work, I do not want people calling me at 9:30-10:00 at night just because it suits their schedule. Screw them. I am not a fast food restaurant where people can pull up to the window 24/7 no matter how much they seem to think they matter.

I have special rings on my flip phone for the people I know and family, all others i ignore, not interested being bombarded with bull shit 24/7 since i'm semi retired
even white people have moved past flip phones......but i guess when you live in the old trailer park thats all you people can afford....
Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

I have a smartphone (Android os) can't imagine not having one now, just too many conveniences .

Oh yeah, I have a flashlight app, have to check this out.

Give me an example of one "convenience."

The flashlight is one.
The GPS is another.
Internet access where ever you are is another.
Music is another.
A handy camera (still & video) is yet another.
If you have a small business you can get the app & accessory to swipe credit or debit cards.
Access to videos is another.
E-books is yet another.

Those are just a few of the conveniences.

The flashlight is one. - Well, I have to admit, sometimes that would come in handy at night unlocking my house, but usually I forget to take my mobile with me, so maybe a key-chain light would be better.

The GPS is another. - I can't see an instance where I would ever use that. The area of the world I navigate I know by heart.

Internet access where ever you are is another. - I live in the moment, focused on what ever I am doing. If I don't want internet access, I don't need internet access.

Music is another.- I'm deaf.

A handy camera (still & video) is yet another. - Again, as an existentialist, I have no use for videos or pictures. The present is the only thing that is important. The government or corporations would sure like to use your phone to find out what you are doing and seeing though, I am sure. If it's important enough of an event for pictures, I will think ahead to bring a camera. Otherwise, I want to enjoy the moment, not spend it taking pictures.

If you have a small business you can get the app & accessory to swipe credit or debit cards. - I make it a point to go through my week to see how many days of the month I can NOT interact with the economy, ON PURPOSE. It is the only way we can stop the slavery of the people. I remember the Christians used to devote ONE WHOLE day to remembering this principle, the principle that their God, which the son taught them LOVE is more important than mammon. Now, Sunday comes, and most of these lost souls spend more time on Sunday either in the mall or watching advertisements with their football than thinking about love.

Access to videos is another. - Movies and TV, as an art form, were meant to be enjoyed and savored. It is a sacrilege to view them on anything less than a 12" screen. Do you think Spielberg, Scorsese or Tarantino would ever watch a movie on one of those infernal devices?

E-books is yet another. - Extended reading from small tablets and digital terminals are bad for your eyes. I spend too much time looking at a big monitor as it is. A small one would make me blind before too long. There is nothing like the feeling of reading an actual book. It is better for your eyes, and better for your soul.

I remember when I went to have lunch with Kurt Vonnegut in the early 1990's, he took a book off of the book shelf, quickly let all the pages fly through his thumb while he smelled the pages and gave us all this warning;

He told us all that the days of the old book were numbered for most of society. But there would be a few of us who would resist, and properly so. Because reading a book, believe it or not, connects you to your fellow man. Unless you are the first person to read that book, countless others have read it before you. Now remember how books AFFECT you. After, think about how that book has traveled in society, and it has affected countless others.

He told us how, electronic books will never remind us of our connection to others in such a way. We will never be reminded, just by looking at a book, how many people have read that particular book. We will never be able to imagine how many people's lives that particular book touched. He even intimated, that with electronic books, there will never even be a way to guarantee that the authors original words are the ones that they had intended, because electronic works are SO EASY to manipulate and change the content of.

He said, that if electronic books had been around at the time of the Third Reich, Hitler wouldn't have had to go and burn any books, he would have just had his propaganda ministry go in and change the meaning and text of all the books and get rid of the hard copies.

So basically what I am trying to say, is.. . . Keep your Ebooks, and want the real thing.
Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

I have a smartphone (Android os) can't imagine not having one now, just too many conveniences .

Oh yeah, I have a flashlight app, have to check this out.

Give me an example of one "convenience."

