Beyond history??


Feb 25, 2012
Hi All,

I had what I feel is a very deep insight today, and wanted to share it... it's actually undigestible to the mind at first, but if you look very closely you may find a crack, a slot, where it can fit and start to work its way in.

Here it is:


Those who *learn from history* are doomed to repeat it.


OK, I'm gonna put my explanation right up here, if anyone's interested:

If you ignore history and keep experimenting, discarding the lessons of the past as you go, eventually you're going to achieve something great and nothing is going to repeat.

If you learn from history as you go, you have knowledge in your mind that won't change -- you know it's true. Each time that adds more inflexibility to your mind. The more you know, the more you're going to tend to repeat the same things over and over, because what you know (or believe worth doing) are always the same things.

Eventually, history will fall into a repetitive pattern based on knowledge taken from the past.

I believe we've been there since around the beginning of the 20th century, fwiw. It looks like progress, but nothing is really progressing except technology and machinery -- things that move or act mechanically, go back and forth, blink their lights, always do the same things. In the meantime there was Hitler and the various atrocities of the 20th century....


I suggest that we all know wayyyyy too much at this point, and it is beginning to stifle change and eliminate possibility. It is time to forget the lessons of history and begin doing it as we go along, a step at a time, our only history lesson being the previous step we took. It seems here that human knowledge is useful at times but *highly* overrated.
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Back in the day when everything was legal, Oliver Wendel Holmes experimented with the new wonder drug Ether. One of the effects of being under ether was that you felt you had grasped the answers to all the great questions of life the universe and everything and had come to the great understanding that mankind has been searching for forever. And you didn't need to build a computer the size of planet that gave you smart ass equivocal answers to do it either.

So, he reported, one day he went under the either and stored a pen and paper to record this great epiphany when it should arrise. When he came out from under he looked at his notes and realized that not all insights that seem great at first thought, really are all that great. His epiphany that he saw under the either that was the great solution to all mankind's myriad problems and the path for the new Jerusalem.....

"The Smell of Onions is present throughout!"
I'll try and explain, but it's gonna be hard...

You learned from history. What you learned is knowledge.

That knowledge is going to drive history -- people do what they know.

The future is now fixed -- it is going to occur based on that knowledge. The possibility of something different than what we know about the past is impossible, because we're going to do what we know.

And the past is going to repeat again now in the future -- because we are going to create it based on knowledge gleaned in the past.

I'll try and explain, but it's gonna be hard...

You learned from history. What you learned is knowledge.

That knowledge is going to drive history -- people do what they know.

The future is now fixed -- it is going to occur based on that knowledge. The possibility of something different than what we know about the past is impossible, because we're going to do what we know.

And the past is going to repeat again now in the future -- because we are going to create it based on knowledge gleaned in the past.

FUCK ! Should I start building an ark ?:confused::confused::confused:
I'll try and explain, but it's gonna be hard...

You learned from history. What you learned is knowledge.

That knowledge is going to drive history -- people do what they know.

The future is now fixed -- it is going to occur based on that knowledge. The possibility of something different than what we know about the past is impossible, because we're going to do what we know.

And the past is going to repeat again now in the future -- because we are going to create it based on knowledge gleaned in the past.

FUCK ! Should I start building an ark ?:confused::confused::confused:
Well, it seems pretty obvious from here that history has a way of repeating itself.

I suspect something about the way the human mind thinks is a bit off from reality. That's pretty clear from the number of people in jails and mental hospitals... LOL.
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I suspect something about the way the human mind thinks is messed up. That's pretty clear from the number of people in jails and mental hospitals....
So are you in jail or a mental hospital?? :eek:
Nope, but I actually just basically ignore the lessons of history and do what feels right, when the time is right. Life has actually gotten a good deal easier since then....
I'll try and explain, but it's gonna be hard...

You learned from history. What you learned is knowledge.

That knowledge is going to drive history -- people do what they know.

The future is now fixed -- it is going to occur based on that knowledge. The possibility of something different than what we know about the past is impossible, because we're going to do what we know.

And the past is going to repeat again now in the future -- because we are going to create it based on knowledge gleaned in the past.

FUCK ! Should I start building an ark ?:confused::confused::confused:
Well, it seems pretty obvious from here that history has a way of repeating itself.

I suspect something about the way the human mind thinks is a bit off from reality. That's pretty clear from the number of people in jails and mental hospitals... LOL.
I'm on it ! Gliricidia sepium or Enterolobium Cyclocarpum ??? How about Tabebuia Impetigenosa ? Will it be more than 40 daze ? I need to figure out liquor and Viagra.:eusa_shhh:
There's two kinds of history, pop-culture aka elementary history written by the liberal media and real history. For instance, pop-media gives FDR a pass for the most egregious affront to the US Constitution in history when he signed a presidential order forcing Japanese citizens behind barbed wire during WW2. Unlike most countries real history is out there in the greatest Country in the world thanks to the 1st Amendment but you have to look for it. MacArthur's Medal of Honor citation is in the books and if you look for it you will find that he didn't deserve it. The JFK administration wasn't Camelot. History ain't what you learned in the union based elementary education system.
I'm speaking of human knowledge itself, as it actually interacts with society and people do things based on that general accumulation of knowledge passed around the human race.

Including societal ideas of right and wrong, good and bad, important and unimportant, etc.

See final notes up top...
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Actually, there is some lucid insight here, believe it or not. Human history is cyclical in nature. Leaps of progress are made, a civilization becomes the dominant, its foundations crumble and everyone's left to sort out the rubble until others pick up the pieces and start again.

The basic rules of reality remain the same. The great advances truly come from comprehension and application of proper principles.

The problem comes when certain people of influence learn the wrong lessons from history and enough of the general populace ignore history and principle altogether (generally because they are led to be focused on short-term pleasures and lack any true perspective). The result is corruption that can only come from mass apathy and cynicism. The result of widespread corruption is collapse.

I'm not sure if this is what you are getting at, but this is what it seems to me you are saying.
Actually, there is some lucid insight here, believe it or not. Human history is cyclical in nature. Leaps of progress are made, a civilization becomes the dominant, its foundations crumble and everyone's left to sort out the rubble until others pick up the pieces and start again.

The basic rules of reality remain the same. The great advances truly come from comprehension and application of proper principles.

The problem comes when certain people of influence learn the wrong lessons from history and enough of the general populace ignore history and principle altogether (generally because they are led to be focused on short-term pleasures and lack any true perspective). The result is corruption that can only come from mass apathy and cynicism. The result of widespread corruption is collapse.

I'm not sure if this is what you are getting at, but this is what it seems to me you are saying.

At least you weren't tripping when you wrote this.......... :lol:
Theme song for this thread. :eusa_angel:

[ame=]Musical Youth Pass the Dutchie - YouTube[/ame]
OK lets say you have Alzheimers and you can't remember one day from the next. It's 18 degrees outside with a windchill -0. Now when you were young you walked outside naked on a day just like today and got frost bite. 70 years later you have forgotten that lesson and you do it again only to get frost bite once again. The next day the weather hasn't changed but because you have alzheimers,you can't remember yesterdays mistake and go out naked again and this time your pecker snaps off from the cold. Day three is a repeat of day one and two but now you've frozen to death. How is that better?

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