Beware of Flashlight Apps on your I Phone

OP goes from talking about phones to sermonizing. Surprised?


It's my thread, Dot. I already told you I do not change from thread to thread - I am who I am. I'm a Christian. Talking about the LORD is like breathing - very natural - it's who I am.

If it bothers you why are you on my thread? Again?

I came to this thread to talk about phones and Dot Com is right.

This thread is exactly what you pulled in the hospital waiting room and unacceptable. Its rude and hateful and accomplishes the opposite of what you SAY you want.

I don't read your miles of copy-paste preaching in religion because I don't want to. I also don't think its my right to go to derail your preachy threads with my own beliefs. Just because its "your" thread, doesn't mean its okay to go against board rules and hijack it to yet another preach and screech thread.
^ that

This is what my other thread was about- her eventually devolving every topic into talking about her particular sky pixie. Meh, I'm not going to belabor it as everyone already knows .
I just think you heathens don't want to be reminded that you are going to rot like the meat you devoured for dinner and shat in the toilet later on this evening. Does it bother you knowing you are nothing more than worm food?

It pisses you off knowing someone has love, faith and peace in their life, and you are jealous. You HATE to be reminded of that. Knowing that with each passing day, you draw one breath closer to nothingness. . . eternal non-existence. The BIG DIRT NAP.

Meanwhile, her energy and pure spirit of radiant love will go on. . . and that just pisses you off. You hate to be reminded of that, don't you? Man, I guess I would be a might bit offended by that too. It would piss me off as well. What a big ass bummer. :boohoo:

You're welcome to your beliefs but would you see this differently if atheists preached their beliefs in every thread?

Its spamming and its trolling.
OP goes from talking about phones to sermonizing. Surprised?


It's my thread, Dot. I already told you I do not change from thread to thread - I am who I am. I'm a Christian. Talking about the LORD is like breathing - very natural - it's who I am.

If it bothers you why are you on my thread? Again?

I came to this thread to talk about phones and Dot Com is right.

This thread is exactly what you pulled in the hospital waiting room and unacceptable. Its rude and hateful and accomplishes the opposite of what you SAY you want.

I don't read your miles of copy-paste preaching in religion because I don't want to. I also don't think its my right to go to derail your preachy threads with my own beliefs. Just because its "your" thread, doesn't mean its okay to go against board rules and hijack it to yet another preach and screech thread.
^ that

This is what my other thread was about- her eventually devolving every topic into talking about her particular sky pixie. Meh, I'm not going to belabor it as everyone already knows .
I just think you heathens don't want to be reminded that you are going to rot like the meat you devoured for dinner and shat in the toilet later on this evening. Does it bother you knowing you are nothing more than worm food?

It pisses you off knowing someone has love, faith and peace in their life, and you are jealous. You HATE to be reminded of that. Knowing that with each passing day, you draw one breath closer to nothingness. . . eternal non-existence. The BIG DIRT NAP.

Meanwhile, her energy and pure spirit of radiant love will go on. . . and that just pisses you off. You hate to be reminded of that, don't you? Man, I guess I would be a might bit offended by that too. It would piss me off as well. What a big ass bummer. :boohoo:

You're welcome to your beliefs but would you see this differently if atheists preached their beliefs in every thread?

Its spamming and its trolling.
Yep, I'm a n atheist but you don't see me going around harassing other members to join my side like Jerry does even in threads that have nothing to do about sky pixies. I just accept that she's a thumper and avoid getting caught-up in her word games that all eventually lead to her personal sky pixie.
I'm not harrassing anyone. I do not recall visiting any of your threads in recent times, Dot. I am not harrassing you. You are harrassing me with your incessant complaints about who I am and what I choose to discuss and where. It's a big world. Find another thread.
on the contrary. I simply hate single-issue, spammers. You people live in fear. I'm doing just fine, thank you very much.

yanno, theres > 1 religion out there as well. :shock: That ever occur to you people? :eusa_think:

But I digress. Lets return to OP's topic of cell phone Apps.
I don't care. It's not my religion. I love spiritual people of all types. As long as a person recognizes that sancitity of the spirit, they are my friend.

