Beyond belief...........

“An outcome of a sick society.”

No, the outcome of the failure to properly secure one’s firearms.

When my sons were young my guns were always locked and secured.

And my guns remain locked and secure although my sons are grown and have moved away.

Keeping one’s guns locked and secure is easy – there’s no excuse not to.
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.

It sounds like another 13% problem to me. Just pretend they were aborted and then you won't care.
Liberal logic dictates that I should lose my driver's license because someone else drove drunk and killed someone.
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.

Actually it's okay and not beyond belief Tommy.


Because it wasn't done by a Muslim, so it's okay. If you die at the hands of a deranged killer who's a good old Christian, then it's okay, you won't care, the same as if it's done by good old righteous toddlers, no one cares, it's the way it should be. But had it been a Muslim, wow, your death is going to be a horrible one.
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.

And your point is...?
Children should not have access to guns. But your insane gun laws make it inevitable. America shot these kids.

Try again.

The parent failed the child and not society.

More than 500 children are accidentally shot every year in the US. It's a national tragedy.

And that is the parent problem. Also more children are killed in car accidents and I have yet to see any of you crying for the banishment of autos!

Also how many kids are killed daily because of hunger and war?

Get real and realize five hundred kids dying in America is a tragedy but more die by just car accidents, war and many other things but hey a gun goes boom and scares you so let ban it...
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.

Actually it's okay and not beyond belief Tommy.


Because it wasn't done by a Muslim, so it's okay. If you die at the hands of a deranged killer who's a good old Christian, then it's okay, you won't care, the same as if it's done by good old righteous toddlers, no one cares, it's the way it should be. But had it been a Muslim, wow, your death is going to be a horrible one.

Typical partisan nonsense by the lunatic left.

If you want to start saving lives then ban autos and cellphones and booze because all those combine do more damage to humans than a fucking gun!
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.

And your point is...?
Children should not have access to guns. But your insane gun laws make it inevitable. America shot these kids.

Try again.

The parent failed the child and not society.

More than 500 children are accidentally shot every year in the US. It's a national tragedy.
How many of those "children" are 15 and 16 year old gang bangers?
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.

Actually it's okay and not beyond belief Tommy.


Because it wasn't done by a Muslim, so it's okay. If you die at the hands of a deranged killer who's a good old Christian, then it's okay, you won't care, the same as if it's done by good old righteous toddlers, no one cares, it's the way it should be. But had it been a Muslim, wow, your death is going to be a horrible one.

No one thinks it's OK.

But people do stupid shit every single day.

More kids die every day from other causes than firearm accidents but somehow only the gun accidents seem to matter to some people.
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.

Actually it's okay and not beyond belief Tommy.


Because it wasn't done by a Muslim, so it's okay. If you die at the hands of a deranged killer who's a good old Christian, then it's okay, you won't care, the same as if it's done by good old righteous toddlers, no one cares, it's the way it should be. But had it been a Muslim, wow, your death is going to be a horrible one.

Typical partisan nonsense by the lunatic left.

If you want to start saving lives then ban autos and cellphones and booze because all those combine do more damage to humans than a fucking gun!

However we all know why the left pushes for the elimination of the 2A. A leftist is first and foremost a big government statist. They believe only the government (and the elites) should have guns. Thus failing to learn from all of civilized history, which clearly shows such arrangements lead to mass murder by the state.
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.

Actually it's okay and not beyond belief Tommy.


Because it wasn't done by a Muslim, so it's okay. If you die at the hands of a deranged killer who's a good old Christian, then it's okay, you won't care, the same as if it's done by good old righteous toddlers, no one cares, it's the way it should be. But had it been a Muslim, wow, your death is going to be a horrible one.

Typical partisan nonsense by the lunatic left.

If you want to start saving lives then ban autos and cellphones and booze because all those combine do more damage to humans than a fucking gun!

However we all know why the left pushes for the elimination of the 2A. A leftist is first and foremost a big government statist. They believe only the government (and the elites) should have guns. Thus failing to learn from all of civilized history, which clearly shows such arrangements lead to mass murder by the state.

A society well armed is a dangerous society to those that want to implement Trotsky dream.

Most that want the second amendment banished are those that live in urban centers and believe big brother can protect them but those like you and I know better and the only person that can protect you is you.

I have owned guns most of my adult life and never once have I used it against a fellow human.

I hunt with them and keep them for land protection and I am responsible for any death from them if they are used in a criminal act because I did not secure them correctly.

I wish more humans would take responsibility for their laziness and accept the firearm is not the evil but humanity stupidity is the issue here...
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.

Actually it's okay and not beyond belief Tommy.


Because it wasn't done by a Muslim, so it's okay. If you die at the hands of a deranged killer who's a good old Christian, then it's okay, you won't care, the same as if it's done by good old righteous toddlers, no one cares, it's the way it should be. But had it been a Muslim, wow, your death is going to be a horrible one.

Typical partisan nonsense by the lunatic left.

If you want to start saving lives then ban autos and cellphones and booze because all those combine do more damage to humans than a fucking gun!

However we all know why the left pushes for the elimination of the 2A. A leftist is first and foremost a big government statist. They believe only the government (and the elites) should have guns. Thus failing to learn from all of civilized history, which clearly shows such arrangements lead to mass murder by the state.

A society well armed is a dangerous society to those that want to implement Trotsky dream.

