Beware of Flashlight Apps on your I Phone

OP goes from talking about phones to sermonizing. Surprised?


It's my thread, Dot. I already told you I do not change from thread to thread - I am who I am. I'm a Christian. Talking about the LORD is like breathing - very natural - it's who I am.

If it bothers you why are you on my thread? Again?
Dottie is known for coming into a thread to try and turn it into his little cry fest.....and yet he will say others do that to his threads....Dottie is like Guno....does a lot of talking...but at least Guno aint a pussy he doesnt put you on ignore if you say something he dont like....i will give him that....Dottie.....holy shit.....
Why anyone who considers themselves decent even has an Apple product boggles the mind given the factories where they're made. You know, the ones with such deplorable conditions workers commit suicide so often they had to put nets around the perimeter to catch em as they lept out windows.

Revealed Inside Apple s Chinese sweatshop factory where workers are paid just 1.12 per hour Daily Mail Online


18 Chinese workers have killed themselves as of that story. And these were Chinese workers sopresumedly they're used to hard working ocnditions so just how bad does it have to be to make Chinese nationals kill themselves?

This is utterly heart wrenching! This is what the Chinese have planned for Americans once Russia attacks us, Delta. Forced labor camps - what do people think the Ghost Cities built in the middle of Mongolian desert are for? A vacation? These Mega City - Ghost Cities - are vacant and waiting to be filled - why are they empty? They are waiting for the people who are taken into captivity - they will place there - their own military leaders have been quoted in speeches about the superiority of the Chines people and that they need the land of America so killing 200 million people is acceptable under those circumstances - this is why the Chinese Govt wants the American people disarmed. The last time I looked it up - I believe the number was 175 million - they had built enough of these Ghost cities - to house 175 million people. That was some years go - the Mongolian people were in fear for their lives to tell what these cities were for. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out. It is not for their own people. It's for ours!

There was a story about a Chinese worker who put a note in the bottom of a designer bag - bought in NYC - he was pleading with someone to rescue him from the deplorable conditions he was forced to work in - NK does the exact same thing to manufacture the products they sew Made in Russia labels and Made in China labels into - because the products would otherwise not be bought - this had been going on for many decades - read the book, Eyes of the tailless animals - and know that the author testified before Congress about it.....

I saw another photo of people jumping off a bridge in China and committing suicide - while other people chatted with one another and didn't even bother to tell these people do not jump! The Chinese were just chatting with each other as if it is only some person committing suicide - nothing to bother with - let's keep chatting! It was horrific to me that people could be so callous but without the love of God in your heart, Delta? That is what happens. You see communists who despise God do not mind mass murder - mass rape - mass destruction - the end justifies the means in their world. This is how vile communism is.

When it comes to me and I see something made in China I pray for the person who made it because I know they are suffering horribly. There are Christians who escaped North Korea (NK) and have told that the Christmas lights that Americans string on their trees are the lights they were forced to make in slave labor. These things should horrify Christians in America - it brings alive the scripture woe unto those who are lounging on their couches of ivory while their brother - Joseph languishes in a prison! How can anyone be partying it up knowing the suffering that is going on in this world? I tell you the truth, Delta. America is under the judgment of God but God knows how to protect His own children. Those who live holy unto the LORD now - who repent of their sins and even start living for Him today will know the difference between those who believe on and live for Christ and those who don't. That hour is coming. The LORD forgives all sin - it is time for people to come to the LORD. Perilous days are here for America. She must wake up. She must!
Oh, you're insane!

Good to know.
Harry, I have no idea what Dot is thinking but I take it he didn't believe me when I said, I am what I am and I am not going to conform to this or that, tip toe around or hold back my thoughts just because someone doesn't like the mention of the LORD's name. That is just silly. It's like holding my breath so I'll look skinnier than I am. Why bother? Ridiculous. As for Guno, he is quite unique in his approach.
Jesus H. Fucking Christ. Are you frikken serious?

PREACHING in a hospital waiting room?

Have you NO respect for your god or for the privacy of others?