YOU, the athiests are the ones that were made uncomfortable by a person that laid bare their faith. Specifically their Christian faith.

If it had been an Orthodox Jew or a Muslim, somehow I don't think it would have been as pc to send in the attack. Likewise, any assorted eastern philosophy, or earth religion, and how it related to the worship of mammon, again, that's not so PC to attack them . . . yet.

But let that person reveal how being attached to technology distracts from their religion because they are some sect of fundamentalist Muslim or Christian? Or perhaps maybe even some line of Amish or Mennonite? Well then, release the spiritual attack dogs of the atheists, agnostics and Lucifarians, for all insult and injury have been committed a foul upon the board! No mention of faith, love and good conscious actually practiced against mammon can ever be made!
I'm not harrassing anyone. I do not recall visiting any of your threads in recent times, Dot. I am not harrassing you. You are harrassing me with your incessant complaints about who I am and what I choose to discuss and where. It's a big world. Find another thread.
They aren't 'your' threads or Dot's threads. When you start a thread it's open to everyone.
on the contrary. I simply hate single-issue, spammers. You people live in fear. I'm doing just fine, thank you very much.

yanno, theres > 1 religion out there as well. :shock: That ever occur to you people? :eusa_think:

But I digress. Lets return to OP's topic of cell phone Apps.
I don't care. It's not my religion. I love spiritual people of all types. As long as a person recognizes that sancitity of the spirit, they are my friend.

YOU, the athiests are the ones that were made uncomfortable by a person that laid bare their faith. Specifically their Christian faith.

If it had been an Orthodox Jew or a Muslim, somehow I don't think it would have been as pc to send in the attack. Likewise, any assorted eastern philosophy, or earth religion, and how it related to the worship of mammon, again, that's not so PC to attack them . . . yet.

But let that person reveal how being attached to technology distracts from their religion because they are some sect of fundamentalist Muslim or Christian? Or perhaps maybe even some line of Amish or Mennonite? Well then, release the spiritual attack dogs of the atheists, agnostics and Lucifarians, for all insult and injury have been committed a foul upon the board! No mention of faith, love and good conscious actually practiced against mammon can ever be made!
Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. are not told by their spiritual masters to go out and convert like Christians are.

Southern Baptists are particularly annoying in this regard. I wonder what Jeremiah is . . .
It's my thread, Dot. I already told you I do not change from thread to thread - I am who I am. I'm a Christian. Talking about the LORD is like breathing - very natural - it's who I am.

If it bothers you why are you on my thread? Again?

I came to this thread to talk about phones and Dot Com is right.

This thread is exactly what you pulled in the hospital waiting room and unacceptable. Its rude and hateful and accomplishes the opposite of what you SAY you want.

I don't read your miles of copy-paste preaching in religion because I don't want to. I also don't think its my right to go to derail your preachy threads with my own beliefs. Just because its "your" thread, doesn't mean its okay to go against board rules and hijack it to yet another preach and screech thread.
^ that

This is what my other thread was about- her eventually devolving every topic into talking about her particular sky pixie. Meh, I'm not going to belabor it as everyone already knows .
I just think you heathens don't want to be reminded that you are going to rot like the meat you devoured for dinner and shat in the toilet later on this evening. Does it bother you knowing you are nothing more than worm food?

It pisses you off knowing someone has love, faith and peace in their life, and you are jealous. You HATE to be reminded of that. Knowing that with each passing day, you draw one breath closer to nothingness. . . eternal non-existence. The BIG DIRT NAP.

Meanwhile, her energy and pure spirit of radiant love will go on. . . and that just pisses you off. You hate to be reminded of that, don't you? Man, I guess I would be a might bit offended by that too. It would piss me off as well. What a big ass bummer. :boohoo:

You're welcome to your beliefs but would you see this differently if atheists preached their beliefs in every thread?

Its spamming and its trolling.
Yep, I'm a n atheist but you don't see me going around harassing other members to join my side like Jerry does even in threads that have nothing to do about sky pixies. I just accept that she's a thumper and avoid getting caught-up in her word games that all eventually lead to her personal sky pixie.

