Beware of Flashlight Apps on your I Phone

"If you don't see the connection between smart phones and "sky pixies," you are as obtuse as they come, aren't you?"

Well then, I'm damned obtuse.

EXACTLY what is the connection between sky pixies and smart phones?
Yep. Never understood that whole smartphone craze myself. Guess I'm a Luddite. lol I'll have to check out my son's Iphone though. . .

Am 43 and have yet to ever needed a portable phone. They're useful for certain professions sure, but by and large average people don't need them and they're dangerous. How many have died and will continue to die because some self-important piece of crap was doing something on their phone instead of watching where they're driving? Should make that premeditated murder and execute those people. You knew it was illegal, you knew why, you did it anyway and someone died. Off with your head!
I dunno how many have died. But I run into at least one of these assholes per week and treat them accordingly. Just yesterday in fact I was at the grocery store picking up some vinegar. I didn't see here but some bimbo was speed walking down the aisle head down clicking away. I had just grabbed the bottle and turned from the shelf when she rams me full speed and knocks me over. The bottle goes flying and shattered on the floor.

Does she apologize? No. She says oh no and picks up her phone off the floor to make sure it is ok. THEN she asks if I am ok. I got up, grabbed another bottle then with one uppercut knocked her carry basket out of her hands. Shit went flying everywhere. I said 'Text that bitch!' then walked away yelling clean up on aisle 9!. The look on her face was priceless.
Of course. It was a woman. Gives you that pseudo-tough guy feeling.
I'm not harrassing anyone. I do not recall visiting any of your threads in recent times, Dot. I am not harrassing you. You are harrassing me with your incessant complaints about who I am and what I choose to discuss and where. It's a big world. Find another thread.
I know we all sidetrack threads with the need to reply, but bickering back and forth on a subject that belongs in another forum is a bit much.
My phone is pretty valuable to me. I do 90% of my business by phone. Not to mention it also functions as a camera/video recorder, music player, and book reader.

Understood but try to limit the length of time you have it up to your ear. Same goes for cordless phones at home. If it isn't a landline - hooked up to the wall with a cord on handle - it is a health issue - do not stay on it for hours on end. Use the text feature to be safe.
I use a Bluetooth hands free device when not in my car. My car has a built in Bluetooth connector. I never have it up to my ear.

I have argued in small groups and on a large stage about the hands-free and Bluetooth for cell phones. I do not believe it matters at all.

I smoked for years. Never once did having a cigarette in my hand cause me the slightest problem with my driving. It is not hold the phone that is the problem. It is the distraction cause by paying attention to the conversation.
I dont think you can compare smoking with holding a phone up to your ear. One is a quick motion thats actually more natural. Putting a phone to your ear is unnatural and continually adjusting it for comfort is annoying and distracting.

Its definitely holding the phone thats the problem at least for me. I have been driving for so long that I do it unconsciously anyway. I listen to books in the form of MP3's alot and have no issues with my attention on driving.
I have a smartphone (Android os) can't imagine not having one now, just too many conveniences .

Oh yeah, I have a flashlight app, have to check this out.

Give me an example of one "convenience."

The flashlight is one.
The GPS is another.
Internet access where ever you are is another.
Music is another.
A handy camera (still & video) is yet another.
If you have a small business you can get the app & accessory to swipe credit or debit cards.
Access to videos is another.
E-books is yet another.

Those are just a few of the conveniences.

The flashlight is one. - Well, I have to admit, sometimes that would come in handy at night unlocking my house, but usually I forget to take my mobile with me, so maybe a key-chain light would be better.

The GPS is another. - I can't see an instance where I would ever use that. The area of the world I navigate I know by heart.

Internet access where ever you are is another. - I live in the moment, focused on what ever I am doing. If I don't want internet access, I don't need internet access.

Music is another.- I'm deaf.

A handy camera (still & video) is yet another. - Again, as an existentialist, I have no use for videos or pictures. The present is the only thing that is important. The government or corporations would sure like to use your phone to find out what you are doing and seeing though, I am sure. If it's important enough of an event for pictures, I will think ahead to bring a camera. Otherwise, I want to enjoy the moment, not spend it taking pictures.