This is exactly why people are leaving religion. You're damn lucky someone didn't shove their phone down your throat.
I know right? She's interminable :banghead:
I really don't know this poster well. I guess she hangs in the Fairy Tales & Fables section of the board.
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Why anyone who considers themselves decent even has an Apple product boggles the mind given the factories where they're made. You know, the ones with such deplorable conditions workers commit suicide so often they had to put nets around the perimeter to catch em as they lept out windows.

Revealed Inside Apple s Chinese sweatshop factory where workers are paid just 1.12 per hour Daily Mail Online


18 Chinese workers have killed themselves as of that story. And these were Chinese workers sopresumedly they're used to hard working ocnditions so just how bad does it have to be to make Chinese nationals kill themselves?

This is utterly heart wrenching! This is what the Chinese have planned for Americans once Russia attacks us, Delta. Forced labor camps - what do people think the Ghost Cities built in the middle of Mongolian desert are for? A vacation? These Mega City - Ghost Cities - are vacant and waiting to be filled - why are they empty? They are waiting for the people who are taken into captivity - they will place there - their own military leaders have been quoted in speeches about the superiority of the Chines people and that they need the land of America so killing 200 million people is acceptable under those circumstances - this is why the Chinese Govt wants the American people disarmed. The last time I looked it up - I believe the number was 175 million - they had built enough of these Ghost cities - to house 175 million people. That was some years go - the Mongolian people were in fear for their lives to tell what these cities were for. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out. It is not for their own people. It's for ours!

There was a story about a Chinese worker who put a note in the bottom of a designer bag - bought in NYC - he was pleading with someone to rescue him from the deplorable conditions he was forced to work in - NK does the exact same thing to manufacture the products they sew Made in Russia labels and Made in China labels into - because the products would otherwise not be bought - this had been going on for many decades - read the book, Eyes of the tailless animals - and know that the author testified before Congress about it.....

I saw another photo of people jumping off a bridge in China and committing suicide - while other people chatted with one another and didn't even bother to tell these people do not jump! The Chinese were just chatting with each other as if it is only some person committing suicide - nothing to bother with - let's keep chatting! It was horrific to me that people could be so callous but without the love of God in your heart, Delta? That is what happens. You see communists who despise God do not mind mass murder - mass rape - mass destruction - the end justifies the means in their world. This is how vile communism is.

When it comes to me and I see something made in China I pray for the person who made it because I know they are suffering horribly. There are Christians who escaped North Korea (NK) and have told that the Christmas lights that Americans string on their trees are the lights they were forced to make in slave labor. These things should horrify Christians in America - it brings alive the scripture woe unto those who are lounging on their couches of ivory while their brother - Joseph languishes in a prison! How can anyone be partying it up knowing the suffering that is going on in this world? I tell you the truth, Delta. America is under the judgment of God but God knows how to protect His own children. Those who live holy unto the LORD now - who repent of their sins and even start living for Him today will know the difference between those who believe on and live for Christ and those who don't. That hour is coming. The LORD forgives all sin - it is time for people to come to the LORD. Perilous days are here for America. She must wake up. She must!
Oh, you're insane!

Good to know.

No. I'm not insane. I'm just not in denial. But on the subject of insanity I would find moral insanity to be a far more serious matter as there could be no excuse for it other than to flat out reject the reality that one day we all must answer to the LORD. (with a case of mental insanity - you might just have an out!)
One complaint I have about the iPhone, which I believe is true of Android as well, are the apps you can't delete. Those apps take up memory that I would prefer to use as I want instead of as they want.
Jesus H. Fucking Christ. Are you frikken serious?

PREACHING in a hospital waiting room?

Have you NO respect for your god or for the privacy of others?

This is exactly why people are leaving religion. You're damn lucky someone didn't shove their phone down your throat.
I know right? She's interminable :banghead:
I really don't know this poster well. I guess she hands in the Fairy Tales & Fables section of the board.

Actually you do not know me at all and the Bible is not a fairy tale - neither is heaven and hell, Synthaholic. Just fyi.
From waaaaay back in 2011:

Infected Smartphone Apps The Next Wave of Malware - Technology science - Security NBC News

Last summer, an enterprising app developer named Nick Lee created Handy Light, an iPhone flashlight app — one of many that simply turns the phone’s display into a bright light.