Shopping for instance. I'm in a store and looking over an item. I can scan the bar code and find out the price of the item at competing stores nearby online with the phone.
Finally, something useful. lol

The only problem with this, is that if your device is at all linked to your email address, or your identity, you will now have your consumer preferences tracked.

Uber creepy.
Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

I have a smartphone (Android os) can't imagine not having one now, just too many conveniences .

Oh yeah, I have a flashlight app, have to check this out.

Give me an example of one "convenience."

The flashlight is one.
The GPS is another.
Internet access where ever you are is another.
Music is another.
A handy camera (still & video) is yet another.
If you have a small business you can get the app & accessory to swipe credit or debit cards.
Access to videos is another.
E-books is yet another.

Those are just a few of the conveniences.

The flashlight is one. - Well, I have to admit, sometimes that would come in handy at night unlocking my house, but usually I forget to take my mobile with me, so maybe a key-chain light would be better.

The GPS is another. - I can't see an instance where I would ever use that. The area of the world I navigate I know by heart.

Internet access where ever you are is another. - I live in the moment, focused on what ever I am doing. If I don't want internet access, I don't need internet access.

Music is another.- I'm deaf.

A handy camera (still & video) is yet another. - Again, as an existentialist, I have no use for videos or pictures. The present is the only thing that is important. The government or corporations would sure like to use your phone to find out what you are doing and seeing though, I am sure. If it's important enough of an event for pictures, I will think ahead to bring a camera. Otherwise, I want to enjoy the moment, not spend it taking pictures.

If you have a small business you can get the app & accessory to swipe credit or debit cards. - I make it a point to go through my week to see how many days of the month I can NOT interact with the economy, ON PURPOSE. It is the only way we can stop the slavery of the people. I remember the Christians used to devote ONE WHOLE day to remembering this principle, the principle that their God, which the son taught them LOVE is more important than mammon. Now, Sunday comes, and most of these lost souls spend more time on Sunday either in the mall or watching advertisements with their football than thinking about love.

Access to videos is another. - Movies and TV, as an art form, were meant to be enjoyed and savored. It is a sacrilege to view them on anything less than a 12" screen. Do you think Spielberg, Scorsese or Tarantino would ever watch a movie on one of those infernal devices?

E-books is yet another. - Extended reading from small tablets and digital terminals are bad for your eyes. I spend too much time looking at a big monitor as it is. A small one would make me blind before too long. There is nothing like the feeling of reading an actual book. It is better for your eyes, and better for your soul.

I remember when I went to have lunch with Kurt Vonnegut in the early 1990's, he took a book off of the book shelf, quickly let all the pages fly through his thumb while he smelled the pages and gave us all this warning;

He told us all that the days of the old book were numbered for most of society. But there would be a few of us who would resist, and properly so. Because reading a book, believe it or not, connects you to your fellow man. Unless you are the first person to read that book, countless others have read it before you. Now remember how books AFFECT you. After, think about how that book has traveled in society, and it has affected countless others.

He told us how, electronic books will never remind us of our connection to others in such a way. We will never be reminded, just by looking at a book, how many people have read that particular book. We will never be able to imagine how many people's lives that particular book touched. He even intimated, that with electronic books, there will never even be a way to guarantee that the authors original words are the ones that they had intended, because electronic works are SO EASY to manipulate and change the content of.

He said, that if electronic books had been around at the time of the Third Reich, Hitler wouldn't have had to go and burn any books, he would have just had his propaganda ministry go in and change the meaning and text of all the books and get rid of the hard copies.

So basically what I am trying to say, is.. . . Keep your Ebooks, and want the real thing.
I think the intelligent use of technology has many benefits especially the mobile phone. It functions as multiple devices all in one little package. Note I said intelligent. Too many people are tied to their phones these days in unhealthy ways.
Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

I have a smartphone (Android os) can't imagine not having one now, just too many conveniences .

Oh yeah, I have a flashlight app, have to check this out.