First, she wasn't "preaching" her beliefs or harassing anyone. She wasn't trying to convert anyone, she was merely living her faith, IOW, stating how this issue is inapplicable to her b/c of her beliefs.

I suspect this is what made you uncomfortable. People that are unsure of their position, folks that don't have a positive position about where they are at in the universe, tend to react this way. For you, being an Atheist, I can understand this reaction.

You might be more settled with your position if you read Socrates Apology. But then, even Socrates had faith, didn't he? Even HE believed in some sort of God. The word "Good" after all, comes from the same root word as "God," so, you can't be an Atheist if you believe in THE GOOD. Do you believe in the good? Or just things that are beneficial and harmful? Are there things in this world that you think are truly "good?" Have you ever held a new born baby, have you ever experienced the innocence of the first true love? If there are. . . to you, things that are welly and truly good, . . . well, there you have it. Smart phones will only get in the way of these things. Ask the Christ or the Buddha, they will tell you. Or better yet, quiet your soul, meditate, you will find the answer, the spirit will give it to you.

If you don't see the connection between smart phones and "sky pixies," you are as obtuse as they come, aren't you?





Remind me again, if you can, what that first commandment is that all Abrahamic Religions are supposed to recognize?
OP goes from talking about phones to sermonizing. Surprised?


It's my thread, Dot. I already told you I do not change from thread to thread - I am who I am. I'm a Christian. Talking about the LORD is like breathing - very natural - it's who I am.

If it bothers you why are you on my thread? Again?

I came to this thread to talk about phones and Dot Com is right.

This thread is exactly what you pulled in the hospital waiting room and unacceptable. Its rude and hateful and accomplishes the opposite of what you SAY you want.

I don't read your miles of copy-paste preaching in religion because I don't want to. I also don't think its my right to go to derail your preachy threads with my own beliefs. Just because its "your" thread, doesn't mean its okay to go against board rules and hijack it to yet another preach and screech thread.
^ that

This is what my other thread was about- her eventually devolving every topic into talking about her particular sky pixie. Meh, I'm not going to belabor it as everyone already knows .
I just think you heathens don't want to be reminded that you are going to rot like the meat you devoured for dinner and shat in the toilet later on this evening. Does it bother you knowing you are nothing more than worm food?

It pisses you off knowing someone has love, faith and peace in their life, and you are jealous. You HATE to be reminded of that. Knowing that with each passing day, you draw one breath closer to nothingness. . . eternal non-existence. The BIG DIRT NAP.

Meanwhile, her energy and pure spirit of radiant love will go on. . . and that just pisses you off. You hate to be reminded of that, don't you? Man, I guess I would be a might bit offended by that too. It would piss me off as well. What a big ass bummer. :boohoo:

You're welcome to your beliefs but would you see this differently if atheists preached their beliefs in every thread?

Its spamming and its trolling.
who started the thread?.....
It's my thread, Dot. I already told you I do not change from thread to thread - I am who I am. I'm a Christian. Talking about the LORD is like breathing - very natural - it's who I am.

If it bothers you why are you on my thread? Again?

I came to this thread to talk about phones and Dot Com is right.

This thread is exactly what you pulled in the hospital waiting room and unacceptable. Its rude and hateful and accomplishes the opposite of what you SAY you want.

I don't read your miles of copy-paste preaching in religion because I don't want to. I also don't think its my right to go to derail your preachy threads with my own beliefs. Just because its "your" thread, doesn't mean its okay to go against board rules and hijack it to yet another preach and screech thread.
^ that

This is what my other thread was about- her eventually devolving every topic into talking about her particular sky pixie. Meh, I'm not going to belabor it as everyone already knows .
I just think you heathens don't want to be reminded that you are going to rot like the meat you devoured for dinner and shat in the toilet later on this evening. Does it bother you knowing you are nothing more than worm food?