Most that want the second amendment banished are those that live in urban centers and believe big brother can protect them but those like you and I know better and the only person that can protect you is you.

I have owned guns most of my adult life and never once have I used it against a fellow human.

I hunt with them and keep them for land protection and I am responsible for any death from them if they are used in a criminal act because I did not secure them correctly.

I wish more humans would take responsibility for their laziness and accept the firearm is not the evil but humanity stupidity is the issue here...
Yes...there is a difference between the average run-of-the-mill leftist gun grabber and the elite left. The elite left wants guns taken so they can impose their tyrannical control over all of society. The average leftist as you state, thinks taking guns from law abiding Americans will make them safer. So. one is nefarious and dangerous, and the other is just plain ignorant.
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.
They should make it against the law to leave loaded weapons laying around with minors.

Oh wait. It is.

Maybe we should be like the UK and allow child sex slavery.

But it's wrong to do stuff that offends Muslims and homosexuals in Tommy Land. The UK wants them to feel their needs are respected and cherished. Don't be a racist!
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.

Actually it's okay and not beyond belief Tommy.


Because it wasn't done by a Muslim, so it's okay. If you die at the hands of a deranged killer who's a good old Christian, then it's okay, you won't care, the same as if it's done by good old righteous toddlers, no one cares, it's the way it should be. But had it been a Muslim, wow, your death is going to be a horrible one.

No one thinks it's OK.

But people do stupid shit every single day.

More kids die every day from other causes than firearm accidents but somehow only the gun accidents seem to matter to some people.

Of course no one thinks it's okay.

The problem is there are accidents with kids that happen because kids are kids, and then there are accidents with kids that shouldn't have happened in the first place, and the only reason it did happen is because there are too many guns in society.
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.

Actually it's okay and not beyond belief Tommy.


Because it wasn't done by a Muslim, so it's okay. If you die at the hands of a deranged killer who's a good old Christian, then it's okay, you won't care, the same as if it's done by good old righteous toddlers, no one cares, it's the way it should be. But had it been a Muslim, wow, your death is going to be a horrible one.

Typical partisan nonsense by the lunatic left.

If you want to start saving lives then ban autos and cellphones and booze because all those combine do more damage to humans than a fucking gun!

However we all know why the left pushes for the elimination of the 2A. A leftist is first and foremost a big government statist. They believe only the government (and the elites) should have guns. Thus failing to learn from all of civilized history, which clearly shows such arrangements lead to mass murder by the state.

Funny how wanting to do away with the 2A makes you a big govt fascist.

But wanting to do away with the First Amendment makes you a "patriot".
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.

Actually it's okay and not beyond belief Tommy.


Because it wasn't done by a Muslim, so it's okay. If you die at the hands of a deranged killer who's a good old Christian, then it's okay, you won't care, the same as if it's done by good old righteous toddlers, no one cares, it's the way it should be. But had it been a Muslim, wow, your death is going to be a horrible one.

Typical partisan nonsense by the lunatic left.

If you want to start saving lives then ban autos and cellphones and booze because all those combine do more damage to humans than a fucking gun!

However we all know why the left pushes for the elimination of the 2A. A leftist is first and foremost a big government statist. They believe only the government (and the elites) should have guns. Thus failing to learn from all of civilized history, which clearly shows such arrangements lead to mass murder by the state.

A society well armed is a dangerous society to those that want to implement Trotsky dream.

Most that want the second amendment banished are those that live in urban centers and believe big brother can protect them but those like you and I know better and the only person that can protect you is you.

I have owned guns most of my adult life and never once have I used it against a fellow human.

I hunt with them and keep them for land protection and I am responsible for any death from them if they are used in a criminal act because I did not secure them correctly.

I wish more humans would take responsibility for their laziness and accept the firearm is not the evil but humanity stupidity is the issue here...
Yes...there is a difference between the average run-of-the-mill leftist gun grabber and the elite left. The elite left wants guns taken so they can impose their tyrannical control over all of society. The average leftist as you state, thinks taking guns from law abiding Americans will make them safer. So. one is nefarious and dangerous, and the other is just plain ignorant.

The "elite left" being what?

You have left wing, right wing, and along this scale you move from center to far, the further towards far you get, the more imposing the people become, wanting to tell others how to live their lives. It's on the right and the left.
Toddler shoots two children with handgun in daycare centre

Two children are in serious but stable condition after allegedly being shot by another toddler at their home day care centre.

A toddler in Dearborn, Michigan “accessed a handgun” in a suburban home where several children were being cared for, police said. The weapon discharged, injuring two 3-year-olds who were present.

An outcome of a sick society.

If only the other toddlers had been armed this might have been avoided.
If toddlers are not allowed to have guns the terrorist will have already won
America shot these kids.

Just about the dumbest thing I've read on this forum...and that's saying something.

No, it was a person that shot those kids. A person that pulled a trigger.

Are you suggesting that kids in countries that have banned civilian firearm ownership don't get shot? You really want to go there?

God you're an idiot.
Please list some of the examples of toddler on toddler violence in the civilised world.

Meanwhile in the land of the free......................

Trump fears terrorists, but more Americans are shot dead by toddlers | Gary Younge

Armed toddlers kill twice as many Americans each year as terrorists

Take a knee babe -you are full of shit.
Frivolous gun control laws will have no effect on stopping what you speak of. Dip shit

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