BHO approval 37%. Need we say more?

I also said - "Rather - let's talk about the current "Commander In Chump" --

Why don't you address Black Jimmy's miserable failed presidency vs. someone else's.

What's you take on Coolidge?

Irrelevant? Yes.

So is George Bush.

Get the fuck over it already.

Again, you brought GW up as if we should hold him up as a shining example of what a presidency should be. Obama is the best since Clinton and he was pretty good.

Obama is a polar opposite from Clinton. Clinton was not too busy taking time off from getting blow jobs and hitting on women to negotiate with Newt and the Republicans. The Republicans backed him into a corner and the result was a balanced budget.
Obama can't take the time off from golfing and posing for a portrait to do any thing like talking to the opposition.

That's correct but we're talking about Clinton, who worked with the Rs to balance the budget and O, who whines and blames and kicks and screams while the nation goes down the shit hole. O is worthless. Bill wasn't.
Let's talk about George Bush now, you ignorant fucks.

Rather - let's talk about the current "Commander In Chump" --

"Most Americans disapprove of the way Obama is handling his job, the poll suggests, with 53 percent unhappy with his performance and 37 percent approving of it. Congress is scraping rock bottom, with a ghastly approval rating of 5 percent."

Poll: GOP Gets The Blame In Shutdown : NPR

W had low approval ratings for months and months. They were in the tank, in the 20% range. Take a scroll all the way down the page and see for yourself:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Bush Job Approval

Obama has high approval ratings compared to that, his are more comparable to Clinton's high ratings.

I don't think he should negotiate with them at this time. Maybe after they open government.

When I looked up Bush's approval ratting, if you go year by year of his 8 years in office, Obama and Bush are very similar.

So you are ignorant or you lied... Pick one.
Let's talk about George Bush now, you ignorant fucks.

Rather - let's talk about the current "Commander In Chump" --

"Most Americans disapprove of the way Obama is handling his job, the poll suggests, with 53 percent unhappy with his performance and 37 percent approving of it. Congress is scraping rock bottom, with a ghastly approval rating of 5 percent."

Poll: GOP Gets The Blame In Shutdown : NPR

W had low approval ratings for months and months. They were in the tank, in the 20% range. Take a scroll all the way down the page and see for yourself:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Bush Job Approval

Obama has high approval ratings compared to that, his are more comparable to Clinton's high ratings.

I don't think he should negotiate with them at this time. Maybe after they open government.

When I looked up Bush's approval ratting, if you go year by year of his 8 years in office, Obama and Bush are very similar.

So you are ignorant or you lied... Pick one.

Post a link, please.
Bush's, now feel free to compare.


  • $~~.gif
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W had low approval ratings for months and months. They were in the tank, in the 20% range. Take a scroll all the way down the page and see for yourself:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Bush Job Approval

Obama has high approval ratings compared to that, his are more comparable to Clinton's high ratings.

I don't think he should negotiate with them at this time. Maybe after they open government.

When I looked up Bush's approval ratting, if you go year by year of his 8 years in office, Obama and Bush are very similar.

So you are ignorant or you lied... Pick one.

Post a link, please.

Let's talk about George Bush now, you ignorant fucks.

Rather - let's talk about the current "Commander In Chump" --

"Most Americans disapprove of the way Obama is handling his job, the poll suggests, with 53 percent unhappy with his performance and 37 percent approving of it. Congress is scraping rock bottom, with a ghastly approval rating of 5 percent."

Poll: GOP Gets The Blame In Shutdown : NPR

W had low approval ratings for months and months. They were in the tank, in the 20% range. Take a scroll all the way down the page and see for yourself:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Bush Job Approval

Obama has high approval ratings compared to that, his are more comparable to Clinton's high ratings.

I don't think he should negotiate with them at this time. Maybe after they open government.

When I looked up Bush's approval ratting, if you go year by year of his 8 years in office, Obama and Bush are very similar.

So you are ignorant or you lied... Pick one.

GWB did not have the liberal media letting him off of the hook either
If GWB had allowed Benghazi to happen
went before the UN and lied about it
sent people out to lie for him
he would have been lynched
same with Holder and his "gun running"
Could you imagine GWB with a U6 UE rate like Obama has?
1.4 trillion in deficit?
At no time during his admin did the liberal media report on the facts when it came to Iraq, the defict, the events in 2008
BHO has been given a 100% free pass and still has a 37% approval rating
W had low approval ratings for months and months. They were in the tank, in the 20% range. Take a scroll all the way down the page and see for yourself:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Bush Job Approval

Obama has high approval ratings compared to that, his are more comparable to Clinton's high ratings.

I don't think he should negotiate with them at this time. Maybe after they open government.

When I looked up Bush's approval ratting, if you go year by year of his 8 years in office, Obama and Bush are very similar.

So you are ignorant or you lied... Pick one.

GWB did not have the liberal media letting him off of the hook either
If GWB had allowed Benghazi to happen
went before the UN and lied about it
sent people out to lie for him
he would have been lynched
same with Holder and his "gun running"
Could you imagine GWB with a U6 UE rate like Obama has?
1.4 trillion in deficit?
At no time during his admin did the liberal media report on the facts when it came to Iraq, the defict, the events in 2008
BHO has been given a 100% free pass and still has a 37% approval rating

Bush was a horrible President, but other than that I agree with you 100%. If Bush had 5 wars under his Presidency people would be talking about ass-ass-in-ation. The fact that I have to wonder if typing "ass-ass-in-ation" and any President's name somewhere in the same paragraph can pop me up on the NSA's radar so that Obama might send out orders to have me arrested and indefinitely detained or just killed, says a lot about how far we fell even after Bush and under Obama.