However, Lee, who was 15 years old at the time, added a hidden function to the app, which sold for 99 cents.

If the user adjusted a few settings and tapped a special color-coded sequence, Handy Light would secretly allow users to share the iPhone’s wireless Internet connection with other devices – a feature called “ tethering,” for which cellular carriers normally charge an extra $20 per month. Apple quickly pulled Handy Light from the App Store.

For the past several months, users of Android phones in China have been plagued by malware embedded in pirated apps found on third-party websites. Security experts have advised Android owners to download apps only from Google’s official Android Market.

That advice was good until last Tuesday (March 1), when no fewer than 50 infected apps were found in the Android Market itself. All secretly carried a nasty form of malware called DroidDream, and the Android Market now looks no safer than a back-alley electronics stall in Shanghai.

More at the link
No. I'm not insane. I'm just not in denial. But on the subject of insanity I would find moral insanity to be a far more serious matter as there could be no excuse for it other than to flat out reject the reality that one day we all must answer to the LORD. (with a case of mental insanity - you might just have an out!)

The religious do not have a monopoly on morality.

They just believe they do.
If you're running IOS 7 or later on your iPhone, there's a flashlight app built-in.

Virus attacks on apple devices are pretty rare for several reasons. One being that Apple doesn't make as many details of their operating system available to app developers. Developers, have to live with interfaces which Apple provides. Microsoft and other companies seeking to maximize the number of available apps for their products, bend over backwards to accommodate developers and in so doing they open up security holes which they are forever trying to close.

One of the most important lessons I learned about acquiring software was to deal only with known reputable companies. Today people hear about some niffy free app and they install it with no regard to who created it. Some of these apps are huge resource hogs and slow your device down. Many apps have to interface with other apps and if they don't keep their product update, they can cause a lot of problems. On smart phones they can use your internet connection to transfer a lot of data and increase your cell phone bill.
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I do not have an I phone and rarely use telephones at all. I use an answer machine and it picks up all my calls! It's very convenient! But for someone with an i Phone this is a very serious situation if you have a Flashlight App on your phone. I have never heard of this - didn't even know you could have a Flashlight App for your i phone but if you own an i phone? You'll want to see this news report! My advice? Use a regular flashlight - you can buy a mini one and put it on your key chain too!

Cybersecurity Expert Gary Miliefsky - YouTube

I've owned an iPhone for many years.

There is a flashlight that comes already on the phone. You don't download it. I've never used that flashlight.

So I don't think that the flashlights that come on the iPhone have that mall ware and spy ware. He's only talking about the flashlight apps that you download from the internet.
IPhone vets all of its apps. All apps must met their guidelines The Android OS has an open platform that encourages 3rd party development. In this one regard of safety I would say Iphone has the advantage over Android.

I don't know much about android phones. I've never used one. The closest I've come to an android phone would be that I was hired to photograph a party for the release of the Sony phone in 2011. The phone that Apple sued them for and won. Sony and AT&T had a party for the release for that phone.

I know a lot about iPhones. I've owned one for many years.

It's not the iPhone that you have to worry about. Apple provides the flashlight. It's the android phones that you have to go on line and download a flashlight. That's what the person was talking about. Ones that you download off line. Which no iPhone user would do because the flashlight is already provided by Apple.

I think it's dishonest of that person to say it's a problem with the iPhone. When it looks like the iPhone is the only one that doesn't have that problem because they already provide the flashlight. He made it very clear it's the flashlights you download that are the problem.

I've never used the flashlight on my phone. The times I need a flashlight, I'm strictly low tech. I use a handheld one that you need batteries and push a button.

