BHO approval 37%. Need we say more?

JRK has trouble, that once again, his numbers report the opposite of what he wished.

Obama is twice as popular as the GOP and more than nine times popular than Congress.

JRK hates inconvenient facts.
Obama 37%
Congress 5%

Republicans about half that of Obama.

Final comment.

The Associated Press-GfK survey released Wednesday attributes blame to all sides for the current standoff, while Congress receives an approval rating of just 5%.

WASHINGTON — Americans are holding Republicans primarily responsible for the partial government shutdown as public esteem sinks for all players in the impasse, President Barack Obama among them, according to a new poll. It's a struggle with no heroes.
Poll: Republicans get the blame in shutdown

Yeah, they keep forgetting about that congressional approval rating... :eusa_whistle:
The approval of Congress is meaningless. Congress typically has low approval ratings. The public generally feels that Congress as a whole might be wrong, but their Congressman is doing what he or she is supposed to be doing. Congressional elections are not national but local.

The importance of obama's fall from grace reflects on all democrats because he is supposed to campaign for senatorial and congressional candidates. This is is second term, the time when he is supposed to be building his legacy. obama's legacy will go down in history as one of the worst presidents this nation ever had. That's what he's dealing with.
Teabaggers are going to have a difficult time in the general election. They may control the primaries and get their people in through sheer disgust on the part of the general GOP voter, who may well stay home during the primaries, and vote Dem in the general.
Obama 37%
Congress 5%

Republicans about half that of Obama.

Final comment.

The Associated Press-GfK survey released Wednesday attributes blame to all sides for the current standoff, while Congress receives an approval rating of just 5%.

WASHINGTON — Americans are holding Republicans primarily responsible for the partial government shutdown as public esteem sinks for all players in the impasse, President Barack Obama among them, according to a new poll. It's a struggle with no heroes.
Poll: Republicans get the blame in shutdown

Yeah, they keep forgetting about that congressional approval rating... :eusa_whistle:

Americans held Republicans responsible for the 'Sequester' mess, too.

How'd that work out?

Since the beginning of the year, the DJIA is up almost 1,700 points, the S & P is up more than 16% and the Nasdaq is up almost 22%.

Republicans did that.

And new jobs and more hiring have resulted because of Republicans slamming the brakes on the dimocraps who are hell-bent on bankrupting our Country.

If we succeed in stopping the destructiveness inherent in ALL dimocraps and the economy rebounds because of it... Will we be credited with that?

Not by the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM and other scumbag dimocraps. But "The People" will know.

And we will crush dimocrap scum in 2014 and put an end to the Stuttering Clusterfuck's politics of destruction.
When the term "Congress" is used, it is meant to describe both the House and the Senate. Some of you idiots think it only means the House. That's pretty much selective thinking right there. So when the poll says "Congress", it doesn't mean just the Republicans in the House. It means Congress overall. Keep dreaming.
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The approval of Congress is meaningless. Congress typically has low approval ratings. The public generally feels that Congress as a whole might be wrong, but their Congressman is doing what he or she is supposed to be doing. Congressional elections are not national but local.

The importance of obama's fall from grace reflects on all democrats because he is supposed to campaign for senatorial and congressional candidates. This is is second term, the time when he is supposed to be building his legacy. obama's legacy will go down in history as one of the worst presidents this nation ever had. That's what he's dealing with.

This shutdown and threats about the debt ceiling are unprecidented. You may think it doesn't matter but you are wrong.
Obama 37%
Congress 5%

Republicans about half that of Obama.

Final comment.

The Associated Press-GfK survey released Wednesday attributes blame to all sides for the current standoff, while Congress receives an approval rating of just 5%.

WASHINGTON — Americans are holding Republicans primarily responsible for the partial government shutdown as public esteem sinks for all players in the impasse, President Barack Obama among them, according to a new poll. It's a struggle with no heroes.
Poll: Republicans get the blame in shutdown

Yeah, they keep forgetting about that congressional approval rating... :eusa_whistle:

Americans held Republicans responsible for the 'Sequester' mess, too.