If you have a small business you can get the app & accessory to swipe credit or debit cards. - I make it a point to go through my week to see how many days of the month I can NOT interact with the economy, ON PURPOSE. It is the only way we can stop the slavery of the people. I remember the Christians used to devote ONE WHOLE day to remembering this principle, the principle that their God, which the son taught them LOVE is more important than mammon. Now, Sunday comes, and most of these lost souls spend more time on Sunday either in the mall or watching advertisements with their football than thinking about love.

Access to videos is another. - Movies and TV, as an art form, were meant to be enjoyed and savored. It is a sacrilege to view them on anything less than a 12" screen. Do you think Spielberg, Scorsese or Tarantino would ever watch a movie on one of those infernal devices?

E-books is yet another. - Extended reading from small tablets and digital terminals are bad for your eyes. I spend too much time looking at a big monitor as it is. A small one would make me blind before too long. There is nothing like the feeling of reading an actual book. It is better for your eyes, and better for your soul.

I remember when I went to have lunch with Kurt Vonnegut in the early 1990's, he took a book off of the book shelf, quickly let all the pages fly through his thumb while he smelled the pages and gave us all this warning;

He told us all that the days of the old book were numbered for most of society. But there would be a few of us who would resist, and properly so. Because reading a book, believe it or not, connects you to your fellow man. Unless you are the first person to read that book, countless others have read it before you. Now remember how books AFFECT you. After, think about how that book has traveled in society, and it has affected countless others.

He told us how, electronic books will never remind us of our connection to others in such a way. We will never be reminded, just by looking at a book, how many people have read that particular book. We will never be able to imagine how many people's lives that particular book touched. He even intimated, that with electronic books, there will never even be a way to guarantee that the authors original words are the ones that they had intended, because electronic works are SO EASY to manipulate and change the content of.

He said, that if electronic books had been around at the time of the Third Reich, Hitler wouldn't have had to go and burn any books, he would have just had his propaganda ministry go in and change the meaning and text of all the books and get rid of the hard copies.

So basically what I am trying to say, is.. . . Keep your Ebooks, and want the real thing.
I think the intelligent use of technology has many benefits especially the mobile phone. It functions as multiple devices all in one little package. Note I said intelligent. Too many people are tied to their phones these days in unhealthy ways.


I told my kids that people that are able to walk up to a stranger and ask them how there day was will be the most successful people of the next generation.
My phone is pretty valuable to me. I do 90% of my business by phone. Not to mention it also functions as a camera/video recorder, music player, and book reader.

Understood but try to limit the length of time you have it up to your ear. Same goes for cordless phones at home. If it isn't a landline - hooked up to the wall with a cord on handle - it is a health issue - do not stay on it for hours on end. Use the text feature to be safe.
I use a Bluetooth hands free device when not in my car. My car has a built in Bluetooth connector. I never have it up to my ear.

I have argued in small groups and on a large stage about the hands-free and Bluetooth for cell phones. I do not believe it matters at all.

I smoked for years. Never once did having a cigarette in my hand cause me the slightest problem with my driving. It is not hold the phone that is the problem. It is the distraction cause by paying attention to the conversation.
I dont think you can compare smoking with holding a phone up to your ear. One is a quick motion thats actually more natural. Putting a phone to your ear is unnatural and continually adjusting it for comfort is annoying and distracting.

Its definitely holding the phone thats the problem at least for me. I have been driving for so long that I do it unconsciously anyway. I listen to books in the form of MP3's alot and have no issues with my attention on driving.
I think the conversation often leads to the most dangerous distractions. Normally it's just chit chat or expected ETA's but sometimes it's a gut wrenching conversation. My daughter was driving talking on her cell when her husband told her he's seeing another women. I swear, I didn't think I was going to make it home alive.
^^^ That

Doesn't matter if you're lighting a cigarette, texting, listening to music (a book is MUCH worse), talking on the phone - all are very distracting.

We're not nearly as focused on driving as we think we are.

Whatever it is, it can wait. Its just not worth your life.
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Good grief.

WTH is wrong with people?

Jeri happily accosts people in a hospital and you admit to assaulting a woman in the grocery store.

And the nutters want to give you GUNS???????????
WTH the hell is right. And I didn't assault anyone whacko.

Of course. It was a woman. Gives you that pseudo-tough guy feeling.
Fail. The fact it was a woman is irrelevant. Stupid comes in all shapes and sizes.

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