It pisses you off knowing someone has love, faith and peace in their life, and you are jealous. You HATE to be reminded of that. Knowing that with each passing day, you draw one breath closer to nothingness. . . eternal non-existence. The BIG DIRT NAP.

Meanwhile, her energy and pure spirit of radiant love will go on. . . and that just pisses you off. You hate to be reminded of that, don't you? Man, I guess I would be a might bit offended by that too. It would piss me off as well. What a big ass bummer. :boohoo:

You're welcome to your beliefs but would you see this differently if atheists preached their beliefs in every thread?

Its spamming and its trolling.
Yep, I'm a n atheist but you don't see me going around harassing other members to join my side like Jerry does even in threads that have nothing to do about sky pixies. I just accept that she's a thumper and avoid getting caught-up in her word games that all eventually lead to her personal sky pixie.
we just see you going around bitching and moaning about someone......just as annoying....
I'm not harrassing anyone. I do not recall visiting any of your threads in recent times, Dot. I am not harrassing you. You are harrassing me with your incessant complaints about who I am and what I choose to discuss and where. It's a big world. Find another thread.
They aren't 'your' threads or Dot's threads. When you start a thread it's open to everyone.
go into a Dottie thread and tell him that....
One of the things about going out for a walk used to be getting away from the annoyance of phones. Just about everyone here who walks for exercise is staring down at their phone. It's pathetic. Used to be you said hello to neighbors seeing em walking around, now you're afraid to intrude or interupt.

I have to tell you, Delta. You are right. I am astonished at how many people are totally absorbed in their cellphones. I was in a lobby at a hospital waiting to visit someone when I noticed that for the first time. Everyone in the lobby had their heads down scrolling through their phones. I was amazed.

Eventually someone looked my way and I began to share Jesus Christ and soon many of the people in the lobby were listening intently on the matter of eternity and where they would be - so forth - I'm believing the seeds planted that day were watered by other Christians - it is a great opportunity to share the LORD anytime people are waiting and wasting time - as in looking at a screen on a cell phone! People need solitude - a walk in the country should be a walk in the country - not listening to Ms. Yackety Yack while walking down the road!

Some people use their phone a lot. Some people less so.

It boils down to what each person chooses to do. I enjoy a walk in the country or in my neighborhood with peace & quiet. But I am not so egotistical as to tell others how they should enjoy their walk. Some simply want the exercise. They get that, whether they have a phone in their hand or not.

It isn't egotistical, Winterborn. It is concern for their well being. Let me repeat myself. People need solitude. People need solitude.

There should be a time set aside for solitude - for even talking to the LORD and prayer - for meditating on the Word of God and focusing on Jesus Christ and looking for the still small voice of the Holy Spirit - that is what Americans need to get back to. There was a time when it was most natural to spend time in solitude - to think on eternal things and have fellowship with the Holy Spirit. There needs to be a return to this so that we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit when He is speaking to our hearts ( speaking of born again Christians ) Nothing egotistical about it.

Why don't you do that in church? Seems to me to be the perfect place to do that.

If you want to be a christian go for it. Me and millions of other Americans aren't christian nor do we want to be.

I think its very arrogant and selfish to expect that people should forsake their faith for yours. It's certainly not constitutional or what America is. We believe in religious freedom for all. Not just those who follow a religion you follow or like.

People believe in their faith and you don't have any right to force yours on them.

I'm not forcing my faith on anyone. If you do not wish to follow the LORD, Dana, you do not have to. ISIS and ISIL are forcing their faith on people - so if you wish to file a complaint about having a faith "forced" upon you - look in that direction. Thank you.

What does isis and isil have to do with this?

We're not in the middle east and those people have nothing to do with America or our constitution.

You said that America needs to get back to the lord. I don't believe in the christian god. There are millions of Americans who aren't christian and we are very tired of hearing people say that America is a christian nation and we all need to follow the christian god.

How would you like it if I said America needs to get back to the roots of native religion and needs to respect our Mother Goddess and Mother Nature?

You posted in one post that you were proselytizing in a hospital. People don't go to hospitals to listen to someone trying to convert them to another faith. In fact, most people are offended by it.