I didn't find him dishonest in the least, Dana. He was giving the warning to i phone users to be aware of the malware connected to the flashlight feature. It was helpful to some people obviously or they would not have appreciated his report! So while it may not have been a problem for you that does not mean it would not have been a problem for others. Thanks for reading, Dana. Have a nice day.
In the video they said the app asked for personal information such credit card number, etc.. After 10 million warning in the media, are there still people stupid enough to type in personal information into some free app they downloaded from the Internet?
I do not have an I phone and rarely use telephones at all. I use an answer machine and it picks up all my calls! It's very convenient! But for someone with an i Phone this is a very serious situation if you have a Flashlight App on your phone. I have never heard of this - didn't even know you could have a Flashlight App for your i phone but if you own an i phone? You'll want to see this news report! My advice? Use a regular flashlight - you can buy a mini one and put it on your key chain too!

Cybersecurity Expert Gary Miliefsky - YouTube

I've owned an iPhone for many years.

There is a flashlight that comes already on the phone. You don't download it. I've never used that flashlight.

So I don't think that the flashlights that come on the iPhone have that mall ware and spy ware. He's only talking about the flashlight apps that you download from the internet.
IPhone vets all of its apps. All apps must met their guidelines The Android OS has an open platform that encourages 3rd party development. In this one regard of safety I would say Iphone has the advantage over Android.

I don't know much about android phones. I've never used one. The closest I've come to an android phone would be that I was hired to photograph a party for the release of the Sony phone in 2011. The phone that Apple sued them for and won. Sony and AT&T had a party for the release for that phone.

I know a lot about iPhones. I've owned one for many years.

It's not the iPhone that you have to worry about. Apple provides the flashlight. It's the android phones that you have to go on line and download a flashlight. That's what the person was talking about. Ones that you download off line. Which no iPhone user would do because the flashlight is already provided by Apple.

I think it's dishonest of that person to say it's a problem with the iPhone. When it looks like the iPhone is the only one that doesn't have that problem because they already provide the flashlight. He made it very clear it's the flashlights you download that are the problem.

I've never used the flashlight on my phone. The times I need a flashlight, I'm strictly low tech. I use a handheld one that you need batteries and push a button.

I didn't find him dishonest in the least, Dana. He was giving the warning to i phone users to be aware of the malware connected to the flashlight feature. It was helpful to some people obviously or they would not have appreciated his report! So while it may not have been a problem for you that does not mean it would not have been a problem for others. Thanks for reading, Dana. Have a nice day.
In the video they said the app asked for personal information such credit card number, etc.. After 10 million warning in the media, are there still people stupid enough to type in personal information into some free app they downloaded from the Internet?

Not to mention falling for the "free" lie and then buying the gimmick to actually play some game.
OP goes from talking about phones to sermonizing. Surprised?


It's my thread, Dot. I already told you I do not change from thread to thread - I am who I am. I'm a Christian. Talking about the LORD is like breathing - very natural - it's who I am.

If it bothers you why are you on my thread? Again?

I came to this thread to talk about phones and Dot Com is right.

This thread is exactly what you pulled in the hospital waiting room and unacceptable. Its rude and hateful and accomplishes the opposite of what you SAY you want.

I don't read your miles of copy-paste preaching in religion because I don't want to. I also don't think its my right to go to derail your preachy threads with my own beliefs. Just because its "your" thread, doesn't mean its okay to go against board rules and hijack it to yet another preach and screech thread.
^ that

This is what my other thread was about- her eventually devolving every topic into talking about her particular sky pixie. Meh, I'm not going to belabor it as everyone already knows .
My phone is pretty valuable to me. I do 90% of my business by phone. Not to mention it also functions as a camera/video recorder, music player, and book reader.

Understood but try to limit the length of time you have it up to your ear. Same goes for cordless phones at home. If it isn't a landline - hooked up to the wall with a cord on handle - it is a health issue - do not stay on it for hours on end. Use the text feature to be safe.
I use a Bluetooth hands free device when not in my car. My car has a built in Bluetooth connector. I never have it up to my ear.

I have argued in small groups and on a large stage about the hands-free and Bluetooth for cell phones. I do not believe it matters at all.

I smoked for years. Never once did having a cigarette in my hand cause me the slightest problem with my driving. It is not hold the phone that is the problem. It is the distraction cause by paying attention to the conversation.
Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

I have a smartphone (Android os) can't imagine not having one now, just too many conveniences .

Oh yeah, I have a flashlight app, have to check this out.