Obama spends more on military than Bush, runs higher deficits, has more on food stamps, did a bigger HC take over than MC part D that all Dems hated under Bush. The list goes on, and that is why Obama's approval rate will keep sliding. People wanted to like Obama, just like they wanted to like Bush, but after repeatedly screwing everyone over people slowly drop their support, and that's what has been happening to Obama for years, just like Bush.

lol, did you miss that your link title is



Given that it came from NPR... NOBODY would take them seriously. And given your lack of reading comprehension, the OP was about OBAMA'S approval rating. Not about some poll blaming the Republicans for the shutdown. Read the freaking title.

So the link that the poster uses to support his thread is bullshit?

You can pretend all you want that normal America isn't blaming the Republicans for this...

...just the way you pretended Romney was going to win the 2012 election.

The numbers make it abundantly clear to me that a strong majority of Americans have lost faith in our "leaders", regardless of the party membership.

Not sure what partisans have to gain by pointing at "the other side".

Maybe it's time to consider the broken system under which these "leaders" operate.

1. Balanced Budget Amendment - Make each party justify their taxing and spending ideas.
2. Publicly-funded Elections - Does anyone think these people would behave this way if they didn't have to appease their benefactors?
3. Strict, short Term Limits - Does anyone think these people would behave this way if they weren't worried about re-election?

At what point do we stop allowing these people to take advantage of us?

At what point do we stop cheerleading and apologizing for these narcissistic liars?


My weekly rant!


lol, did you miss that your link title is



Given that it came from NPR... NOBODY would take them seriously. And given your lack of reading comprehension, the OP was about OBAMA'S approval rating. Not about some poll blaming the Republicans for the shutdown. Read the freaking title.

So the link that the poster uses to support his thread is bullshit?

You can pretend all you want that normal America isn't blaming the Republicans for this...

...just the way you pretended Romney was going to win the 2012 election.

Man, you're so desperate to lay all blame on Reps you can't see that "normal Americans" can name 1 or 2 people in congress but can pretty much always name the President. What that means is if the President takes a beating on any issue, even far less than their party, it hurts that parties chances next Presidential election while very few "normal Americans" give a fuck about congressional elections.

I still think Obama will hit the 20's for approval ratting before he is done.

The numbers make it abundantly clear to me that a strong majority of Americans have lost faith in our "leaders", regardless of the party membership.

Not sure what partisans have to gain by pointing at "the other side".

Maybe it's time to consider the broken system under which these "leaders" operate.

1. Balanced Budget Amendment - Make each party justify their taxing and spending ideas.
2. Publicly-funded Elections - Does anyone think these people would behave this way if they didn't have to appease their benefactors?
3. Strict, short Term Limits - Does anyone think these people would behave this way if they weren't worried about re-election?

At what point do we stop allowing these people to take advantage of us?

At what point do we stop cheerleading and apologizing for these narcissistic liars?


My weekly rant!



I agree! Although publicly funded elections mean nothings, Super Packs will run the show.
Obama 37%
Congress 5%

Looks like a landslide

Obama is on course to end his Presidency on the same note as Bush.

And Congress is Dem/Rep... But we all knew you were an idiot. Dems approval ratting is hitting rock bottom in congress.

You're lying.

The latest approval poll breaking down Congress between Democrats and Republicans shows

Democrats: 32%
Republicans: 17%

If you have different polls, please post them. Or admit you were lying.

Congress: Democrats
Lol, what?

Dems were 30% + for like a few months as they dropped like a rock after the elections they won.


  • $poling.gif
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so how does a president who liberlas claim was elected in a landslide and was given a mandate by america because of it have only a 37% approval rating?
Obama 37%
Congress 5%

Looks like a landslide

Obama is on course to end his Presidency on the same note as Bush.

And Congress is Dem/Rep... But we all knew you were an idiot. Dems approval ratting is hitting rock bottom in congress.

You're lying.

The latest approval poll breaking down Congress between Democrats and Republicans shows

Democrats: 32%
Republicans: 17%

If you have different polls, please post them. Or admit you were lying.

Congress: Democrats

Just read the fucking news on google if you like.

"democrat congress approval rating" for an un-bias search. Almost the entire reason congress's approval rating is falling so hard is because the Dems had more to lose, and they lost it. Dems losing support caused the avaerage to slip to 11/10%.

So, admit you are lying or ignorant, pick one.
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so how does a president who liberlas claim was elected in a landslide and was given a mandate by america because of it have only a 37% approval rating?

He only received 52% of the "popular" vote......:eusa_shhh:
so how does a president who liberlas claim was elected in a landslide and was given a mandate by america because of it have only a 37% approval rating?

He only received 52% of the "popular" vote......:eusa_shhh:

Thats not an accurate view of the nation
NY city
are all left wing cities
Florida may have 5 counties out of the 62 carried BHO
he won the state

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