Give me an example of one "convenience."

The flashlight is one.
The GPS is another.
Internet access where ever you are is another.
Music is another.
A handy camera (still & video) is yet another.
If you have a small business you can get the app & accessory to swipe credit or debit cards.
Access to videos is another.
E-books is yet another.

Those are just a few of the conveniences.

The flashlight is one. - Well, I have to admit, sometimes that would come in handy at night unlocking my house, but usually I forget to take my mobile with me, so maybe a key-chain light would be better.

The GPS is another. - I can't see an instance where I would ever use that. The area of the world I navigate I know by heart.

Internet access where ever you are is another. - I live in the moment, focused on what ever I am doing. If I don't want internet access, I don't need internet access.

Music is another.- I'm deaf.

A handy camera (still & video) is yet another. - Again, as an existentialist, I have no use for videos or pictures. The present is the only thing that is important. The government or corporations would sure like to use your phone to find out what you are doing and seeing though, I am sure. If it's important enough of an event for pictures, I will think ahead to bring a camera. Otherwise, I want to enjoy the moment, not spend it taking pictures.

If you have a small business you can get the app & accessory to swipe credit or debit cards. - I make it a point to go through my week to see how many days of the month I can NOT interact with the economy, ON PURPOSE. It is the only way we can stop the slavery of the people. I remember the Christians used to devote ONE WHOLE day to remembering this principle, the principle that their God, which the son taught them LOVE is more important than mammon. Now, Sunday comes, and most of these lost souls spend more time on Sunday either in the mall or watching advertisements with their football than thinking about love.

Access to videos is another. - Movies and TV, as an art form, were meant to be enjoyed and savored. It is a sacrilege to view them on anything less than a 12" screen. Do you think Spielberg, Scorsese or Tarantino would ever watch a movie on one of those infernal devices?

E-books is yet another. - Extended reading from small tablets and digital terminals are bad for your eyes. I spend too much time looking at a big monitor as it is. A small one would make me blind before too long. There is nothing like the feeling of reading an actual book. It is better for your eyes, and better for your soul.

I remember when I went to have lunch with Kurt Vonnegut in the early 1990's, he took a book off of the book shelf, quickly let all the pages fly through his thumb while he smelled the pages and gave us all this warning;

He told us all that the days of the old book were numbered for most of society. But there would be a few of us who would resist, and properly so. Because reading a book, believe it or not, connects you to your fellow man. Unless you are the first person to read that book, countless others have read it before you. Now remember how books AFFECT you. After, think about how that book has traveled in society, and it has affected countless others.

He told us how, electronic books will never remind us of our connection to others in such a way. We will never be reminded, just by looking at a book, how many people have read that particular book. We will never be able to imagine how many people's lives that particular book touched. He even intimated, that with electronic books, there will never even be a way to guarantee that the authors original words are the ones that they had intended, because electronic works are SO EASY to manipulate and change the content of.

He said, that if electronic books had been around at the time of the Third Reich, Hitler wouldn't have had to go and burn any books, he would have just had his propaganda ministry go in and change the meaning and text of all the books and get rid of the hard copies.

So basically what I am trying to say, is.. . . Keep your Ebooks, and want the real thing.

Flashlight, GPS (SIRI), music, camera - I use all those a lot. We travel a lot and SIRI gets us where we want to go. The new camera on iPhone allows for some really cool editing and 'photo-shopping' of photos.

Email on my phone - both personal and business, I use those a lot.

Another favorite is the weather app. Very handy if you're traveling.

If I'm stuck waiting, I like to play chess or solitaire on my phone.

The iPhone is too small for reading but traveling, I like reading on my Kindle.

VERY cool that you met Vonnegut. I used to have two bookstores and I love books. Old fashioned, print books. Both our houses are filled with books and we sell books and antiques on both Amazon and Ebay. Like you wrote, they have a feel and smell that is dear to me.

I want it both ways. I want the technology AND books.

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