Give me an example of one "convenience."

The flashlight is one.
The GPS is another.
Internet access where ever you are is another.
Music is another.
A handy camera (still & video) is yet another.
If you have a small business you can get the app & accessory to swipe credit or debit cards.
Access to videos is another.
E-books is yet another.

Those are just a few of the conveniences.

The flashlight is one. - Well, I have to admit, sometimes that would come in handy at night unlocking my house, but usually I forget to take my mobile with me, so maybe a key-chain light would be better.

The GPS is another. - I can't see an instance where I would ever use that. The area of the world I navigate I know by heart.

Internet access where ever you are is another. - I live in the moment, focused on what ever I am doing. If I don't want internet access, I don't need internet access.

Music is another.- I'm deaf.

A handy camera (still & video) is yet another. - Again, as an existentialist, I have no use for videos or pictures. The present is the only thing that is important. The government or corporations would sure like to use your phone to find out what you are doing and seeing though, I am sure. If it's important enough of an event for pictures, I will think ahead to bring a camera. Otherwise, I want to enjoy the moment, not spend it taking pictures.

If you have a small business you can get the app & accessory to swipe credit or debit cards. - I make it a point to go through my week to see how many days of the month I can NOT interact with the economy, ON PURPOSE. It is the only way we can stop the slavery of the people. I remember the Christians used to devote ONE WHOLE day to remembering this principle, the principle that their God, which the son taught them LOVE is more important than mammon. Now, Sunday comes, and most of these lost souls spend more time on Sunday either in the mall or watching advertisements with their football than thinking about love.

Access to videos is another. - Movies and TV, as an art form, were meant to be enjoyed and savored. It is a sacrilege to view them on anything less than a 12" screen. Do you think Spielberg, Scorsese or Tarantino would ever watch a movie on one of those infernal devices?

E-books is yet another. - Extended reading from small tablets and digital terminals are bad for your eyes. I spend too much time looking at a big monitor as it is. A small one would make me blind before too long. There is nothing like the feeling of reading an actual book. It is better for your eyes, and better for your soul.

I remember when I went to have lunch with Kurt Vonnegut in the early 1990's, he took a book off of the book shelf, quickly let all the pages fly through his thumb while he smelled the pages and gave us all this warning;

He told us all that the days of the old book were numbered for most of society. But there would be a few of us who would resist, and properly so. Because reading a book, believe it or not, connects you to your fellow man. Unless you are the first person to read that book, countless others have read it before you. Now remember how books AFFECT you. After, think about how that book has traveled in society, and it has affected countless others.

He told us how, electronic books will never remind us of our connection to others in such a way. We will never be reminded, just by looking at a book, how many people have read that particular book. We will never be able to imagine how many people's lives that particular book touched. He even intimated, that with electronic books, there will never even be a way to guarantee that the authors original words are the ones that they had intended, because electronic works are SO EASY to manipulate and change the content of.

He said, that if electronic books had been around at the time of the Third Reich, Hitler wouldn't have had to go and burn any books, he would have just had his propaganda ministry go in and change the meaning and text of all the books and get rid of the hard copies.

So basically what I am trying to say, is.. . . Keep your Ebooks, and want the real thing.
I think the intelligent use of technology has many benefits especially the mobile phone. It functions as multiple devices all in one little package. Note I said intelligent. Too many people are tied to their phones these days in unhealthy ways.


I've owned an iPhone for many years.

There is a flashlight that comes already on the phone. You don't download it. I've never used that flashlight.

So I don't think that the flashlights that come on the iPhone have that mall ware and spy ware. He's only talking about the flashlight apps that you download from the internet.
IPhone vets all of its apps. All apps must met their guidelines The Android OS has an open platform that encourages 3rd party development. In this one regard of safety I would say Iphone has the advantage over Android.

I don't know much about android phones. I've never used one. The closest I've come to an android phone would be that I was hired to photograph a party for the release of the Sony phone in 2011. The phone that Apple sued them for and won. Sony and AT&T had a party for the release for that phone.

I know a lot about iPhones. I've owned one for many years.