You don't hear people like me who are pagans going around telling people they need to convert to paganism or that they need to get closer to our Mother Goddess. We respect all faiths and keep our faith to ourselves.

If you want to be a christian, great. Have at it. But keep it to yourself or among those who want to listen to it. And for goodness sake, stop posting that America needs to get back to the lord.

America needs to get back to freedom of religion. Not just for christianity but for ALL faiths.
I do not have an I phone and rarely use telephones at all. I use an answer machine and it picks up all my calls! It's very convenient! But for someone with an i Phone this is a very serious situation if you have a Flashlight App on your phone. I have never heard of this - didn't even know you could have a Flashlight App for your i phone but if you own an i phone? You'll want to see this news report! My advice? Use a regular flashlight - you can buy a mini one and put it on your key chain too!

Cybersecurity Expert Gary Miliefsky - YouTube

I've owned an iPhone for many years.

There is a flashlight that comes already on the phone. You don't download it. I've never used that flashlight.

So I don't think that the flashlights that come on the iPhone have that mall ware and spy ware. He's only talking about the flashlight apps that you download from the internet.
IPhone vets all of its apps. All apps must met their guidelines The Android OS has an open platform that encourages 3rd party development. In this one regard of safety I would say Iphone has the advantage over Android.

I don't know much about android phones. I've never used one. The closest I've come to an android phone would be that I was hired to photograph a party for the release of the Sony phone in 2011. The phone that Apple sued them for and won. Sony and AT&T had a party for the release for that phone.

I know a lot about iPhones. I've owned one for many years.

It's not the iPhone that you have to worry about. Apple provides the flashlight. It's the android phones that you have to go on line and download a flashlight. That's what the person was talking about. Ones that you download off line. Which no iPhone user would do because the flashlight is already provided by Apple.

I think it's dishonest of that person to say it's a problem with the iPhone. When it looks like the iPhone is the only one that doesn't have that problem because they already provide the flashlight. He made it very clear it's the flashlights you download that are the problem.

I've never used the flashlight on my phone. The times I need a flashlight, I'm strictly low tech. I use a handheld one that you need batteries and push a button.

I didn't find him dishonest in the least, Dana. He was giving the warning to i phone users to be aware of the malware connected to the flashlight feature. It was helpful to some people obviously or they would not have appreciated his report! So while it may not have been a problem for you that does not mean it would not have been a problem for others. Thanks for reading, Dana. Have a nice day.

I guess I must have heard him wrong.

I heard him clearly say it was the flashlights that people download off line.

If I'm wrong, my mistake but why would he say that it's apps that you download and then say it's a problem with the iPhone when the flashlight is already on the iPhone?
From waaaaay back in 2011:

Infected Smartphone Apps The Next Wave of Malware - Technology science - Security NBC News

Last summer, an enterprising app developer named Nick Lee created Handy Light, an iPhone flashlight app — one of many that simply turns the phone’s display into a bright light.

However, Lee, who was 15 years old at the time, added a hidden function to the app, which sold for 99 cents.

If the user adjusted a few settings and tapped a special color-coded sequence, Handy Light would secretly allow users to share the iPhone’s wireless Internet connection with other devices – a feature called “ tethering,” for which cellular carriers normally charge an extra $20 per month. Apple quickly pulled Handy Light from the App Store.

For the past several months, users of Android phones in China have been plagued by malware embedded in pirated apps found on third-party websites. Security experts have advised Android owners to download apps only from Google’s official Android Market.

That advice was good until last Tuesday (March 1), when no fewer than 50 infected apps were found in the Android Market itself. All secretly carried a nasty form of malware called DroidDream, and the Android Market now looks no safer than a back-alley electronics stall in Shanghai.

More at the link

The man in the video clearly said it was flashlight apps that you download onto your phone. But he said it was the iPhones when he started talking.

I found him to be very dishonest since he accused the iPhone of something that the iPhone won't do and because no one with an iPhone would need to download a flashlight app.