How'd that work out?

Since the beginning of the year, the DJIA is up almost 1,700 points, the S & P is up more than 16% and the Nasdaq is up almost 22%.

Republicans did that.

And new jobs and more hiring have resulted because of Republicans slamming the brakes on the dimocraps who are hell-bent on bankrupting our Country.

If we succeed in stopping the destructiveness inherent in ALL dimocraps and the economy rebounds because of it... Will we be credited with that?

Not by the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM and other scumbag dimocraps. But "The People" will know.

And we will crush dimocrap scum in 2014 and put an end to the Stuttering Clusterfuck's politics of destruction.


I also said - "Rather - let's talk about the current "Commander In Chump" --

Why don't you address Black Jimmy's miserable failed presidency vs. someone else's.

What's you take on Coolidge?

Irrelevant? Yes.

So is George Bush.

Get the fuck over it already.

Again, you brought GW up as if we should hold him up as a shining example of what a presidency should be. Obama is the best since Clinton and he was pretty good.

Obama is a polar opposite from Clinton. Clinton was not too busy taking time off from getting blow jobs and hitting on women to negotiate with Newt and the Republicans. The Republicans backed him into a corner and the result was a balanced budget.
Obama can't take the time off from golfing and posing for a portrait to do any thing like talking to the opposition.
Obama 37%
Congress 5%

Looks like a landslide

If you removed all of the Democrats from Congress, the approval rating would increase by 500%

Yes, it would. Rules and regulations would be lifted so people could open businesses, and taxes would be lower so employers could hire more workers....gosh what a terrible thing for the economy, huh?? :eusa_whistle: I mean something has to be done to compensate for the damage to the economy the Unaffordable Health Act is doing and is soon to be worse.

Obama is sweating bullets, as Oct 17th looms for he will take the fall unless he starts doing some compromising, and we will go into default. Good thing the GOP and some Dems will have their efforts on their resumes, so the majority of voters, come `14, can be reminded of who tried to represent them.

The approval of Congress is meaningless. Congress typically has low approval ratings. The public generally feels that Congress as a whole might be wrong, but their Congressman is doing what he or she is supposed to be doing. Congressional elections are not national but local.

The importance of obama's fall from grace reflects on all democrats because he is supposed to campaign for senatorial and congressional candidates. This is is second term, the time when he is supposed to be building his legacy. obama's legacy will go down in history as one of the worst presidents this nation ever had. That's what he's dealing with.

This shutdown and threats about the debt ceiling are unprecidented. You may think it doesn't matter but you are wrong.

This shutdown is as unprecedented as the 17 before it. It does matter when Obama won't even sit down to negotiate. In all the past shutdowns, presidents negotiated with the opposing party. You want to know what's unprecedented? THIS stonewalling by the president is. You are wrong and I have explained why.
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Obama 37%
Congress 5%

Looks like a landslide

a 7 to 1 margin. give me a break

every pct point drop is worth 2 seats in the house for repubs


The only thing that matters to House seats is what the individual Representative polls in his district.

The 5% national rating is for all of Congress, so what does the drop do for Democrats?

It shows the American people think both parties suck.

Truer words were never spoken.
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The approval of Congress is meaningless. Congress typically has low approval ratings. The public generally feels that Congress as a whole might be wrong, but their Congressman is doing what he or she is supposed to be doing. Congressional elections are not national but local.

The importance of obama's fall from grace reflects on all democrats because he is supposed to campaign for senatorial and congressional candidates. This is is second term, the time when he is supposed to be building his legacy. obama's legacy will go down in history as one of the worst presidents this nation ever had. That's what he's dealing with.

This shutdown and threats about the debt ceiling are unprecidented. You may think it doesn't matter but you are wrong.

The partial shutdown is entirely democrat. It's the democrats that are denying funerals for combat deaths but funding PBS because it diseminates propaganda. We don't have to default on the debt, that would be an entirely democrat decision. If obama will not negotiate and intends to rule like an emperor, he needs to be taught a lesson. A harsh lesson, but a lesson nonetheless.

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