It's not the iPhone that you have to worry about. Apple provides the flashlight. It's the android phones that you have to go on line and download a flashlight. That's what the person was talking about. Ones that you download off line. Which no iPhone user would do because the flashlight is already provided by Apple.

I think it's dishonest of that person to say it's a problem with the iPhone. When it looks like the iPhone is the only one that doesn't have that problem because they already provide the flashlight. He made it very clear it's the flashlights you download that are the problem.

I've never used the flashlight on my phone. The times I need a flashlight, I'm strictly low tech. I use a handheld one that you need batteries and push a button.

I didn't find him dishonest in the least, Dana. He was giving the warning to i phone users to be aware of the malware connected to the flashlight feature. It was helpful to some people obviously or they would not have appreciated his report! So while it may not have been a problem for you that does not mean it would not have been a problem for others. Thanks for reading, Dana. Have a nice day.
In the video they said the app asked for personal information such credit card number, etc.. After 10 million warning in the media, are there still people stupid enough to type in personal information into some free app they downloaded from the Internet?

Not to mention falling for the "free" lie and then buying the gimmick to actually play some game.
Yep, free get's them every time, but as the saying goes, there is no free lunch. Someone has to pay the piper. You get an app with functions missing that you have to pay for, an app that only works for 30 days, or an app that introduces you to other services you have to buy. And it there is no other gimmick, they get personal information such as your email address, your contacts, credit card numbers, or maybe they install some tracking software to determine where you go on the Internet.
My phone is pretty valuable to me. I do 90% of my business by phone. Not to mention it also functions as a camera/video recorder, music player, and book reader.

Understood but try to limit the length of time you have it up to your ear. Same goes for cordless phones at home. If it isn't a landline - hooked up to the wall with a cord on handle - it is a health issue - do not stay on it for hours on end. Use the text feature to be safe.
I use a Bluetooth hands free device when not in my car. My car has a built in Bluetooth connector. I never have it up to my ear.

I have argued in small groups and on a large stage about the hands-free and Bluetooth for cell phones. I do not believe it matters at all.

I smoked for years. Never once did having a cigarette in my hand cause me the slightest problem with my driving. It is not hold the phone that is the problem. It is the distraction cause by paying attention to the conversation.
Unfortunately most people do become distracted by cell phone use and I've never seen anyone that can text or play games while driving without being distracted.
OP goes from talking about phones to sermonizing. Surprised?


It's my thread, Dot. I already told you I do not change from thread to thread - I am who I am. I'm a Christian. Talking about the LORD is like breathing - very natural - it's who I am.

If it bothers you why are you on my thread? Again?

I came to this thread to talk about phones and Dot Com is right.

This thread is exactly what you pulled in the hospital waiting room and unacceptable. Its rude and hateful and accomplishes the opposite of what you SAY you want.

I don't read your miles of copy-paste preaching in religion because I don't want to. I also don't think its my right to go to derail your preachy threads with my own beliefs. Just because its "your" thread, doesn't mean its okay to go against board rules and hijack it to yet another preach and screech thread.
^ that

This is what my other thread was about- her eventually devolving every topic into talking about her particular sky pixie. Meh, I'm not going to belabor it as everyone already knows .
I just think you heathens don't want to be reminded that you are going to rot like the meat you devoured for dinner and shat in the toilet later on this evening. Does it bother you knowing you are nothing more than worm food?

It pisses you off knowing someone has love, faith and peace in their life, and you are jealous. You HATE to be reminded of that. Knowing that with each passing day, you draw one breath closer to nothingness. . . eternal non-existence. The BIG DIRT NAP.

Meanwhile, her energy and pure spirit of radiant love will go on. . . and that just pisses you off. You hate to be reminded of that, don't you? Man, I guess I would be a might bit offended by that too. It would piss me off as well. What a big ass bummer. :boohoo:
on the contrary. I simply hate single-issue, spammers. You people live in fear. I'm doing just fine, thank you very much.

yanno, theres > 1 religion out there as well. :shock: That ever occur to you people? :eusa_think:

But I digress. Lets return to OP's topic of cell phone Apps.

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