But then, honesty is the last thing I expect from fox news.
I do not have an I phone and rarely use telephones at all. I use an answer machine and it picks up all my calls! It's very convenient! But for someone with an i Phone this is a very serious situation if you have a Flashlight App on your phone. I have never heard of this - didn't even know you could have a Flashlight App for your i phone but if you own an i phone? You'll want to see this news report! My advice? Use a regular flashlight - you can buy a mini one and put it on your key chain too!

Cybersecurity Expert Gary Miliefsky - YouTube


Almost everything on a modern phone needs all of that "style" of information. Seems like the people that voted for the "Patriot Act" are finally catching up.

Let me +1 your post.

This technology knows your likes, dislikes, actions, locations etc. FOR A REASON. It wasn't originally a Government project, but the "Patriot Act" made it one. Corporations run this malware to observe how to get your $$$ and nothing more.

My Flashlight App recently had an update...............update what? It's a solid post. But the person in the video is working for a Corporation that works against Corporations that ............yadda yadda.

The bigger issue is Government vs. Corporations. Today, Governments can not survive without Corporate donations.

These Bunker installing, food hoarding, fear mongering morons all state they are scared of GOVERNMENT. Then they download a Corporate flashlight APP that gives the donors to all politicians all of their information. America has to get smarter than this.
I do not have an I phone and rarely use telephones at all. I use an answer machine and it picks up all my calls! It's very convenient! But for someone with an i Phone this is a very serious situation if you have a Flashlight App on your phone. I have never heard of this - didn't even know you could have a Flashlight App for your i phone but if you own an i phone? You'll want to see this news report! My advice? Use a regular flashlight - you can buy a mini one and put it on your key chain too!

Cybersecurity Expert Gary Miliefsky - YouTube


Almost everything on a modern phone needs all of that "style" of information. Seems like the people that voted for the "Patriot Act" are finally catching up.

Let me +1 your post.

This technology knows your likes, dislikes, actions, locations etc. FOR A REASON. It wasn't originally a Government project, but the "Patriot Act" made it one. Corporations run this malware to observe how to get your $$$ and nothing more.

My Flashlight App recently had an update...............update what? It's a solid post. But the person in the video is working for a Corporation that works against Corporations that ............yadda yadda.

The bigger issue is Government vs. Corporations. Today, Governments can not survive without Corporate donations.

These Bunker installing, food hoarding, fear mongering morons all state they are scared of GOVERNMENT. Then they download a Corporate flashlight APP that gives the donors to all politicians all of their information. America has to get smarter than this.
Missed this post, eh?
Beware of Flashlight Apps on your I Phone Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I do not have an I phone and rarely use telephones at all. I use an answer machine and it picks up all my calls! It's very convenient! But for someone with an i Phone this is a very serious situation if you have a Flashlight App on your phone. I have never heard of this - didn't even know you could have a Flashlight App for your i phone but if you own an i phone? You'll want to see this news report! My advice? Use a regular flashlight - you can buy a mini one and put it on your key chain too!

Cybersecurity Expert Gary Miliefsky - YouTube


Almost everything on a modern phone needs all of that "style" of information. Seems like the people that voted for the "Patriot Act" are finally catching up.

Let me +1 your post.

This technology knows your likes, dislikes, actions, locations etc. FOR A REASON. It wasn't originally a Government project, but the "Patriot Act" made it one. Corporations run this malware to observe how to get your $$$ and nothing more.

My Flashlight App recently had an update...............update what? It's a solid post. But the person in the video is working for a Corporation that works against Corporations that ............yadda yadda.

The bigger issue is Government vs. Corporations. Today, Governments can not survive without Corporate donations.

These Bunker installing, food hoarding, fear mongering morons all state they are scared of GOVERNMENT. Then they download a Corporate flashlight APP that gives the donors to all politicians all of their information. America has to get smarter than this.
Missed this post, eh?
Beware of Flashlight Apps on your I Phone Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Not at all kiddo. Let me ask you;

Is the Flashlight APP a Government thing, or a Corporation thing? And is there any relation................LOL. basic.
I do not have an I phone and rarely use telephones at all. I use an answer machine and it picks up all my calls! It's very convenient! But for someone with an i Phone this is a very serious situation if you have a Flashlight App on your phone. I have never heard of this - didn't even know you could have a Flashlight App for your i phone but if you own an i phone? You'll want to see this news report! My advice? Use a regular flashlight - you can buy a mini one and put it on your key chain too!

Cybersecurity Expert Gary Miliefsky - YouTube


Almost everything on a modern phone needs all of that "style" of information. Seems like the people that voted for the "Patriot Act" are finally catching up.

Let me +1 your post.

This technology knows your likes, dislikes, actions, locations etc. FOR A REASON. It wasn't originally a Government project, but the "Patriot Act" made it one. Corporations run this malware to observe how to get your $$$ and nothing more.

My Flashlight App recently had an update...............update what? It's a solid post. But the person in the video is working for a Corporation that works against Corporations that ............yadda yadda.

The bigger issue is Government vs. Corporations. Today, Governments can not survive without Corporate donations.

These Bunker installing, food hoarding, fear mongering morons all state they are scared of GOVERNMENT. Then they download a Corporate flashlight APP that gives the donors to all politicians all of their information. America has to get smarter than this.
Missed this post, eh?
Beware of Flashlight Apps on your I Phone Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Not at all kiddo. Let me ask you;

Is the Flashlight APP a Government thing, or a Corporation thing? And is there any relation................LOL. basic.
It doesn't matter. There is nothing but cheese cloth separating the two now. Just as you intimated at the end of your last post.

Any information gathered by one is accessible by the other. Six of one, half a dozen of the other. It makes no difference. It's all information, and what they do with it, whom ever "they" are, doesn't matter as soon as you "click" yes to the TOS button. It indemnifies them and all third party partners "they" might choose to have if it is profitable. That includes other contractors, the government. . . . and maybe even your mom. :thanks:
Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

Am 43 and have yet to ever needed a portable phone. They're useful for certain professions sure, but by and large average people don't need them and they're dangerous. How many have died and will continue to die because some self-important piece of crap was doing something on their phone instead of watching where they're driving? Should make that premeditated murder and execute those people. You knew it was illegal, you knew why, you did it anyway and someone died. Off with your head!
I dunno how many have died. But I run into at least one of these assholes per week and treat them accordingly. Just yesterday in fact I was at the grocery store picking up some vinegar. I didn't see here but some bimbo was speed walking down the aisle head down clicking away. I had just grabbed the bottle and turned from the shelf when she rams me full speed and knocks me over. The bottle goes flying and shattered on the floor.

Does she apologize? No. She says oh no and picks up her phone off the floor to make sure it is ok. THEN she asks if I am ok. I got up, grabbed another bottle then with one uppercut knocked her carry basket out of her hands. Shit went flying everywhere. I said 'Text that bitch!' then walked away yelling clean up on aisle 9!. The look on her face was priceless.
Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

Am 43 and have yet to ever needed a portable phone. They're useful for certain professions sure, but by and large average people don't need them and they're dangerous. How many have died and will continue to die because some self-important piece of crap was doing something on their phone instead of watching where they're driving? Should make that premeditated murder and execute those people. You knew it was illegal, you knew why, you did it anyway and someone died. Off with your head!
I dunno how many have died. But I run into at least one of these assholes per week and treat them accordingly. Just yesterday in fact I was at the grocery store picking up some vinegar. I didn't see here but some bimbo was speed walking down the aisle head down clicking away. I had just grabbed the bottle and turned from the shelf when she rams me full speed and knocks me over. The bottle goes flying and shattered on the floor.

Does she apologize? No. She says oh no and picks up her phone off the floor to make sure it is ok. THEN she asks if I am ok. I got up, grabbed another bottle then with one uppercut knocked her carry basket out of her hands. Shit went flying everywhere. I said 'Text that bitch!' then walked away yelling clean up on aisle 9!. The look on her face was priceless.

Good grief.

WTH is wrong with people?

Jeri happily accosts people in a hospital and you admit to assaulting a woman in the grocery store.

And the nutters want to give you GUNS???????????

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